For the Married Guys (And the Guys Who Have Been Married)

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2012 Dec 28, 2:55am   166,301 views  460 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Hi guys,

As the old adage states, "Can't live with them, can't live without them."

For the guys that are married now or have been married, I'm wondering what your experience has been and if you could give a newly engaged man (hypothetical to me since I am not engaged) any piece of advise or wisdom, what would it be?

I love my GF, but for a few minutes I'm going to zoom out and look at things from a more technical, statistical, and less emotional point of view.

To be honest, I am a bit discouraged at just how many people I know who don't seem to be too happy in their marriages. It always seems to be the same story. Things started off great. There was excitement, adventure, strong physical and emotional chemistry. Then 2-3yrs into it, those feels started to fade. Some couples moved on to the next phase of their lives and had some glue, er I mean kids which kept things fresh and exciting.

I saw a plot in the newspaper several years back that showed divorce statistics as a function of time. There is a spike early on in the marriage (first couple of years), then one at 7 years (7-year itch), and one at about year 18-20 (when the glue is all grown up). If you make it past that, you are fairly safe (not necessarily happy, but likelihood of divorce is low). Some of that is influenced by the fact that you don't have the same options at 45 or 50 as you do at 25 or 30. Sucks, but that's the truth.

I recall reading a book by psycologist Scott Peck that studied the term "Love." He argues that 100% of relationships fall out of love, usually pretty early on in the first few years. The feeling of love is not true love then. The conscious decision to love someone once you lose the "in love" feeling is what real love is all about.

Regarding statistics, 50% of couples who get married in this country wind up in divorce (To be fair, some of those aren't 1st marriages so that 50% number isn't quite as bad as it seems - The reason is that 2nd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages and 3rd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 2nd marriages). Moving on, if 50% of couples get divorced, then 50% of couples don't get divorced. Surely those 50% that remain together aren't all happy marriages? So then let's say that half of the marriages that stay together are happy. That means that 25% of couples getting married in the first place remain happy, lol. I really don't like the odds here!

But anytime you get into this debate, you have to get into the alternative, being alone into older age. As much as I see my folks fight and bicker, I tend to think it's better than the alternative (at least for the level they fight and bicker).

A while back Patrick argued that the average person remains in their purchased home for no more than 6-7 years. He said, you might think you are different, but statistically you are not. Same thing goes for divorce. Nobody goes into marriage thinking they will get a divorce. But statistically, 1 in 2 people do in the USA.

What do you guys think?

As a side note, I am really curious about the following. What is the divorce rate assuming the following:

Both Members are devout Catholic ?
Both Members are devout Christian ?
Both Members are devout Muslim ?
Both Members are Atheist ?
Members don't share religious beliefs ?

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190   lostand confused   2013 Jan 4, 2:15am  

The laws are the problem. They need to change and accept women as equals- fully capable of taking risks and responsibility.

191   Vicente   2013 Jan 4, 2:26am  

Married for 7 years happy with my choice. We are an agnostic/atheist couple and I don't think religion has SQUAT to do with marriages. Even in the most religious "primitive Baptist" couple I know, there's this out called "unevenly yoked". Sort of like the Catholic thing with anulment, they get to claim they are not equal believers in Christ so they get an exit from a marriage that's not working out.

I had fears and doubts beforehand, but held my breath and jumped off the diving board anyways. One can be needlessly terrified by the "til death do us part".

I think divorce is a good thing as an option actually. As a couples counselor once said "well if it doesn't work out, there are exits". You might get hit by a bus next year and never live long enough to see your beloved turn into a jerk anyhow.

192   Oxygen   2013 Jan 12, 1:54am  

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’


193   MsBennet   2013 Jan 12, 2:03am  

Peter P says

worship the ground you walk on, and never make you doubt her devotion.

When I was talking about a man needing to be worshiped, I was referring to this statement. Most men know better, I would think.

194   Oxygen   2013 Jan 12, 2:53am  

Oxygen says

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’


here's the best comment from the article, in my opinion, and i think it's even better than the article itself

"There are many factors. While the Feminist doctrine has marganalized good men, it has also created a culture where more young men are inclined to see women as merely objects for sex in much the same way hardcore militant feminism taught many young women to be independent and see men as only necessary for breeding. No doubt this has been passed on to a younger generation of men who likewise will also be indoctrinated to see women as only necessary for sexual pleasure and who only expect the same from them, because marriage and the patriarchial responsibilities of it are no longer acceptable in the modernist world.

But good men who understand this are also discouraged. Divorce makes many men worried about ever getting into a relationship. Boys increasingly raised in a society where marriages break down are unlikely to think it's worth the trouble. Ridiculous laws in divorce cases that favor women and make men slaves to courtroom declarations where their wealth is given to the woman who also gets full custody of the children is also very worrisome regardless of the circumstances. Men are no longer guaranteed their offspring. Men are increasingly told they have no say if the woman wants to abort their children.

Marriage itself is constantly becoming more meaningless. Pornography is increasingly rampant in destroyign the bonds between men and women. And as society breaks down it creates uncertainty about the future with regards to the world we live in and would bring children into and economically depressing, that even otherwise men inclined to be responsible are put off from ever getting married because the future looks bleak.

Turning this around requires a return to the patriarchy, and proper institution of marriage and respect for sex within marriage. By containing the power of sex within marriage under the patriarchy, it forces men to improve themselves and become responsible patriarchs before even entering in marriage. The Patriarchy and institution of marriage therefore utilized men's sex drives in a positive way to createa nd build a stable society. And patriarchial rights and the permanence of the marriage relationship without divorce maintained this stability. Patriarchies also have the added benefit of protecting women. No man could take advantage of a girl for sex. Today a man could court your 14 year old ddaughter and so long as he gets legal 'consent' he can have sex with her, privately get her pregnancy aborted at Planned Parenthood, then dump her. Parents can't do anything. Under a patriarchy, no man could even consider courting a girl without going through her father first. If he dared to, then he would have violated the patriarch's right (A daughter was considered legal property of the father for this reason, not because women are the lesser of men), and justice would have been severe.

However Hollywood and liberalism have painted a distorted view of the patriarchial system by focusing on ways it can be abused, much like hos they have demonized men to seem like drunken monsters despite the reality. In many ways women were even happier having the freedom to do what they wanted within the family and raise children while the men worked. Feminism was initially promoted as a 'Sleeping Beauty Feminism' doctrine that encouraged women to be more independent and enter the workforce as if they were wasting their abilities by being homemakers. This approach completely failed with women who were overall happy with their situation. It wasn't until Feminism was pushed as the 'Suffering Saints Faminism' where the campaign focused on those women who were abused by demonic men that feminism finally started to take hold. It was all in how you frame it. There were plenty of legitimate reasons for the Women's Rights movement in the modern era. However Feminism isn't the same thing. It merely piggybacked on women's rights. Many Christian women in the Women's Rights movement only wanted accomodations to be made in the absence of men to prevent themselves being taken advantage of and to have their say in government policy through voting etc. Even the Old Testament laws make accomodations for women who find themselves without a husband for various circumstances who were in danger of losing their rightful priveledges. Feminism on the other hand was primarily driven by Communists who wished to make women workers subservient to the State contributing to production and consumerism. Basically cogs in the machine. The Church, Family, children and patriarchs and Marriage stood in the way. So these had to be destroyed so that the people would depend on the state and work for the benefit of the state. That is feminism's origin. The rise of feminism and increased socialism and communism and practical atheism is all part and parcel of everything we observe happening around us."

195   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 4:28am  

I’m well educated, make great money, own my own home, have a great career and money in the bank. I’ve been called handsome, am 6’ 2” and have no health issues. I’m one of those people that lives well below his means. I save a large portion of my disposable income for retirement and won’t count on any government entitlements. Regardless of what the government keeps saying, they’ll all be bankrupt by then. Anyone that believes otherwise has a rude awakening coming their way. The country as a whole is already deep in debt. All statistical trends say that it’s just going to get worse – much, much worse.

I’ve researched marriage and divorce intensively and will never risk putting my life in the hands of someone that might use the current laws to destroy me, ever again. I’m divorced and got away unscathed, but that didn’t stop that evil creature from trying to take everything she could get on the way out. I am shocked that anyone gets married anymore – especially if you have a lot to lose in divorce. It’s just too easy to take someone to the cleaners on a whim. Seriously – you don’t even have to have a reason. Just have an affair and/or just walk out. Besides the paperwork, that’s really all there is to it. You can literally walk out with no consequences whatsoever. Who are these people taking this risk with their futures??? If you’re the breadwinner and you have children, kiss your future goodbye. Marriage today is little more than fraud waiting to happen. I have opted out and nothing will change my mind. Given the current divorce environment, I’m grateful and very happy to be living on my own and will remain that way. My heart goes out to those that have their lives destroyed through divorce. I’ve read hundreds of your stories and am both heartbroken and enraged at the current state of what used to be the most sacred of unions.

Look at every statistic related to morality from 1960 forward. They all trend the same way – to a corrupt and valueless society. Look at birth rates, out of wedlock births, divorce rates, marriage rates, welfare rates, and today’s hook up culture. Look at the way media portrays relationships. Look at the social programming that goes into convincing men to fulfill a role that is no longer valued. Look at the push to legalize controlled substances. It’s bad enough we have so many alcoholics – lets open the flood gates on other mind altering substances? Look at the rapid rise and spread of STDs, some of which are incurable. Look at the number of households now headed by single adults. Look at the attempt to remove religion from our schools. Look at the rise in violence initiated by women. Look at the feminization of the male and masculinization of the female. Look at statistics related to depression. Look at the candy store of prescription drugs prescribed to the masses of people that can no longer cope with our society. Look at the ease of obtaining porn and the ease of obtaining abortion (both for the most part now free of charge). Look at premarital sex. Look at how easy it is to divorce. Look at the fact that our country has been edging toward financial collapse for decades and look at the debt being left to future generations. Look at the fact that almost no family can survive on a single income (unless financed by taxpayer dollars through welfare). Look at corporate corruption and greed, outsourcing, and how global trade impacted the manufacturing sector. It used to be that living on the wrong side of any of these statistics was wrong and you were shunned if you lived there. Now, living on the wrong side of these statistics is for the most part accepted, sometimes encouraged and frequently even celebrated.

Why is it that the only statistic that’s trending in a supposedly positive direction is the rise in power and wealth of women? Why is every other statistic trending rapidly and precariously in the wrong direction but that one? Hmmm – what’s that word I’m looking for???? I know it rhymes with Marxism, Stalinism, Socialism, and Communism…I think it maybe starts with an ‘F’.

There’s nothing like those good old intended consequences. Yes…I said intended consequences.

196   Peter P   2013 Jan 12, 4:45am  

The society has been consumed by nihilism.

197   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 5:24am  

Peter P says


That's what I just said! ;)

198   mell   2013 Jan 12, 5:34am  

BRP001 says

Peter P says


That's what I just said! ;)

I don't agree with everything you posted, (for example I don't connect the loss of moral values and rise of feminism or gender wars to extramarital sex and recreational drugs), but I can see your point of view and why you're not getting married again. There's simply no upside ;) By the way in earlier years where a patriarchical approach was more common some of the guys still had affairs (and so did the women), the difference however is that each gender had their roles carved out and were responsible to fulfill those. It's more difficult these days when people are growing up with the I-can-have-it-all rah-rah spewed from the media at them, It's simple: No, you can't ;)

199   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 5:52am  

Agreed. There is no one thing to blame. Nor do I believe one gender is to blame more than the other. I'm an equal opportunity blamer. Don’t cherry pick my analysis! :O

200   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 7:52am  

Ground breaking research regarding our conversations at the below link:


201   JodyChunder   2013 Jan 12, 8:32am  

Monogamy is sure tricky, but a worthwhile experiment with the right woman (READ: not a bracelet). Some think it's totally unnatural. Could be. However, I think things like unconditional love and loyalty are some of the most profoundly beautiful traits any human being could posses.

I think it helps if this woman is a solid friend first -- someone you just like being around, and whose opinions you actually seek out on various matters. The romance should grow out of that, I think. Just my opinion.

I'm in no position to give advice, but based on my own failures, I would suggest to any man to try not to let your weaknesses show too much. Stoicism and grace under pressure is paramount in a relationship. Even when you don't feel very strong, you must act like you do. It will help the longevity of the thing.

Also important: you need your own room. A shed, garage, cave...whatever. It is not an option!

203   JodyChunder   2013 Jan 12, 8:41am  

BRP001 says

Oh! Here's one:

Great Glenn Ford flick!

204   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 8:53am  

JodyChunder says

BRP001 says

Oh! Here's one:

Great Glenn Ford flick!

Don't know why I started thinking about this stuff in this thread. Could it be all the love, marriage, children and morality issues being discussed? Naaaaaaah!

205   BRP001   2013 Jan 12, 9:25am  

I sometimes wonder what people 60 years from now will think of us. What will their culture be like then? Will they look back with scorn at how foolish were were, or will they look back and say, "gee - those were the good old days." If the latter, I wish to die young.

206   MsBennet   2013 Jan 12, 11:01am  

Where is Patrick when you need him?

207   Ceffer   2013 Jan 12, 11:05am  

Marriage is relentless, ongoing warfare, in which each participant constantly jockeys for advantage and power over the other.

The combatants occasionally declare a truce and have sex. Declaring love and loyalty is a diversion or a sucker punch.

Nothing makes a girl's pudenda quiver like the sight of a totally defeated man, crawling and begging.

Women don't mind if you leave them, but only if you lead a lonely, miserable, and poverty stricken life and then die of some painful disease.

Strap a 20 year old model to your arm and get a yacht, they will commission a sniper.

208   denise   2013 Jan 12, 12:22pm  

Female here, and you guys are pathetic.

Marry someone who's your best friend, whose company you enjoy, who makes you laugh, whom you trust and care about. If you do, you will probably be happy. If you don't, you screwed up, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

There are no end of greedy, selfish people in the world, but you don't have to marry one. If you do, you need to learn how to be a better judge of character.

209   JodyChunder   2013 Jan 12, 12:22pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

When did you become sane?

I have fits of sanity just like any jackass.

210   New Renter   2013 Jan 12, 1:55pm  

Oxygen says

here's the best comment from the article, in my opinion, and i think it's even better than the article itself

Sorry man, this is complete and utter bullshit.

A marriage in THIS culture has to be a partnership, not a patriarchy. There will likely be times where the man is un/under employed and the woman is the main breadwinner. I personally know of two situations like this, one where the husband and wife are both believers in the patriarch model while the other marriage is more balanced. The patriarch couple is very stressed - the husband feels shitty because he is not earning and the wife is losing respect for him because she has to support them. The balanced couple has a LOT less stress.

A patriarchy is just not compatible with that situation. It is also a lousy model for kids.

211   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Jan 12, 3:41pm  

BayArea says

I am a bit discouraged at just how many people I know who don't seem to be too happy in their marriages.

Sounds like you are hanging around with the wrong folks. Are they Hipsters?

212   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Jan 12, 3:45pm  

denise says

Female here, and you guys are pathetic.

Marry someone who's your best friend, whose company you enjoy, who makes you laugh, whom you trust and care about. If you do, you will probably be happy. If you don't, you screwed up, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

There are no end of greedy, selfish people in the world, but you don't have to marry one. If you do, you need to learn how to be a better judge of character.

Yeh, I agree.
Maybe some "guys" spend too much time on the internets and the blogs and not enough time getting a life.

213   mell   2013 Jan 13, 1:15am  

New Renter says

Oxygen says

here's the best comment from the article, in my opinion, and i think it's even better than the article itself

Sorry man, this is complete and utter bullshit.

A marriage in THIS culture has to be a partnership, not a patriarchy. There will likely be times where the man is un/under employed and the woman is the main breadwinner. I personally know of two situations like this, one where the husband and wife are both believers in the patriarch model while the other marriage is more balanced. The patriarch couple is very stressed - the husband feels shitty because he is not earning and the wife is losing respect for him because she has to support them. The balanced couple has a LOT less stress.

A patriarchy is just not compatible with that situation. It is also a lousy model for kids.

I don't think it's an either or. If the woman is bringing home most of the bacon and the man is ok with it, it can work as well. The problem though is that the person making significantly less (or choosing to do so by staying at home mostly) needs to put the main breadwinner's job as a top priority and pick up slack in the other areas. Only that way you can be mostly free from money issues. Since today on average the man is still the main breadwinner, this is mostly an issue of the woman who does not want to accept that she has to pick up the slack and give the man a break. Also the often so heroically touted sharing of duties brings its own set of problems. Men and women do things differently and I think women often feel "inferior" because they do mostly house-work or work part time only or have a much lesser paid job and then often get their frustration out by lashing out at the guy for not doing things right in the household or in their kids education. The reality is, almost everybody can be a decent parent (not a superstar but decent), however not everybody can be decent programmer/surgeon or whatever. That's why nanny's, while expensive, still make far less than any occupation that requires a good amount of skills, studying and experience.

214   mell   2013 Jan 13, 1:18am  

denise says

Marry someone who's your best friend, whose company you enjoy, who makes you laugh, whom you trust and care about. If you do, you will probably be happy.

Did you do that and followed your own advice?

216   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 2:57am  

for sure the rate of divorce amongst white middle class 'bobos in paradise' is FAR higher than 50%. I would estimate around 80-90%.

and yes getting married is all about the feels, isn't it? that's what women do, exploit your feels. Ever see a women 'fall in love' with a fat bald poor shlep- unless of course she has no other options. It's not random at all. Go look on OKCupid and all you warm and fuzzy ideas about love will dissipate quickly.

Family is a good idea. Most 'Bobo' women are entirely unsuitable for this purpose. American women are by far the worst, then comes British.

217   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 3:19am  

BRP001 says

Look at every statistic related to morality from 1960 forward. They all trend the same way – to a corrupt and valueless society.

what no one here has mentioned, is the LAST and perhaps final battle in this war- redefining marriage altogether!

still think Gay Marriage is really about the rights of Gay people?

218   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 3:30am  

as far aBRP001 says

Why is it that the only statistic that’s trending in a supposedly positive direction is the rise in power and wealth of women? Why is every other statistic trending rapidly and precariously in the wrong direction but that one? Hmmm – what’s that word I’m looking for???? I know it rhymes with Marxism, Stalinism, Socialism, and Communism…I think it maybe starts with an ‘F’.

here's a clue.

when the British wanted to take over the Aboriginal tribes of Australia, they decided that confronting them with military power would backfire on them politically, so they decided to destroy the tribes culturally.

how did they do this?

simple. The symbol of male power was the stone axe. so what they did was take manufactured metal axes and gave them to both the men and the women. It was not before long that the Abbo society completely broke down, and they took to drinking heavily as their primary occupation. Then the British took over their habitations claiming they were trying to 'help' with their problems by providing 'aid'.

219   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 3:44am  

New Renter, do you have XX chromosome or XY?

220   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 4:02am  

if they can ESTABLISH that these things are 'conditioning' then they can JUSTIFY altering them in an unnatural way.

221   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 5:03am  

what I cant comprehend is how men in places like America take these accusations, insinuations, defamations, and incitements sitting down. It has resulted in a practically unlivable conditions for us. We are threatened legally in 1) school 2) workplace 3) bedroom 4) family.

"What is too easy to forget is that this is artificial, and therefore requires constant effort to maintain. Feminism didn’t demolish a barrier between two seas and let the water levels adjust; it is a massive pumping operation. Turn off the pumps even for a little bit and reality will come flooding back."

222   Shaman   2013 Jan 13, 5:13am  

“Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up with the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. They should never settle merely for equality. For women, "equality" is a disaster.”
Robert Heinlein

224   Peter P   2013 Jan 13, 5:56am  

denise says

Marry someone who's your best friend, whose company you enjoy, who makes you laugh, whom you trust and care about. If you do, you will probably be happy. If you don't, you screwed up, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

This is very true.

If marriage is the way then you should only marry your soulmate.

Marrying for lust is a recipe for disaster. Lust changes on a yearly or monthly basis. It will not end well.

For many people, serial monogamy will prove to be the best option.

If you just want to sleep with someone hot go get an FwB.

225   mell   2013 Jan 13, 5:59am  

Peter P says

denise says

Marry someone who's your best friend, whose company you enjoy, who makes you laugh, whom you trust and care about. If you do, you will probably be happy. If you don't, you screwed up, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

This is very true.

If marriage is the way then you should only marry your soulmate.

Marrying for lust is a recipe for disaster. Lust changes on a yearly or monthly basis. It will not end well.

For many people, serial monogamy will prove to be the best option.

If you just want to sleep with someone hot go get an FwB.

Yeah, but the trick is to spot your soulmate(s). What about: don't get married, and if you make it until the end, then you were soulmates anyways (with or without marriage certificate)!

226   Peter P   2013 Jan 13, 6:04am  

mell says

Yeah, but the trick is to spot your soulmate(s). What about: don't get married, and if you make it until the end, then you were soulmates anyways (with or without marriage certificate)!

That is a completely valid point!

Nietzsche on marriage:


I don't agree with the "baby" parts. But then I am no atheist either.

227   New Renter   2013 Jan 13, 7:09am  

MershedPerturders says

New Renter, do you have XX chromosome or XY?

XY and I have the phenotype to prove it.

228   MershedPerturders   2013 Jan 13, 7:09am  

"He draws us back to first principles to look at why marriage existed in the first place: it was about what was good for the family and society. Ancient Greek marriages had solid foundations because they were rational business arrangements, roles were very clearly defined, couples could not get divorced, and love was not a factor in the decision."

in Ancient Greece, most MARRIED men engaged in homosexual love for fun and satisfaction.

"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal." -Leo Tolstoy

229   New Renter   2013 Jan 13, 7:10am  

New Renter says

MershedPerturders says

New Renter, do you have XX chromosome or XY?

XY and I have the phenotype to prove it.

Granted even among us ducks sit can be hard to tell.

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