Another Welfare Abuse Example....Dems say 'Nothing wrong here

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2013 Jan 6, 4:06am   30,913 views  100 comments

by AverageBear   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

....."Let’s not forget how the “scrubbing” began. Granny [LIZ} Warren’s daughter filed a lawsuit claiming the DTA hadn’t been proactive enough in registering the state’s assorted loafers and layabouts to vote for her carpetbagging fake-Indian mom. Then — bingo, the hacks located $274,000 for mailings, complete with post-paid envelopes for the gimme girls and guys to send back their voter registrations.

Have you ever gotten a post-paid envelope from the commonwealth? No, I didn’t think so. They’re not for taxpayers, just for the non-working classes to take part in a Democratic voter-registration drive."......

The Patrick administration has known about these appalling EBT numbers for months now. They were only released after this newspaper filed a Freedom of Information Act request. Which is the same way it was revealed that Lt. Gov. Tim Murray was doing 108 mph when he mysteriously crashed his state vehicle in November 2011."....

Guess what this revealed? Most likely, these fake welfare frauds are collecting from other states. Liberals here in Mass REFUSE to acknowledge welfare fraud, REFUSE to allow reform to uncover waste. This is what you get when democrats overwhelmingly run a 'one party state'...

...."Those 19,000 MIA’s collect — based on an average of $400 a month — $91 million a year. That’s the estimate of Rep. Shauna O’Connell (R-Taunton). But the governor Friday went into his best pooh-pooh mode.

“That may not be indicative of a problem,” he said with a straight face. “We’ll know when we do the scrubbing.”.......



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77   AverageBear   2013 May 28, 6:49am  

Massachusetts' Dept of Transitional Assistance (DTA) efforts to improve fraud/waste is "Flowing like peanut butter"......

I'll stop bashing my state gov't (ie, gov. Deval Patrick and the state senate), when I see that they care more about the voting, law-abiding taxpayer, rather than the deadbeat cheaters...


• Auditors identified 1,164 cases where $2.39 million was paid in benefits from six to 27 months after the recipients had died.

• DTA gave out another $532,000 to people either claiming deceased dependents or to 40 people who were being claimed by more than one guardian.

• During the time the audit focused on, DTA did not verify self-reported Social Security numbers, leading the state to pay out more than $1 million to those using two numbers to collect and individuals whose Social Security numbers were being used by more than one person. It also shelled out benefits for an “extended amount of time” to people with an invalid temporary Social Security number.

• Five regional DTA offices could not provide documentation for more than 30,000 blank EBT cards, raising serious questions in an agency where past internal probes found employees misusing blank EBT cards to access recipients’ benefits inappropriately.

• Despite generating reports to help identify fraud, DTA did not use them, even though they revealed more than $15 million in EBT activity that auditors say “should have been identified by DTA and investigated.”

78   AverageBear   2013 May 28, 6:51am  

David Losh says

The people who suffer are the Food Stamp program receiptients.

Suffer? Yah. They suffer all right. They suffer at the nail salon, the liquor store, and "suffer" at the ATM machine before they use the 'state assistance' to fund their night out..... Please wake up...

79   marcus   2013 May 28, 7:01am  

The Professor says

Total 2012 entitlement spending: $2,053,000,000,000.00

Us Population: 313,914,040

$6,540 in entitlement spending for every man, woman, and child in the US.

You know this probably includes social security and medicare right (but not the money collected from everyones FICA and medicare payment).

What a total crock.

What about the years when more was being paid in to SS than "spent" on it.

80   bob2356   2013 May 28, 11:06am  

AverageBear says

My state Gov't is run by a bunch of idiots.

You elected them.

81   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 28, 11:41am  

AverageBear says

Massachusetts' Dept of Transitional Assistance (DTA) efforts to improve fraud/waste is "Flowing like peanut butter"......

I'll stop bashing my state gov't (ie, gov. Deval Patrick and the state senate), when I see that they care more about the voting, law-abiding taxpayer, rather than the deadbeat cheaters...

You notice how some here on Pnet are actually defending this waste and abuse ?

82   thomaswong.1986   2013 May 28, 11:49am  

AverageBear says

...."Those 19,000 MIA’s collect — based on an average of $400 a month — $91 million a year. That’s the estimate of Rep. Shauna O’Connell (R-Taunton). But the governor Friday went into his best pooh-pooh mode.

Ever wonder you dont see private industry get stung by fraud salary and benefit payments ?

Mass and many other states need to take a lesson on proper cash disbursement from private industries.

Of course adopting corporate practices would not be looked kindly by the left, even though it works far better than govt.

83   marcus   2013 May 28, 11:58am  

AverageBear says

Dems say 'Nothing wrong here

Straw man

84   AverageBear   2013 May 28, 12:35pm  

bob2356 says

AverageBear says

My state Gov't is run by a bunch of idiots.

You elected them.

No, my idiot neighbors elected them...

85   AverageBear   2013 May 28, 10:13pm  

David Losh says

You cherry picked this article for drama.

This is another labor dispute with the Union. Had the State authorized enough workers to adminster this program wthere wouldn't be a need to pay over time to correct the over payments.

The people who suffer are the Food Stamp program receiptients.

David, I can't fathom how you can defend the piss-poor status quo on how my state doles out the tax-payer $$ to dead-beats w/ complete ineptitude.

Sooo, these are the people who 'suffer'? You mean those that spent $27 million (!) out of state, including $4.5 million spent in Florida, the Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. You equate 'suffering' with spending tax-payer $$ in Hawaii? Please explain....

Among the audit’s findings:

• Nearly $2.4 million in benefits were paid to people who had been dead for anywhere from six to 27 months.

• $120,000 was paid out to 42 of the departed, benefits that “began after the recipients’ date of death.”

• More than $27 million in benefits were accessed out of state in a six-month period, including $4.5 million in such far-flung states as Florida, the Virgin Islands and Hawaii. Top cities where public money was drawn via EBT cards included Orlando, Myrtle Beach and Las Vegas.

•  Over a six-year period ending in 2012, DTA reissued more than 147,000 replacement cards to 9,846 people, an average of 14 per person. Among those, 358 people were issued 30 or more cards, and one was issued 127.

• In fiscal year 2012 alone, 42 percent of all the 859,000 active cards were reissued.


You think I 'cherry picked' this article during the winter. Well it's gonna be cherry-picking season, because the link above will be on of MANY articles coming out..... If it weren't for the Herald's reporting, this wouldn't have put a fire under the asses of my Democrat-run state senate, and Democrat govenor. You know Deval Patrick, the one who wanted to raise our state taxes by $200 million while turning a blind eye to the DTA's waste/abuse/fraud. He is a lying idiot, who doesn't give a crap about the law-abiding taxpayer. He defends he illegal aliens (and their 'right' to low-cost state college tuition), the deadbeats, and the child-rapists of my state (Go ahead and google "deval patrick ben leguer" when you get a chance; both are real 'stand up' guys, eh?)...

So while the Democrat-run Boston Globe carries the water, the Herald is doing it's job. I wish the 'paper of record' for New England would do the same.......

86   zzyzzx   2013 May 28, 11:25pm  

Vicente says

So you want to implement some different gift card system that does have identity & audit ability?

The welfare card should have the picture of the deadbeat on the card, so that the cashier can verify it.

87   AD   2013 May 28, 11:49pm  

marcus says

You know this probably includes social security and medicare right (but not the money collected from everyones FICA and medicare payment).

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_United_States_federal_budget, the FY2012 budget was

$3.8 trillion total budgeted
$2.9 trillion in total receipts (income tax, social security tax, etc.)
About $1 trillion deficit

Top 3 categories
$940.9 billion for Health and Human Services (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)
$883.7 billion for Social Security Administration
$673 billion for Department of Defense

88   marcus   2013 May 29, 12:04am  

Yes, exactly.

If you don't say how much of that total 2.9 trillion in receipts is from SS and medicare taxes, then screaming about "omg look at how much we spend on entitlements" is little more than propagada to get the hillbillies and the t.wrong types all worked up.

adarmiento says

Top 3 categories

$940.9 billion for Health and Human Services (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)

$883.7 billion for Social Security Administration

$673 billion for Department of Defense

Your numbers don't give the slightest indication of how much of the deficit comes from "entitlement" spending.

But gaaaaaawleee, that sure is a big number.

And we only just now resumed people paying fica taxes (social security), so the year you chose may be misleading, that is if you were to find and present the relevant information.

89   AD   2013 May 29, 12:58am  

marcus says

If you don't say how much of that total 2.9 trillion in receipts is from SS and medicare taxes

$959 billion in Social Security and other payroll taxes

$1359 in individual income tax

as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_United_States_federal_budget#Total_revenues_and_spending

Even if Social Security and other payroll taxes was to increase by 50%, it would still be at least less than 50% less than the outlays for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

90   AD   2013 May 29, 1:03am  

As far as entitlement spending, add to the below list also the USDA food stamp program and other nutrition programs as well as HUD's housing assistance. So the below only represents a portion of the total entitlement spending for 2012:

1) $940.9 billion for Health and Human Services (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)

2) $883.7 billion for Social Security Administration

The above 2 entitlement programs are 3 times greater than Dept of Defense spending.

91   marcus   2013 May 29, 11:34am  

adarmiento says

The above 2 entitlement programs are 3 times greater than Dept of Defense spending.

Still misleading.

WE have a tax FICA, that is expressly for SS.

We have another tax, medicare, that goes toward medicare.

Up until fairly recently, the FICA incoming money was greater than outgoing. If you consider interest on the SS trust fund, it's probably still greater (but it's complicated by the fact that there was a FICA tax holiday for a while).

If the SS surplus hadn't been given to the rich via tax cuts, we would be in FAR better shape than we are.

For that matter, if Gore had been elected and had segregated SS money from the budget (his so called "lock box") we would have also been far better off.

Under Gore we probably would have had a post millenial long stagnation in the economy, with less war, and we probably would have avoided the bubble, the crash and the depression we've been in.

92   marcus   2013 May 29, 11:36am  

When the SS trust fund money is spent on SS benefits, republicans include that in the "entitlement spending" boogey man.

93   AD   2013 May 29, 11:41am  

I agree that the Social Security fund should never have been used to finance the debt.

But you cannot deny that the top two entitlement programs are 3 times greater than the Department of Defense budget. Tap dance around that, or keep throwing up straw mans as much as you want.

94   marcus   2013 May 29, 12:35pm  

adarmiento says

But you cannot deny that the top two entitlement programs are 3 times greater than the Department of Defense budget. Tap dance around that, or keep throwing up straw mans as much as you want.

Defense comes out of a general income taxes.

Social security and medicare have separate taxes, you can read right on your pay stub, how much goes to SS and how much goes to medicare. This is money that is supposedly put away for you, to get back in your old age as pension and old age health incurance (that you pay in to your whole woking life).

That's not tap dancing. It's just facts. They may mean something different to you than they do to me, but still facts.

Now, if you want to talk about how much more gets spent on old age health care under medicare, than what we paid in, well that's an interesting conversation to have. It essentially means we need death panels (ie people and policies for fair rationing of expensive end of life treatments).

Probably plenty of other reforms to bring down health care.

But comparing money paid out of what is essentially a pension fund, or money paid out of what is essentially a health plan you pay in to for your whole working life, to what we spend on defense that comes out of general income tax ?

That makes no sense.

I know, I know, too complicated. You know what you know. I'm tap dancing.


95   AD   2013 May 30, 4:44am  

I am saying that out of total taxes, that the USA pays 3 times as much just on social security, medicare and medicaid than on the department of defense. And that does not include other social spending such as food stamps and education funding.

96   AverageBear   2013 Jun 7, 2:40am  

Stay Classy, Massachusetts Democrats...

Being asked to pay $800 for FOI request on DTA records that's already months old? Fuckin' SHAMEFUL! And the requester isn't some nobody. She's a Mass state rep. Stonewalling like crazy, these democrats. This data must have some really damning evidence.


Welfare reform crusader state Rep. Shaunna O’Connell delivered on her promise yesterday to fork over $800 for long-awaited records on bloated EBT balances, saying the pricey “ransom” was thanks to a surge of donations from fed-up constituents.

O’Connell wrote the check and marched down the hill from the State House to the Downtown Crossing offices of the Department of Transitional Assistance to personally deliver the fee.

“If DTA wants to hold these records hostage and make me pay ransom for them, then I’m going to pay the ransom for them,” she told the Herald as she embarked on her mission. “These should be public records. The public has a right to know.”


O’Connell is demanding electronic copies of all EBT balances over a six-month period this past fall and winter with balances above $1,500. She was told the records will be delivered within 10 days.

Gov. Deval Patrick has supported the $800 price tag for the records, with officials saying the money will be used to compile the data.

“We’re talking about taxpayers. They’re paying their taxes, they’re paying for fraud in this program, and now they’re helping to get these records,” O’Connell said. “I’m just going to pay this. I don’t want to drag it out anymore.”

O’Connell can use campaign funds for political expenditures as long as it “not primarily personal” in nature, according to a spokesman for the Office of Campaign and Political Finance.

“Campaign funds can be used to pay for a records request if it enhances their political future,” said spokesman Jason Tait, adding he couldn’t directly comment on O’Connell’s case.

O’Connell said she launched her EBT project after a store owner in Pittsfield sent her a receipt showing a customer’s alarming $7,000 EBT balance.

“Somebody who accumulated that much money shouldn’t be on welfare,” she said. “That’s fraud.”

DTA spokesman Alec Loftus said in a statement yesterday: “We are glad that Representative O’Connell is paying for her request, so taxpayers don’t have to pick up the tab.”

The Taunton Republican’s do-it-yourself probe comes a week after state Auditor Suzanne M. Bump released a scathing report showing DTA paid about $2.4 million to 1,100 dead people — and doled out millions more to live recipients collecting EBT benefits from Florida and Las Vegas to the Virgin Islands.

Evidence of sky-high EBT balances could raise new questions at the scandal-ravaged welfare department, including whether such recipients even need public assistance and whether they are fraudulently holding more than one card.

The payoff came as a committee of lawmakers dove into closed-door meetings to hash out a 
$34 billion state budget, with House-passed welfare reforms looming large in the negotiations.

97   AverageBear   2013 Jul 28, 12:00am  

yet another example of Welfare abuse. This time it's in NYC, where Welfare abusers are taking tax-payer $$, buying food here, and shipping it to other countries in barrels for profit. Not to feed poor people OUTSIDE of our country for free. FOR PROFIT....

Any liberal on patrick care to defend our status quo, piss poor, job of managing our welfare system? hmm?


98   bob2356   2013 Jul 28, 12:51am  

adarmiento says

I agree that the Social Security fund should never have been used to finance the debt.

What you actually mean, but are failing to say is, that SS funds should have never been used to finance defense spending since defense is over half the general budget if honest accounting were used.

99   AverageBear   2013 Jul 29, 12:39am  

bob2356 says

adarmiento says

I agree that the Social Security fund should never have been used to finance the debt.

What you actually mean, but are failing to say is, that SS funds should have never been used to finance defense spending since defense is over half the general budget if honest accounting were used.

ie, has nothing to do with this thread (Welfare abuse/fraud).... SS is a different topic.....

100   AverageBear   2013 Aug 7, 1:51am  

EBT Fraudster threatens cop with VooDoo after crashing car....


A Cadillac-driving OUI suspect — charged with running a Boston Globe delivery truck off Interstate 93 and onto the Leverett Connector — was carrying three EBT cards, mocked a cop “for paying for food when she gets it for free” and threatened to put a voodoo curse on him, according to a police report.“I questioned her as to why she had other peoples (sic) EBT cards and she 
began screaming that I was a ‘dumb (expletive)’ for paying for food when she gets it for free,” trooper William Koko­cinski wrote of Vivencia 
Bellegarde, 25, of Everett, noting she had her own electronic benefits transfer card and also the cards of two other people.“She repeatedly called me a racist and told me she was from Haiti and she was gonna ‘put voodoo on my white (expletive),’” Kokocinski wrote. “(She) told me to Google her name and find out who I was ‘(expletive) with’. She further explained that her name translated means ‘give life take life’ and she emphasized ‘TAKE LIFE’. She then shouted that she was ‘coming for all you white (expletives).’”A spokesman for the state Department of Transitional Assistance, which administers welfare, said in a statement the agency has been notified of Bellegarde’s EBT cards “and will take appropriate action.”“DTA investigates every
tip that it receives from members of the public or law enforcement, and refers cases to the auditor’s Bureau of Special Investigations for further action, which has the power to investigate potential criminal matters,” the statement said.Bellegarde, who is listed as unemployed in court 
papers, is being held on $10,000 bail on charges of drunken driving causing serious injury. Surveillance video of the 3:13 a.m. Monday crash shows a car slamming into the Globe truck, forcing it off the roadway and into a frightening 40-foot free fall. The truck came apart on impact with the Leverett Connector 
on-ramp below.The truck driver, Paul Healy Jr., 35, of Brockton, was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was in fair condition yesterday. He declined to comment yesterday through a family member. - See more at: http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/08/what_the_hex_oui_suspect_charged_in_wild_crash_threatened_cop#sthash.l62UFnZO.dpuf

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