Top Trolls

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2012 Sep 12, 4:50am   106,676 views  228 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Who pisses off the other users the most? Let's see.

mysql> select username, dislikes / likes as trollishness from users where dislikes > 100 order by trollishness desc limit 10;

| username        | trollishness |
| Cloud           |       4.7667 |
| Honest Abe      |       3.3540 |
| Bap33           |       2.1308 |
| CaptainShuddup  |       1.8116 |
| KILLERJANE      |       1.6750 |
| Ruki            |       1.5085 |
| AlexS           |       1.4444 |
| thomas.wong1986 |       1.4337 |
| clambo          |       1.2775 |
| robertoaribas   |       1.2278 |

mysql> select username, ignoredby from users order by ignoredby desc limit 10;

| username                       | ignoredby |
| APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich |        22 |
| PermaRenter                    |        18 |
| ArtimusMaxtor                  |        17 |
| Ruki                           |        14 |
| CaptainShuddup                 |        13 |
| repo4sale                      |        12 |
| Honest Abe                     |        12 |
| Dan8267                        |        11 |
| Bigsby                         |        11 |
| Cloud                          |        10 |

The intersection of those sets is Ruki, CaptainShuddup, Honest Abe, Cloud.

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29   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:06am  

Goran_K says

Who the heck is cloud? Does he/she even post in the real estate forum?

I am not sure if cloud uses the real estate forum at all, but he/she posts very heavily in the politics and religion forums.

30   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 9:23am  

leo707 says

I am not sure if cloud uses the real estate forum at all, but he/she posts very heavily in the politics and religion forums.

A topic started by Cloud:

"You Libs Are F'd"


31   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:29am  

Goran_K says

A topic started by Cloud:

"You Libs Are F'd"


Ah, ha yes. The ever efficient and creative cloud streamlining the title of a previous topic:

"You Libs are F'd up"

Why say something in 5 words when it can be said in 4.

32   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:41am  

Ruki says

Which can be argued to be factually true,

Yes, the truthiness of cloud's facts are undeniable.

33   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 9:44am  

I think Roberto is the only guy who actually post in the real estate forum who made the Top 10 troll list.

Yeah Roberto, represent!

34   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:45am  

Goran_K says

I think Roberto is the only guy who actually post in the real estate forum who made the Top 10 troll list.

Yeah Roberto, represent!

Yeah, and while Roberto can get a little hot under the collar, I would not call him a troll.

35   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 9:53am  

Ruki says

I will be upfront and have to say that even if I post this with the most ass-kissing of language with regards to liberal 'sensitivities',


Shrek, I am sorry that this is the way you choose to phrase a willingness to speak to others in a polite and civil tone.

Ruki says

I can't guarrantee that they still won't go nuclear simply because it is news they increasingly are intolerant of even seeing as the election gets closer.


Nuclear about this?

Ruki says

new poll showing Romney leading Obama amongst likely independent voters 54 - 40 percent?

Umm...this poll show Obama winning while Romney is probably close to the max "swing" votes his is going to get.

It seems to me like Democrats would take this as good news.

36   Dan8267   2012 Sep 12, 10:10am  

Ruki says

It sickens my stomach that people who don't bother to become informed about the issues -- and even are proud of it -- call the shots. But, that's reality.

Maybe their getting their news from Paul Ryan speeches.

37   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:16am  

Ruki says

No, the article refers to TWO polls. That one that shows he's winning (a general poll) while the other is LIKELY indy voters.

Yes two are referenced in the article. All numbers for the first pole quoted are "LIKELY" voters. It does not say if the second pole is likely voters or not, but it probably is.

"The CNN/ORC International poll of registered and likely voters released Tuesday shows likely voters favoring Obama by 52 percent to 46 percent over Romney -- evidence, pundits said, of a post-convention bump for the president.

But a figure buried in the report shows Romney leading Obama among likely independent voters, 54 percent to 40 percent."

This pole shows Obama winning with likely voters, but when looking at "a figure buried" it shows Romney leading with independents.

Then it mentions this pole as well:
"A poll conducted two weeks ago by Democracy Corps showed Romney with a 15-point lead among independents, 53 percent to 38 percent."

Ruki says

Obama won in 2008 with 52% of the likely indy vote.

Right, and when Romney has 53% of the likely indy vote he still looses overall. Well, according to this pole.

At 53ish% he probably is not likely to get more likely voters on his side.

38   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:18am  

Ruki says

Let me put it this way: I think that the one thing a die hard conservative and die hard liberal can agree on and even cooperate about would be to pull an indy in a back alley and switch turns with one holding him down while the other beats the shit out of him. :)


I don't think that I am die hard enough to agree with this.

39   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:26am  

Cloud says

Ruki, I call banishment being "shreked" I was surprised when Shrek was actually bounced from Patrick.net. His comments were no more offensive than the (10 to 1) liberals consistently "ganging" up on him. He could take a punch and landed some.

Towards the end shrek's rants were becoming more aggressive and unstable. I seemed like shrek was starting to take things on the forum very personally.

In spite of the ban being well earned by shrek, he/she also really needed to step back and take a break from the forum.

Soon after we were graced by the presense of MarsAttacks! who was shrek's real life "friend", but much more even tempered and a lot less vitriolic.

See, he was MarsAttacks! talking about his pal shrek:
Ruki says

Shrekgrinch was the one who got me to start reading Patrick.net.

MarsAttacks! then changed his/her name to Ruki and began denying any knowledge of shrek.

40   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:35am  

Ruki says

leo707 says

MarsAttacks! then changed his/her name to Ruki and began denying any knowledge of shrek.

Um, the link to that 'quote' doesn't work. You sure about this?

Romney Is Only Going To Win Because Obama Fucked Up And Banning Ruki Won't Change That Fugly Fact

I think that this is the third or fourth thread that I have referenced that quote in. I am surprised that it took you so long to delete the comment.

Yes, several months ago I suggested to you to delete your posting history:
leo707 says

"Ruki", your memory getting any better now?

You may want to go back and start deleting old posts before you assume a new identity.

Good, work finally getting to it. Your claims that you are not shrek are so much more believable now.

Are you sure you cleaned all the "MarsAttacks!" comments that refer to your "friend" shrek?


41   leo707   2012 Sep 12, 10:36am  

Cloud says

Long live Shrek.

Dont you mean, "Shrek is dead! Long live MarsA...*Er*...Ruki!"

42   Bap33   2012 Sep 12, 11:15am  

Bap33 says

what percentage of the trolls listed are posters that would be considered conservative in nature?

This went unresponded to. Anyone?

43   Goran_K   2012 Sep 12, 12:32pm  

leo707 says

Yeah, and while Roberto can get a little hot under the collar, I would not call him a troll.

Yeah I wouldn't call Roberto a troll in the purist sense because he himself is easily trolled. I think he's a very passionate investor though.

44   KILLERJANE   2012 Sep 12, 1:23pm  

Wow, i didn't realize anyone cared! I really dont get my name on there but i will just go with it. KILLER_TROLL

45   KILLERJANE   2012 Sep 12, 1:48pm  

I am feeling a little dirty right now. Need a shower.

46   suspiria_2   2012 Sep 12, 1:52pm  


what is the point of this thread, Patrick? stirrin' the (***t) pot?

47   marcus   2012 Sep 12, 1:58pm  

Funny that APOCALYPSEFUCK is the most ignored. His stuff is often tongue in cheek, and sometimes hilarious.

I'm guessing that all the right wingers had to ignore him, because as absurd as what he says is, it probably strikes a nerve.

E.g. APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

I read the real plan. Helicopter hunting licenses for unlimited culls of seniors, million bucks a pop, would pay for patching the ones license holders just wing and returning them to the field - and provides entertainment for Risk Takers and Opportunity Makers. This is the kind win-win conservative thinking that will lead America from these dark days of islamofascist Kenyan tyranny.

48   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 2:13pm  

suspiria_2 says


what is the point of this thread, Patrick? stirrin' the (***t) pot?

This. And since when has counting the number of dislikes been a measure of whether a poster is trolling?

49   Bap33   2012 Sep 12, 2:22pm  

marcus says

I'm guessing that all the right wingers had to ignore him, because as absurd as what he says is, it probably strikes a nerve.

I like him

50   Patrick   2012 Sep 12, 2:35pm  

suspiria_2 says


what is the point of this thread, Patrick? stirrin' the (***t) pot?

I was just getting pissed at looking at my home page every day and seeing yet another poorly-reasoned anti-Obama post or just plain slander from one of the same 4 or 5 people. I'm not even an Obama fan, but I don't want those couple of hate-mongers to turn my site into the anti-Obama show.

So I tried to see if I could show that most other readers were getting annoyed by the same people. And the answer is yes, the four people at the intersection of trollishness and ignores seem to be annoying a lot of other readers too.

51   Homeboy   2012 Sep 12, 2:42pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I'm not a right winger. I just don't tow the Liberal line and jump in and sing a few bars of kumbya while Obama drives us all to Hell.

I just like to come here and vent about how the politics of this country effects me. But it seems you can't do that, unless you agree with the Left political views 100% in this country.

And now since I can't even post any threads, I just found that out by trying. The usefulness of this site has expired. So long patneters, it's been fun.

Some of you may have known me as...

and now this is Captain Shuddup signing off for good.

So long everybody.

Yeah, don't hit yourself with the door on the way out.

Variations on a theme: "Waaahhh! Us right-wingers are being discriminated against. It's SO unfair."


52   zzyzzx   2012 Sep 12, 11:31pm  

People put APOCALYPSEFUCK on their ignore list????

53   Bigsby   2012 Sep 12, 11:36pm  

Ruki says

And that will happen whether or not Ruki is there to taunt them in any way, too.

Was that a slip?

54   elliemae   2012 Sep 13, 12:18am  

There are a couple of posters on that list with whom I regularly disagree - Roberto & Bap; but they don't offensively attack everything that people post.

Cap'n Shaddup: you were once fun and had other things to discuss than politics. And you were multidimensional. Now you say you're gone, and that's too bad. But you changed, and altho it's painful I guess you must move on.

Guys - it's not the feelings behind the message (most of the time). It is the insistence upon putting everything into "Obama bad" and "liberals are horrible" context. Telling me what my values are and what I believe just because I believe in many liberal ideals doesn't mean ya'll can crawl inside my pretty little head and know what I think.

Attacking other people and constantly blaming someone else based on how you think that they believe is nuts. Ya'll get so worked up, and many of us don't even read beyond the first line you posted.

55   mell   2012 Sep 13, 1:20am  

elliemae says

It is the insistence upon putting everything into "Obama bad" and "liberals are horrible" context.

Interesting,, because I perceive it mostly the other way round, not just on Patnet, also with my friends & acquaintances. Like most of us when Obama took office I thought his message sounded good, esp. since I come form a socially liberal background. He pledged to end the wars, cut the deficit in half in 4 years and generally stand up for the small guy. 4 years later he has accomplished absolutely nothing, the wars are still raging on, the US paramilitary section regularly carries out raids where they don't belong, the deficit has not been cut in half but continued to balloon and so on. But what's worst is that there are such clear violations during his term that IMO he should have been removed from office, like his unwillingness to investigate AG Holder, arrest his buddy Corzine or for that matter his refusal to conduct any criminal investigation into the financial/mortgage fraud that led to the ongoing crisis. I am fine with somebody sticking to Obama although I cannot understand, but what baffles me is that none of these grave issues even get acknowledged by my lefty friends (instead they become aggressive), it's like they continue to worship their messiah while squabbling over relatively unimportant topics such as how gay rights at Chick-fil-a, how Romney accumulated his wealth and so on and frankly compared to what they bring up, the controversy around Obamas birth certificate seems more important ;)

56   marcus   2012 Sep 13, 2:06am  

I would note that Obama failed to find a cure for cancer or to add much in the way of particle physics discoveries. Anyone who denies that these are important parts of the President's job are just partisans looking to escape reality.

57   Patrick   2012 Sep 13, 2:17am  

Call it Crazy says

I would be careful... when you point out these negative FACTS about Obama's record, they don't like that here..... your posts will get deleted by the forum Nazi....

Fuck you.

I don't delete anyone for posting facts, just for relentless racist infantile propoganda.

Please post a picture of Obama in a grass skirt or as an evil clown so I can blow your account away in clean conscience.

58   AlexS   2012 Sep 13, 2:19am  

Cloud says

I thought liberals were suppose to be so tolerant and open minded. Not at our colleges or university where you have to practically swear allegiance to the Left to get tenured and every student has to be careful what they say.

As I noted before - liberals are all for tolerance - as long as it falls in their narrow 3x5inch tolerance window.

Otherwise, you can't meet more intolerant people.

59   bob2356   2012 Sep 13, 2:20am  

Call it Crazy says

I would be careful... when you point out these negative FACTS about Obama's record, they don't like that here..... your posts will get deleted by the forum Nazi....

Bullshit. If they are actual "facts" or clearly stated opinions as opposed to "crazy crap from the wingnuts on am radio" then they won't get deleted. Very little crazy carp is deleted either. Some people (could be you) don't seem to know the definition of the word "facts".

For what it's worth my opinion is Obama's record sucks, but I'm not buying into the wingnuts paranoid alternative reality world. Obama is just a run of the mill politician who is in way over his head. He is not a foreign born baby eating, freedom hating, america destroying, world government flunky, who is going to nuke the unborn gay baby whales for jesus no matter how many times ruki, abe,crazy say so.

60   bob2356   2012 Sep 13, 2:27am  

I don't delete anyone for posting facts, just for relentless racist infantile propoganda.

Oh come on patrick, you are much to kind. These guys don't provide high enough quality postings to rise to what would be the generally accepted standard for being racist infantile propoganda. Comparing them to racists infants is insulting to the average racist infant.

61   Patrick   2012 Sep 13, 2:28am  

As I noted before - liberals are all for tolerance - as long as it falls in their narrow 3x5inch tolerance window.

Otherwise, you can't meet more intolerant people.

Fuck you too.

Your whiny self-serving bullshit parroting of Fox News shows how sparse and weak your own thoughts are.

62   Patrick   2012 Sep 13, 2:29am  

Call it Crazy says

why have posts that come from main stream news sources/articles been deleted when they contain actual economic data/facts, unfortunately, that were negative instead of positive?

That has never happened, at least not by me. If someone else owns a thread, they can delete comments on it.

63   AlexS   2012 Sep 13, 2:33am  

ok. let's see if this is a fact tolerant thread.

Michelle Obama lost her law license in 1994. Official story - she just let it become "inactive". However, that's not how it works - you don't just go through years/expense in law school just to let it "inactivate".

Basically, if you get in trouble, you have 2 options - have a hearing (which will become public record) risking disbarment, or quietly choose to become "inactive" - there is no public record of offense/reason as there was no disbarment hearing...

Reasonable decision is to weigh your options - if disbarment is highly likely - one is better off to become inactive.

Same happened to Barack Obama in January 2008.

Professor Gary North discusses the same:

64   lostand confused   2012 Sep 13, 2:35am  

AlexS says

Same happened to Barack Obama in January 2008.

If I remember facts correctly, Obama became the President of the United States in 2008-are am I factually challenged?

65   AlexS   2012 Sep 13, 2:40am  

lostand confused says

If I remember facts correctly, Obama became the President of the United States in 2008-are am I factually challenged?

Dude! Seriously! Why don't you read links before asking silly questions?

He becamse president - So what? Nixon also became president - his law license was active then, not until later he got into some legal issues with watergate and let it become inactive...

Same with Clinton - he became disbarred after he was caught lying.

You don't lose your license just because you become president.

66   CL   2012 Sep 13, 2:46am  

AlexS says

Michelle Obama lost her law license in 1994. Official story - she just let it become "inactive". However, that's not how it works - you don't just go through years/expense in law school just to let it "inactivate".

Problem is, you don't know law or any other professional certification, obviously.


I know people in every Professional field that let their certs go inactive. That's the problem with your insistence on using your experience to judge reality, and by reading so much fishwrap on the interwebs.

67   AlexS   2012 Sep 13, 2:55am  

CL: if I looked for gullible and easily fooled cadres, I would love people like you!

From your link: " No. A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against either of them, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, they avoid a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so."

Basically, they are saying that Michelle let her Harvard Education and Passing Bar go to waste to avoid paying hundreds of dollars in annual fees...

My favorite part? CL BELIEVED IT!!!

68   freak80   2012 Sep 13, 2:57am  

Is allowing thread owners to delete posts a good idea? In theory, I suppose. But it might lead to charges of "people are deleting my posts because they don't like my arguments."

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