What scares republicans the most about Obamacare

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2013 Aug 11, 2:23am   44,323 views  245 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


But here’s my question: if Republicans are so confident Obamacare will end badly, why not just shut up about it? It’s not like they have the votes to repeal the law—a math problem they still haven’t solved after 37 different tries. Their appeal to the Supreme Court ended in defeat at the hands of a conservative chief justice. And now the bulk of the plan will begin to take effect in just a few months.

At this point, why not sit back and wait for this crazy experiment to self-destruct? Why not let President Obama and the Democrats reckon with the millions of angry Americans who will undoubtedly hate their new insurance or their new insurance protections?

Because Republicans are terrified that Obamacare could actually work


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109   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 7:56am  

finehoe says

That being said, if conservative economic policies are so great, why are almost
all of the states with the top per capita Blue, while ALL of those at bottom

For starters - I think you are confusing private economic performance and government performance. Most of the big Blue states like California, Illinois, New York are suffering through bankruptcies and have massive unpayable pension liabilities that helped bankrupt Detroit. Most Red States aren't suffering through municipal bankrupticies like we are seeing in California and Michigan.

When you look at your list, the top states are DC or states next door that have been living high on the hog from all the taxes the rest of the country sends to the Feds. So not exactly a great example.

Secondly, most of the Red states at the bottom of the list have much higher minority populations then the lilly-white states like Conneciticut and New Hamshire. If you want to compare earning power (and education scores) segmented by race you would see a different picture.

110   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 8:03am  

edvard2 says

Oh really? Well how come conservative Christians in the US have a higher divorce
rate than liberals?

"Divorce rates tend to be higher in the South because marriage rates are also higher in the South," said Diana Elliott, a family demographer at the Census Bureau. "In contrast, in the Northeast, first marriages tend to be delayed and the marriage rates are lower, meaning there are also fewer divorces."

111   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 8:07am  

edvard2 says

Guess what? Conservatives have always and will continue to lose every single
issue they try and stand for.

Pension reform?
Education reform?
Monetary policy?
Tax reform?
Immigration reform?
Domestic energy production?
Union reform?

Quick - lets get back to talking about the important stuff like gay marriage!

112   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:18am  

socal2 says

edvard2 says

Oh really? Well how come conservative Christians in the US have a higher divorce

rate than liberals?

"Divorce rates tend to be higher in the South because marriage rates are also higher in the South," said Diana Elliott, a family demographer at the Census Bureau. "In contrast, in the Northeast, first marriages tend to be delayed and the marriage rates are lower, meaning there are also fewer divorces."


Did I say anything about the South? Nope. I said Christian conservatives. As someone who did grow up in a conservative area, I'd say the real reason is because a lot of conservatives I knew got married like right after high school and were immature. But that doesn't change the fact that compared to liberals, conservatives get divorced at a higher frequency, and hence I've kicked the leg out of one part of your weak argument, so now for the rest.socal2 says

Quick - lets get back to talking about the important stuff like gay marriage!

I can make a cute list as well:
1: Decision to become an independent country. Conservatives of the day before the American Revolution favored staying as a colony. Aren't we all glad out liberal founding fathers were right?

2: Civil Rights

3: Environmental regulation and standards

I could go on but I'm starting to feel guilt since this is such an easy debate.

But nevertheless, get used to keep right on losin' because just like the hands on a clock, conservatives can't stop progress.

113   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 8:28am  

edvard2 says

Did I say anything about the South? Nope. I said Christian conservatives.

And most Christian Conservatives live in the South.

You have no point.

The study that most Libs point to with this talking point measured: "Rates throughout this report count the marital events reported in the past 12 months per 1,000 men or women in the population 15 and older." (p.2)

They didn't compare it to married couples in the different states.

Since Liberals are less likely to marry than Conservatives, of course they will have a lower divorce rate.

I am willing to bet that the vast majority of these liberals that don't marry also are single parents living off of us tax payers. At least the divorced conservative men are probably paying some child support instead of dishing it all off on the State.

114   GRACE123   2013 Aug 21, 8:28am  

What scares me about Obamacare? The cost! My husband and I purchase a high deductible plan that costs us $772 pr month. When I go to Cover California and and put in our age and income, the monthly cost for a Silver plan is $1170 pr month. How is that affordable? By the way, we are 61 and 55, and make a combined income of $75,000. Not much for the Bay Area. It all makes me nervous.

115   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:33am  

socal2 says

And most Christian Conservatives live in the South.

You have no point.

Of course I have a point. Ok, so let's say that you are right and that more conservative Christians live in the South, which is not exactly accurate anyway seeing as how also huge number of them live in states like AZ, UT, NV, NM, CO, and MN. But if I am going to play along and say sure- Southern Christian conservatives get divorced more, well that goes along with the base demographic the GOP is left with: Conservative Southerners. So that being the case and if the case you're making is that of comparing the familial examples of liberals and conservatives, well then the core representative base of the GOP has a higher divorce rate than the core base of liberals. So once more, whatever attempt you were trying to make about the wholesomeness of what I interpret to be of a typical conservative family and then comparing that to an assertion that liberals have wreaked havoc with that example doesn't have a leg to stand on. You lost this debate.

116   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:34am  

GRACE123 says

What scares me about Obamacare? The cost! My husband and I purchase a high deductible plan that costs us $772 pr month. When I go to Cover California and and put in our age and income, the monthly cost for a Silver plan is $1170 pr month. How is that affordable? By the way, we are 61 and 55, and make a combined income of $75,000. Not much for the Bay Area. It all makes me nervous.

Obamacare isn't eve available yet. How can you be coming up with these numbers when it isn't even available?

117   GRACE123   2013 Aug 21, 8:37am  

Healthcareexchange.ca.gov It's all there!

118   curious2   2013 Aug 21, 8:39am  

Shortcut to the calculator here:
Another issue is, are they checking your IP address, because they don't ask for a ZIP code and premiums will vary by locale; SFBA is a high cost area. They ask (rhetorically) "How Much Will You Save," but the answer for many is a negative number, as in either more spending or a penalty.

119   GRACE123   2013 Aug 21, 8:39am  

Here is the link for the consumer. Click on Read More and you will see a place to get an estimate.

120   GRACE123   2013 Aug 21, 8:40am  

One more.....cost estimate calculator:

121   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:43am  

Well, for what its worth, I plugged in my information and my costs would be about $150 less per month then if I were to pay for a private plan. So for me its actually cheaper.

122   GRACE123   2013 Aug 21, 8:46am  

Why has this turned into a fight between Republicans and Democrats? Don't you all see that the politicians on both sides of the aisle are fine, they and their families are well covered, so are people that work for the government. I understand that something needs to be done to help people that are sick and cannot work, but these costs are killing us. If you have any assets you have to have insurance. Now we will be forced to buy at these rates even if we decided to take our chances without it. Something isn't right.

123   humanity   2013 Aug 21, 8:47am  

Welfare is something that the right wing overlords want, very much, because all they care about is short term increases in their wealth. Welfare is actually backdoor welfare to corporations. It allows them to pay employees less than the cost of living, insisting often on part timers (this was just as big before Obamacare as after, as Mish proved the other day).

It also allows those same poor people and others who are unemployed to consume - contributing significantly to GDP and corporate profits.

Cheaper employees

Higher profits

That's what the corporations get in return for the taxes that come in large part from individual income taxes for welfare and food stamps.

It's really welfare for the corporations.

I guess if you spend it on prisons, then it goes even more directly to certain corporations (the prison industrial complex). The food is still purchased to0.

Neither of these are particularly good channels for our tax dollars.

124   curious2   2013 Aug 21, 8:47am  

edvard2 says

for me its actually cheaper.

Lucky you. IMMV. On balance, the legislation increases total medical spending (which is the point), but shifts it around so much that it's difficult for people to keep track.

125   socal2   2013 Aug 21, 8:50am  

edvard2 is still confused.

If more Conservatives get married than Democrats, logic would suggest that they would also have a higher divorce rate. Not a tricky concept.

Besides, since Republicans are wealthier than Democrats and Independents and have a more robust family and social support structure outside of government welfare, I really don't care about divorce rate as long as the people getting divorced aren't hurting children or being a drag on society.


You really think it is preferable to not get married and still have kids? I think it is far far better that there is a divorce so at least the State can force the father or mother to pay child support.

126   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:52am  

GRACE123 says

Why has this turned into a fight between Republicans and Democrats?

The reason it turned into a fight was because neither side cooperated with one another over it. A MUCH better law could have easily been drafted. But instead since neither side would even talk to each other, we got the law we have.

As far as costs, well my parents too pay about $700-$800 a month and that's with my mom's plan through the public school system. Of course this isn't right nor does it make sense. We pay more for insurance than any other first world country. We have some of the lowest standards of health insurance. Its totally ridiculous.

Is the Obamacare plan good? No, and not by a long shot. But the important part is that "something" was passed and with that will hopefully come changes and improvements to it so that it will become both more affordable and effective so long as the GOP doesn't try to stop it.

127   edvard2   2013 Aug 21, 8:53am  

socal2 says

edvard2 is still confused.

If more Conservatives get married than Democrats, logic would suggest that they would also have a higher divorce rate. Not a tricky concept.

I'm not confused at all. You lost the argument a long time ago and are being a sore loser. Its over.

128   curious2   2013 Aug 21, 8:58am  

edvard2 says

Is the Obamacare plan good? No, and not by a long shot. But the important part is that "something" was passed and with that will hopefully come changes and improvements to it so that it will become both more affordable and effective so long as the GOP doesn't try to stop it.

You lost me with the third sentence. If a house is on fire, and you pour gasoline on it, you've done something, but I don't see it as helpful. If other people try to stop you from pouring gasoline on it, you can get mad at them for not helping, but that isn't an excuse for making things worse. What was passed was legislation to increase spending, which is what the two major parties agree on, even though one of them uses words like "affordable" to fool you.

129   humanity   2013 Aug 21, 9:44am  

socal2 says

If more Conservatives get married than Democrats, logic would suggest that they would also have a higher divorce rate. Not a tricky concept.

Apparently it might be.

A divorce rate is a percentage of marriages that end in divorce. Comparing the divorce rates for groups is not affected by the size of the groups, unless one group is so small (say double digit small) that the rate isn't even predictive or meaningful.

130   AverageBear   2013 Aug 21, 11:19am  

All's I know is that there used to be PLENTY of fiscal conservative Democrats. Now there are none. Don't give me the bullshit answer on the blue-dog democrats. Those reps, the small # of them, are a rounding error.

Today, if you even question the unsustainable outrageous social/welfare spending, you are instantly labelled a racist. Listening to satellite radio in my new (to me) car, I heard some idiot comedian ranting/projecting that those who oppose obamacare, are angry racists, imitating them by yelling the 'n' word constantly. No, we aren't angry because we are racists. We're angry because, in Max Baucus' own words, is that obamacare is an idiotic, fuckin' trainwreck.

Do those that still champion Obamacare not read the economic reports from the CBO, and other reputable sources. Tons of full-time workers being forced into part-time work. Shit, just read the latest on the UPS workers. I still haven't heard a legit answer as to why if obamacare is so great, why all the waivers? Waivers for industrial groups, unions (now turning on obama), congressmen and staff. Hell, even entire fuckin' states like Maine.

Are you liberals still backing this lame horse that hasn't even gotten out of the gate? I'm no racist. I'm a realist.

131   Bap33   2013 Aug 21, 2:19pm  

socal2 says

Why do you suppose illegitimacy rates have skyrocketed despite abortion, birth
control and sex-ed being more available now than at any time in human history??

an inconvieniant truth

132   Vicente   2013 Aug 21, 3:12pm  

Truly we should EXCORIATE all men who father bastards. Let's start by removing George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin from all public discourse. They after all set a very bad example in this regard.

133   marcus   2013 Aug 21, 3:27pm  

AverageBear says

All's I know is that there used to be PLENTY of fiscal conservative Democrats. Now there are none.

This is bullshit.

All I know is that ever since Obama came in, all the republicans are supposedly all about fical resonsibility.

But back before everything was broken (yes that's right it's broken now. with the liquidity trap, high unemplyment,..etc....look in to it), but before things were broken, when there was actually the opportunity to be truly fiscally responsible ?

That's when the republicans said: "you know what let's do ? Let's give the social security surplus to the rich in the form of tax cuts (because you know,....it's our money), and then a little later,...let's have these wars be off the books so that we can continue to have those tax cuts without admitting that we can't afford them. And so on.

Obama put the wars back on the books (fiscally irresponsible asshole that he is).

And you want to talk about fiscal responsibility ?!!!

(suggestion: whatever you do don't take this in. You can't handle the truth).

134   marcus   2013 Aug 21, 3:34pm  

AverageBear says

Tons of full-time workers being forced into part-time work.

That's a total lie. Even Mish admits it.


Well he doesn't really admit it. HE tried to say that the aggregate data somehow doesn't show what's really going on. But I think it's his back handed way of admitting that your claim is total bullshit. Not that you care about reality or the truth. We all know your type. MAybe you aren't interested or capable of doing analysis or critical thinking on your own. Propaganda is easier and fun too, right ?

135   Homeboy   2013 Aug 21, 4:17pm  

AverageBear says

Do those that still champion Obamacare not read the economic reports from the CBO, and other reputable sources. Tons of full-time workers being forced into part-time work. Shit, just read the latest on the UPS workers

O.K., I googled "UPS workers" and "Obamacare", and discovered that they are no longer going to insure some spouses, but ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE INSURANCE AVAILABLE FROM THEIR OWN EMPLOYER. So they aren't losing their insurance, they just aren't getting insurance from 2 different employers at the same time. So what exactly is the problem there? Of course none of the headlines are honest; the headlines just leave out the part about these spouses already having their own insurance available.

I don't see anything at all about UPS cutting anyone's hours. You'll have to explain that one.

136   socal2   2013 Aug 26, 7:34am  

Homeboy says

O.K., I googled "UPS workers" and "Obamacare", and discovered that they are no
longer going to insure some spouses, but ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE INSURANCE AVAILABLE
FROM THEIR OWN EMPLOYER. So they aren't losing their insurance, they just aren't
getting insurance from 2 different employers at the same time. So what exactly
is the problem there?

Because our President said at the time he was trying to sell Obamacare:

“First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”


137   carrieon   2013 Aug 26, 9:12am  

socal2 says

“First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Doubling your current premium serves the same purpose as taking away your current insurance plan.

138   Homeboy   2013 Aug 26, 9:21am  

socal2 says

The same liberals who are saying "what harm is it to allow gay people to get married" were saying "what harm is it to have a good single mother raise children with State support".

You're full of shit. Those are OPPOSITE issues. Liberals want gay people to be able to get married, thus forming 2 parent families. It's the conservatives who want them to remain single.

139   Homeboy   2013 Aug 26, 9:29am  

socal2 says

“First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Obamacare didn't take anybody's plan away. UPS did, and all they said was that spouses don't need TWO insurance plans. So who is losing their insurance? Nobody.

Employers have ALWAYS had discretion to change what coverage they offer their employees. If you took Obama's quote to mean that no employer will ever change anyone's policy, ever again, you are an idiot. Plenty of changes were made to employer healthcare before Obamacare was even talked about. When Obama said "you can keep your plan", he meant you aren't going to be forced onto some socialized government program. OBVIOUSLY he didn't mean every insurance policy will exist in its exact present form for eternity. Duh.

140   Bap33   2013 Aug 26, 3:36pm  

Homeboy says

Liberals want gay people to be able to get married, thus forming 2 parent

no family comes from two male sodomite deviants unless they name their turds.

141   Homeboy   2013 Aug 26, 3:45pm  

I think Bap33 started to get a chubby in the locker room in high school. He couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance so he flipped out.

142   Bap33   2013 Aug 27, 12:48am  

homeboy's mom did her best to keep me on empty ... no worries.

143   Homeboy   2013 Aug 27, 2:44pm  

Bap33 says

homeboy's mom did her best to keep me on empty ... no worries.

Well, your head is empty anyway. Anybody who is as scared of gays as you are must be having some conflicting feelings. When your friends said, "Mary Ann or Ginger?", you were thinking "Gilligan", huh?

144   Bap33   2013 Aug 27, 3:04pm  

you are gay bashing now? interesting.

145   curious2   2013 Aug 27, 3:10pm  

Fap33, don't worry about Gilligan, we know you had your heart set on the Skipper.

What I don't understand is, what does your ridiculous comment about Homefool's mother have to do with Obamacare. You don't even know what her opinion of that legislation might be.

Perhaps what scares Republicans about Obamacare is, it's less scary than they are. Given a choice between Obamacare and Bop69's pathetic self-loathing bigotry, people who oppose both settle for the lesser of two evils, and most voters choose Democrats.

146   Homeboy   2013 Aug 28, 4:33am  

Bap33 says

you are gay bashing now? interesting.

Nope, you're the gay basher. I just think there's got to be a reason for your irrational hatred of gay people. You need to come out of the closet; you're not fooling anyone.

147   AverageBear   2013 Aug 28, 10:39am  

marcus says

AverageBear says

All's I know is that there used to be PLENTY of fiscal conservative Democrats. Now there are none.

This is bullshit.

So where are these fiscal democrats? I'd love to look at your list, and see how they voted...

148   AverageBear   2013 Aug 28, 10:45am  

Homeboy says

AverageBear says

Do those that still champion Obamacare not read the economic reports from the CBO, and other reputable sources. Tons of full-time workers being forced into part-time work. Shit, just read the latest on the UPS workers

O.K., I googled "UPS workers" and "Obamacare", and discovered that they are no longer going to insure some spouses, but ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE INSURANCE AVAILABLE FROM THEIR OWN EMPLOYER. So they aren't losing their insurance, they just aren't getting insurance from 2 different employers at the same time. So what exactly is the problem there? Of course none of the headlines are honest; the headlines just leave out the part about these spouses already having their own insurance available.

I don't see anything at all about UPS cutting anyone's hours. You'll have to explain that one.

Homeboy, my apologies. I got a couple of news stories mixed up during that day. (FT > PT of UPS workers). The fact that UPS is cancelling the option of extending UPS's heathcare plan to spouses is a direct response to Obamacare. You may not think it's a big deal. Losing an option on how you plan out your family's heathcare coverage is a big deal....


..."Rising medical costs, "combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost," UPS told its employees in a memo.
As Kaiser Health News reports, many of these spouses will end up on worse health plans.
This is just the beginning. While almost no large companies excluded spouses from coverage three years ago, 6% did last year, according to Mercer. And many others are making such coverage exorbitantly costly in the hope that spouses will drop it on their own.

The shift is already happening folks....

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