Today Is NOT The Day To Talk About Gun Control,Today Is The Day To Finally DO SO

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2012 Dec 14, 5:09am   30,510 views  84 comments

by 121212   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Gun laws need to change, if cops get psych tests to carry weapons then so should the public.



NY Knicks, NBA stunned, saddened by Newtown shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School
heinous of all heinous crimes



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1   gbenson   2012 Dec 14, 5:12am  

China's headlines today:
Man attacks children in school. 22 injured from knife attack.

US headlines today:
Man attacks children in school. 27 dead from gunfire.

We need to have the conversation...

2   epitaph   2012 Dec 14, 5:12am  

Poor timing for a thread like this.

3   FortWayne   2012 Dec 14, 5:47am  

That's just liberal naiviette and not an oz more. Just because guns will be illegal doesn't mean it will stop bad guys from getting them. Killing and robbing people is already illegal, doesn't seem to be a problem for criminals.

Liberals are only good at accomplishing one thing, with their good intentions, it's handcuffing and destroying peaceful middle class with all sorts of laws and regulations that simply backfire.

4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 14, 6:19am  

I'm curious why the call is always for gun control, rather than changes in the treatment and potential incarceration of those for whom treatment of mental ill ness doesn't work or whom refuse treatment for their mental illness.

5   epitaph   2012 Dec 14, 6:23am  

IDDQD says

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." (c) Rahm E.

No, knee Jerk reactions on tragic events is how bs legislation like the PATRIOT Act gets passed into law.

And for the record I don't own any guns, but I do believe in the 2nd amendment. What happened today was a tragedy.

6   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:28am  

epitaph says

Poor timing for a thread like this.

when is a better time to talk about it, maybe we should ask the NRA?

7   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:29am  

Call it Crazy says

121212 says

Gun laws need to change, if cops get psych tests to carry weapons then so should the public.

Psych background checks are already done in some states for the public.

all states and mandatory drug tests as well.

limits on the amounts of ammo and a 100% ban on automatic weapons.

8   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:29am  

CaptainShuddup says

That no good son of a bitch captainshuddup politicized the event, by pointing out the double standards of how the collective Patnet perceives these stories based on GEO location.

Now the Iatola 121212 is bent out of shape with his manufactured outrage, he's forgotten why he was so upset in the first place.

So he posted this gem. Libs do as them say not as them do!

listen you son of bitch you made the first filthy disgusting comment on that thread!

9   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:31am  

FortWayne says

That's just liberal naiviette and not an oz more. Just because guns will be illegal doesn't mean it will stop bad guys from getting them. Killing and robbing people is already illegal, doesn't seem to be a problem for criminals.

Liberals are only good at accomplishing one thing, with their good intentions, it's handcuffing and destroying peaceful middle class with all sorts of laws and regulations that simply backfire.

Liberal naivite! You coward. Another coward.

10   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:35am  

Call you crazy, whats that Ruki? or Shrek?

11   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:37am  

Not every state as mentioned does those things

I'm glad you felt it was needed to question me when that filth merchant you know your friend cptEvil spews absolute horse shit.

but you two think alike

12   121212   2012 Dec 14, 6:44am  

IDDQD says

Huh? Full-auto weapons are already practically unobtainable in US and the limit on the amount of ammo one can carry on his person is already in place - it's called gravity. Pistol or rifle ammunition in serious calibers is very heavy. Sure, 22lr is light, but not very effective against humans.

"Sure, 22lr is light, but not very effective against humans." do you think your being humorous? another clown. Limit the amount of ammo you can own, NOT CARRY!

as far as rifles, ban them all.

13   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 6:47am  

I hate to point it out but these killers appear to come to the places where guns are prohibited. If there are no gun free zones then he could expect that someone can have a gun and prevent him from shooting innocent teachers and children. Teachers should carry their weapon to schools.

14   FortWayne   2012 Dec 14, 6:55am  

121212 says

epitaph says

Poor timing for a thread like this.

when is a better time to talk about it, maybe we should ask the NRA?

Usually after you get off your emotional overblown feeling of liberal self importance and calm down to reason.

15   lostand confused   2012 Dec 14, 7:01am  

Ban guns, ban drugs, ban abortion, ban porn, ban gay marraige, ban rap music, ban this, ban that- sigh.....

16   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:16am  

dodgerfanjohn says

12121212.....do you ignore the likely mental illness issues involved be ause you are a troll or because you yourself are afflicted with mental illness?

A troll does not start his own threads for conversation.

But a troll does post nothing about nothing on other peoples threads.

Like YOU!

17   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:30am  

FortWayne says

121212 says

epitaph says

Poor timing for a thread like this.

when is a better time to talk about it, maybe we should ask the NRA?

Usually after you get off your emotional overblown feeling of liberal self importance and calm down to reason.

Now is the time, yesterday was the time.

Stop devaluing the situation. What pissed me off was the disgusting conservative response to an entire room of 1st graders being murdered.

Still no apology.

18   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:33am  

to those who dislike this thread, get off it.

19   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:35am  

Like I said stop trolling

20   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:39am  

What's that Ruki?

21   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:39am  

Call it Crazy says

121212 says

to those who dislike this thread, get off it.

You know.... if you delete enough posts, you'll be right back up to your first original post and you can have the complete thread all to yourself!!!


22   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 7:41am  

Aussie Nerd says

Hint for the NRLA, lobby for compulsory hand gun training for 5 year olds. Production of a certificate of training should be a condition of enrolment. These free citizens (5 year olds) should then be given the option of carrying guns to school so they can protect themselves.

What else can be done?

No elected official is game to even discuss gun control.

You guys/girls live in one fucked up country.

Teachers w/guns, not kids.

Mexico, guns are completely prohibited in there. Look how peaceful they are, sitting ducks.

23   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 7:45am  

IDDQD says

We have plenty of police officers who have nothing better to do than sit all day in the bushes with radars. We could take them out of the bushes and post them in schools. Most of them are already trained for so-called "active shooter situations". One officer per school should be enough.

let's put army instead.
Police country.

24   Aussie Nerd   2012 Dec 14, 7:50am  

It took an incident like this to start change in Australia.
I still (legally) own a shit load of guns (hunting and target rifles), and I have got used to our system.
In Australia, a lot of people, (perhaps) like this fuck whit are unable to (legally) access guns.
The gun laws in Australia allow the sort of profiling by the cops. Law abiding gun owners are generally left alone. Grubs with unlicensed guns are fair game for arrest, prosecution, persecution and generally getting fucked over…….…….
I like this.
You girls/guys live in one fucked up country…………

25   121212   2012 Dec 14, 7:54am  

This country is too immature to own guns.

26   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 8:13am  

IDDQD says

GraooGra says

let's put army instead.

Police country.

You have no idea what real police country looks like. So LOL back to you.

LOL, how do you know that I don"t know?

The idea of 2nd amendment is not hunting but not to have a police country, right? What possessed you to have an idea to put a policeman in every building?

27   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 8:18am  

Aussie Nerd says

It took an incident like this to start change in Australia.

I still (legally) own a shit load of guns (hunting and target rifles), and I have got used to our system.

In Australia, a lot of people, (perhaps) like this fuck whit are unable to (legally) access guns.

The gun laws in Australia allow the sort of profiling by the cops. Law abiding gun owners are generally left alone. Grubs with unlicensed guns are fair game for arrest, prosecution, persecution and generally getting fucked over…….…….

I like this.

You girls/guys live in one fucked up country…………

I mentioned Mexico. Only criminals possess guns in there.

I bet this killer was on some antidepressant meds and have had a shrink once a week. Life is too good and too easy in here, so some don"t know what to do with their lives.

28   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 8:30am  

Here we go,..Ryan Lanza told law enforcement that his brother was believed to suffer from a personality disorder and be "somewhat autistic" and lived with the mother in Connecticut, the third official added.

We shouldn't change gun law, we should change the med law and how we deal with mental illnesses.

They give too many pills and too easy in this country and no parental attention, that's the problem!

29   121212   2012 Dec 14, 8:33am  

I have said here an enumerate amount times, cops get evaluated and the public does not!

30   121212   2012 Dec 14, 8:57am  

zzyzzx says

121212 says

This country is too immature to own guns.

If we didn't have guns, we would still be part of England (or the UK, however it works).

are you really that absurd to believe that?

31   121212   2012 Dec 14, 8:58am  

zzyzzx says

I think we need to find out more about this particular shooter before anybody jumps to conclusions. Seems to me that he had issues with his mom that need to be looked into before you do anything else.

they were his mothers guns

32   121212   2012 Dec 14, 9:01am  

zzyzzx says

we would still be part of England

Still, LMFAO!

33   121212   2012 Dec 14, 9:03am  

You think England could take on USA if they abolished gun ownership in the USA or even China..... Like that would matter..


34   121212   2012 Dec 14, 9:07am  

Today Is NOT The Day To Talk About Gun Control, Today Is The Day To Finally DO SOMETHING About It!


35   gbenson   2012 Dec 14, 9:38am  

Why is it that everyone on the right assumes we want to take away their guns? We need to at least have a discussion as to how to stop this. Whether its better controls on those who have these weapons or whether its the societal results that cause this behavior. It should not be taboo to discuss any of these.

If the NRA wants to start ponying up ideas on how to stop this type of violence, we're all ears. Instead they chime in with stuff like, "Anyone should be able to walk into a 7-11 and buy an M-16, then we'd be safe." Its utter stupidity.

As a landlord I have dealt with tenants that have guns, and with many of them I find myself thinking, "He has a gun? He should not have a gun.." Yet there he is with his legally purchased gun...

As for those who think by keeping their guns they are going to fend off big government someday or revolt when Hillary wins.. Congratulations, you sir, are a an idiot! If government comes after you, an unmanned drone is just going to drop a bomb on your ass while your eating dinner. You won't even have anything to shoot at. Even if they use soldiers, it will be a team of special forces with flash bombs and full riot gear at 3AM. You'll be laying in the back of a van in handcuffs before you even realize what the fuck is going on.

36   GraooGra   2012 Dec 14, 9:56am  

We should have better control over meds and mentally disturbed people.

37   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 14, 11:23am  

GraooGra says

his legally purchased gun...
As for those who think by keeping their guns they are going to fend off big government someday or revolt


38   Suburban Gal   2012 Dec 14, 11:31am  

Call it Crazy says

Psych background checks are already done in some states for the public.

They should be conducted in all 50 states.

GraooGra says

We should have better control over meds and mentally disturbed people.

Sadly, we fall down when it comes to mental health reporting, intervention, and treatment. In addition, healthcare coverage for psychological and psychiatric treatment is either non-existent or extremely limited and insurance companies like to charge more to treat mental disorders than they do for physical illnesses. There are other countries that do a much better job when it comes to mental health.

39   Homeboy   2012 Dec 14, 3:54pm  

gbenson says

As for those who think by keeping their guns they are going to fend off big government someday or revolt when Hillary wins.. Congratulations, you sir, are a an idiot! If government comes after you, an unmanned drone is just going to drop a bomb on your ass while your eating dinner. You won't even have anything to shoot at. Even if they use soldiers, it will be a team of special forces with flash bombs and full riot gear at 3AM. You'll be laying in the back of a van in handcuffs before you even realize what the fuck is going on.

Yep. These folks are in deep, deep denial.

40   Homeboy   2012 Dec 14, 4:46pm  

Peter P says

Students were killed in some of these incidents.

Stopping guns wouldn't stop all violence, but I think there's something to be said for making it less convenient to kill.

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