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By the way, Captain, I don't know why I should help you, but...
If you are getting bills from your doctor for things that the insurance was supposed to cover, the doctor is trying to scam you. They have a negotiated rate with the insurance company, and the doctor wants more money for the procedure than the insurance company wants to pay. It happened to me. They're hoping you'll just send them a check. I had to make some phone calls to get them to drop the charges.
You don't even have insurance, so don't worry about it.
I have insurance.
Jack Ass!
Was it my logic and common sense that pissed you off ?
Or was it more about the laser like precision of my observations about your heavy investment in Obamacare being a failure as well as Obama in general.
My advice: try to learn to be less emotional about these things. At this point you are far to predisposed to assuming that Obama is bad. It's affecting (notice my proper use of this word) your ability to think straight.
Good thing it isn't an interpersonal relationship. Because with that much bias in a relationship, your negative expectations would be sure to be self fulfilling.
Homeboy, should this thread be in HealthCare and not Politics? Can it be moved?
Moving it is very easy. Just open edit, for the original post, and find the drop down selector, and change the selection to health.
Maybe he feels like it gets more views here. It is a political issue too.
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Up to 29% CHEAPER? Wait, I thought "Obama lied". According to everyone here, rates were supposed to go through the roof.
Wait, didn't you guys say the only point of Obamacare was to line the pockets of the insurance industry? I'm curious how that's going to happen with only a 3% profit margin.
I currently have HealthNet through my union. It's group insurance, and qualifying depends on how much work I get that pays into the fund. I qualify every 2 years, if at all. On the odd years, I have to either go on COBRA or get a cheap high-deductible plan and go through hell trying to qualify with "pre-existing conditions". I went on COBRA several years ago. Do you know how much it cost? $480 a month. I see that ANYONE will now be able to get HealthNet insurance for $242 a month. That's 50% less.
So what say you, all the Chicken Littles who said the sky was falling, and that Obama was sending us all to the poor house?