Unions are not the problem in the economy, public unions are!!!!

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2012 Jul 2, 8:19pm   32,889 views  63 comments

by EconPete   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

A union shop in a private company is still under many of the same capitalistic constraints as the company was prior to the formation of the union. If the company is not relevant in society or does not continually innovate and grow to keep up with the relentless, exaggerated wage increases, then the company will be forced to downsize or go out of business.

In the private sector, nobody is guaranteed customers (unless there is government intervention somehow). Each customer can at any time go with a competitor if the terms of their transactions no longer fulfill their needs. This democratic response mechanism creates efficiency in our economy and determines what gets produced, by who, and in what volumes. This is the U.S.’s best form of democracy. Each individual pursues their own happiness, and as an externality to their transactions, companies are chosen as winners and losers based on the number of dollars being spent.

If anyone ever hears about a baseball star making a $100,000,000 contract, it is only because stupid people are willing to spend massive amounts of money at games and on logo t-shirts to support these high wages. Again everyone in society has voted with their dollars and said; these workers are worthy of those wages. If someone disagrees with the high wages of superstars, then they should stop supporting them by spending $200 at games!

Public unions on the other hand are not responsive to individual’s desires to decrease a sectors influence in the economy, and subsequently their workers wages. The money/wages are stolen from people in the form of taxes without giving them any say in the process. Also, there is no possible way for a consumer to stop consuming the publicly provided service. This means that there is no mechanism in place to limit government influence in the economy.

The only people who care are the self-interested, and they always lobby to increase their importance in the economy. In the short-run, this creates minimal losses to 90% of society but huge gains to the 10%. As a result, the full 10% get out and promote their public sector’s growth while the 90% have little incentive to be bothered by the issue. In the long-run, the public sector gets more money from higher taxes than is otherwise warranted. High taxes further reduce the 90%’s available money left to be spent in the private sector. Those companies, who are losing business because their customers have decreased real wages, must also increase prices to cover their own increased tax liability and therefore attract even fewer customers.

Since money is stolen from tax payers and there is no capitalistic mechanism to decrease the governments influence in the economy, the public unions continue to grow. They distort the economy because they are not forced to increase the quality of output or lower prices since there is no competition and no threat of losing customers in the future. In the case with a private union failing to keep product quality up with their ever increasing wage demands, they will be stopped in their tracks and put out of business. This does not happen in the public sector. The public union only continues to grow requiring more and more taxes that eventually lower overall economic output and actually puts other companies out of business!

This is the main difference. Private unions are kept in check, while public unions are not. Public unions eat at the economy like an invisible tumor sucking all the viable funds that could be used to actually produce things of reasonable value for the economy!


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41   marcus   2012 Jul 3, 9:32am  

Just Reality says

So, unless you are an elementary teacher, you are overpaid to start with.

Not sure if you make me feel way less competent or way more competent than you.

I'm a high school teacher in a good LAUSD high school, and my work day resembles nothing like yours. I don't have TAs to help with grading, although I sometimes pay former Calculus students to help with grading when the load is really high. I often spend etime evenings and weekends on grading and or planning, and I rarely leave work much before 5:00pm.

I usually have at least three preps, and they are always changing with much pressure to do better than before, whether that be the number of students that pass the AP exam, or how well students do on the state tests every spring. Also my classes average over 40 in size.

(note: elementary teachers still usually have less than 30, the same kids all day. I have over 200 )

Plus, I am always asked to do additional out of class duties, some of which I volunteer for in keeping with the culture at our school.

I do have a problem with the hourly work mentality, whcih the union sometimes contributes to. But most teachers I know - with the exception of PE teachers do not view their job as a 6 hour day. More like 9 or 10 hours or more. Plus it's often very draining. You have to be "on" for your classes, in a way that's very demanding, at least for me.

42   marcus   2012 Jul 3, 9:56am  

m1ckey6 says

The only place this "contractual right" to get paid after there is credible evidence that you have molested children is in teacher's contracts - in other words the absolutely worst possible place they could exist.

One of the things the contract does is to give teachers protection against being falsely accused or terminated, which makes sense if you think about it. Teachers have committed themselves to the profession - and we are talking about ending their career, and much worse really.

Teachers give grades to students. Sometimes they fail students. It's true that 99.9% of students would never blame anyone but themselves for failing. But what about the .1% or .01% that want to get the teacher back ?

You say there's credible evidence. Yes and there is also a contract. Is the contract supposed to specify where the line is that defines exactly when you should give the teacher a chance to defend themselves and when you shouldn't ?

Do you understand the difficulty of this question ?

m1ckey6 says

- in other words the absolutely worst possible place they could exist.

Everyone hates child molesters. And some have these emotions about teachers unions. But you are really an idiot.

Nobody was talking about whether the guy could return to the classroom. In fact, if you look in to it, you will find that no teachers in that enire school returned right away to the class room !!

We're talking about his pay, and when he was officially terminated from his long term contract. I'm sure you're probably an expert on contract law, and would have had the foresight to put in provisions for such cases but why ?

The guy was taken out of the class room immediately.

The district cut a deal to circumvent a legal process for terminating a teacher. One that usually allows the teacher to make their case.

Nobody is more disturbed by those cases and what the teachers allegedly did than I am. But you are just using the feelings that we all have about child molesters to try to bash the union for what ? Adhering to their contract ? For having a contract ?

43   marcus   2012 Jul 3, 10:32am  

EconPete says

Um, this is very old information! Look at the bottom of the page; it is over 10 years old. Multiply each dollar amount by about 1.5 to adjust for inflation!

you're right, although 1.5 is high.

Here from the 2010 census, see page 8.

Californias relative position compared to other states is close to what it was in 02/03.

44   futuresmc   2012 Jul 3, 11:38am  

Ofcourse people FEEL that public sector unions are unaccountable. Do you know how much time and money conservative thinktanks like the Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, and AEI spend to drum that into our heads? The truth is that public sector unions are accountable to voters. Look at the Walker incident. When the unions saw public opinion shifting against them, they offered Walker everything he wanted, EXCEPT the right to limit their future ability to negotiate their contracts. Public sector unions bend to the will of the people when they're held to account, if they're not, then nobody is attempting to hold them accountable.

If you want to see unaccountable actors, look at multinational financial institutions.

45   marcus   2012 Jul 3, 1:25pm  

futuresmc says

Ofcourse people FEEL that public sector unions are unaccountable. Do you know how much time and money conservative thinktanks like the Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, and AEI spend to drum that into our heads?

Another excellent point. As is this:

futuresmc says

The truth is that public sector unions are accountable to voters. Look at the Walker incident. When the unions saw public opinion shifting against them, they offered Walker everything he wanted, EXCEPT the right to limit their future ability to negotiate their contracts.

We have had pay cuts since 2008. I go to some union meetings, and keep up with what's going on. And I haven't heard anyone suggest we fight the pay cuts we are experiencing. Everyone knows the situation with the states finances, which is very much related to what's going on in the private sector. As you say, we are very sensitive to where the people are at.

But in the case of some of the more gullible right wingers who buy all of the anti-union propaganda ? It's hard for me to not want to set some of these people straight.

46   Just Reality   2012 Jul 3, 3:12pm  

marcus says

Not sure if you make me feel way less competent or way more competent than you.

I'm a high school teacher in a good LAUSD high school, and my work day resembles nothing like yours. I don't have TAs to help with grading, although I sometimes pay former Calculus students to help with grading when the load is really high. I often spend etime evenings and weekends on grading and or planning, and I rarely leave work much before 5:00pm.

Not sure either. But, if you have been teaching Calculus for several years, I find it hard to believe that you do much planning at all. What is there to plan differently from year to year? The theorems and rules don't change. I know the standards haven't changed recently (but, with the common core, they will be changing soon, I know). And, for Calculus, I doubt the A.P. test changes much. I might be off-base, but of all the subjects, I would think that math courses, including higher level math, would require the least planning after the first year or two teaching the course (I, too, had a lot of planning in my first few years. Not so much now, though. I teach World History. After a few years, you sort of figure out the best ways to get kids to understand the four causes of World War I, if you know what I mean).

I can see you having more grading, but, maybe you COULD utilize T.A.'s, but choose not to (i.e., if you have all the problems written out, with all the work, why couldn't you instruct a T.A. how to grade the assignments, line by line, even if they haven't taken Calculus before?) I would assume (maybe incorrectly) that you also teach a lower level math (maybe Algebra or Geometry). To be honest, there are some teachers who do stay until 5 or so on many days. I've talked to them about what they do. A lot of it is benign busywork (i.e., one teacher one time said he was creating a spreadsheet, alpha-numerically, of student scores from top to bottom on the last test. When I asked what he was going to do with the data, he said "oh, I just want to arrange it that way because it's easier for me to keep track of." Huh?)

Honestly, teaching has become so efficient. Not sure what every district has, but ours now has "parent portal", where parents can go online and check student grades 24/7. It has drastically reduced time spent playing phone tag with parents who just want to know their kid's grade. We also have a telephone system, where I can send robo-calls to almost any set of parents imaginable with whatever message I want (i.e., tardies, homework due, quizzes, etc.). Grades and attendance are all done in seconds on the computer.

I.M.O., the future of secondary education in a brick and mortar school awaits the fate of the dodo bird. Within 10 or 20 years at the most, 90% of high school education will be done on-line (special ed probably excepted). It's all pretty much just guiding the students through the material, much like in college courses. So, right now, most (not all) of high school education is simply guided study for the advanced students and babysitting with some content thrown in for everybody else (or do parents really feel like their kid is being educated in P.E.? By way of example in social science, last year, I taught a senior government class. When I asked a question one time about the Revolutionary War, NOBODY knew who it was fought against. I then asked students to tell me anything they learned in American History in 11th grade...anything. One kid said "I remember the Emancipation Proclamation". I said that that was great and to tell me anything she remembered about it. She said "I just remember that phrase. I don't remember anything about it. I can't tell you what it's about." My school's API in 2011 was right at 800, btw. We are considered a good academic school in this area.). With budget constraints likely to be a problem indefinitely, I can't see how "high school" won't look dramatically different in the coming years.

47   marcus   2012 Jul 3, 3:35pm  

Just Reality says

why couldn't you instruct a T.A. how to grade the assignments

What T.A.s ? We don't have T.a.s for that type of thing. There are a few T.A.s that come around briefly at times to help with special ed kids if you're teaching a class that has several RSP students in it. But generally I have little to no access to T.A.s

I'm always planning to try to be more efficient, and to have lessons that are more effective. The fact is that making things happen in a way at that fits our objectives at a fast enough pace is very difficult. As a history teacher, you probably don't have the same kind of pressure (to improve test scores) that we do.

It's tough. I'm never satisfied.

Just Reality says

if you have been teaching Calculus for several years, I find it hard to believe that you do much planning at all. What is there to plan differently from year to year?

I'm in school that only has AP Calculus classes. There is no non AP Calculus. So it's an art. I have to serve the best students, including ones that end up going to the best colleges in the country, while not blowing too many others out of the water. Typically way less than half pass the exam, with only a hand full getting 4s or 5s.

"What is there to plan differently ?"

I'm trying to do better. Trying to figure out ways to get students talking more about what there doing. Trying to motive them to work harder.

I also am always putting together new tests and quizzes. Like I said, I'm never satisfied. MAybe if I had been teaching 20 years it would be different. I'm not sure I would be as good to tell you the truth. I started late (not my first career).

48   bobcat   2012 Jul 4, 6:48am  

"Private unions are kept in check, while public unions are not."

In check? Private unions have been marginalized for decades.

The public unions are under fire now because we can no longer afford to meet the obligations made to them when the money was coming in.

49   futuresmc   2012 Jul 4, 5:27pm  

bobcat says

The public unions are under fire now because we can no longer afford to meet the obligations made to them when the money was coming in.

The reason we can't meet our obilagations is because the banksters sold toxic assets that they knew were going to implode to these pension funds, so now the value of these funds isn't enough to pay out the money owed. Local governments are already strapped and are unwilling dip into the general fund to make up the difference or raise taxes to do so. This was not an issue of overspending but of massive financial fraud. Calling it anything else is to give credence to think tank lies designed to get the banksters off the hook in public debate.

50   MoneySheep   2012 Jul 4, 11:49pm  

Public union workers are overpaid for the work they do. Obviously previous politicians gave in for the wages they demanded.

But this is also happening to private union workers, like GM. When I was in high school, there was this guy in most of my classes, he said to me, "Company should always pay its employees first, no matter what." I was puzzled. I thought, are you kidding me? Employees can be fired and replaced, but if I, the owner, is gone, the company dies. Later I found out that his father was a GM plant manager in Detroit!

We can all complain about the union living off all citizens. The next important question is:

*** How to fix the Union pay so we all dont have to support and subsidize their luxurious retirement?

51   taxee   2012 Jul 5, 12:02am  

1) Tax rates on the wealthy are way down IN THE PRESENT. Political contributions from these wealthy are way up. 2) At the same time promised FUTURE BENEFITS to the workers are up ( a diabolical exchange for the lower tax rates) 3) The returns promised to pension funds are not reliably available any longer (Do you think investing in bogus loans or in slave colonies overseas is a good bet?) 4) The 'guarantees' are there to maintain faith in the financial sector so they can remain in charge. 5) The promises can only be paid by an entity that has the legal right to print money. And print it they will 6) The promised money will buy less.

52   FortWayne   2012 Jul 5, 1:16am  

robertoaribas says

Remember when the Teachers, Fire fighters, Policemen etc. crashed the economy in 2007? Me neither...

They are crashing themselves.

And hey I don't remember the last time CA schools had actual standards, as George Carlin put it "All you need to graduate is a pencil." Can thank unions for lowering standards, lobbying to get illegals into our schools, and killing our education system.

53   berick   2012 Jul 5, 2:55am  

As soon as you say taxes are "stolen", you've jumped out of reality. Taxes are what we pay for government, to protect ourselves from living in a "might makes right" anarchy. Are taxes too high, too low, applied to the wrong things, spent on the wrong things? That's all up for debate, and for the election of officials who can make choices. (There's no way we could do it without representatives - direct voting on every detail is tough enough in a room full of people, so imagine how hard it would be in a country.)

54   bob2356   2012 Jul 5, 3:24am  

MoneySheep says

Employees can be fired and replaced, but if I, the owner, is gone, the company dies. Later I found out that his father was a GM plant manager in Detroit!

Who is the "owner" of GM. I thought it was a public company?

55   bruce.toms   2012 Jul 5, 4:21am  

It's so true. Public employee unions exist only for the purpose of squeezing more dollars out of John Q. Taxpayer.

56   marcus   2012 Jul 5, 4:33am  

FortWayne says

And hey I don't remember the last time CA schools had actual standards,

He went on, "In fact I don't know anything, but here's something else I'm pulling out of my ass."

57   dublin hillz   2012 Jul 5, 4:56am  

Ruki says

Private companies have switched over to 401(k)s, so why can't governments?

Private companies, especially the top dividends payers ones are known for having a 401K plan and a pension. That's similar to govt sector where you have access to a 457 (and they don't get a match) and a pension.

58   freak80   2012 Jul 5, 4:57am  

futuresmc says

The reason we can't meet our obilagations is because the banksters sold toxic assets that they knew were going to implode to these pension funds, so now the value of these funds isn't enough to pay out the money owed. Local governments are already strapped and are unwilling dip into the general fund to make up the difference or raise taxes to do so. This was not an issue of overspending but of massive financial fraud.

God Bless America.

59   freak80   2012 Jul 5, 4:58am  

berick says

Taxes are what we pay for government, to protect ourselves from living in a "might makes right" anarchy.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...

We're not living in a "might makes right" anarchy??

60   freak80   2012 Jul 5, 5:01am  

bob2356 says

Who is the "owner" of GM.

The top 0.1%. They own every other public company too, via stock.

61   bob2356   2012 Jul 5, 5:34am  

wthrfrk80 says

bob2356 says

Who is the "owner" of GM.

The top 0.1%. They own every other public company too, via stock.

Actually not true.

My point was that GM wouldn't "die" if the "owner" walked away.

62   econak7   2012 Jul 5, 10:40am  

I have to agree with the basis of EconPete's thread. Essentially, Public Employees, via their Union Contracts, are taking an increasing amount of the tax basis for retirement, at a time when the standard of living for our children and grandchildren is deteriorating. We are headed for the mother of all class wars-the "Old against the Young", because my children and grandchildren will not subsidize my 30 years of playing golf and living in a large single-family dwelling, while they remain in mired in a 700 sq. ft. apartment, paying higher taxes, and resting easily at night because "mom and dad; grandma and grandpa" are still living the dream! At the end of the day, THE NUMBERS DO NOT ADD UP under most long-term investment scenarios. Of course, if you assume the very best returns of the 90s and early 2000s, continuing every year, ad-infinitum, then maybe, just maybe, the math works. The fact that Politicians make promises that can only be believed if you are under the use of hallucinagenic drugs, is beside the point.

63   freak80   2012 Jul 5, 5:40pm  

econak7 says

At the end of the day, THE NUMBERS DO NOT ADD UP under most long-term investment scenarios. Of course, if you assume the very best returns of the 90s and early 2000s, continuing every year, ad-infinitum, then maybe, just maybe, the math works.

True. And then there's resource depletion and climate change to make it even more fun. And 7 billion humans.

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