Anti-Donald Trump Billboard Circling Macy's Headquarters

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2012 Dec 26, 11:02am   3,438 views  13 comments

by 121212   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  



Protest organizer Angelo Carusone tells THR he would consider launching similar action against NBC over "Celebrity Apprentice."

Petition Background
Macy's has a special deal with Donald Trump. They invest in developing Trump's brand and sell his clothing line and fragrance at their locations. To this end, they have had major events at Macy's Herald Square location and they often feature and promote Trump in advertisements designed to celebrate the magic of Macy's.
Recently, Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren sent Donald Trump a letter touting how excited Macy's was to be working with Trump and promising to expand Trump's brand even further than it already is.
But, why is Macy's celebrating Trump?
Donald Trump engages in especially unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior. He has:
- Long engaged in sexist behavior. Trump has a long record of personally attacking women he disagrees by calling them "unattractive," ugly or fat. He once sent a target a personal note telling her that she has the "face of a dog." Not even his own daughter is immune to Trump's sexism. While referring to his daughter, Trump observed: "She does have a very nice figure...if [she] weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."
- Hypocritically complained about jobs being shipped overseas to China, despite the fact that almost his entire clothing line sold at Macy's is made in China and other Asian nations.
- Use his public platform to deny the reality of climate change. Following Hurricane Sandy, Trump publicly declared: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
- Perpetuated the racially charged birther conspiracy, repeatedly arguing that President Obama has been lying and was not born in the United States.
The list goes on. But the point remains, Macy's should dump Trump.
Macy's boasts about its social responsibility policy, which reads: "There is no shortage of talk about the obligation of public companies to be socially responsible to the people and communities where they do business. At Macy’s, Inc., we hold those same beliefs – along with a belief that actions speak louder than words when it comes to helping tackle some of the toughest problems facing us today."
Indeed Macy's. Actions speak louder than words. So, act and dump Trump.

There are currently 679,689 signatures


Comments 1 - 13 of 13        Search these comments

1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 26, 10:15pm  

Yeah this wont go anywhere.
I doubt the OWS even shop at Macy's. What not being part of the 1% and all, and being broke because they spend so much time protesting that reality. Rather than looking for gainful employment.

2   Shaman   2012 Dec 27, 1:00am  

Still are plenty of people who like Trump. Most seem older, like boomers or close to that age. People who like to sit back and say, "yah, take that you arrogant young buck!" They like to rave about how successful Trump is or has been, when the reality is that his businesses are one bankruptcy after another. He rapes each company for money and then let's it fail. Then to take his windfall and start a new company to milk for yet more unearned cash. I'd never invest in anything he does, he's always bilking investors.
Maybe it's because he had a Rich Dad and grew up with a grand sense of entitlement, but he is a world class asshole.
I can't stand the guy, but some people worship him for his perceived success. Way too much of that goes on in this country.
Funny how the same people who are like "I earned what I have! I deserve it!" are also the ones defending the unfair, undeserved, and wealthy person protecting prop 13.

3   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 27, 1:53am  

Quigley says

Maybe it's because he had a Rich Dad and grew up with a grand sense of entitlement, but he is a world class asshole.

He lost that money to Ivana Trump she took him to the cleaners and bankrupted him in the late 80's or early 90's.

The Donald should be square with the house. What he's got now, he's done on his own. You can hate him, or think he's the uber douche, and that's OK. But you have to respect him.

4   121212   2012 Dec 27, 2:26am  


What Macy's Marketing Chief Just Said: Data Show Trump IS Hurting The Store

Right Cpt!

5   121212   2012 Dec 27, 2:27am  

" YouGov BrandIndex shows Macy's approval rating among women over 18 has plunged dramatically in recent weeks. Now, it's even below that of troubled discount giant JCPenney."

right Cpt, you should think before you speak.

6   121212   2012 Dec 27, 2:27am  

Nearly 700k signatures , 10k from the target.

7   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 27, 2:35am  

"She might want to listen again. New data from YouGov BrandIndex shows Macy's approval rating among women over 18 has plunged dramatically in recent weeks. Now, it's even below that of troubled discount giant JCPenney."

Is Macy's running for office now?

Just yesterday it was reported that holiday retail sales were the worst in years. Personally I blame Obama more than I blame Donald Coiffe.

8   121212   2012 Dec 27, 2:39am  

CaptainShuddup says

Is Macy's running for office now?

Is there something wrong with you that you cannot comprehend something so familiar and simple as a brand index?

You don't need an economics degree to get it!

9   dublin hillz   2012 Dec 27, 3:35am  

In some ways, trump represents the anti-american ideal and character. He would be much better suited as a russian oligarch, the so called russian new rich.

10   zzyzzx   2012 Dec 27, 12:22pm  

I would think that if they had a problem with Trump, that they might try protesting at Trump Plaza in NYC.

11   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 27, 11:58pm  

There's just so much wrong with this picture, considering the people bitching. Hey I WOULD love to a return of Santa. But something shallow in my heart tells me, the creators of this non issue crisis wouldn't.

12   dublin hillz   2012 Dec 28, 12:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

There's just so much wrong with this picture, considering the people bitching. Hey I WOULD love to a return of Santa. But something shallow in my heart tells me, the creators of this non issue crisis wouldn't.

Santa is a pagan heathen!

13   Tenpoundbass   2012 Dec 28, 1:08am  

Yup there you go.

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