Tell your members of Congress you Demand "A" plan to end gun violence.

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2012 Dec 21, 5:13am   10,093 views  27 comments

by 121212   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


It’s time. Join more than 750 mayors and 750,000 grassroots supporters to demand that President Obama and Congress step forward with a plan to end gun violence.

Our efforts cannot bring back the 20 innocent children murdered in Newtown, CT -- or the 34 people murdered with guns every day in America. But we can prevent future tragedies by passing common sense legislation that will:

Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America
Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
Make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw purchasers”


Comments 1 - 27 of 27        Search these comments

1   121212   2012 Dec 21, 7:27am  

Sign this and ask your government to make change!

2   121212   2012 Dec 21, 7:37am  

FortWayne says

You are asking for help from people with a really bad track record.

Do you see the NRA leading?

How is the track record of the No.1 gun lobby? They are useless to incompetent on this subject.

Your solution is to do what, nothing?


Please sign this petition and help make change we can live with.

3   121212   2012 Dec 21, 7:39am  

FortWayne says

that can only be done with conversation, not policy.


Sign this.

4   Raw   2012 Dec 21, 9:16am  

Every politician that supports guns must be thrown out of office. They have sold us out.

5   tatupu70   2012 Dec 25, 1:31am  

thomaswong.1986 says

sadly everytime the local police go after killers, thugs and gang members whose only existence is crime and violence.. its the same lefty groups who wants to let them run amok on the streets.

lol--please show me one lefty group that wants to let criminals run amok on the streets.

thomaswong.1986 says

Year to date... there were over 400 killings of children in Chicago... but you certainly dont hear about it in the lefty media.

Do you ever read the Chicago Tribune?? It's on their front page pretty much every day. In order to hear about it, you have to actually read a newspaper or watch a news program.

6   121212   2012 Dec 25, 3:40am  

It’s time. Join more than 800 mayors and 800,000 grassroots supporters to demand that President Obama and Congress step forward with a plan to end gun violence.

Please sign the petition

Merry Xmas


7   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 27, 6:02am  

It wont end gun violence.

Criminals do not get guns through legal means.

Penalties for illegal gun possession are not nearly enough, and are enforced even less.

For instance in California a felon with a gun can get 18 mo, 2 years, or 3 years. Often since those sentence guidelines are so low, the DA will prosecute only the probation violations which have a much easier standard to meet but only carry a year sentence.

The very obvious solution is to send the criminal to prison for a very long time...lets say 15 years. Then there is no issue since there is no longer a criminal available to obtain a gun. We even have a real life example thats been copied elsewhere(LOL at the backlash citing "racism"...seriously WTF?)


8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 27, 6:06am  

tatupu70 says

thomaswong.1986 says

sadly everytime the local police go after killers, thugs and gang members whose only existence is crime and violence.. its the same lefty groups who wants to let them run amok on the streets.

lol--please show me one lefty group that wants to let criminals run amok on the streets.

These guys for starters:


10   StillLooking   2012 Dec 27, 11:51pm  

zzyzzx says

You are much more likely to blow your own fool head off with your gun than protect your neighbor. This is proven by several scientific studies.

11   Patrick   2012 Dec 28, 4:50am  

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12   121212   2012 Dec 28, 4:53am  

or stop spewing shit from every orifice!

it's cheaper.

Like the classic accidental death compared to MASS MDK's!!!!


13   Y   2012 Dec 28, 9:13am  

The radical liberal laws in effect up there taught them there were no consequences to their actions.
What else did you expect??

John Bailo says

Well, because of their age, they served almost no time.

14   FortWayne   2012 Dec 28, 12:15pm  

How about a plan to end all crime...

If life was only that simple, and all it took was an act of congress to solve it all... liberal naive never really goes away...

15   thomaswong.1986   2012 Dec 28, 12:35pm  

I call it Plan "B"...

16   Kingshat   2012 Dec 28, 12:57pm  


Can't handle a little rabble rusing? If everyone went around crying to the government for help with EVERY problem what do you think we will end up with?

17   Y   2012 Dec 28, 10:25pm  

pass new law to outlaw metal bullets, only manufacture rubber bullets.....
ban import of ammo..
eventually lethal metal ammo will run out
rubber bullets will be enough to deter intruders till police arrive.
gun freaks can still shoot till their hearts content..
case closed.
ps. if you want to go deer hunting, taser 'em....

18   Y   2012 Dec 28, 11:31pm  

you'd have to use a battery powered chainsaw...and put a limit on the number of spare batteries one could carry..
say, a 30 round clip of batteries...

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

SoftShell says

ps. if you want to go deer hunting, taser 'em....

Or go at them with a big knife. Now that would be hunting. Or a live chain saw. That would be exciting, chasing down a big buck with fighting it to the death with a spinning saw, chunks of 'em flying everywhere.

19   Y   2012 Dec 28, 11:33pm  

that is the crux of the matter.
all hunters that cling to their guns are nothing but big pussies...
outlaw hunting with guns....

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Or go at them with a big knife. Now that would be hunting.

20   BoomAndBustCycle   2012 Dec 28, 11:55pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

It wont end gun violence.

Criminals do not get guns through legal means.

Penalties for illegal gun possession are not nearly enough, and are enforced even less.

For instance in California a felon with a gun can get 18 mo, 2 years, or 3 years. Often since those sentence guidelines are so low, the DA will prosecute only the probation violations which have a much easier standard to meet but only carry a year sentence.

The very obvious solution is to send the criminal to prison for a very long time...lets say 15 years. Then there is no issue since there is no longer a criminal available to obtain a gun. We even have a real life example thats been copied elsewhere(LOL at the backlash citing "racism"...seriously WTF?)


The problem with sending say a 20 year old to prison for 15 years for holding an illegal weapon is they come out of prison at 35 very angry and more mentally scarred then they went in! I bet if i put you in prison for 15 years... You could be released and end up snapping and killing someone.

Prison probably creates more criminals than it rehabilitates.

Our prison system needs reform... Otherwise its just a kicking the can way of punishing people.

21   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 29, 12:00am  

SoftShell says

rubber bullets will be enough to deter intruders till police arrive.

I doubt this, unless you had something along the lines of a heavy machine gun firing an unlimited number of rubber bullets. I'd use a crossbow and a taser before rubber bullets.

22   woppa   2012 Dec 29, 12:01am  

Try deterring a guy high on PCP with rubber bullets and let me know how it goes after he eats your face off, k?

23   Y   2012 Dec 29, 9:37am  

rubber bullet damage....

zzyzzx says

SoftShell says

rubber bullets will be enough to deter intruders till police arrive.

I doubt this, unless you had something along the lines of a heavy machine gun firing an unlimited number of rubber bullets. I'd use a crossbow and a taser before rubber bullets.

24   Y   2012 Dec 29, 9:37am  

rubber bullet damage...
woppa says

Try deterring a guy high on PCP with rubber bullets and let me know how it goes after he eats your face off, k?

25   Y   2012 Dec 29, 9:40am  

more rubber bullet damage...

26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 30, 2:30pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says

The problem with sending say a 20 year old to prison for 15 years for holding an illegal weapon is they come out of prison at 35 very angry and more mentally scarred then they went in! I bet if i put you in prison for 15 years... You could be released and end up snapping and killing someone.

Prison probably creates more criminals than it rehabilitates.

Our prison system needs reform... Otherwise its just a kicking the can way of punishing people.

Felon at 18, illegal gun arrest at 20.

IMO lock the dude up, keep violent criminal off the street for X number of years.

Thats X number of years where he can't commit crime.

Or you can leave him on the street and ban guns. Yeah, he won't get a illegal gun. Right? Oh wait, he already has an illegal gun.

How do people every become so naive?

27   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 30, 10:49pm  

Thanks to 121212 and his ilk, Assault riffles are selling like gun powder hot cakes.

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