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Hard to say. Its fairly clear from hearing the applause during his speech that other GOP members also know that they need to change direction. If they don't, they're going to become irrelevant.
I agree that it is hard to say, and it is possible that more moderate minds regain control of the party, but currently it is hard for me to imagine the GOP turning their back on FOX "news" and the Tea Party.
The Democrat party's leadership of today is arguably about as conservative as Regan. I could see the RINOs joining Democrats and a new "liberal" party emerging.
The paul family is not "moderate libertarian". They're extremist libertarians who want virtually no government. That's not an attractive platform for very many people.
A moderate libertarian would accept the validity of government programs while working to minimize them.
Most importantly, intelligent Americans will actually have two legitimate choices again. Its impossible for me to even consider voting for a party full of anti science bigots.
Absolutely correct
If the reps were to run jindal/herman cain ticket in 2016, it would be an interesting matchup. All depends of course on who the dems nominate, but they would probably do no worse that mr. bain did in 2012. And if dems run hillary and whoever against jindal/cain, the reps may have a decent chance of winning assuming of course that jindal plays by the same playbook that he is speaking today.
The thing is that I heard this on the radio: Many of the GOP leaders present were clapping. Obviously many agree and approve.
Clapping doesn't mean squat. People clap out of politeness, or just because they are the sorts of people who have bothered to show up to an event where Jindal was speaking. Does his audience represent a cross-section of GOP voters?
Boehner said today he wants to make abortion "a relic of the past".
The GOP is run entirely by zealots these days, there's just no getting around it. Trotting out a few fringers to say "see look how moderate & reasonable we can be!" just doesn't wash.
Unless fat, racist, middle age white guys can start breeding quicker they are done.
Unless fat, racist, middle age white guys can start breeding quicker they are done.
Well, the "white guys" are not really breeding quicker than many other cultures and thats regardless of whether they are progressives/liberals/conservatives/racists etc. While this choice has certain advantages from peace of mind and financial perspectives, it does have consequences one of which is that you lose political influence vs those groups that are "breeding" at a quicker pace.
During the last election cycle, it was just draw dropping the stuff that was coming out of their mouths:
Agreed. I sometimes wonder how closely those in charge at the RNC actually pay attention to this stuff. Some of the outright stupidity displayed was awe-inspiring. Mostly because almost all of what was mentioned to get attention was totally ridiculous except to a very small demographic of extreme right followers. The GOP needs to learn to cast a wider net next election.
I think this is actually one of the few times I've totally agreed with a Republican politician.
That's what he wants you think. If you look more closely though, he was only suggesting greater stealth next time. He didn't say anything about admitting that their platform was fundamentally wrong. He certainly didn't say anything about apologizing. He only said they needed to keep quiet about it. Basically, instead of being the loudmouth Rush Limbaugh party, he wants them to be the furtive Larry Craig party, because it's easier to fool people if you don't talk about what you're planning to do. And their party still depends, fundamentally, on fooling people into voting against their own interests. That's why they can't jettison the religious fundamentalists. They need $$$ from crony capitalists and endorsements from preachers in order to get the votes of religious fanatics. Half of all Americans believe the earth and man were created in their current form less than 10,000 years ago, as described in Genesis; they reject evolution and geology and they would probably still believe in geocentrism if their preachers told them to. Throw in a slick TV campaign, and scare the daylights out of people with war all over the world, and you can have a winning combination at the polls, as W demonstrated in 2004.
I'd love to see a major party stand for balanced budgets, peace abroad, freedom and prosperity at home. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough patronage money or sectarian bloodlust in that platform to compete with the existing major party patronage networks.
There were two very bad things that came up recently, first was that the House didn't pass a disaster relief package for Hurricane Sandy, second is the witch hunt for information about Benghazie.
Paul Ryan saying he would fire Clinton was a stupid comment to make to a politically savvy, connected, life long politician who has done an exhausting job as Secratary of State. That was pure grand standing, the way he does.
Republicans have a very tough row to hoe to get any traction in the next election. They need to start making positive movement rather than slogans.
"No Budget, No Pay?" That was a stupid representation of how to get things done.
I love how the Fox Newser's kick Hillary's comment around:
Hillary: What difference would it make?
As if whatever State said about the matter after they were dead, would make them less dead or something.
You can disagree with Obama's philosophy and politics, at least he's not going nuclear "stupid" like his competitors were.
Stupidly came from the likes of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Stephanie Cutter smear campaign of lies and misinformation... still didnt prove that Romney did anything illegal signing the SEC docs or so called Swiss Bank Accounts...
Hillary: What difference would it make?
No... it was about if al Qaeda was finished as Obama stated before the attack on 911 (2012) or cover up a full blown al Qaeda attach that wasnt supposed to happen.
It still is a cover up.. with no comments until AFTER the election.. Even CBS censored their interview to hide the Obama called the attach was due to the Anti Muslim YouTube video.
cover up a full blown al Qaeda attach
Can you even conceive that this theory is completely insane?
I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, but this is a whole new level of just stupid. A conspiracy should at least be about something REAL and meaningful, not something a large chunk of Americans couldn't give a shit about whichever way it went down.
It's piss-ant bullshit that was CORRECTED later. Let's contrast this, did Bush and Cheney admit there were never any WMD and they shouldn't have invaded Iraq? NOOOOPE! Were there any concrete major military actions that hung on the outcome of which way the State Department reported their knowledge of Benghazi? NOOOPE!
The paul family is not "moderate libertarian". They're extremist libertarians who want virtually no government. That's not an attractive platform for very many people.
A moderate libertarian would accept the validity of government programs while working to minimize them.
The Rand Paul is also your tea party Representative
A moderate libertarian would accept the validity of government programs while working to minimize them.
It will never happen. They are too extreme. So extreme infact I don't see how Rand Paul draws a salary from the Government!
Rand Paul is also an ultra social conservative. On one hand he says keep government off our backs, on the other he wants to outlaw abortion and gay marriage. He's just a tool.
Rand Paul is also an ultra social conservative.
His dad moved from Pennsylvania to Texas, so the acorn rolled downhill a long way from the tree. Same story with W and his parents. Not everybody in Texas is a jerk, for example Molly Ivins and Ann Richards and even Buddy Holly were all Texan, but most of the "men" get so riled up about God & Guns that they can't think about anything else. It might be even worse among some first generation Texans, who might grow up feeling a need to prove themselves "real Texans" and not closet Yankees.
Can you even conceive that this theory is completely insane?
The Sept 11 2012 attack on benghazi was another al qaeda terrorist attack...but the Govt said it was from a anti-muslim video. so it was also said by our UN ambassador on Sunday talk shows and by our President a few weeks later on 60 minutes. It was later revealed that part of the interview was censored by 60 minutes before the 2012 elections. The president continued to ignore it was a terrorist attack even though Libyans reported it was al Qaeda..
Not a theory.. all facts captured on video ...
Please elaborate on what difference it makes if the source of the attack was misreported during the first few weeks, before all the facts were in. Has it affected policy? Would four people still be dead? Was ANYBODY still confused about who was responsible for the attack after 3-4 weeks?
You people are really grasping at straws here. Why are you wasting your energy on something so irrelevant and petty? Its not like bad information was used to justify invading another country and spending trillions of dollars.
The Sept 11 2012 attack on benghazi
Who gives a rat's ass?
A bunch of GOP dimwits determined to find SOME shred of something they can use to smear shit on Obama. Attempting to turn a molehill into a mountain through willpower and bullshit.
I mean really, let's say State Dept HAD gotten things right immediately. I rarely expect this in the "fog" that immediately follows some event like this. It usually takes YEARS or NEVER for some agencies to recognize errors. But let's say they had. Now what would have changed about our lives today? Please elucidate how this event being communicated one way vs the other, resulted in some major diplomatic or military change, that would have changed the War on Terror completely. Go ahead, convince me the tragic consequences of this error and the UTOPIA we missed out on by one screwup.
I mean really, let's say State Dept HAD gotten things right immediately.
and that would mean a contradiction what obama has been saying for months...al qaeda is finished... than came another "911" surprise right before election... al qaeda not finished after all... no smear just facts..
it seems the political life of a incompetent administration would come to an end. so they did a cover up.. while all the evidence was clear as day light.. and 60 mintues the independent arm of the media gets caught censuring the most damning evidence of all.
and all Obama did was become apologist for some anti Muslim video even during the UN speech
So Vicente was the attack on benghazi over the video or a preplanned terrorist attack... which one ?
Oh yeah, the huge cover up! Its a conspiracy! Obama would have lost the election if...something. Different?
Wtf? I don't even know what this is. They had bad information. Full stop. They got better information later and updated the official story. There were ZERO actions taken based on bad information.
This is such bullshit that it makes me happy. Republicans can't find anything legitimate to complain about, so they're wasting time grasping at straws.
Republicans can't find anything legitimate to complain about, so they're wasting time grasping at straws.
They could find plenty of legitimate things to complain about, but they can't propose any legitimate solutions that their coalition would tolerate. They shout about distractions to drown out any discussion of their backwards and dreadful policies. It's like Jindal's advice, except at higher volume: they can't muzzle their worst representatives, so they try to shout louder about something else, anything else, hoping nobody will notice the elephants in the room.
" GOP needs to stop being the stupid party"
That might require a miracle that even God can't preform.
COME ON .. its 4 versus 4487 and a ratio of 1000 !!
LOL! a dinky scratch and some go crying home to momma...
Kennedy must be disgusted at what his democratic party has become...
This certainly isnt the democratic party he once was the leader of... the new brave generation. At least he wasnt a pussy compared to some today.
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty." President John F. Kennedy - January 20, 1961
An error which cost 4000 lives is much serious than an error which caused 4 lives ....Period !
and that would mean even Lincoln made a bigger mistake than Bush...
else just capitulate and die... give up ! call it a day and surrender ! game over !
someone paid for your freedom.. and you cant handle it !!!
Oh yeah, the huge cover up! Its a conspiracy! Obama would have lost the election if...something. Different?
its about having the balls to know you were wrong and correct it without delay.
as was the case with Kennedy when he was dealing with the Soviets
and Arms built up in Cuba..
Dead people can't be disgusted.
its ok to be a pacifists as long as you can get out of way of the people who will
make that sacrifice..
It was a BIG ERROR by our intelligence team.
either way.. Iraq was gonna happen maybe in 2003 maybe in 2013...maybe by Bush or may be by Al Gore..
Al Gore: No Doubt Saddam's Weapons Are Grave Threat
precious 4000 lives.
4000 to save 10s 100s of MILLIONS ... sacrifices were made by our warriors..
as they have in past conflicts and wars... if your incapable of making that sacrifice
than step aside..
now GOP got its panties in a knot for an error which cost us 4 lives.
nope.. thats where you wrong.. its about the political career of the President losing the election vs admitting that al Qaeda is still a treat even after the death of OBL.
Does... Osama is Dead and Ford is Alive.... Ring a bell.. clearly the marketing of Obama
was a farce...
If we hadn't have lost those 4000 lives in Iraq, saddam would still have all those weapons of mass destruction he had before...
we got a 2 for 1 deal...because of it... scared the fuck out of Gaddafi..
On 19 December 2003, Gaddafi made a surprise announcement that he planned to dismantle the program. Libya agreed to destroy all of its chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons. Libya provided the designs of centrifuges to U.S. officials and gave the name of its suppliers. The revelation led to the debriefing of Abdul Qadeer Khan, one of Pakistan's top scientists. In 2004, the United States, along with IAEA officials and Interpol, led the arrest of the Libyan nuclear program's former head Friedrich Tinner. On 22 January 2004, U.S. transport planes carried 55,000 pounds of documents and equipment related to Libya's nuclear and ballistic missile programs to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. In March 2004, over 1,000 additional centrifuge and missile parts were shipped out of Libya.
4000 lives and then making up stories to justify the war.
sacrifices were made... its a concept alien to you.
I feel like there should be a party for the California conservative like me. I'm not racist, at least I don't think I am. I'm married interracially so I pass that test. I believe people should have the right to choose how to live their lives and do whatever they like until it hurts others. That's pretty libertarian, I suppose. I'm against propaganda, both sides. That means I won't be tolerating Fox rantings or gay mafia propaganda. People have a right to their beliefs in this country, even if others may find them repugnant. I believe that the government should do less. Less overseeing its citizens through endless regulation and policing. Less spent on invading other nations and less expensive war planes. Less intrusion into our lives over what we put in our bodies, be it raw milk or cannibis. I believe we could balance the budget, if sacred cows like homeland security were put on the chopping block. I believe the rich could pay more taxes if they're making 20 million annually and paying 11%. By anyone's math that is wrong. Close the loopholes! Then perhaps we can have the productive middle class tax rate at a sane level. I believe that corruption in government costs us all, and should be rooted out. We cannot afford to become a banana republic, which is increasing in likelihood as those from such cultures attain office and begin the double dealing.
I think we need to psychologically evaluate all politicians and place disclaimers on the ones who are likely sociopaths. That would discourage outright malicious activity in government. The Chinese had a tradition of this for centuries. We could learn something.
Anyone else have things to add to the list? Arguments?
with no comments until AFTER the election
the President losing the election vs admitting that al Qaeda is still a treat even after the death of OBL.
President Obama addressed each of your concerns in the debates he had with Mitt Romney.
Obama did say Benghazi was a terrorsit attack, and that terrorism was our biggest threat. Old timer Romney said Russia was our biggest threat.
If Mitt Romney hadn't thrown together an ill advised news conference concerning Benghazi there wouldn't have been a need for disinformation concerning the attack.
The United States government has found those responsible, and they should be dead by now, but I guess we'll need for the Republican noise to quite before we try them.
This is a war on terror. Obama has changed the face of that war from boots on the ground to actually targeting terrorists.
The military has asked for this since Viet Nam, and in my opinion Obama is the first President to listen.
Number of people who voted for Obama based on the aftermath of Benghazi: zero.
The only people who give a shit voted for Romney anyway. Its irrelevant.
Paul Ryan made another set of stupid comments concerning the Republican Party.
He used the phrase that the Republican Party has to be smart, which kind of implies that they have been stupid.
Paul Ryan never presents solutions, he is all about what the problems are, with absolutely no regard for how much can be done. He is pushing his own agenda of getting rid of Democrats.
Paul Ryan never sees himself as the problem.
The Tea Party has been, and continues to be divisive. I don't see any upside to this affiliation between the Tea Party and Republicans. That was a stupid alliance for Republicans to make.
The list of stupid mistakes Republicans have made continues without an end in sight.
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I thought this was rather interesting: A rising star in the GOP at a major RNC convention not only said of the GOP "stop being the stupid party" but he also said:
"It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults,†“We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I’m here to say we’ve had enough of that.â€
OMG. I think this is actually one of the few times I've totally agreed with a Republican politician.