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You mean "Smell-pitas"?
Everytime I drive on 880 right next to this city, it smells like hell. There is a garbage dump there.
I lived in Milpitas for 3 years, by the 680 side, it’s nice there and it’s by the mountains. My Uncle has a house there, it has a great view. He bought his house early 90’s; he got it really cheap and is happy how much his house value is up. But on the same note when I lived there in 2000-2002 my car was broken into... first time they took my stereo, second time they tired to take the car and got caught by the cops! After I moved back home, my uncles house got broken into twice. The first time (year 2008) he was home because he worked nights and they came in the day and though no one was home. The second time (year 2010) he was coming from church and a black guy was coming out of his house... my uncle confronted him and the guy pulled out a gun... my uncle told him just take the stuff and go... lucky for my uncle he was not shot! My uncle also told me in 2004 that his house value is up so much since he bought it and my brother and I should buy a house. We, my brother and I, new the subprime loans would kill the housing market at some point, so we asked him to grantee if we bought a home, values would never go down. He would not do that… lucky we did not buy because 2 year later housing market crashed!
Liu and Partners sold this one: for 950K last year and it's right behind it.
So you have that. :)
Milpitas is filing for bankruptcy soon. Why would anyone want to buy a house in a town that's filing for bankruptcy? That tells you how poorly it's managed.
You mean "Smell-pitas"?
Everytime I drive on 880 right next to this city, it smells like hell. There is a garbage dump there.
I have to admit that is right at least sometimes. I think it may be the salt flats at the sound end of the bay, with all that rotting algae.
Johnjoe, Which part of Milpitas were you living at? Evans & Calaveras?
Learn from your victory. Prosper from your failure.
Landis and Calaveras, by the park at the end of Shiloh!
1996 prices $491K * 1.35 ~ 630K would be more sane... but even that assumes a booming local economy.. but we have shrunk in terms compared to mid 90s economics levels. Call it mid $500K to play it safe and sane.
Nice house in Milpitas up for sale. Who's in their right mind would pay $1.2M to live in Milpitas? We'll see house much it will sell for. My guess is $1.1M -$1.15M.