So how did Romney make his huge fortune?

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2012 Sep 2, 9:01pm   51,888 views  90 comments

by American in Japan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I am bringing this up, since I hear many Americans (not in Japan, though) saying how Romney is an entrepreneur who has created many jobs for Americans...

I have done just a bit of research, but I am not convinced that this is true.

This is how Romney actually made all his money (Businessinsider)

Tally of Job Creation By Bain Proves Vexing (Wall Street Journal)

Assets offshore hint at larger Romney wealth (Japantoday.com)

Election-2012/Mitt Romney--Did he-create 100 thousand jobs or kill 7 thousand (Rightwingnews.com)

Bain Capital is Romney's corporation founded in 1983. It is one of the top-leveraged buyout firms in the US.

Staples - Sevenfold return on investment for Bain Capital.

Accuride - a leveraged buyout by Bain Capital

Damon Corp.: "Under Romney, one of Bain Capital's more questionable deals was the firm's 1989 purchase of Damon, a medical testing company that ended up pleading guilty to defrauding the government and paying a $119 million fine. Although he sat on the company's board, Romney was never implicated, and Bain tripled its investment returns before selling the company in 1993. Romney personally got $473,000 from the deal, according to the Boston Globe." (Businessinsider)

Experian - a "flip" of a different kind...

DDI Corp. acquired by Bain Capital's in 2000... (A fail here as DDI later filed for bankruptcy protection and laid off 2,100 workers in 2003)

I quote: "The first indication the 100,000 jobs created number’s dodgy is that when Mitt ran against Ted Kennedy in 1994..." (Rightwingnews.com)

"$1.7 trillion was spent by Private Equity on leveraged buyouts. Private Equity companies rolled up a total of a trillion in debt making these purchases." (Alternet.org)

Politics after-mitt-romney-deal-company-showed-profits-and-then-layoffs (NY Times)

These Americans are training the Chinese workers who will replace them. (Businessinsider.com)

The sources vary along political persuasion. sources.

Note- I have no problem with people making millions, while truly creating wealth and jobs for Americans in the process.

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34   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 21, 8:41am  

How do you all feel about General Motors? They are the model Bain capital really copied. Most of GM's brand names were not created. They were gobbled up from failing companies. The workers and pensions busted. Shareholders at times lost everything.

35   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:21am  

Nobody says


For your info., it is not dumping, but jobs being shipped out to China is the problem. As a Chinese, you should know that.

Its Wongucci, not Chinese bubba! Im just a white boy! We in Santa Clara lost our MFG long ago by early 90s, and today its R&D. It certainly wasnt from competition with China, but with Japan. We shipped our jobs overseas (Singapore, Philippines, Korea, and China) due to unfair Japanese trade practice.

36   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:24am  

swebb says

Don't confuse VC with PE, they are different animals.

what they do are the same, they provide liquidity by private parties to risky ventures.

37   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:34am  

Nobody says

Less tax=more profit for the rich.
More investment=More demand for more profit.
Demand for more profit=Ship the jobs overseas

Apple's mfg is done overseas because they make nothing.. however they do use many motherboards, semiconductor, and storage devices which at one time was manufactured in the US. Since the Japanese dumped their products on the US markets back in the late 80s BELOW their own costs (labor and material) to capture US markets and bankrupt American companies. After suffer many quarter of losses and many layoffs for years..many American Semi, motherboard, and storage device makers moved their production overseas/outsourced it to Solectron/Flextroncs. That was the only course of action they had left. There was no other alternative solution. That is why Apple has mfg in China. thats were all the components are made.

We in Silicon valley were hit hard back in the early 90s. because of this. So we have are own scars from all the competition with the Japanese. Nothing new to us. Govt policies on the other hand went into opposite direction with higher taxes and more regulation making further existence of tech manufacturing difficult to say the least.

It has nothing to do with chasing profits ... to think so is to ignore history.

38   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:42am  

American in Japan says

So how did Romney make his huge fortune?

Romney is 65... many Americans, by that age, should already have a plan and sizable savings/investment accounts to which to fall back on as they get close to retirement.

Yes, your tax bill would also fall, since your cash out of investments would be taxed at lower rates from capital gain..

39   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:51am  

Nobody says

Tell me if there is something wrong with those equations. So do you want a fair tax system or tax system that is lopsided to favor only the rich?

OK! lets have it your way.. tax the Rich.. 50-90% as you like..

Now that the Govt has collected the money.. Now what.. you think your going to see
a single penny of it ? You think the Govt will somehow create a new job for you...or give out hand out.. Spread the wealth.. was this the Hope and Change the Obamatrons were voting for...

40   Nobody   2012 Aug 22, 4:04pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Now what.. you think your going to see
a single penny of it ?


Your ignorance continues to amaze me. Did you even forget the government continues to have deficit? I forgot, you are fresh off the boat.

41   Nobody   2012 Aug 22, 4:08pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Since the Japanese dumped their products on the US markets back in the late 80s BELOW their own costs (labor and material) to capture US markets and bankrupt American companies.

Sure, Wong, Chinese would only think that price competition from China has nothing to do with the loss of jobs here in US. Oh, as far as I remember Chinese hates Japanese.

42   marcus   2012 Aug 23, 12:10am  

CaptainShuddup says

The Liberal press(Of all People) ridiculed conceptual Peace.

The media is owned by a few corporations. The idea that it's the "liberal media" is nothing more than right wing dogma.

A huge part of our media now, unforunately, is newscorp.

43   marcus   2012 Aug 23, 12:18am  

Reality. Republicans put up a bunch of clowns as prospective candidates
for the primary season. One by one Fox news and the Tea Party got excited about unelectable clowns. Finally, the only one who was nearly moderate enough to stand a chance of winning in a general election against Obama is nominated

CAptainshaddup's interpretation:

CaptainShuddup says

Dude, I didn't pick Romney, the Liberal media did. They systematically went through all the candidates one by one, building each up calling them the front runner, when there was no front runner, then destroyed them in the press, then on the next.

I guess he never learned that primaries are about appealing to your base.

Every person who has the slightest clue knows that these days most of the republican base is even more insane than the good Captain.

44   marcus   2012 Aug 23, 12:20am  

I guess to the truly whacko out there, Fox news runs the "liberal media."

45   FortWayne   2012 Aug 23, 3:31am  

Bellingham Bill says

when talking about jobs and Obama, the correct reference is how many did he save?


jobs were still in free-fall when Obama took over from the Bush crew.

He didn't save a single job other than his own. Only thing he did is came in and rode the bell curve while using all sorts of excuses to hand out billions to the banks and deadbeat squatters.

He prevented recovery to normalcy.

46   Nobody   2012 Aug 23, 7:18am  

thomaswong.1986 says

OK! lets have it your way.. tax the Rich.. 50-90% as you like..

Your shortsightedness amazes me. OK, then let's do no tax for everyone. What would happen?

1. Every school will shut down leaving kids and out future without any domestic talents.
2. There will be no police to enforce the law.
3. The roads will be deteriorated.
4. FDA no longer overseas the food safety killing kids and elders who are vulnerable.
5. The research for disease will stop domestically.
6. The nuclear power plant will run without any regulation leading to major melt down and through. Well, nobody can sue the nuclear reactor manager, cause there the court is shut down.
7. The government no longer sponsors a new technology like how it did for semiconductor.

etc. etc.

The country goes into chaos and confusion. But, Thomas Wong, you don't care cause you are a Chinese. For your info., if it wasn't for the US government, we wouldn't enjoy affordable computers, GPS etc. You think the US government won't create jobs, you are DEAD WRONG, I mean DEAD Wong. But you don't care, do you?

47   American in Japan   2012 Aug 25, 12:53pm  

Here is another one:

These Americans are training the Chinese workers who will replace them. (Businessinsider.com)

Illinois-workers-bain-outsourcing (guardian.co.uk)

Sensata, owned by Bain Capital, has been very profitable for Bain.

From the article:

"The Freeport workers have appealed to Bain and Romney to save their plant."

"Mitt Romney never cared about American jobs or the middle class until he decided to run for the Presidency. Private equity such as Bain is only in business to serve themselves and their investors." --GM23

More of the same?

48   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 25, 12:57pm  

Nobody says

Your ignorance continues to amaze me. Did you even forget the government continues to have deficit? I forgot, you are fresh off the boat...But, Thomas Wong, you don't care cause you are a Chinese.

No I am a WHITE Native Californian, and yes, i aware of our deficit.. very aware of it. As for job losses, i have many countless times spoken AGAINST job moving to other states and overseas as we have seen hit Silicon Valley in early 90s. But it has always been those against dirty manufacturing creating dirty water dirty air and imposing EPA rules.

49   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 25, 1:25pm  

American in Japan says

Agree? Disagree?

Mr. Wroe pointed out that Sensata is a public company and shares are listed on the NYSE. The firm was owned by Bain Capital from the time of its spin-out from Texas Instruments in 2006 until its IPO in March of 2010. Bain Capital was not the owner of Sensata when the deal to purchase the local product line from Honeywell was consummated.


50   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 25, 1:38pm  

Nobody says

You think the US government won't create jobs, you are DEAD WRONG, I mean DEAD Wong. But you don't care, do you

No! the govt doesnt create jobs and industries... as in the case of computers, which they already had - mainframes, they had no need for PCs. Much of that industry was created by individuals.

51   American in Japan   2012 Aug 25, 8:18pm  


Bain Capital Investors, LLC - 89,626,932 shares - 51.48%
(unless I am reading this wrong)

52   Honest Abe   2012 Aug 26, 12:19am  

Government doesn't "create" jobs. It hampers job creation with laws, rules, regulations, statuates, procedures, codes and other oppressive, abusive and needless red tape created and administered by busy bodies and nincompoops.

Common sense, yes. Oppressive and abusive government micro-management, no.

53   bob2356   2012 Aug 26, 2:46am  

Honest Abe says

Government doesn't "create" jobs. It hampers job creation with laws, rules, regulations, statuates, procedures, codes and other oppressive, abusive and needless red tape created and administered by busy bodies and nincompoops.

Common sense, yes. Oppressive and abusive government micro-management, no.

I've always been curious, where does oppressive and abusive government micro-management start for you? What level of laws, rules, etc. if any are necessary in your judgement or is total anarchy the ideal state? We let the financial industry free of many long standing (oppressive, abusive, red tape) rules and it resulted in one of the worst economic crashes in American history. Should we eliminate all of the rules on the financial industry and see how it works out?

I fully expect another blast of am radio platitudes, but one can always hope for a reasoned answer.

54   freak80   2012 Aug 27, 12:23am  

bob2356 says

I fully expect another blast of am radio platitudes

The ignore feature is great for tuning out the Rushbots.

55   Nobody   2012 Aug 27, 4:26am  

thomaswong.1986 says

No I am a WHITE Native Californian


You claim you are a CPA and an investor, now you are claiming to be a white man. Your bullshit never stops, does it? Your comments are proving that you are an idiot and Chinese. That's enough proof to me.

Oh, and are you even aware of the history? The government did start the jobs in Silicon Valley. And don't forget it was US government who put the GPS satellite. If you say GPS didn't create jobs, you just promoted yourself to idiot from imbecile.

56   freak80   2012 Aug 27, 4:32am  

Gubmint is always bad. We should go back to the Antebellum South where a few wealthy plantation owners controlled everything. ;-)

57   American in Japan   2012 Aug 30, 11:55am  

A little government help?
The Federal bailout that saved Mitt Romney (Rollingstone.com)

Looks like Romney needed the government far more than the ave. American.

58   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 30, 12:07pm  

Nobody says

Your comments are proving that you are an idiot and Chinese.

what does my log on name have to do with my identity ?
especially coming from someone else who calls himself "Nobody"...
At least you could have been more creative using "Noah Body"

No! The govt doesnt make anything, they are a customer for many products
that private industries design and create with specific govt "performance" requirements.

59   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 30, 12:53pm  

American in Japan says

The Federal bailout that saved Mitt Romney (Rollingstone.com)

Bain and Company or Bain Capital was bailed out? Or was it Bank of New England?

If it was BoNE isnt that what the FDIC is supposed to do anyway ?
Its whole purpose to ensure deposits...read some of the comments in the discussions portion of the page.


60   American in Japan   2012 Aug 31, 7:26pm  

I quote:
"The first thing they did was cutting cost by laying off workers. Then the 2nd thing what they did was to start selling all machinery, and the last thing they did was selling the walls of plant. Once all these were all completed, then they took profit before filing bankruptcy. This is how Romney accumulated his wealth. He is not a job creator for 12 million Americans. Be aware..." --Globalwatcher

The question remains: job destroyer or job creator?

61   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 31, 7:53pm  

American in Japan says

The question remains: job destroyer or job creator?

It seems obvious the left wing media (rolling stones) rather only focus on one or two examples yet ignore many other success stories.

Based on their criteria one would have painted entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley as job destroyer as well since only a handful actually make it in the long run.

Laid off around here... who hasnt been laid off, down sized, bankrupted if they worked in Silicon Valley for say the past 20-30 years. Its as common as the changing seasons.

Overall RS takes a pretty immature view of American business. I wouldnt trust what they say.

This is an odd statement made .."then they took profit before filing bankruptcy"... Profits ? you need more color to understand this.. and frankly its up to the Trustee to approve payments made 1 year before the filings as it relates to "related parties".

62   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 31, 8:25pm  

American in Japan says

Tally of Job Creation By Bain Proves Vexing (Wall Street Journal)

from the article...

"But several other experts said Mr. Abowd's method contained its own flaws, including that it fails to account for the value of guidance offered by Mr. Romney and other Bain executives. A Romney campaign official echoed that criticism, saying the method was an "unorthodox" approach that implied every passive stockholder is a job creator, giving no additional credit to firms such as Bain that actively assist companies in which they invest."

as such there are more than a few example right here in the Bay Area where you have firms who "take no equity position" but collect a fee to turn a company (many start ups) and mature their processes to become viable public companies.

many start ups which are engineering centric and ignore proper selling / accounting staffing and logistics eventually "screw up royally" ... these turn around firms come in and clean things up taking some management responsibility and hire staff in order for client corporations to behave and conduct business in a mature fashion. Example .. create accurate financial statements which will pass an audit which will be used for new round of venture capital, bank lending, possible IPO, or sold to another company. The proper treatment of revenue recognition by various young companies is a big problem around here for younger industries like Electronic Gaming and Social Networking.

Once you clean things up.. you can get funding, growth and more hirings!

63   American in Japan   2012 Sep 2, 6:57pm  

>Once you clean things up.. you can get funding, growth and more hirings!

Yes, you could get more, but I doubt you will.

Also Bain Capita; still has a majority share of Sensata :


It seems obvious the left wing media (rolling stones) rather only focus on one or two examples yet ignore many other success stories.

The Rolling Stones article is on the left but look at the others The Wall St. Journal, Rightwingnews.com, etc.

This one at least says there isn't much way of knowing whether Bain resulted in a net gain of jobs.

Please provide more sources of these success stories.

64   American in Japan   2012 Sep 17, 1:20am  

So far I am unconvinced..at best it is a zero-sum game and at worst, Romney has profited at the expense of the American worker.

65   freak80   2012 Sep 17, 1:31am  

American in Japan says

Looks like Romney needed the government far more than the ave. American.

Socialism for the rich! It's what America is all about.

67   marcus   2012 Oct 4, 12:09am  

That's in the Rolling Stone. Any right winger worth his salt will tell you that therefore they get to ignore it, as they do everything else they don't want to hear.

I thought it was interesting. Reminds me a little of some of the stunts DOnald Trump pulled earlier in his career.

68   American in Japan   2012 Oct 5, 9:57am  

True, but the Wall St. Journal isn't exactly left wing (see above).

69   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 5, 11:15am  

American in Japan says

What do you all think of this story. Be specific please...


or was it Bank of New England... and not Bain. What BAIL OUT or a Bank Take over? Who funds the FDIC ? Tax payers, think again !

Do you really eat up all this BS from the likes of Stephanie Cutter !
These Obama clowns dont have a hour of business education or experience.


The FDIC deals with this problem constantly when it seizes banks, figuring out how it can get the most money out of distressed loans. Changing the terms or reducing the loan is fairly typical, as the FDIC indicates in its Guide to Bank Failure.

The FDIC’s Resolution Handbook also says (page 80):

Restructuring a loan for a financially distressed borrower is normally more productive for the receiver than foreclosing on the collateral or initiating lawsuits to collect the debt. Maximizing recovery on failed institution assets is the receiver’s responsibility, and litigation expenses can very rapidly consume any funds recovered

The FDIC tries to collect as much as possible, but ultimately has to make good on deposits at least up to $250,000. (In the Bank of New England case, the limit was $100,000 at the time, but the agency decided to guarantee all deposits.) But any shortfall is made up through assessments made on FDIC-member banks.

That’s right — no taxpayer money is involved. The FDIC prides itself on not taking taxpayer funds.

70   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 5, 11:21am  

greedy Bain Investors.. from Unions to Oprah..


But Bain’s private-equity executives have enriched dozens of organizations and millions of individuals in the Democratic base — including some who scream most loudly for President Obama’s re-election.

Government-worker pension funds are the chief beneficiaries of Bain’s economic stewardship. New York-based Preqin uses public documents, news accounts and Freedom of Information requests to track private-equity holdings. Since 2000, Preqin reports, the following funds have entrusted some $1.56 billion to Bain:

* Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ($2.2 million)

* Indiana Public Retirement System ($39.3 million)

* Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System ($177.1 million)

* The Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System ($19.5 million)

* Maryland State Retirement and Pension System ($117.5 million)

* Public Employees’ Retirement System of Nevada ($20.3 million)

* State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio ($767.3 million)

* Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System ($231.5 million)

* Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island ($25 million)

* San Diego County Employees Retirement Association ($23.5 million)

* Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($122.5 million)

* Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System ($15 million)

These funds aggregate the savings of millions of unionized teachers, social workers, public-health personnel and first responders. Many would be startled to learn that their nest eggs are incubated by the company that Romney launched and the financiers he hired.

Leading universities have also profited from Bain’s expertise. According to Infrastructure Investor, Bain Capital Ventures Fund I (launched in 2001) managed wealth for “endowments and foundations such as Columbia, Princeton and Yale universities.”

According to BuyOuts magazine and S&P Capital IQ, Bain’s other college clients have included Cornell, Emory, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Notre Dame and the University of Pittsburgh. Preqin reports that the following schools have placed at least $424.6 million with Bain Capital between 1998 and 2008:

* Purdue University ($15.9 million)

* University of California ($225.7 million)

* University of Michigan ($130 million)

* University of Virginia ($20 million)

* University of Washington ($33 million)

Major, center-left foundations and cultural establishments also have seen their prospects brighten, thanks to Bain Capital. According to the aforementioned sources, such Bain clients have included the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Doris Duke Foundation, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Ford Foundation, the Heinz Endowments and the Oprah Winfrey Foundation.

71   American in Japan   2012 Oct 5, 9:34pm  

They may have made money as a benefit, but I am still not convinced that any wealth was created by Bain Capital. On principle I would have to say that I wish they had invested with another company even if it meant slighty lower gains. At least I have been reading the various links (many can't be bothered with more than short soundbites.) Someone eloquently stated that there is a difference between "entrepreneur" and "capitalist".

72   American in Japan   2013 Jan 11, 9:00pm  

And then there are the three large toy retailers that Bain Capital bought, leaving only Toys R Us with a near monopoly.

73   nope   2013 Jan 12, 1:02pm  

Why does anybody give a shit about Mitt Romney anymore? He will never have any chance at real power again, and just goes back to being a kind of douchey rich guy. There are hundreds of douchey rich guys who also don't matter.

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