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Hmm, from what I've seen, kids form groups and cliques by race/ethnicity most commonly. Especially as they get older. Around here, there may be language barriers to "diversity" as nationalistic ethnic groups make sure their kids learn the "home" language first before they learn English. It's cool to be bilingual and all, but then you get schools like they have in Irvine. Nationally ranked when it comes to academic achievements, which makes them look like the "best." The truth is they are chock full of the products of tiger moms and dads, and the cliques break down along the lines of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Hispanic, and any stray white kids huddled in the corner speaking an official if dead language.
How does one achieve "diversity" when the groups don't even want to speak the same language?
you want different groups to learn to like and respect each other, it is quite easy: you set up group tasks that force them (groups that are picked of mixed race kids) to work together. team tasks where unless all succeed, none succeed. In a school this is easy to do, you could have the groups race rolling a marble along pieces of tubing held in the air for one simple example. As they struggle together to solve this problem, they will quickly change their attitudes about the other groups of kids they haven't formerly associated with.
Hmmmm, and EXACTLY how well does this work?? Go into 90% of high school cafeterias and what do you see? In this corner, a group of blacks, over here a group of asians, across the room a group of hispanics, and over there a group of whites. Yes, there are some kids who drift in and out of the groups who are not of that race, but for the majority of kids, they hang with people of like race, background, interest, etc.
I'm decades out of high school, but I don't care for 'diversity' any more than anyone else. I identify with people who look like me and share the same values. The area that I live in has actually been named one of the most diverse cities in the US. Guess what, I still seek out and hang out with people of my race before I hang with people of other races. Funny too (and this will sound racist as all get out) but once I get outside my race (white), my values and views appear to be shared more with asians, people from India (and Pakistan), the hispanics and much less with blacks. In turn, that is how my social group turns out. But yes, in most cases, I'd rather hang with people like me than people not like me.
I hear what you're saying mmarvel. It's hard to get people to choose to be with different groups than they're comfortable with. As you get older, you tend to stick with people who share your culture, or as you put it: your values. This is true for me. I hang with people who share values. They don't all look like me. I'm white, but my circle of friends includes many ethnic groups. But not many cultures. I'm married inter racially as well, but although my wife doesn't look like me, she shares my cultural values. This is what's most important to me.
Race can be an indicator of values, based on the law of averages when looking at an otherwise homogenous ethnic group. But a black guy from Uganda is much different from a black guy from the UK who is also much different from a black guy from the UK. I know this because I've known and been friends to all three examples. Same with any ethnic group.
I truly wish the ideal of MLK Jr. would once again be taken up by civil rights activists: that people would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
"Subversive Way to Turn Children Gay"
What's wrong with the non-subversive ways of turning children gay?
Like genetics.
Pack plenty of Chick-Fil-A on those days.
FWIW, parents are less concerned about the other Kids, than they are about the Adults that reckon they know better than their own children do, over who they hang out or clique with.
"Mix It Up" day is an entry-level "diversity" program designed specifically by SPCL [sic] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools.
So if I'm reading this right, the "American Family Association" supports bullying, so long as it's against those deviant gay children.
"Mix It Up" day is an entry-level "diversity" program designed specifically by SPCL [sic] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools.
So if I'm reading this right, the "American Family Association" supports bullying, so long as it's against those deviant gay children.
You are reading it right.
"Subversive Way to Turn Children Gay"
What's wrong with the non-subversive ways of turning children gay?
Like genetics.
did they finally conclude that there is a gay gene?
did they finally conclude that there is a gay gene?
There may be, but statistically around the world the best predictor for males is birth order: with each son a woman bears, the chance of the next being gay increases by 1/3, even if they grow up in separate households. It's easy to see the evolutionary advantage: the younger sons would be less likely to fight with their bigger brothers, and if they are less likely to have kids of their own then they would be more likely to increase the resources available to their nieces and nephews. Evolution is a multi-generational pattern, successful long term "strategies" produce more successful offspring several generations down the line. (Rabbits and spiders and Morons maximize reproduction at every generation, but most humans don't.) Religion can unfortunately blind people to natural law, and the CaptainShuddup (aka Tonya Harding) types express their urge to feel superior by denigrating/kneecapping gay kids and adults. Sad for the Captain's daughters, but hopefully they will grow up to be smarter.
"Mix It Up" day is an entry-level "diversity" program designed specifically by SPCL [sic] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools.
So if I'm reading this right, the "American Family Association" supports bullying, so long as it's against those deviant gay children.
BINGO... on supporting bullying, but NO BINGO on "Deviant"
Gay chicks are hot, it's gay dudes that must be cured, they are ruining it for the rest of us.
Gay chicks are hot, it's gay dudes that must be cured, they are ruining it for the rest of us.
Your membership to the Log Cabin Republicans was denied?
Apparently October 30th has been appointed "Mix-it-Up Day," where children are encouraged to eat lunch with other kids they would normally never hang out with. It's a way to break up cliques and help alleviate bullying.
However, the American Family Association has spotted the real reason for the "day," which (according to their website) is:
"Mix It Up" day is an entry-level "diversity" program designed specifically by SPCL [sic] to establish the acceptance of homosexuality into public schools, including elementary and junior high schools.
I knew it! I'm glad that my kids have graduated and are free to eat with whom they wish. That way they won't chance learning about different kids or having to endure eating with people they don't know.