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What kind of retard would get an adjustable rate mortgage right now? Rates have nowhere to go but up. If you don't lock in the lowest interest rates in history, you are a fool.
difficult to say what prices will do given what rates do.. rates go down and so do prices...
it was true in early 90s and more recently.. rates going up.. prices can still go down ... or up based on irrational expectations of home buyers.
But we may well still see protracted low rates for a very long time still. yes its crazy !
30 years fixed rate mortgage have been the wrong/disaster choice for 30 years. people are smartening up.
like i said.. after 2000.. EVERYTHING went to shit...
Most in silicon Valley moved on and continue to live their lives and take on floating rate mortgages.
how old are you again, how long have you been around that makes you an expert on the economic norm and what people can control. ... please ! some chump from the city is going to tell me what the economic norm is in Silicon Valley. Laughable!
Yes... after 2000, all we have is hustlers and fraudsters...every jack ass started to hustle homes like a ATM money making machine..
if you have no concept of the past.. you have no concept what is normal... fraudsters are very good at creating distractions." this time its different". LOL!
I'm gonna be laughing my ass off in 7 years when I'm still paying the same
low rate and these other suckers' time-bomb loans blow up in their faces.
What makes you think interest rates are going to go up in the medium term?
Why would you be laughing when the resale value of your home will be cratering as interest rates rise?
None of the ~20 people I know here in the SFBA has an adjustable mortgage, every single one either 15 or 30 year fixed. While this is not statistically significant, I highly doubt that floating mortgages are the norm. And if they are on the rise it won't be long until the next disaster. Fine with me as long as they don't get bailed out again ;)
What makes you think interest rates are going to go up in the medium term?
Rates don't have to go up. If you get an interest-only loan, your payment goes up dramatically at the end of the interest-only period, even if rates haven't gone up. What's more, you still owe the ENTIRE balance of your loan, because you haven't paid down the principal at all. What's the advantage to taking out an interest-only ARM?
I think that, sometime in the next 30 years, interest rates will go higher than they are now. If you have an ARM, you will have to pay that higher rate, I will never have to pay a higher rate.
Are you guys even aware that the mortgage rates we currently enjoy are unheard of in history? This is the lowest they have ever been. I don't understand why you would believe they will stay at their lowest forever. Do you even know that the universe existed before the year 2000?
Note that chart stops in 2009. The bottom of the chart is 4%. I believe rates are around 3.5% right now.
Why would you be laughing when the resale value of your home will be cratering as interest rates rise?
A) I doubt the resale value of my home is going to "crater". B) I have no plans to sell it anyway.
My payment will never change.
1) nobody can predict rates in the near to intermediate term.
2) long term, odds are rates will increase.
3) any purchase strategy that requires rates to decrease or stay flat over the long term is dumb.
Fine with me as long as they don't get bailed out again ;)
You know they WILL get bailed out, right?
Fine with me as long as they don't get bailed out again ;)
You know they WILL get bailed out, right?
Yeah, unfortunately. Although I think interest rates will keep rising and the fed will run out of steam and will have to wind down which makes future bailouts much more difficult. 16 trillion and counting.. ;)
Fine with me as long as they don't get bailed out again ;)
You know they WILL get bailed out, right?
agree... and WE pay for it.
contrary to popular belief, taxpayer don't really lose in a capital infusion, it is the shareholder and bondholder.
you mean those who have savings/investments/pensions... who are the shareholders/bondholder other than US
WE or US its the same..
contrary to popular belief, taxpayer don't really lose in a capital infusion, it is the shareholder and bondholder. That's why they only infuse companies that will survive. The US government/taxpayer gets paid every red penny with interest eventually.
Ooh, I love fairy tales. Tell us another.
A) I doubt the resale value of my home is going to "crater".
So you link a chart and say that rates are going to go up, but you doubt the resale value of your home will crater if rates go to the historic norm. Did you fail math?
B) I have no plans to sell it anyway.
My payment will never change.
If rates rise you wont be able to sell it for the price you paid because you wouldnt be able to afford it at the price you paid at a higher interest rate. The very essence of a bubble, when you cant afford to buy the very home that you own because the payment would be too high.
* you'll have to realize the delta of the two loans. A 30 years fixed rate and 5 year arm has about a 1 % APR delta.
Speak English.
* So in 5 years, the ARM holder will save a lot of interest up-front vs the fixed. It will have to flip by 2% to even have the argument that 30 year fixed are better.
That's nonsense. You do not "save a lot of interest" with an interest-only ARM. Exactly the opposite. First, let's stick to 3 year interest only ARMs, since that's what we're discussing. If you only make the minimum payment, after 3 years, you STILL OWE THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF THE LOAN. So you have made mortgage payments for 3 years and have not paid down the principal even ONE CENT. It's amazing that people can't figure out what "interest only" means, but many don't seem to be able. The bank even warns you, but you do have to click open a pop-up window to see it:
"With an interest only mortgage payment, you will not pay down the loan's principal balance during the interest-only period. Once the interest-only period ends your payments will increase to pay back the principal and interest. Contact your mortgage consultant to determine what your payments might be once the interest-only period ends."
Hint: they ain't gonna be lower.
* There's always a cap (annual and lifetime) perhaps 5%. So the worst it can go is 7.875%
Union Bank says it's 6%. I would rather pay 3.875% for 30 years (fixed rate) than pay as much as 9.25%.
* you mitigate that risk if you have the ability to pay off the funds anytime. Most ARM borrowers have the means to pay off chunks. The point of interest only ARM is to build assets. 7% of 100K is only 7K or 7% of 0 is 0.
I agree that's the point. So why is Pocky advising people to use an interest-only ARM to buy a house they couldn't otherwise afford?
The only reason you might want a 3-1 interest-only ARM is if you have some super great place to put your money where you'll earn more than the amount you lose by not paying down the principal on your house. There is no such place at this particular time. So I see no reason for ANYONE to take out such a loan, and ESPECIALLY someone who is stretching his resources to try to buy a house outside of his affordability.
* Over the course of the next 10 years, there will be other outs. When interest rates rise, assets ride along with it.
All the more reason to have a fixed rate loan. If interest rates rise and I have an ARM, my home payment will be higher, so I would be LOSING assets.
* There's no best answer but there are compelling reason to use IO arms. To me 30 year fixed rate is expensive insurance which may benefit some people and useless for others.
The way it is being proposed here in this thread would fall under the "useless" category.
If rates rise you wont be able to sell it for the price you paid because you wouldnt be able to afford it at the price you paid at a higher interest rate. The very essence of a bubble, when you cant afford to buy the very home that you own because the payment would be too high.
What's your point?
You people who think a rate spike will come so you get a 30 year fixed why dont you simply wait for the rate spike THEN BUY a home for half off?
First of all, I don't think home prices will fall 50% when interest rates go up. That's pretty ridiculous. Second, if I wait for interest rates to go up, then I'm stuck with a higher interest rate. I got a low interest rate by buying in 2012. So why would I want to wait for them to go up?
You people who think a rate spike will come so you get a 30 year fixed why dont you simply wait for the rate spike THEN BUY a home for half off?
Because I don't think home prices will fall 50% when interest rates go up. That's pretty ridiculous.
I will give you an example nice and slow so you get it.
I buy a house for 500k 20% down 400k financed at 3.5%
Principal and interest $1,796
Interest rates rise to 6.5% and I want to sell my house to the next sucker. He has 20% down.
400k financed at 6.5%
Principle and interest $2,528
To get to the same payment I enjoy the next guy either has to come up with 215k down or pay me a lot less than 500k for my shit shack.
My point is if interest rates rise substancially over the next few years home prices will tank. You will become a zombie homeowner if they don't. You will not be able to move because you will not be able to afford the higher payment. Again the very definition of a bubble.
My point is if interest rates rise substancially over the next few years home prices will tank. You will become a zombie homeowner if they don't. You will not be able to move because you will not be able to afford the higher payment. Again the very definition of a bubble.
Or, all the people that locked in low rates just won't list their house for sale since they don't think that they will get a price they like for it. That will further decimate inventories, which will inevitably just push prices higher on whatever is for sale.
I will give you an example nice and slow so you get it.
Fuck you, asshole. Take your childish sarcasm and shove it up your ass. Fucking troll.
So you link a chart and say that rates are going to go up, but you doubt the resale value of your home will crater if rates go to the historic norm. Did you fail math?
Yeah, I missed math class 'cuz I was fucking your mom. She said she was sorry she had you.
Or, all the people that locked in low rates just won't list their house for
sale since they don't think that they will get a price they like for it. That
will further decimate inventories, which will inevitably just push prices higher
on whatever is for sale.
I agree that people won't list. They wont list because they wont be able to afford the higher payment at the next place. I dont agree that prices will be pushed higher. Most people can only afford a certain payment amount, a little more or a little less.
Fuck you, asshole. Take your childish sarcasm and shove it up your ass.
Fucking troll.
I see why you called yourself HomeBOY!
Yeah, I missed math class 'cuz I was fucking your mom. She said she was sorry
she had you.
My mom is 72, I hope you enjoyed that old piece of ass!
My mom is 72, I hope you enjoyed that old piece of ass!
She was in her prime back when I boned her. Sucked dick like a champ!
Fuck you, asshole. Take your childish sarcasm and shove it up your ass.
Fucking troll.
I see is doesn't take much to spin you up. Now if you would like to grow up a little you can always try and explain why you do not understand how rising interest rates are going to impact your investment.
if interest rates rise substancially over the next few years home prices will tank.
Yeah, everyone knows rising interest rates cause home prices to "tank".
Oh, wait - no they don't.
You will become a zombie homeowner if they don't. You will not be able to move because you will not be able to afford the higher payment. Again the very definition of a bubble.
tanking home prices back a rational normal levels is good..what good are higher home prices if it puts your income in jeopardy... kiss your job/career goodbye.
I see is doesn't take much to spin you up. Now if you would like to grow up a little you can always try and explain why you do not understand how rising interest rates are going to impact your investment.
No, it takes a lot. It takes an asshole troll like you, who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, and is saying a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with anything, just to try to get a rise out of people.
My house is not an "investment". It is a place for me to live. If the value of my house declines in the future, I am much better off having a fixed-rate loan. If I had a NINJA loan that's going to blow up in my face, I might be forced to sell. If I'm not able to, I would lose the house. It happened to millions of people. Do you ever look at a newspaper, by chance?
Do you have an intelligent explanation for why a 3/1 interest only ARM is a better choice than a 30-year fixed rate right now? Or do you want to keep acting like a little jackass?
Now inflation adjust that chart and you will see real prices flat to lower. You can also see that most of the gains are after the short term rate spike. In fact all of the rate spikes lead to lower home prices and all of the drops lead to higher prices. Thanks for backing me up.
Yeah, I missed math class 'cuz I was fucking your mom. She said she was sorry
she had you.
You say this and call me a troll? What are you 16? Grow up you little bitch.
Now inflation adjust that chart and you will see real prices flat to lower. You can also see that most of the gains are after the short term rate spike. In fact all of the rate spikes lead to lower home prices and all of the drops lead to higher prices. Thanks for backing me up.
You must be looking at a different chart. Now I know why your mom kept saying you were "special".
You say this and call me a troll? What are you 16? Grow up you little bitch.
I see it doesn't take much to spin you up. LOL.
Yeah, I missed math class 'cuz I was fucking your mom. She said she was sorry
she had you.
I am sorry your dad was sodimizing you daily.
Do you have an intelligent explanation for why a 3/1 interest only ARM is a
better choice than a 30-year fixed rate right now?
As soon as you give an intelligent explanation for your belief that rising rates will make your homes value increase, and don't just link somebody elses chart.....
You must be looking at a different chart. Now I know why your mom kept saying
you were "special".
I see your fathers sodomy went straight to your head. LOL.
well, in fairness, the spike of interest rates in the 80's, together with a recession in the defense contractor industry did toss a pretty big housing price drop at southern California.
It probably was the recession that did it. Home prices didn't fall until 1990, years after interest rates had already come down.
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Well, I stayed out of the craziness from 2005-2010, but started to look about 18 months ago. Found a place I wasn't absolutely crazy about, but was doable financially, and in a good area for $800K, well within my budget with about $200K down.
Didn't do it, though, and now that same place is on the market for $1.3M...18 months later!
I feel like I should have pulled the trigger back then. There wasn't a ton of inventory, but my payment would be doable.
I'm in a rent controlled apt, so at least my rent is cheap, but considering a buy out and now the real estate market has gone crazy here again. It doesn't make any sense, but his herd mentality is very real.
(sigh) very tough to figure things out here.