Awesome new phone app

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2013 Jul 11, 2:00am   2,443 views  13 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Headline: New Android app asks users to create national database of 'potentially unsafe' gun owners

Place everyone on that list. A woman with PMS, a man who had a beer and his 16 year-old daughter is 15 minutes late returning from a date...

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1   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 11, 2:03am  

elliemae says

asks users to create national database of 'potentially unsafe' gun owners

Hmm I think I'll down load it and put Elliemae in that database of "potentially unsafe" gun owners.

Would that be alright with you?

As a DBA/Developer I can tell you first hand, that a Database is only as good as those putting the data in. At least in a company, there's someone deciding what data goes into the database. Like qualified customers who actually bought, or people you call based on qualification and criteria. Anytime a database is left to the users to randomly decide what goes in, quickly turns to shit.

2   oldim   2013 Jul 11, 2:38am  

Com on ..... this was developed by a lecturer with the Visual Arts department of the University of California, San Diego?

I have my doubts. This kind of app has all the ear marks of the NSA. This is obviously an attempt by the administration to circumvent the laziness of Congress and establish a national gun registration data base.

3   mmmarvel   2013 Jul 11, 4:57am  

What a BS app. Put me on it and I'll shoot you.

4   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 11, 5:06am  

mmmarvel says

What a BS app. Put me on it and I'll shoot you.

...but safely of course!

5   Shaman   2013 Jul 11, 7:35am  

Put a few US generals on there, and it will be exposed for the crap it is.

6   elliemae   2013 Jul 12, 1:52am  

CaptainShuddup says

Hmm I think I'll down load it and put Elliemae in that database of "potentially unsafe" gun owners.

Okay. Please feel free to stop by my house unannounced and I'll show you my guns. They'll look like this to you:

7   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 12, 2:08am  

Oh who would shoot a man with a bottle of wine and a cheese cake?

It's got a thick gram cracker crust!

8   elliemae   2013 Jul 12, 2:29am  

CaptainShuddup says

Oh who would shoot a man with a bottle of wine and a cheese cake?

I would guess that would be the person who is surprised by an unannounced visitor demanding to see her guns.

You're attempting to claim that you're on a humanitarian mission - but you bring weapons in your well-meaning cause. The cheesecake holds enough calories to be classified as a deadly weapon, and that's not counting the cherry topping that I'm hoping you'll be bringing to compliment such a dish. If the cheesecake isn't properly maintained and at the correct temperature, it could be teaming with deadly bacteria. Be sure to carry it with the cheesecake centered in the box, because I could get a papercut on my tongue if I'm forced to remove the tasty morsels from the packaging due to your negligence in ensuring proper delivery.

The wine also contains excess calories, as well as enough sulfites to make one sick. That's assuming you'll be bringing a nice chardonnay chilled to the perfect temperature so that I can wash down the deadly cheesecake you forced upon me.

So, if you show up unannounced with those deadly weapons, I'll be forced to confiscate them with my gun. I'll leave the empty box and wine bottle by the door...

9   elliemae   2013 Jul 12, 2:45am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Why even show up at all, given the availability and increasing affordability of ordnance-equipped drones?

I had an extra plate & wine glass set out for you - figured you could help me to ensure the world was safe. I'll smear cheesecake on your drone, if you like.

Wow, a new sexual euphemism.

10   utahred   2013 Jul 12, 3:06am  

Yes. The 2nd Amendment, like the Constitution, was written in simple day to day language that any citizen could understand. It wasn't necessary to elaborate on the meaning of "... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms .." It was common knowledge that "Arms" included such things as knives, clubs, machine guns, bazookas, assault rifles, and now days, airborne arms.

Cheesecake would give some protection. Going bareback isn't recommended.

11   elliemae   2013 Jul 12, 3:13am  

utahred says

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms

You do realize that, at some point, the right to bear Arms becomes ridiculous?

12   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 12, 3:16am  

Well the good thing about liability is, it is backwards compatible.
So make your big brother app, get people killed, and when we get people in Washington that is people driven rather than agenda driven. Perhaps everyone from the app creator to those who posted people in a list with out any legal authority to do so, can have their asses sued back to the stone age.

13   elliemae   2013 Jul 12, 3:18am  

Crap. I guess this means I don't get cheesecake & wine. I was willing to stand my ground to get it.

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