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My wife's chiropractor was lecturing me Saturday, on how it should be legal in this country, and how the pharmaceutical companies are against it. He said he would recommend it over pain pills any day. I was just listening thinking, "Come on man get to your point, I wanna go home and do a bowl."
I can think of a few Political and religious beliefs that damage more brains than marijuana ever could.
...."There are many excellent reasons to avoid marijuana. Marijuana use damages brain development in young people."
Yea, so does aspertame, saccharin, sugar in excess... His argument is based on his opinion - which is based on nothing.
I know alot of people who have smoked pot their entire lives and they're not "addicted." There's such thing as recreational use.
I counter you worst article with this submission...
Just because tweets inspire your opinion piece, doesn't mean you should use the intelligible tweets.
I'm just baffled reading this article. First he's talks about how marijuana use is bad and we should send that message to young people by keeping it illegal, then he's talking about housing and the exotic mortgages bankers came out with, then he's talking about higher eduction tuition, then it's back to Marijuana again. Is it just me or was this author a very heavier user of marijuana, cause I was baffled by this article. It seems the author is missing more than a few brain cells