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139   socal2   2023 Sep 6, 3:36pm  

Trollhole says

Everything you just wrote is either wilfully taken out of context or just pure propaganda bullshit.

What is false or out of context?

There can be no disputing that Russia has less conquered territory in Ukraine today than they had 1 year ago despite spending BILLIONS on material and tens of thousands of Russian lives.

There can be no disputing that Russia's cockup invasion created new NATO members right on their border and united most of the world against them.

Face it - Russia lost in the first month of the war failing to topple Kiev and the leadership. They have no hope but to continue a grinding trench battle against better armed and motivated Ukrainians.

What does a "win" look like for Russia at this point?

Look at the stupid and bold map predictions on this thread from a year ago. Russia is in the process of losing a big chunk of the "Certain" territory right now.

So much winning! Just need another Russian mobilization to sort things out!
140   richwicks   2023 Sep 6, 4:21pm  

socal2 says

What is false or out of context?

I'll field this:

socal2 says

Russia has been losing territory and men for over a year now in Ukraine.

Russia isn't interested in keeping every inch of territory. The more territory they have, the more they have to defend. They are primarily interested in destroying the Ukrainian military. They may repeatedly take, and give up land in order to do that.

socal2 says

How many Russians have died in the past 18 months just to embarrass and expose Russia to the whole world as nothing but a 3rd rate fighting force?

We don't now and our government constantly lies to us. Just like there was no weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq, Qaddafi wasn't handing out Viagra to soldiers to rape little girls, and there's ZERO evidence that Assad was responsible for the gassing in Ghouta, and the US lied about a chemical attack in Douma.

Now having said that, leaks were important in assessing the situation. The Niger documents were forgeries, we had the Downing Street Memo leak. There wasn't any leaks about Libya, but I didn't look for it, because the justification for bombing Libya was just obvious propaganda. The OPCW had whistleblowers that explained what actually happened in Douma.

The only real leak I know of in this war, is the Discord leaks. It might be false, but IF it's true, the death rate is 7:1 - 7 Ukrainians for every 1 Russian killed.

I don't know why the government ALWAYS pretends when we know they are lying, but I know they are doing it now. Why do you believe it?

socal2 says

In what universe does Russia come out of this for the better?

The Ukrainian military will not exist in the end, Russia has stronger trade relations with India and China, and Russia will have an inroad into Africa for trade.

Russia will also end energy exports to Europe, which will drastically reduce the desire of the US to attack Russia again.

Both Russia and the US will end up ahead. US is now a major energy supplier to Europe. Europe is the big loser.
141   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 6, 5:32pm  

Here's a redpill on a different tack:

Notice the Ukraine will draft ill, disabled, large # of dependents, etc. men before it will draft healthy young Camgirls and female Club Goers.

That being said, Russia is clearly NOT a threat because of their complete shit performance in Ukraine. By sheer weight of men and materiale they should have been in Kiev at a week, tops.
142   richwicks   2023 Sep 6, 6:11pm  

AmericanKulak says

That being said, Russia is clearly NOT a threat because of their complete shit performance in Ukraine. By sheer weight of men and materiale they should have been in Kiev at a week, tops.

You know how the US foreign policy is controlled by a bunch of Neocon assholes that create unnecessary wars, that last for years, and they don't even bother to have a mission or goal in the war? For example, what was the mission / goal of Afghanistan? How about Iraq?

So, you know how Ukraine is controlled by a bunch of Neocon assholes...

Russia will completely destroy the Ukrainian military, and Ukraine's military isn't going to collapse due to lack of weapons or money, it will be the lack of men. Voila! Ukraine is neutral then. Mission accomplished.
143   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Sep 6, 7:01pm  

socal2 says

What is false or out of context?

There can be no disputing that Russia has less conquered territory in Ukraine today than they had 1 year ago despite spending BILLIONS on material and tens of thousands of Russian lives.

You are totally clueless.

Russia does not have to 'win' this war. Ukraine does.

And Ukraine failed to do so. And because of that, it is toast.


All the bullshit non-points you mention are just that when brought up against the aforementioned reality.
144   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Sep 6, 7:08pm  

AmericanKulak says

That being said, Russia is clearly NOT a threat because of their complete shit performance in Ukraine. By sheer weight of men and materiale they should have been in Kiev at a week, tops.

Why? Because YOU say so?

Russia isn't fighting a war for territory. Not in this phase. It got what it wanted as far as territory goes and can hold it indefinitely.

Ukraine on the other hand can't win unless it gets its territory back. Which it won't.

All Russia has to do is keep letting the Butchers of Kyiv throw more men into the slaughter. Russian efficiency at killing Ukies being thrown up against their echelon defenses exceeds that of the Nazi death camps.

Ukraine is fucked. But you can't see that because of how YOU IMAGINE this war to be and how YOU IMAGINE it is being fought is at odds with actual reality.




Read & learn something:

145   richwicks   2023 Sep 7, 3:28am  

Trollhole says

Russia isn't fighting a war for territory. Not in this phase. It got what it wanted as far as territory goes and can hold it indefinitely.

I'm going to give you something that will likely annoy you, but it's friendly advice.

Don't get frustrated by people that "disagree with you", especially if they only pretend to disagree with you.

Just assume they are genuinely wrong, and explain how they are wrong. There's PLENTY of people that just pretend you are wrong, when they know you're correct. This includes assholes, propagandists (professional assholes), and trolls (assholes for fun and games). I generally assume I'm dealing with a propagandist when I suspect they know they are wrong, and still persist.

It really doesn't matter what an AMERICAN believes about this stupid fucking war, we have ZERO control over our government, and therefore ZERO control over the outcome of this war. I'd prefer it to end as soon as possible, but it won't. This is a proxy war and a shared goal of each power is to damage the other power through attrition. I don't believe people in control of US foreign policy give a shit about the health of the nation or the future of Americans at all.

Because the United States spends 10x to 100x on their shitty military weaponry, because that's extremely lucrative to the Offense Industry, I expect the United States to lose. That's not a goal of the Offense Industry. They don't care about wining, they care about profits.

You have understand what a sociopath is. It's like in a video game, do you feel badly about killing a video game character or another player? That's how they feel, they don't feel. They have as much guilt and remorse about getting a 100 babies killed as you do cracking 100 eggs.

Americans are generally entirely divorced from reality. They've never seen real war, even the MILITARY has never seen real war. They aren't seeing their wives and mothers raped and murdered, they aren't seeing their kids starve in abject poverty, their cities destroyed. Why do you think we have such violent films, and the "enemy" whoever it is, is depicted as pure evil? It's to desensitize them and it's been very successful.

Want to see a horrific war film? Watch "Come and See" by Elem Klimov. This film is subtitled, and that's for the best. It's horrific.


Somebody, somewhere, is going through that shit right now. War is horrific.

I've never experienced war except 2nd hand. I knew people completely fucked by it. They never recovered. I knew a man whose job was to drag bodies out of Normandy beach to be buried. My great uncle photographed either Hiroshima or Nagasaki - I know he did this, but not which city. I was forbidden from asking questions. The past is dead and buried and should be, to an extent. We keep making the same mistakes.

Most people, even the people involved, have no clue. The horrific starvation we all saw in Nazi Germany in concentration camps - that's because the Allies cut off supply lines - they were slave labor camps making munitions. The Allies didn't just cut off raw materials, they cut off food. War is insane, and propaganda was quickly produced to blame the Germans for this, when we were responsible, but it had to be done. It's ruthless.

My objection to the Ukraine war, is it's not necessary. I'm suspecting at this point neither WWI or WWII were necessary so I'm looking for who is causing this shit, and it might very well be our banking industry. They profit enormously over the destruction.
146   socal2   2023 Sep 7, 8:33am  

richwicks says

Russia isn't interested in keeping every inch of territory. The more territory they have, the more they have to defend. They are primarily interested in destroying the Ukrainian military. They may repeatedly take, and give up land in order to do that.

And Ukraine is now one of the heaviest armed, motivated and most experienced militaries in Europe launching near daily drone attacks deep inside Russia including Moscow.

Even Russian propagandists on RT and the Prigozhin admitted that Russia's main goal of demilitarizing the Ukrainian "Nazees" was a total failure to this point.

But keep moving those goal posts!
147   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Sep 7, 10:02am  

socal2 says

And Ukraine is now one of the heaviest armed, motivated and most experienced militaries in Europe launching near daily drone attacks deep inside Russia including Moscow.

Oh wow! Drone attacks that do jack shit with regards to the strategic situation.

'Heaviest armed'? Hahaha.
148   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Sep 7, 5:37pm  

Why Russia Isn't Actually Collapsing

original link
149   richwicks   2023 Sep 7, 6:28pm  

socal2 says

And Ukraine is now one of the heaviest armed, motivated and most experienced militaries in Europe launching near daily drone attacks deep inside Russia including Moscow.

Their military has been cut in 1/2 if you are to believe the so-called Discord leaks.

They could be the most heavily armed military in the world, but if they don't have any living people to use the weapons, it doesn't matter.
150   HeadSet   2023 Sep 8, 7:52am  

socal2 says

And Ukraine is now one of the heaviest armed, motivated and most experienced militaries in Europe launching near daily drone attacks deep inside Russia including Moscow.

Interesting. That sounds like a description of Germany in 1944, with Germany's V1 and V2 "drone" attacks deep inside Britain including London.
151   socal2   2023 Sep 8, 8:42am  

HeadSet says

socal2 says

And Ukraine is now one of the heaviest armed, motivated and most experienced militaries in Europe launching near daily drone attacks deep inside Russia including Moscow.

Interesting. That sounds like a description of Germany in 1944, with Germany's V1 and V2 "drone" attacks deep inside Britain including London.

Germany had to resort to V1/V2's after failing to control the sky with conventional aerial bombing years earlier.

Ukraine never had control of the airspace, or ability to launch drone attacks against Russia.

So these recent attacks inside Russia is a major escalation, and a major nuisance causing Russia to move it's dwindling anti-air defense systems around major cities and commercial airports as opposed to protecting Russian invaders inside of Ukraine.
152   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2023 Sep 25, 7:41pm  

Russia’s Tiny Drones Are Now Flying Far Enough To Blow Up Ukrainian MiGs At Their Bases


(To the tune of On top of Old Smokey)

Oh on top of Mount Ukey
All covered in propaganda shit
A MiG fighter, took a Russian drone hit.
The Ukey shills on PatNet
will scream, "That is a LIE!"
Oblivious that their sisters,
are taking Russian creampie!
153   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 26, 1:18am  

Very redpilled to see what the Ukie women are up to while the men are sent "Back to the Front".

They're ass shakin' for foreign workers in Kiev

or doing Onlyfans for cash on top of their Eurorefugee benefits in Helsinki while filing for divorce

or baking fish in their NGO-provided "Fempartment" in Lvov while dying their hair fuscia.

But don't worry, the Tech people, like the 22-gay guy that draw LGTBQ+ friendly Dinosaurs for PBS kids shows for a subcontractor, is immune from the draft. He's a Fortunate Son. But Roman the truck driver, 38 with 3 kids, got pulled out of his truck and sent.
156   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 22, 6:22pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

Broken link, AmericanKulak

Shit, I only open the NYT via Brave Tor/Onion. Definitely don't have the link anymore. But we all know that most of the fled Ukie women broke up with their boyfriends/husbands and many are booty shakin' for eurobucks.
157   richwicks   2024 Feb 22, 8:21pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

AmericanKulak says

They're ass shakin' for foreign workers in Kiev

Broken link, AmericanKulak

@UkraineIsFucked and @AmericanKulak


I found it by doing a search on: "world/asia/kyiv-ukraine-war-nightlife.html" in brave:


When you use a functioning search engine, any 6 words strung together is either unique, or a quote. Google has been breaking this, as has been Yahoo! (before Google certainly) for a long time. It USED to be I could find my own quotes by just typing out what I said.

Brave sucks for now, but it's getting better. Yandex is better than Google now, and I've migrated to it for nearly everything.
158   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Mar 10, 9:10am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Yo Ukie Nazi Fluffers of PatNet!

Why the fuck should we care about Ukraine when Ukrainians themselves won't fight for it?

Here it comes: RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

But how do you jive this with the bullshit you post that Russia is too incompetent to fight this war?

Ppl don't pay 10k euro bribes to avoid Russians who can't shoot straight, after all.

159   🎂 WookieMan   2024 Mar 10, 6:12pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Yo Ukie Nazi Fluffers of PatNet!

Why the fuck should we care about Ukraine when Ukrainians themselves won't fight for it?

Here it comes: RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

But how do you jive this with the bullshit you post that Russia is too incompetent to fight this war?

Ppl don't pay 10k euro bribes to avoid Russians who can't shoot straight, after all.

Not sure who you're talking about. Every war has men flee because the women flee. Russia is the aggressor so Russian women are just fine, but a lot of Russians are dying as well. Both sides have lost more than we did in 20 years in 2 wars recently. I'd pay to leave Ukraine. Don't blame them. Some of them do believe the fight is worth it. We have years of this. It has already been a decade before the "special military operations" announcement 2 years ago. Putin wanted Ukraine from the beginning but played the long game.

There will be another major conflict that distracts Russia before November. Rarely if ever has a wartime POTUS lost. This is the 2020 covid with this cycle. They'll cut funding to Ukraine at some point, but fund some other proxy war. Get your popcorn ready. This is a known playbook.
160   richwicks   2024 Mar 11, 1:48am  

WookieMan says

Some of them do believe the fight is worth it.

The brainwashed that don't realize the fight is hopeless. There is no point in entering a fight when you have no hope of winning.

WookieMan says

Putin wanted Ukraine from the beginning but played the long game.

Russia won't absorb Ukraine. That's just US propaganda. They will probably take over the Donbas or allow them to become "independent" which is what they wanted from the start.

WookieMan says

There will be another major conflict that distracts Russia before November. Rarely if ever has a wartime POTUS lost. This is the 2020 covid with this cycle. They'll cut funding to Ukraine at some point, but fund some other proxy war. Get your popcorn ready. This is a known playbook.

I doubt there will be another major conflict. Kazakhstan fizzled out quick and I don't think any other nation is eager to get destroyed either. I think part of the reason that Ukraine is in a slow grind to the death is Russia is warning other nations not to become US proxies. There isn't enough time to create another major conflict, it took years to get Ukraine going off.

I think the US finally bit off more than it could chew. That might be the reason that Victoria Nuland was FINALLY fired. This is a conflict that the US is going to definitely lose, and it's another nail in the coffin for our propaganda system. They spent years claiming that Ukraine was just on the cusp of winning. They did the same with Afghanistan and Syria, but people weren't convinced to put up flags of those countries in their stupid social media posts.
162   AD   2024 Mar 23, 3:16pm  

This the latest narrative about the Moscow terror attack.

"The detained suspect appears to give his name as Redzhep Alizode, and is believed to be from Tajikistan."


Recall Putin said that the CIA going back to Clinton was supporting Islamic adversaries to Russia ? I hope they don't try to pin this on the CIA.
163   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 11, 8:27am  

During the recent referendum the population of Kursk People's Republic has shown overwhelming desire to join Ukraine, EU and NATO. Time to update the map! Don't be lazy!!
164   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Sep 11, 8:34am  


During the recent referendum the population of Kursk People's Republic has shown overwhelming desire to join Ukraine, EU and NATO. Time to update the map! Don't be lazy!!

What referendum?
165   PeopleUnited   2024 Sep 11, 8:42am  

He’s using satire. As in, the peaceful Ukrainian/NATO mercenaries have Liberated Kursk which has ethnically and politically always been aligned with the People of Western Europe going back to the time of the Vikings, and the time before time.
Again, all sarcasm/satire.
166   🎂 WookieMan   2024 Sep 12, 6:40am  

PeopleUnited says

He’s using satire. As in, the peaceful Ukrainian/NATO mercenaries have Liberated Kursk which has ethnically and politically always been aligned with the People of Western Europe going back to the time of the Vikings, and the time before time.
Again, all sarcasm/satire.

Fuck all of them. Why do we even care? We can take the eastern half of Russia in 2 minutes if we wanted and take the resources under the ground.

Until people realize this is to weaken Russia, they won't get it. It's a waste of our time, but strategically it makes sense. It's a long game. In 10-20 years we'll have most of Russia's gas and oil. Ukraine is just a pawn. Weaken and then attack. The Eastern oil/gas fields are not small. Alaska is a jump away, so no Navy needed.
167   PeopleUnited   2024 Sep 12, 7:25am  

WookieMan says

Until people realize this is to weaken Russia, they won't get it

Like you I’m not taking sides, and don’t think we should be involved in any way other than finding a way to peace. But the hundreds of thousands if not more of people who are dead or suffered other loss is what makes this such a complete waste. The US and NATO leadership have blood on their hands. Russia leadership too obviously. But it is long past time to end this war. Of course heartless globalists would say this war is “worth it” but they are not the ones suffering and dying. This war is not about freedom, democracy or anything else but power, money and greed. Weakening Russia? = power, money and greedy goals of the western oligarchs. Russia is not a serious threat to western freedoms anyway. Kamunist Harris and her oligarch handlers are more of a threat to western freedoms than Pukin.
169   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Sep 25, 8:29am  

Oh yes. I remember this Ukey Nazi Fuffer.

He was all over Twitter.

171   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 5, 9:19pm  

It's US Election Night and the Ukey Nazi Fluffers are starting to figure out what this means.

172   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 20, 3:16pm  

Top Secret Plan!

Meanwhile, 12 months ago this map shows up on the internet:

174   Ceffer   2024 Dec 16, 12:22pm  

It seems somebody comes out with a new partition map on a regular basis. Likely, all of this has already been negotiated but the public baloney machine must roll on until the final curtain, probably on some arcane astrologic date.
176   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 24, 4:46pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Top Secret Plan!

So America has 50 puppet states?
177   Tenpoundbass   2025 Jan 24, 4:51pm  

Puppet States was a "bad word" phrase coined by America during the cold war, for propaganda purposes.

The closest thing to a puppet state in the world would have been USA under Joe Biden, he was Obama, Soros and Gates Puppet.
An annexed region to Russia would most likely be a full blown Russian state. They will praise dear leader Putin not some ass bag in a ten gallon Commodore hat.

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