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Does the term "narcissistic personality disorder" mean anything to you ?
Marcus, I don't know why you spend all this time trying to communicate with him, he is soo mentally unstable, he turns on a dime.... talk about a Jekyll and Hyde personality defect...
I think you know I'm done.
Can you still like and dislike the same post?
Yes. I wish there were an undo feature to Unlike or Undislike. But as of now it is possible to express ambivalence or a change of mind by clicking both or neither.
Just make sure you "like" his posts... ha ha
I'm not going to see his posts, except on the front page, or if I'm not logged in. But I'm still going to be pretty shocked if Patrick doesn't kill his account.
I know Patrick lets a lot of back and forth go
Which I think s fine. Using colorful language or even a little implied emotion in an otherwise content filled conversation that has some redeeming value is one thing.
But if someone frequently writes comments that essentially say nothing more than "I hate you,...go to hell." Literally nothing more, and not just on very rare occasions, but maybe 10 times in a day,.... that doesn't do much for the quality of the forum.
It's as if either he has some kind of disorder, where he can't see how it appears(lacking empathy), or he doesn't even understand what a forum is, and doesn't care if he has a negative impact on it.
(I know, I know - I have gotten in stupid arguments that were not very interesting to most people( e.g. with Dan or with curious 2). But when I do, I usually later put them on ignore, partly out of a understanding (or even an embarrassment), that other readers don't want to see my emotional response to someones BS, and when it gets to where I feel I'm being trolled or we are trolling each other, in a way that is just a waste of energy, then it's time to just not talk to that person, and not get sucked in to doing so. )
He probably got most of his dislikes from bad spelling.
when i first started to use email back on the old IBM Mainframe 370 with Disk Drum as memory.. we were taught from day 1... forget about spelling/grammar and everything you learned in proper writing... the shorter the better at what ever cost. All because memory was expensive.... in addition email boomed to which more people spent their days reading and writing back more and more emails .. skipping their real daily jobs they were hired to do. So formating a proper letter went out the window really fast.. else you lost your job.
well .. decades later we have billions of users just hogging the crap load of bandwidth and storage... so the same poor spelling/grammer/format writing style still apply and isnt that a big deal.
For your information I am extremely well educated, I graduated with two bachelors before I was 21, a masters before I was 24 and even higher qualifications before I was 30.
"Higher qualifications?" Is that another way of saying "Would you like fries with that?"
Just curious - do you also have a Captain Midnight Decoder Ring? Because if you did, that would really impress us.
Is it possible for one to "like" himself too much? We'll know that's been accomplished when his icon is wearing glasses...
your welcome.
A lack of perfection is one thing, which is understood here and in email.
Just not caring is another. Or worse not knowing.
But actually the CAptain has gotten better about it as far as I can tell. Maybe he cut back on the ummm,...
The Professor,
My comment just got deleted on another thread & another was deleted earlier this week. I am going places. All I have to do is follow my star.
One can't be a proficient troll if they proofread.lol
One can't be a proficient troll if they proofread.lol
Perhaps if you were logged into proofread.lol, you wouldn't have been kicked off. Just an observation.
As for my approach, well as I have said I will no longer tolerate the HATEFUL SHIT SPEWED FROM HIS MOUTH!
Somehow, this reminds me of OJ Simpson's statement in 1995:
"When things have settled down a bit I will pursue as my primary goal in life the killer or killers who slaughtered Nicole and Mr. Goldman."
BTW, wtf does "well as I have said" mean? Even if he is trying to save precious space on the interwebs through lack of punctuation, his grammar leaves much to be desired.
Part of it is that he takes an idea that he maybe believes in a way, but then expresses it in an absurdly over the top way to make the point (and also to troll the liberals). At the same time sometimes he is almost intentionally an idiot in some ways that aren't going to change. He thinks of it as an art form, and feels that it makes him unique and special.
You know I can hear you?
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that partition people into two kinds and those that don't. I am one of the later.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in this world, hot chicks I'm having sex with and people I don't give a shit about.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are still reading these inane posts and those whose time is valuable.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are going to like this post and those who are going to dislike it. Well, ok, there's a third type that doesn't give a shit.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who spend all their time posting to Patrick.net and those who are productive at work.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who vote Republican and those who give a shit about the world.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who support Obama, and those who have a brain.
There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that make the best of list...
and those that are the most talked about in the best of list.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who have read all the way down to this post and those that have a life. If you are reading this, sorry.
There's no way Dan is that uber nut-job. Dan can actually post something *intelligent whether you agree or not.
*Intellengent in the sense that he put some thought, his own, into it. Not Intelligence in the sense, "I'm a Liberal and everything you say is Stupid" like others here like to define it.
Dan, I sure do see a connection between you, 121212, and thedaytoday. Akin to Clark Kent and Superman ... they being your Kent ego, and you being your Superman ego. It's pretty interesting.
Starting groups of topics in waves with a common theme
Time of day activity.
How you use them to flush out the targets, kinda like a hunter uses dogs to jump birds.
Hey Bigot BAP33!
Shows how smart your are, NOT!
We have nothing to do with each other, nothing.
and for CptBigot, you should leave for Glenn Bleck land over at theBLAZE
Dan, I sure do see a connection between you, 121212, and thedaytoday. Akin to Clark Kent and Superman ... they being your Kent ego, and you being your Superman ego. It's pretty interesting.
I assure you that I have never posted to patrick.net under any account except dan8267. Furthermore, if I were a superhero, I would be Iron Man, not Superman, because Iron Man is cooler, less uptight, and has no problem banging lots of hot chicks. Superman would never do that. Iron Man is the Barney Stinson of superheros. Iron Man literally suits up to go into battle.
By the way, check out Barney's Blog. It's getting better.
Dan, I sure do see a connection between you, 121212, and thedaytoday...Am I alone in this?
For your information I am extremely well educated, I graduated with two bachelors before I was 21, a masters before I was 24 and even higher qualifications before I was 30.
"Higher qualifications?" Is that another way of saying "Would you like fries with that?"
Comprehension is obviously not one of your qualifications. Reading is a prerequisite for comprehension
Can you read:
I said: "even higher qualifications"
You have and always will misquote and misguide this forum. You do this on a regular basis.
@leo, lol
@Dan, I know, you have said that before, I'm just seeing a patern. Not sure what it shows.
@thedaytoday, anyone you call a bigot is A-ok in my book. The cyber based persona that you are trying to create is pretend. You do understand that, don't you? Before you retort, find a window and go look out at real life ... now go find yourself a life. Put that semi-automatic keyboard to rest, you savage you.
@TheProfessor, lol
this new nerd turd poster is trying for a particular persona, and obviously it (the persona) must hate femanine personas too. It must be an important perst of the super educated, hertophobic liberal persona the poster is trying for. I would not take anything posted by this persona seriously. It's an obvious joke or ploy.
In America those like you come against on here have chosen bellum internecinum for all that do not agree with them. Load heavy.
Callitcrazy but conservatives with strong opinions are not well liked around
really, this should be in the Patrick hall of fame too.
For your information I am extremely well educated, I graduated with two bachelors before I was 21, a masters before I was 24 and even higher qualifications before I was 30.
"Higher qualifications?" Is that another way of saying "Would you like fries with that?"
Comprehension is obviously not one of your qualifications. Reading is a prerequisite for comprehension
Can you read:
I said: "even higher qualifications"
You have and always will misquote and misguide this forum. You do this on a regular basis.
You're RealtorsAreLiars/LiarWatch/DarrellinPhoenix..., aren't you? I take it that this is your new, none RE character for PC trolling.
"Even higher qualifications" would have mattered if you were referring to something you need to be qualified for... such as a job, or the Miss America Pagent.
But here, in patnet world, your degrees don't matter to us. What would matter is something awesome, such as the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts. You're falling short of this goal in a dramatic fashion.
By the way, "comprehension" isn't a qualification. It's the "capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas..." (Dictionary.com). Based on your posts, you are severely lacking in this area - so I believe that I'm speaking for many of us when I say that you might want to change the resume if you've listed it as one of your qualifications.
Frankly, I'm flattered that you've become such a fan of mine that you believe you possess direct knowledge of my ability to "misquote" and "misguide" this forum. Seeing as how I quoted you directly without editorializing, a better description of my abilities might be that I possess the ability to select & quote in such a unique way that you get a little turned on.
C'mon, you know that you do. Probably on a regular basis.
And that can be counted as a qualification. I'm pretty sure of it.
But here, in patnet world, your degrees don't matter to us. What would matter is something awesome, such as the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts. You're falling short of this goal in a dramatic fashion.
Ignore really does work.
Since thedaytoday put his "last word" in I have decided to ignore his persona.
His persona was vile. Often profane and adds little to the debate.
I appreciate someone who can debate me, try to persuade me, and show me the error of my ways. Attack my stupid ideas and clear me of my ignorance. Don't call me a stupid A-hole without providing convincing evidence.
No, you don't. You simply delete posts that show you to be wrong as evidenced by your ridiculous 9/11 thread.
I appreciate someone who can debate me, try to persuade me, and show me the error of my ways. Attack my stupid ideas and clear me of my ignorance. Don't call me a stupid A-hole without providing convincing evidence.
No, you don't. You simply delete posts that show you to be wrong as evidenced by your ridiculous 9/11 thread.
And you, Mr Bigsby, just like to argue. I have not ignored you because on occasion you have something interesting to say, you are not vulgar, and... and... you're a good speller.
I don't like to argue. I just don't like bullshit to pass. The simple truth is you set up a new 9/11 thread after one had already been done to death so that you could repeat your points from the former whilst also being able to delete those posts that showed you to be wrong. You did this with abandon.
Mr Bigsby,
I do not recall you "show"ing me wrong on the 911 thread. I don't remember you posting any convincing evidence. Please post any proof you have to the appropriate discussion.
Then you have a very poor memory. Your stark errors were pointed out by a good number of posters. It would be difficult to post the proof from your thread as you deleted it all, but people just need to go to the original 9/11 thread and see what people posted in response to you. You're one of those tin foil hat conspiracy believers (controlled demolitions FFS) who no matter what evidence they are shown continue to hold on desperately to their beliefs. As your arguments became more laughable and repetitive I recall you changed your name to The Professor, presumably in an effort to try and instill your arguments with a sense of gravitas. It didn't work.
My posts led you to The professor moniker? How exactly do you figure that?
You're just a 9/11 conspiracy quack who has now posted that ridiculous image how many times exactly? And which thread is the appropriate one? The one where you can delete any responses that refute your views or the one where the arguments have already been done to death? I imagine you are probably just looking for yet another opportunity to post exactly the same images and videos from your go to crackpot conspiracy websites that you have already done multiple times. Count me out from your mind numbing stupidity.
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the truth