Simple, doctors are overpaid

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2012 Oct 28, 4:19am   59,420 views  128 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (12)   💰tip   ignore  

I think it's time that we stop the lies and admit the truth, doctors are simply overpaid. GPs are at ~$150K while specialists and surgical specialists are from $200K to $500K. Most engineers and scientists simply do not have sustainable salaries of that amount and then, for those blowhards out there (you know who you are), stop bragging about your $200K salaries in Silicon Valley. You can earn over $200K, as a doctor, in places like Des Moines Iowa, nevermind the big coastal cities.

There are postdocs in both the physical and biomedical sciences earning $42K/yr and then, soon, another 4K+ NASA scientists will be unemployed and most likely, overspecialized for a future position outside of the Natl labs. FYI, many of those jobs are accounted for. Instead of re-training a/o re-assigning these talented individuals into becoming doctors, PAs, pharmacists, nurses, etc ... they have to compete against 20-somethings for limited freshman spots in some heath care program, if they want to find a career in a field with a lot of legislated protection. Yes, there's NO (typo, now fixed) free market, in terms of supply, in the field of medicine. Here's my solution, if one can score a 30 or higher on the MCAT, he/she should be able to transfer into the clinical years of an MD program, typically into year number 3. Yes, it should be a low cost program as those first two year subjects: biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, histology, etc, are in the public domain of knowledge. While one's working in industry, let's say a NASA subcontractor, one can study those subjects on his own and then, take the AMA exam which shows that one's qualified to become a doctor.

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9   HEY YOU   2012 Oct 28, 6:03pm  

All those that "don't know SQUAT", soopercommuter is always available to answer any questions.

10   JodyChunder   2012 Oct 28, 6:13pm  

Sooper -- I understand. If possible, your wife might think of working in an urgent care facility, where you're never on call and your hours are fixed. Might make a bit less, but not by much.

Doctors are just the next head-on-the-block after teachers and postal workers, put there by billionaires and vulture capitalists to distract any negative attention to themselves.

11   elliemae   2012 Oct 28, 9:04pm  

Rin says

I think it's time that we stop the lies and admit the truth, doctors are simply overpaid.

Nah. Once you go to college, then Med school, then residency followed by all the shit you have to do just to start out... then pay the fees, the overhead, the insurance, the staff... dedicate your life including after hours, etc to caring for people and dealing with insurance... well, then we'll talk.

People become physicians for many different reasons - the time & energy they pour into their lives, often resulting in divorce or a very understanding spouse who learns to live without them much of the time... Bankers and other people make a hell of a lot more and don't have to worry about killing people

Doctors aren't perfect, but they earn every dime. If they were all in it for the money, they'd be in the high price side of the profession.

12   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 29, 12:34am  

My brother in law who works in Medical billing business in NY, was belly aching about Medicare prices and how Doctors are turning them away because they are underpaid.
To which I replied...
"Mike nuttin for nutti, but the day I see Doctors going home to trailer parks, I'll chime in along with you. But until then..."

13   zzyzzx   2012 Oct 29, 12:39am  

elliemae says

People become physicians for many different reasons

You mean like, money, compensation, cash, and the ability to get laid easier?

14   Neph   2012 Oct 29, 3:08am  


Astronomically stupid idea.

> 30 on MCAT and 3rd yr? You have NO idea what medical school is like, thus you don't know what the first 2 yrs are missing. It's not just biochem, physiology. all of 2nd year is pathophysiology. you don't even know what you don't know.

you are obviously just jealous of physicians as you couldn't get into med school

15   Nobody   2012 Oct 29, 3:20am  

The problem is not the doctor getting a good pay. The overall medical care costs too much in US.

When I got sick in Germany recently, a cost to visit doctor's office was less than $30 without the insurance. The copay for my health insurance was already at $20, so I didn't even bother claiming it. Now, I want to know why it costs so much even to see a doctor here in US. I am assuming the doctors in Germany are getting as much as their counterparts in US. And the quality of care is pretty much the same.

16   curious2   2012 Oct 29, 10:49am  

Re-reading the OP and the comments, I think the averages conceal a deeper problem. The problem isn't doctors on average being overpaid or underpaid, it's the structure with perverse incentives that overpay bad practice and underpay good practice. Picture the careful surgeon who says honestly to a patient, "Sorry, I can't help you with surgery, there is nothing better for your old knee than ordinary ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen sodium." The disappointed patient goes across the street for a second opinion, and encounters a butcher who says "Hey I can replace that knee TODAY! You'll LOVE your BRAND NEW KNEE!" The butcher gets paid thousands of $$$, the careful surgeon gets nothing, and both pay the same malpractice premium so when the knee replacement turns out to be crippling the cost is shared equally between them. Government artificially inflates the demand for pills and procedures, enriching butchers and poisoners, while honest practitioners struggle to make a living or go out of business. The honest practitioner knows that whole categories of pills (e.g. SSRIs) and procedures (e.g. most knee replacements) are worse than useless, but to quote Sophocles, "How sad is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise."

17   EBGuy   2012 Oct 29, 11:01am  

I am assuming the doctors in Germany are getting as much as their counterparts in US.
A PBS documentary I saw a couple of years ago showed doctors in Germany on strike. I'm assuming they make less than their US counterparts.

Update: A family doctor in Germany makes about two-thirds as much as he or she would in America. (Then again, German doctors pay much less for malpractice insurance, and many attend medical school for free.)

18   justme   2012 Oct 30, 9:13am  

elliemae says

Bankers and other people make a hell of a lot more and don't have to worry about killing people

Bankers should worry about that, but they don't.

19   crazydesi   2012 Oct 30, 9:47am  

Rin says

Simple, doctors are overpaid

No way. You don't understand the effort doctors put in their profession. It is not a easy job. If you put yourself in their shoes then you will understand how difficult their job is.

Just Imagine yourself how difficult it is when you tell the patients family now its time to pack up and remove the oxygen. How much stress a doctor takes.

20   michaelsch   2012 Oct 30, 10:00am  

While Rin's suggestion makes sense it won't reduce prices by much.

1. Two medical years at school, two to three residency years, and two+ years of specialisation are very abusive. The stress is incomparable to one PHD students or Post-Doc scientists experience. (disclosure: my son is in his medical years now after finishing his PhD in biology/medical research)

Physicians will still come out with lots of debt and will need some compensation for these long and very difficult years of their life. I don't think any other country has such an abusive rite of doctors initiation.

2. The culture that promotes frivolous law suits will not go away. The malpractice insurance won't be any lower.

However, Rin's idea may work well, combined with government scholarships provided for an obligation to repay it with certain number of free care hours. In turn the free care recipients should sign up on a waiver of any legal litigations and the government should enforce such waivers.
(That does not mean malpractice will go unpunished, it means patient will not be paid any proceeds of malpractice law suites in such cases. Physicians may still lose their licenses in case of a proven malpractice.)
Second, such scholarships should be provided based solely on the academic success of the applicants not on any social/economic status, like gender, race, income etc. The goal of such a program should be getting as many as possible most talented doctors, not solving any social injustices.

21   mell   2012 Oct 30, 12:56pm  

Nobody says

The problem is not the doctor getting a good pay. The overall medical care costs too much in US.

When I got sick in Germany recently, a cost to visit doctor's office was less than $30 without the insurance. The copay for my health insurance was already at $20, so I didn't even bother claiming it. Now, I want to know why it costs so much even to see a doctor here in US. I am assuming the doctors in Germany are getting as much as their counterparts in US. And the quality of care is pretty much the same.

No they don't make as much but they are happy being middle-class to upper middle-class (and getting laid). It is true that due to student loan costs you start out much in the red in the US, but this is due to the generally broken system. That being said, there is a lot of other things to be fixed that may yield better results before taking on the doctors, but it is no secret that doctors in Europe (or almost anywhere else) are equally happy earning significantly less than their US counterparts.

22   Buster   2012 Oct 30, 1:49pm  

Most Dr's are not overpaid. The biggest chunk of healthcare dollars extracted from the system, which does contribute ANYTHING positive to anyones health, are insurance companies administration fees and overhead. This is why social medicine countries, and our US Veterans Affairs can deliver excellent care at about half the cost. The other problem is simply how health care is administered in this country, which again, is largely influenced by Insurance Companies. Here is a short article from Harvard Review that I believe outlines a related problem in a succinct manner. Namely, spending healthcare dollars where it does the most good. We don't measure enough to even know where to do this because of competing capitalist pressures that funnel dollars not to the most effective procedures/best practices or Drs, etc, but rather to what makes people the most money. http://hbr.org/2011/09/how-to-solve-the-cost-crisis-in-health-care/ar/1

an excerpt;

"the fundamental value problem: how to deliver improved outcomes at a lower total cost.

Fortunately, we can change this state of affairs. And the remedy does not require medical science breakthroughs or top-down governmental regulation. It simply requires a new way to accurately measure costs and compare them with outcomes. Our approach makes patients and their conditions—not departmental units, procedures, or services—the fundamental unit of analysis for measuring costs and outcomes".

23   Ceffer   2012 Oct 30, 3:23pm  

"Fortunately, we can change this state of affairs. And the remedy does not require medical science breakthroughs or top-down governmental regulation. It simply requires a new way to accurately measure costs and compare them with outcomes. Our approach makes patients and their conditions—not departmental units, procedures, or services—the fundamental unit of analysis for measuring costs and outcomes"

That makes entirely too much sense. You must be un-American or something.

24   zzyzzx   2012 Oct 30, 11:50pm  

crazydesi says

ust Imagine yourself how difficult it is when you tell the patients family now its time to pack up and remove the oxygen. How much stress a doctor takes.

I would find that to be pretty easy. Perhaps APOCALYPSEFUCK and I should be doctors?

25   nw888   2012 Oct 31, 12:31am  

Rin says

You can earn over $200K, as a doctor, in places like Des Moines Iowa, nevermind the big coastal cities.

This is because no one wants to live there. The less desirable the city the more incentive needed to attract doctors. Some places are as high as $350K.

Doctors work hard for years and incur a lot of debt to get where they're at. They made sacrifices for years to now make a lot of money, while your lazy ass sat on a couch or went to brunch with your friends every Sunday.

Get a clue.

26   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 31, 3:01am  

nw888 says

Doctors work hard for years and incur a lot of debt to get where they're at. They made sacrifices for years to now make a lot of money, while your lazy ass sat on a couch or went to brunch with your friends every Sunday.

Get a clue.

That's like saying people that worked two minimum wage jobs for 8 years, deserve 300K a year, just because.

27   nw888   2012 Oct 31, 3:33am  

CaptainShuddup says

That's like saying people that worked two minimum wage jobs for 8 years, deserve 300K a year, just because.

No not really. If they developed the skills to save lives during that time, then yes they certainly do.

28   curious2   2012 Oct 31, 3:43am  

If the distortions of insurance and subsidy were removed, supply and demand would show who is overpaid and who isn't. I suspect that current distortions result in good doctors being currently underpaid, while butchers and poisoners are overpaid. But currently it's almost impossible even to get a price quote from a doctor, because everything is distorted by insurance.

29   bob2356   2012 Oct 31, 3:50am  

curious2 says

bob2356 says

how exactly does government inflate demand for medical care?

Where to begin counting the ways? Fee-for-service Medicare and Medicaid are two examples. The tax subsidy for employer-sponsored medical insurance is another. RomneyCare in Massachusetts, soon to become national as ObamneyCare, figures prominently in the Presidential debates. How can you not have noticed any of these things?

You recognize the role of DTC ads on TV in driving excess demand for pills, but you don't seem to acknowledge the role of government cost shifting. If the people who fall for those TV ads weren't subsidized by government-mandated cost shifting, i.e. if their demand weren't artificially inflated by subsidies, their personal budgets and resistance to overpaying would result in fewer people buying that stuff. The purpose of the ads is to create demand, and the subsidies inflate it further.

I love what passes for logic in your world. I honestly can't discern what you are trying to say. So you are saying the medicare/medicaid fee for service model is a giant front for selling more DTC drugs? So is your 1trilllion "subsidy" to "inflate" demand for health care or DTC drugs? WTF are you saying?

Fact, Americans visit doctors the least of any first world country, so the US system has the LOWEST demand. Fact the cost of health care in the rest of the first world is around half of the cost of health care in America despite higher demand in other places. Fact the rest of the first world has public health care at no or nominal cost to the patient so that means 100% cost shifting.

So how does 100% government cost shifting in the rest of the first world result in half the cost? By your logic costs should be much higher than the US. Simple question. Just a simple explanation in your own words please. Want to run econ 101 past me again?

curious2 says

You keep saying "area's." You don't seem to grasp that the plural of area is areas. But that isn't the point. The point is you also don't seem to grasp causation. As I said, supply meets demand. Where people are spending a lot on medical care, they bid up prices, and more doctors arrive, i.e. the supply rises to meet the demand.

No, you just don't know anything about the economics of medical practice. There isn't any more "demand" in any given population. The same percentage of people get sick no matter what. What happens when there are too many doctors in an area is they boost the number of tests, referrals, and visits to keep up income. The missing part of your equation that you don't grasp is the cost of health care and what doctors earn isn't interlocked. Salaries are much lower in area's with lots of doctors even though costs are much higher. Doctors in the upper midwest earn something like 25% more than their counterparts in NY or Florida. Some of the highest paying jobs are in places like Kansas and Wyoming. My wife looked at a job in Eastern Maine that offered almost double what she was earning in Portland Oregon for a lot less hours. Hell, Roseburg Or which is about 2 hours south of Portland was offering almost 50% higher. The catch is you have to live in Eastern Maine or Roseburg. Sorry to confuse your ideology with more facts.

30   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 31, 3:55am  

nw888 says

If they developed the skills to save lives during that time

Oh the Doctors are GOD complex I see.
I bet you also are one of those believe it is the malpractice law suits that is solely responsible for high costs, followed by people with their contagious diabetes?

What good are those life saving skills, if they live on a clock and only dance if you can afford to call the tune?

Show up at a doctors office at closing time, and see how far you get, or don't have the money to cover your out of pocket expenses for insurance, let alone having no insurance and see how far you get.

I think you meant to say, "If they developed Skills to fleece people out of money that can afford to pay for their health." You make them sound like goddamn humanitarians. We should replace every Doctor in America with Indians from India that make less money than a teacher.

My wife saw five Doctors in the last two months, and it was the Doctor in the Emergency room that diagnosed her underlying condition that the previous 4 missed. We were paying out of pocket for their services and they did do a damn thing but stick a thermometer in her mouth and charged us for it. Meanwhile there was a mass in her cervix that these bastards strung us along for weeks at a time for appointment, that by the time we went to them, they informed us they weren't willing to perform the procedure the biopsy. Strung us along for two whole freaking months. Finally the doctor in the ER told her she had an infection, which he cured and referred her to a Doctor that performed the Mass removal the very next day. It turned out to be non cancerous thank god. Though we're waiting on the Biopsy results for 100% certainty.
Those other 4 doctors had her terrified and had it been more serious were running out valuable time by running her around for two months with appointments that they never kept.

In the meantime I have insurance that starts on November 1st but we weren't waiting two months for it to kick in.

And to give what I've been saying all along credit with 100% certainty, now I can say it is not a gut feeling. The whole episode was less than two months worth of Insurance premiums that I'll be paying started this pay check.

Once again it is cheaper to pay out of pocket for 90% of your medical needs than it is to be insured.

31   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 31, 3:59am  

The funny thing is I remember the Liberals saying how people use the Emergency room as their own personal Primary Doctor, like that's a bad thing.

From my experience if I am ever in a position where my life may be in danger. I will never go to a Doctors office for treatment. I will go to the Emergency room, and follow up with the Doctor on premise they recommend the next day. Doctors in those offices in cheesy out of the way strip malls, are bunch of Ass-clowns that are there only because they feel they deserve to make GOBS of money because they "Sacraficed" for 8 years as you so shamelessly put it.

32   curious2   2012 Oct 31, 4:12am  

bob2356 says

No, you just don't know anything about the economics of medical practice. There isn't any more "demand" in any given population. The same percentage of people get sick no matter what. What happens when there are too many doctors in an area is they boost the number of tests, referrals, and visits to keep up income. The missing part of your equation that you don't grasp is the cost of health care and what doctors earn isn't interlocked. Salaries are much lower in area's with lots of doctors even though costs are much higher.

You seem to be getting upset and contradicting yourself, while ignoring what I and others have posted. Obviously costs and net income are not the same thing, insurance distortions being a major reason for that. Equally obviously, demand and the number of doctor visits are also not the same thing, visits are usually counted as an intersection of supply and demand. In one sentence you say there isn't more demand, then in the same paragraph you acknowledge doctors inflate demand by ordering up more tests (which are subsidized by government and insurance, inflating demand). Please, switch to decaf, read a bit about economics, and come back when you can cite some links. You never acknowledge when you're wrong, and when it's proven quite obviously you say you don't want to see any more links. I will not indulge your hunger for ad hominem food fights, nor your thirst for source-free shouting matches, so if those are all you want then you'll have to direct your attention towards someone else. If you want to discuss intelligently then please cite some actual source links, and quote somebody who knows that the plural of area is areas, rather than endlessly embarrassing yourself with your own words. You might be able to make some good points, but it's impossible to know because you slip so frequently into sarcasm and you almost never cite any sources.

33   PolishKnight   2012 Oct 31, 4:15am  

"Why shouldn't we have unlimited immigration of engineers and scientists?"

Because all this means is we get flooded with Asian tech workers with fake degrees (I know they're fake because my wife's friend is one and she told us matter of factly that they fake the diploma and work experience. She helped my wife do the same!!!)

Think about that the next time one of them is cutting open you or your loved one in an emergency room...

34   bob2356   2012 Oct 31, 5:05am  

curious2 says

You seem to be getting upset and contradicting yourself, while ignoring what I and others have posted. Obviously costs and net income are not the same thing, insurance distortions being a major reason for that. In one sentence you say there isn't more demand, then in the same paragraph you acknowledge doctors inflate demand by ordering up more tests (which are subsidized by government and insurance, inflating demand

Patrick is moderator of this thread.).

I'm not the least bit upset. Are you actually a native english speaker? Ok, for the hair splitting amoung us I will rephrase it to say there isn't any more need, does that satisfy you? There isn't any more need, but because there are excess doctors PER CAPITA they create excess work to bill for. The excess supply of available doctors is creating the excess utilization not the other way around. Satisfied with that wording? There is no contradiction, and the article you keep citing says exactly the same thing. Try to remember that your original point was that if there were more doctors the cost of health care would fall yet here you are saying where there are more doctors the cost is higher. So which is it?

So why are costs so much lower in countries with 100% government paid for health care if government paid health care inflates demand? There should be unlimited demand in those countries as per your logic. This is not an ad hominem food fight just a simple question that keeps getting ignored.

curious2 says

You really don't seem to understand economi

Patrick is moderator of this thread.cs. Of course the areas with greatest demand (i.e., highest prices) attract the most supply. The supply is there because the demand is there. If you were a doctor choosing where to live and work, would you choose the place where you can make twice as much $, or half as much?

This is your quote correct? In your own convoluted way I think you are saying that doctors in high "demand" area's aka high health care cost area's aka area's where lots of doctors practice the doctors are making twice as much. Am I reading that correctly? I thought you said obviously "costs" (I am assuming you mean health care costs, it's not very clear) and net income were not the same thing above. I thought it was you who pointed out how much doctors could earn in Des Moines Which is it? Work on your own contradictions. Doctors earn considerably less money in area's with excess doctors than in area's with a shortage of doctors This is not an ad hominem food fight, just a simple statement of fact that contradicts your assertion that a shortage of doctors is driving the cost of health care.

35   curious2   2012 Oct 31, 5:32am  

bob2356 says

In your own convoluted way I think you are saying that doctors in high "demand" area's aka high health care cost area's aka area's where lots of doctors practice the doctors are making twice as much. Am I reading that correctly?

No. And you haven't cited any sources, nor learned to spell "areas".

bob2356 says

I thought it was you who pointed out how much doctors could earn in Des Moines Which is it?

That was Rin. A simple text search would have found it for you.

bob2356 says

Doctors earn considerably less money in area's with excess doctors than in area's with a shortage of doctors

If you were to spell "areas" correctly, that statement would be consistent with basic economics.

bob2356 says

your assertion that a shortage of doctors is driving the cost of health care.

I never asserted a shortage of doctors. But, it is also true that the AMA lobbies for licensing restrictions that constrict supply. Other factors also reduce supply, for example the insurance system that drives many doctors to retire early in frustration. That doesn't create a shortage per se but it does reduce supply, increasing prices.

bob2356 says

Are you actually a native english speaker?

Is that sarcasm again or another attempt to fish for ad hominem targets? You are the one who can't spell the plural "areas".

bob2356 says

The excess supply of available doctors is creating the excess utilization not the other way around. Satisfied with that wording?

No. A culture of entrepreneurial doctors taking advantage of artificially inflated demand by selling unnecessary and even harmful drugs and "services", while shielded from the consequences by "tort reform," is creating excess cost.

bob2356 says

So why are costs so much lower in countries with 100% government paid for health care if government paid health care inflates demand?

Finally, amid all of your sarcasm, you manage to ask an intelligent question that might lead to a useful result. If you did some research, you might find your answer. Those countries manage demand instead of merely subsidizing it, and they subsidize the supply of doctors with free education and in some instances lower barriers to entry. They also don't have the costs and distortions of profit-maximizing insurance companies. And they don't have DTC advertising of Rx drugs on TV driving demand. We have a lobby-driven lemon socialist system that maximizes revenues by victimizing patients, subsidizing everything from HFCS to dialysis while taxing vaccines. BTW, costs are even lower in Mexico, where most healthcare is not government paid.

36   Rin   2012 Oct 31, 1:17pm  

I took a couple of days off for the hurricane and all hell breaks loose. curious2, thanks for the assist. Looks like you've got everything covered.

Ok, since there's already been a lot of upheaval, here's the Des Moines general medicine, GP, salary survey ...


It's ~$171K/yr, not bad for a town where one can buy their home in a couple of years with that kind of salary. Certainly beats the $1M homes in Silicon Valley where one can work for years w/o being able to pay off the farm.


and you can search around there, houses aren't expensive in the heartland.

Next for those who think that my IQ is low, I got an A- GPA in Applied Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, BS level, and a 34 MCAT score. I've taken quantitative courses in thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and reactor design/kinetics which are generally avoided by premeds trying to pad their GPA with 'soft' courses. I'm a jr partner at a hedge fund, having left pure engineering (then IT), for a monied profession. I'll be applying for medical school, once I've banked my first $2-3M, as I don't see being a money manager, as a meaningful profession, despite the high compensation. Yes, unlike others, I don't see money as the only goal in life. I don't mind working 3 days a week for $100K, which any moonlighting physician can do.

And yes, I'm aware that the MCAT isn't the USMLE and thus, only covers undergrad material in biology, general/organic chem, and gen physics, however, i don't believe that many normal science/engineering individuals, who score well on the MCAT, can't study courses which are based more upon memorization than quantitative problem solving like Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Biochemistry, Embryology, Neuroanatomy, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology, etc, the 1st two years of medical school.

37   curious2   2012 Nov 1, 5:49am  

AMA-driven Limits on medical schools and thus medical students:


Limits on residency, blamed on Medicare but also driven by AMA (which opposed the enactment of Medicare, and influences the funding):


Barriers to entry restrict supply and increase prices.

But, there are also larger problems in the medical-industrial complex. Hospital and insurance executives much more overpaid than doctors. Increasingly, doctors find they can no longer practice on their own, and can only work as employees of hospitals and large corporations. The corporations overcharge for their services, but the doctors get only a fraction of that.

38   Nobody   2012 Nov 1, 6:35am  

EBGuy says

A PBS documentary I saw a couple of years ago showed doctors in Germany on strike. I'm assuming they make less than their US counterparts.

Does that mean they are getting paid less? I don't base my assumption just based on one incident. Oh, and I don't assume the doctors over there are getting paid more, just because they are driving a Porche.

39   curious2   2012 Nov 1, 6:58am  

Nobody says

When I got sick in Germany recently, a cost to visit doctor's office was less than $30 without the insurance. The copay for my health insurance was already at $20, so I didn't even bother claiming it. Now, I want to know why it costs so much even to see a doctor here in US.

Much of it is the insurance. In Germany, you went without insurance and paid the actual cost. In America, the insurance companies negotiated with providers (doctors and hospitals) to be "in network" and part of the deal was the provider had to charge triple to everyone "out of network," passing along the actual cost as an "in network" insurance "copay." It got worse from there, as insurers began buying providers (hospitals and large corporate practice groups) outright. It started out like advertising, then became more like the mafia: you pay protection money to your insurance company for the privilege of being protected from the overcharges they put on everyone else. If you pay your insurance premium to the Gambinos, then they won't whack you, but if you suffer an emergency somewhere and John Gotti's crew or some other out-of-network provider gets ahold of you, you still get whacked. The whole thing has become so complicated and secretive that you can't even get an honest price quote from a doctor anymore, and part of that is because 70% of them are now employees of corporations whose pricing is beyond the doctor's control or even knowledge. It took years for the system to get messed up the way it is, but it is the logical result of various factions pursuing their own self-interest and using government to lock everyone into it. If you actually want to understand it, you'd have to spend a very long time reading about it, and it seems you haven't even followed the links on this thread because your question about salaries is answered in charts just one click away from what you're reading now. People don't read widely enough, which is one of the reasons why they become so thoroughly trapped and manipulated.

40   nw888   2012 Nov 1, 7:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

My wife saw five Doctors in the last two months, and it was the Doctor in the Emergency room that diagnosed her underlying condition that the previous 4 missed.

I'm sorry to hear that and hope all is okay. There are lazy and incompetent doctors out there that don't care about their jobs at all, and could care less about people. That being said, there are many out there (my wife included), that really care about people and devote their lives to medicine in order to help people.

41   nw888   2012 Nov 1, 7:13am  

Rin says

Simple, doctors are overpaid

I met a neurosurgeon from Argentina that made the equivalent of $18,000 per year in US dollars. Does that sound more reasonable to you? minimum wage?

42   Rin   2012 Nov 1, 8:15am  

nw888 says

Rin says

Simple, doctors are overpaid

I met a neurosurgeon from Argentina that made the equivalent of $18,000 per year in US dollars. Does that sound more reasonable to you? minimum wage?

Well, a postdoc in biochemistry (post-PhD) earns $42K/yr, a physician's assistant avg is $90K/yr, senior chemical engineer is $110K/yr, pharmacist is $115K/yr, so there are plenty of examples of people, stateside, who're well educated and experienced, earning an array of regular incomes.

43   Rin   2012 Nov 1, 8:24am  

nw888 says

Rin says

You can earn over $200K, as a doctor, in places like Des Moines Iowa, nevermind the big coastal cities.

This is because no one wants to live there. The less desirable the city the more incentive needed to attract doctors. Some places are as high as $350K.

Ok, so now try to get an engineering job in Des Moines, at a pay rate, near any coastal city? Exactly, it doesn't exist. At most, one will be employed by Big Corn and probably at 50-60% of an east coast salary.

On the other hand, a new doctor can start off in Des Moines, pay off his loans in a few years, and then high tail it for Boston, afterwards. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had that option with our debts?

And yes, I'd live in Des Moines for a few years, if I had to borrow heavily for medical school.

44   bob2356   2012 Nov 2, 6:36pm  

Ok now it's spelled areas. Are you feeling better now? So can you answer a simple question? You haven't actually answered one yet.

"Of course the areas with greatest demand (i.e., highest prices) attract the most supply. The supply is there because the demand is there. If you were a doctor choosing where to live and work, would you choose the place where you can make twice as much $, or half as much"

So what does this mean? Of course? Twice as much what? Highest prices? Highest prices for what? I already asked if that was the highest cost of medical care per capita, the generally accepted benchmark worldwide for quantifying medical care. You said no that was the wrong reading, without any kind of explanation of the correct reading. Could you explain this convoluted statement in simple English for those of us that don't know how to spell area's. If I could relate your obscure terms to what is generally used by everyone else I could respond better.

45   bob2356   2012 Nov 2, 6:39pm  

curious2 says

bob2356 says

your assertion that a shortage of doctors is driving the cost of health care.

I never asserted a shortage of doctors. But, it is also true that the AMA lobbies for licensing restrictions that constrict supply. Other factors also reduce supply, for example the insurance system that drives many doctors to retire early in frustration. That doesn't create a shortage per se but it does reduce supply, increasing prices.

So you are saying a reduced supply to the point of increasing prices is NOT a shortage. That's not what they taught me in econ 101. Has the curriculum been revised?

46   theoakman   2012 Nov 2, 11:23pm  

PolishKnight says

"Why shouldn't we have unlimited immigration of engineers and scientists?"

Because all this means is we get flooded with Asian tech workers with fake degrees (I know they're fake because my wife's friend is one and she told us matter of factly that they fake the diploma and work experience. She helped my wife do the same!!!)

Think about that the next time one of them is cutting open you or your loved one in an emergency room...

That's what the interview process is for. My old boss used to put up post doc positions and get 200 fake applicants from China. It's pretty easy to spot. Anyone that hires one of them is a moron.

47   American in Japan   2012 Nov 2, 11:32pm  

> The culture that promotes frivolous law suits will not go away. The malpractice insurance won't be any lower.

I wonder what percent of medical costs are used in some way because of the frivolous lawsuits. I have heard values anywhere from 4% to 25%.

48   American in Japan   2012 Nov 2, 11:37pm  

>"In America, the insurance companies negotiated with providers (doctors and hospitals) to be "in network" and part of the deal was the provider had to charge triple to everyone "out of network," passing along the actual cost as an "in network" insurance "copay." It got worse from there,..."

curious2, you may be on to something.

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