Why the hell is gay sex immoral?

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2012 Nov 14, 3:22am   205,132 views  878 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

This question goes out to all the people who actually believe that gay sex is immoral. I am formally challenging that belief. If any of you honestly believe that gay sex is immoral, give your reasons here. I reserve the right to challenge the validity of those reasons.

Attendance by Bap33 is mandatory. By the way, that avatar is pretty gay for someone who's homophobic.

Just saying...

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217   Dan8267   2012 Nov 16, 12:57pm  

Bap33 says

Try a simple yes or no, please. Is cutting (not waiting your turn behind others) in line immoral? Yes or no will work peachy. Thanks.

I love it when Bap thinks he's laid a cunning trap. It always turns out like this.


Curious2 did answer your question with a simple yes. Yes, cutting in line is immoral. Cursious2 then went on to say why it's immoral and how the reason doesn't apply to gay sex.

Maybe if you oiled the trap again?

218   mmmarvel   2012 Nov 16, 12:58pm  

The answer to the question "Why the hell is gay sex immoral?" Depends ENTIRELY upon what or who you got/base your morals on. If your morals are based on/from the Bible, then gay sex is pointed out to be an immoral act several times. Since my moral code/rules come from the Bible, to me gay sex is immoral. Whatever you base your moral code/rules on, may make gay sex immoral in your eyes, or it may not.

219   Dan8267   2012 Nov 16, 1:02pm  

mmmarvel says

The answer to the question "Why the hell is gay sex immoral?" Depends ENTIRELY upon what or who you got/base your morals on.

True morality is not an arbitrary opinion. There is something a universal and absolute basis for morality even though morality itself is not absolute. One cannot simply choose to make rape a moral act. It's not mere fiat. There are legitimate reasons underlying the distinction of good and evil. I'll go over those reasons when I write about how morality works.

For now, let's keep this thread on track and address only the question of gay sex.

220   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 1:06am  

Dan8267 says

Curious2 did answer your question with a simple yes. Yes, cutting in line is immoral.

I really cant find where that is, help me if you would please.

In an 8th grade understanding way, so I can grasp it and respond, please tell me: (1) why is cutting in line immoral? (2) is morality's primary function for the good of the group or the individual? This one is very important to help move the discussion along.

By the way, I hope you did see where I said I never dis-liked your posts. It matters to me.

221   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 1:12am  

oh, MAYBE male/male coupling is not reacted to in the same way as female/female coupling because the male human roll in the family/clan/tribe/society/group/nation is not the same as the female?

222   elliemae   2012 Nov 17, 6:18am  

IMHO, people have a problem with people who are Lesbians/Gays/Bisexual/Transgendered (LGBT) in general because they think about sex when discussing these people. The rest of the time, they don't have to .

If someone is attracted to another person, they can imagine having sex with them and it's a happy little thrill. However, to be forced to think about "deviant" sex is another story. Because there's such a stigma attached, even if someone is turned on by the behavior they still deny it.

Celebrities/Actors are terrified to come out because they'll lose their career - which is crazy, considering that the average woman would never have a chance with the actor if the were straight. However, it's the illusion that sells.

People selectively quote the bible to support whatever view they have. They choose whichever "facts" to quote to support their story. It's no different than Faux News, MSNBC, etc. I think that Faux is the worst but the others do the same.

During the election, there was a commercial that said that an independent study found that.... without saying that the "independent study" was one they commissioned for the benefit of the commercial.

Same thing with gays - the perception of being a gay person is that you have promiscuous sex with everyone and anyone. Monogomy isn't associated with gays at all, even tho there are many gay people in monogomous relationships, or who are celebate.

It's alot easier to hate and mistrust than to accept that people have private lives that we don't know about... and that they are just the same as everyone else.

223   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 6:39am  

Dan8267 says

True morality is not an arbitrary opinion. There is something a universal and absolute basis for morality even though morality itself is not absolute.

Are you saying that meta-ethics is absolute and universal?

Morality is quite like aesthetics. A "bad" painting will look bad to most people. But it is not necessarily bad to find that "bad" painting good.

224   Philistine   2012 Nov 17, 7:23am  

Dan8267 says

Also in the Bible are gems like you must fuck your dead brother's wife and make sure to cum inside her or it’s a sin. Women who are menstruating must leave the city. If a mob wants to gang-bang your houseguest, you must offer your daughters instead

In fairness to Christianity, these are all Old Testament laws for the Jewish tradition. Christ's redemption freed the Christians from Old Testament law, which is why you won't find anything in the manner of the above in the New Testament.

225   mmmarvel   2012 Nov 17, 7:31am  

Dan8267 says

True morality is not an arbitrary opinion. There is something a universal and absolute basis for morality even though morality itself is not absolute. One cannot simply choose to make rape a moral act.

And I entirely disagree. Morality is a standard, that is why using the Bible works (for many of us) because, it is a standard, there are absolute rights and absolute wrongs. Just because YOU have decided, based on whatever your moral standard is, that rape is wrong, then it is to you. Society happens to share that standard with you, however, if your culture, your society and your 'norm' was that rape was okay (if not encouraged) then to you it's not immoral. In fact, in some people's twisted minds, it IS okay, if they society they live in disagrees, then they will be punished (when caught) but in their mind, there isn't much wrong and they don't understand why society has an issue with it. No, an individuals morality is based on what standard they are using to judge/base their attitude and behavior on/from. To you gay sex isn't wrong and it isn't immoral, to me it is. We obviously have different standards of morality.

226   mmmarvel   2012 Nov 17, 7:41am  

Dan8267 says

I'll go over those reasons when I write about how morality works.

For now, let's keep this thread on track and address only the question of gay sex

Golly Dan, you're going to edumacate us all on how morality works, gee, thanks.

And my answers have been/are on track. In your world, using your particular moral standard, gay sex is okay. In my world, using the Bible to base my moral standards off of, gay sex is not okay. The question really isn't that hard, nor is the answer. It appears to me that you wanted some people to bash the issue using Bible verses so you could attack them.

227   elliemae   2012 Nov 17, 7:52am  

mmmarvel says

It appears to me that you wanted some people to bash the issue using Bible verses so you could attack them.

I think this is an emotional issue, and the reasons people use can be rational to them and irrational to others. But did I miss something? Dan didn't bring up the bible first.

jessica says

Morality is defined as "Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior."

Yes, morals are the ideal. Character, on the other hand, is what we do when no one is watching.

228   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 7:53am  

mmmarvel says

using the Bible works (for many of us) because, it is a standard

The NT quotes Jesus condemning remarriage after divorce. It also endorses faith healing. It does not quote Jesus saying anything against gay marriage; to the contrary, read Luke. Paul acknowledges his endless disagreements with the original disciples, yet you claim to believe in some imaginary monolithic doctrine that never existed. You claim the Bible as your standard as if you wrote the thing, and thus you illustrate Dan's earlier point. Abdicating responsibility for your own hypocrisy and blaming it on a book that you read selectively, and then claiming that book as your own standard while ignoring all others who reject your interpretation, is dishonest. I don't use those words lightly.

229   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 8:03am  

Bap33 says

By the way, I hope you did see where I said I never dis-liked your posts. It matters to me.

I believe you. The disliking of Dan's posts started when mmmarvel arrived, so I made that connection and never suspected you.

I have answered repeatedly your question about cutting in line. If you insist on a yes or no, fine, I'll spring the trap: yes, cutting in line is at least a little bit immoral, a comparatively minor trespass, not nearly as dreadful as what the Republicans were trying to do to America's Constitution. Taking someone else's place in line is bad, but "taking back" someone's whole country and government, which belongs equally to all of us, is much worse. Exactly one major demographic voted for Romnesia: white "Christians". They demanded to "take back" a country that never belonged exclusively or particularly to them, in the name of a theocracy that the founders of the republic expressly rejected. You, Bap, seem to epitomize that transgression. Have you learned nothing from defeat? The Larry Craig Republican vision has been rejected, and rightly so, yet you seem to persist in it. Last week Americans elected America's first Buddhist Senator, first Hindu Representative, first openly gay candidate for Senate. America is one nation, indivisible, and belongs equally to each of us. Attempts to hijack it and impose theocracy are much worse than cutting in line.

230   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 8:12am  

why do you say/feel/think/believe cutting in line is immoral?

231   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 8:13am  

Bap33 says

why do you say/feel/think/believe cutting in line is immoral?

Why do you keep repeating the same question no matter how many times I answer? And, why do you never answer the original topic question? And, why do you return to the original topic (gay sex) even on threads that have nothing to do with it?

232   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 8:25am  

I asked the same question, only because I do not see an answer. An answer that goes something likem "I think cutting in line is immoral for X Y and Z reasons."

I keep asking this question because it is important to shaping the discussion and force the pro-sodomite side to establish the existance of something other than self. Nothing more than that. It makes little sense to base my answer on my view of morality to only have someone say my entire view of morality is not part of their world, so my views are not welcomed. So, I am asking a very basic question, about a very basic function in society, and I assure you that Dan is a very smart guy and knows what I am doing and what my next move is, like chess. That is why he attacks right away, a kind of queen gambit, and then sets back and lets the discussion smolder as the name calling and "you only hate fags because you are one" typical crap gets slung around. This has happened 100% of the time in the past few years, so I'm pretty used to it. So, please answer and leave off the comments aimed at emotion, it just messes up the flow of the conversation in my opinion.

If, when, I mention male/male coupling on another thread, it was part of my point. I do not have a type of buzz-word turrets, where I just randomly type out the word sodomite.

233   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 9:16am  

Bap33 says

Dan is a very smart guy and knows what I am doing and what my next move is, like chess.

Dan is a very smart guy and you could learn a lot from him. Instead you seem to be playing some kind of game in your mind that you use as a rationalization to avoid answering the original question. You're so bent on Charlie Sheen "winning" that you don't seem to realize your strategy is self-defeating. At least people like Charlie Sheen, because he's funny and not a malicious bully, unlike Rush and Phelps and Larry Craig and Romnesia and their delusional followers.

234   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 9:26am  

Rush is highly entertaining. And I think Fox News is the best because they have Megyn Kelly.

235   New Renter   2012 Nov 17, 9:30am  

Peter P says

Rush is highly entertaining.

So was Hitler

236   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 9:36am  

Peter P says

highly entertaining

Unfortunately it's mis-infotainment. Viewers of Faux News become less informed, and more uninformed, the more they watch.

If you want infotainment, try Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert or Jay Leno or David Letterman.

237   New Renter   2012 Nov 17, 9:38am  

Bap33 says

I asked the same question, only because I do not see an answer. An answer that goes something likem "I think cutting in line is immoral for X Y and Z reasons."

Cutting in line is immoral because - as it has already been stated within this thread - the person cutting is depriving something from the others in the line. This is a simple form of cheating which is immoral.

Perhaps you are trying to compare the time cheated from those in line behind the cutter to the "ick" suffered by people offended by the idea of gay sex? Is this what you are trying to do?

238   New Renter   2012 Nov 17, 9:44am  

Peter P says

And I think Fox News is the best because they have Megyn Kelly.

You go girl!


239   StoutFiles   2012 Nov 17, 9:47am  

Dan8267 says

For example, if god wanted you to rape babies, would raping babies be good? Hell no.

Well, yes, it would, if it actually came from God. There is no such thing as a true right or wrong, good or evil. We do things based on what society says or what we believe God wants, defining the terms. If society wanted us to rape babies and God gave us a big thumbs up and promised Heaven for it, then surely it would be a "good" act. It is similar to killing terrorists, murder is technically "evil" but if we murder someone that society approves of us murdering, then it is now a good act. Two people opposing each other, both thinking they are doing good acts...happens more then you'd think.

Personally I could care less if two men have sex. If there was a God and it angered Him, that's their problem, not mine. Everyone should live their own life and not worry so much about what others are doing on their own time.

240   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 10:10am  

New Renter says

Peter P says

And I think Fox News is the best because they have Megyn Kelly.

You go girl!

She was great in that video!

241   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 10:11am  

New Renter says

Peter P says

Rush is highly entertaining.

So was Hitler

Only in one of those Downfall parodies on Youtube.

242   mell   2012 Nov 17, 11:00am  

Peter P says

Rush is highly entertaining. And I think Fox News is the best because they have Megyn Kelly.

She is a super hottie!

243   swebb   2012 Nov 17, 11:27am  

I think there are a lot of reasons people try to label homosexuality (or whatever) is immoral. Patrick mentioned the "moral rules in the interest of public health" reason. There is also the xenophobia thing -- homogenous groups tend to be more cohesive, so isolate the "others" by labeling their behavior / beliefs as immoral...etc.

I think another big one is that it's easier to think of the world in terms of oneself, so when you ask someone to think about and accept gay sex, it's tantamount to asking them to be ok with someone putting a penis in their rear. It's hard for them to get past this, so they aren't able to accept homosexual sex. It's easier for them to label it as immoral because it makes the whole uncomfortable thought experiment nice and tidy -- they appeal to some higher power and get off the hook for having to actually think about it.

Therefore gay sex is immoral.


244   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 12:06pm  

mell says

Peter P says

Rush is highly entertaining. And I think Fox News is the best because they have Megyn Kelly.

She is a super hottie!

She and maybe Erin Burnett. :-)

245   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 12:37pm  

New Renter says

the person cutting is depriving something from the others in the line

If that is true, it would seem that man has some expected behaviors, and forming a line and waiting your turn one of them. Waiting your turn is not only moral, it is:
1) normal
2) expected
3) universal
4) simple enough that it is one of the first lessons for kids
5) Humans that do not follow the expectation are frowned upon, NO MATTER THE EFFECT ON OTHERS.
6) this normal activity has survived all of the generations of America without a special law, ammendment, citation, or decree.
7) Bible does not say to do it.

Now, who is willing to say that human coupling is more complicated, or less basic to a healthy society, than the simple act of forming a line to wait your turn? It seems that humans do some things because they are "just", "right", "moral", and they pass them down on purpose. If cutting in line is immoral, then male/male coupling is immoral. Society and the history of man says so.

246   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 12:40pm  

New Renter says

This is a simple form of cheating which is immoral.

who says cheating is immoral? what is the reason?

247   curious2   2012 Nov 17, 12:50pm  

Bap, your claim that what's "normal" and "expected" is "moral," and everything else is "immoral," doesn't make any sense and is merely a circle that you are trapped in to say that certain couples are supposedly "immoral."

If someone asks, "How are you," it is normal and expected for you to say you're fine. But, you could answer honestly that you're suffering from explosive diarrhea, or you could say you're "peachy," or you could say "blue kettle flying teapot." None of those answers would be normal or expected, but none of them would be immoral.

Anyway male/male couples have been normal for thousands of years, getting married etc. You seem to define "expected" based on the terribly limited experience of 1950s TV. Consider Nassim Taleb's book "The Black Swan." People assume that "normal" swans are white, and that a black swan would be an abnormal and extremely rare event, until they see plenty of healthy black swans.

You can't rationalize calling certain couples "immoral" based on such contrived sophistry. You certainly can't claim any moral high ground for yourself, in a world where we are all sinners, based on conformity.

248   Bap33   2012 Nov 17, 1:04pm  

curious2 says

You certainly can't claim any moral high ground for yourself, in a world where we are all sinners, based on conformity.

on this we agree 100%

249   New Renter   2012 Nov 17, 1:23pm  

Bap33 says

New Renter says

This is a simple form of cheating which is immoral.

who says cheating is immoral? what is the reason?

(Sigh) seriously?

Cheating is immoral because - again - it deprives others of something whether it be their time, their money, their labor etc.


Who calls it immoral (aside from wikipedia)?

The Uniform Code of Military Justice
(Its punishable too:)

Most academic honor codes (if you don't like my example feel free to find one from any accredited university of your choice)

I'd guess your significant other might have some strong opinions on it too - heck, why not go ask her right now?

Hey honey, if I we're to cheat on you, would that be wrong?

Get back to us when you're out of the hospital.

250   mell   2012 Nov 17, 2:14pm  

People should not take "books" as their moral guide. Esp. most religious books have been heavily censored by the ruling church at the current time and rewritten countless times. Religion/Spiritualism can be great as a moral compass and passages of books can help, but in the end it is between you and whatever your personal higher moral instance is, a never-ending dialog of refinement and searching, yet a positive one. Live and let live. Or, in geek terms and on an interstellar level, the "prime directive" ;) Personally I prefer religious/spiritual interpretations where (consentual) sex is viewed as purely positive and as a deeply spiritual tantric experience, without the claim to any possessions and the mandate of monogamy which goes against our beautiful human nature. Consentual sex is never immoral, be it gay or straight. Heed the bonobos! ;)

251   Peter P   2012 Nov 17, 3:15pm  

mell says

Consentual sex is never immoral, be it gay or straight.


252   mmmarvel   2012 Nov 17, 10:45pm  

curious2 says

It does not quote Jesus saying anything against gay marriage; to the contrary,

Gee, and Jesus never said anything about breaking the bones in a puppy's legs either. In fact there are a whole world full of specific things that Jesus never said anything about, do you REALLY think he thought gay relations (let alone marriage) was a good thing? My thoughts are if someone had asked him, he would have done one of those, "Do you REALLY have to ask the question?"

curious2 says

You claim the Bible as your standard as if you wrote the thing, and thus you illustrate Dan's earlier point. Abdicating responsibility for your own hypocrisy and blaming it on a book that you read selectively, and then claiming that book as your own standard while ignoring all others who reject your interpretation

I claim it as my standard because I believe it to be God's word. I'm not abdicating responsibility, I've read the Bible, I believe I understand the Bible and I try (very hard) to live as we are asked to do from the Bible. The Bible does have absolutes, period. I am not/do not ignore others who reject my interpretation, everyone is free to accept, reject, come up with their own 'standard' by which they live. If you and Dan and whom ever else wants to do whatever (including believing that gay marriage is fine), bully for you. From my point of view, after you die (and after I die) we will be held accountable for our actions. You may believe that after we die there is nothing, your choice on what you believe. You might feel that after you die, your actions and beliefs that gay marriage is proper and fine is what the final judge will want people to believe/do - fine, your choice. We are placing bets, I've made my choice/placed my bet, you've done the same. After we pass away we'll see who was right and who was wrong.

253   Buster   2012 Nov 17, 11:31pm  

mmmarvel says

we will be held accountable for our actions.

Perhaps, but I prefer to hold people accountable for their actions in the here and now.

The bottom line is that gay sex/gay relations has absolutely zero impact on the person not participating. There is simply not a single valid compelling reason to deny a whole class of people their civil rights. So in the end, what you think of me and what you think of gay sex is none of my business.

Back to the here and now, I would like to leave you with this;

Before you speak to me about your religion, first show it to me in how you treat other people

Before you tell me how much you love your God, show me in how much you love all His children.

Before you preach to me of your passion for your faith, teach me about it through your compassion for your neighbors.

In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.

254   mell   2012 Nov 18, 12:30am  

mmmarvel says

We are placing bets, I've made my choice/placed my bet, you've done the same.

I wouldn't call it a bet, it's more of a spiritual journey. I am closest to a mix of Gaianism (babylonian mother earth) which views the earth (and thus the universe) as one organism that you protect and cherish because you are a part of it, some shaman influences from Ruiz, some buddhism as well as Indian tantra/yogi spiritualism and some of my christian roots and it makes a good compendium.

255   mmmarvel   2012 Nov 18, 12:53am  

Buster says

In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.

Which has been said in other words as, 'Walk the talk' - and I agree with you.

mell says

I wouldn't call it a bet, it's more of a spiritual journey

Different terms for the same idea in my mind.

256   Buster   2012 Nov 18, 1:06am  

mmmarvel says

Buster says

In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.

Which has been said in other words as, 'Walk the talk' - and I agree with you.

Good for you mmmarvel and I applaud you. Unfortunately, most people of faith have zero connection with how they live their lives vs how their faith tells them to live their lives. Faith and religion is simply a mask they wear for others to see all the while living imoral lives. The irony is not lost on any casual observer and unfortunately the examples of this are hoisted upon us everyday. Hypocrisy of these folks seems to be infinite.

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