What's Your Opinion on Fleshlights & Porn to Substitute Real Women?

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2013 Aug 13, 6:43am   24,450 views  40 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Google it.. If you don't know what it is.

I can't post a link to the website since it is sexually explicit and will violate forum rules.

It is a male sexual toy.

My opinion:

1) Much better to spend $60-80 bucks and watch free porn than to catch some nasty STDs.

2) Not to mention false merit-less accusations of rape against men when consensual sex only occurred.

3) Child Support. In this country men have been impoverished for life because of getting someone pregnant.

4)Having to spend money on expensive dinners, gas money on dates/transportation costs and other expenses associated with having to romance a woman. Not worth it.

5) In a feminist society... It is actually very hard for men to get women. Why waste the effort in fruitless pursuits?

Just get a fleshlight, lube, free porn and a teddy bear for love.

Total cost? $65 (Fleshlight) + $7 (Lube) + $25 dollar teddy bear = $97 dollars...

Why mess with real women? $100 (Dinner) + $20 (Transportation Costs) + $20 (Flowers) + $100 (STD Treatment- If Insured) + $200,000 (Child Support) + $50,000 (Legal Fees from False Rape Charges) + $100 (Depression Treatment - If Insured) = $250,340!

A quarter of a million dollars can be used to start a business. My calculation are also VERY modest too. It doesn't include divorce costs and losses as well.

Why should men especially in the US mess with women anymore? Majority of them are not very friendly or sincere or kind. They are very entitled and are ready to judge you by the size of your wallet.

If they don't care about you, why would you care them? Why?

There are some crazy sex toys out there which real sex can and will never ever compete with. Sex toys can be a bit pricey but compared to the actual costs of real sex... Sex toys are a bargain.

You have Fleshlight's (All Different Varieties), Japanese replica vaginas (Meikis, Japanese Prostate Massagers (Aneros - Not For Me Though), BlueRay 3D Porn, High-Resolution LCD Screens & Graphic Cards, Heat-Inducing Lubricants and endless free internet porn featuring women who you would never have a chance with in real life unless you are a multi-millionaire or extremely good looks.

They are a lot of men who have contested these sex toys feel even better than the real thing and the prostate massagers have given them multiple orgasms.

Nightclubs have men being charged for cover when women aren't. And as soon as you get inside the women have a nasty unfriendly attitude. Even if you come across as friendly and merely say a hello in a friendly non-threatening non-sexual way.

Bars... Same-story.

Strip Clubs... Even worse. You pay so much money for cover, drinks and $20 lap dances that only last for what? 2 minutes? LOL. Also strip joints are very dangerous for men. Many men have gotten robbed, beaten, drugged with their wallet stolen and bogus charges by the strip joint on their credit card's statement.

What else? Escorts you say? Dangerous game too. You run the risk of being arrested. (Yes many men who didn't even have the intention of having sex but just company of the woman were arrested AND charged.) STDS as well. Very expensive too and you have PIMPS to deal with sometimes.

Picking-up women cold at Malls, Bookstores, Cafes and so-forth? Don't even think about it. They will immediately label you a "creeper" even if you engage in very civil polite conversation... Whatever that means.

In many other countries abroad, it is very easy for men to get laid and have a girlfriend. The women are also generally more fair in dealing and nicer too. You still have risks (STDS). Anything in life does but those risks are more worth it than in the USA.

The problem is that not many men can go abroad from the US. They are stuck here like it's a prison. Also men have it much worse than women financially here.

So... In those circumstances, It is worth it for EVERY man in America regardless if they are rich or poor or ugly or good looking to stop engaging with real women in the US.


Buy a Fleshlight or some Japanese replica vagina, a Prostate massager (If you have a little nancy-boy tendencies) and Astroglide Lube.

If you want to enhance the experience more. Get some free porn and some good-quality resolution screen plus maybe some high-quality headphones to increase realism.

What you horny peasants think? This is will help some of you cockroaches from reproducing!

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2   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 6:56am  

If I ever found sex toys or porn belonging to my son in the house. I would not have a talk with him to lecture him nor will I confiscate it.

I would however tell him that I'm proud he is smart and savvy enough to not mess with girls but instead take out his sexual tension on sex toys and porn.

He will not catch any STDS nor mess his life up by getting some dumb local high-school bimbo pregnant and having to pay child support once he's 18.

3   leo707   2013 Aug 13, 7:00am  

What no mention of Real Dolls? You make them seem quite reasonably priced.

4   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 7:24am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

I prefer breaking into your fucking mom's cage at the zoo's bactian section since fucking a camel in the ass will yield nothing but little shit camels, like you, not recognizable as human fucking beings. DIE! DIE! DIE!

+1... Funny.

I sometimes prefer to have my horses take turns fucking your mom's asshole with their huge dongs.

I have personally stopped penetrating her with my own sausage for the reasons mentioned in this thread.

I just watch my horses gangbang your mom as I jerk off with Fleshlights and Japanese-made replica vaginas.

5   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 7:29am  

Fleshlight also makes replicas of pornstar's vaginas and assholes. They offered Lindsay Lohan $1 million dollars but she declined.

I want fleshlight to make a replica of ApocalypseFuck's mother's vagina and asshole.

The also make replicas of assholes of gay pornstar dudes for you nancy-boys like ApocalypseFuck. That product line is called "FleshJack"...

Maybe you ApocalypseFuck can fulfill his fantasy of fucking my asshole... But remember it will just be fantasy.

I have bodyguards to protect me from nancy-boys like ApocalypseFuck.

6   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 7:33am  

Fleshlight Made Over $100 Million in Sales. I'm happy that something has been invented to prevent you peasants from reproducing like the worthless dirty cockroaches you are. We need to preserve resource from your degenerate useless disposable maggots.


7   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 9:09am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

You're fucking blind as well as deaf, ASSHOLE

Of course. I'm an old scumbag wealthy fart.

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

That's YOUR mother backing her diseased camel cunt against the cage bars at the zoo to be fucked by zoo donkeys, you, your dad and all your lovers, the HIV+ REALTORS.

That's not possible because I don't have a mother.

I was created and given life by Holy Father Lord Satan. I worship Satan and respect him tremendously.

If I had a mother, I would have sold her for wealth. I'm a scumbag Satan Worshipper.

8   Shaman   2013 Aug 13, 9:21am  

This thread just ejaculates class!

9   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 13, 9:35am  

Quigley says

This thread just ejaculates class!

Some moms are gonna need a cigarette and a nap when this one's over.

10   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 9:38am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Fuck you!

I see you visiting your mom all the time, standing outside the bactian cage at the zoo, stroking your tiny vienna sausage crying and moaning MOMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!

That is until she gets fed up with your mewling and sprays camel asshole spew all over your pathetic self and, in a desperate attempt to achieve something to achieve something, anything, beyond your miserable decrepitude, you scamper off to blow the fucking dogs and donkeys at the cage of the hated curs.

You must have me confused with your Father. Please pardon me my dear.

11   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 9:39am  

HydroCabron says

Some moms are gonna need a cigarette and a nap when this one's over.

You mean those single mother white trash moms who have had over 30 different men's seed gush inside them?

12   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 9:50am  

The reasons why most homes are bought is because of women and their dirty little maggot offspring...

Fleshlights & porn will make women obsolete, lower birth rates and finally collapse the real estate market.

Thus fleshlights & porn will cause Realtor and mortgage broker suicides all over the world. Realtors will not even be able to negotiate by offering blowjobs to buyers because eventually everyone in the world will have a fleshlight and porn.

13   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 9:52am  

The only seduction tool women will have over men will be financially supporting them while they sit home jerking off on the computer with their fleshlight.

Fleshlights will cause women to become breadwinners and men to become homemakers.

14   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 10:15am  

Looks the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit is also helpful for gaining power over women. Once a woman orgasms from you, she loses her power over you... She becomes the sexual aggressor.

It can also be helpful for negotiating with Female HIV+ Realtor. It can also be helpful to train for cannibal anarchy.


15   Automan Empire   2013 Aug 13, 11:14am  

I don't even enjoy masturbating if my hand falls asleep; the fleshlight looks unappealing to me.

It DID remind me of a failed experiment when I was about 13. I tried to build an artificial gloryhole that involved 2 boards stood apart by 4 steel rods. Over 100 rubber bands were stretched between the rods to apply pressure over the plastic pouch which extended from a crudely hewn hole in one board. When I tried to mount it for the first time, it twisted apart and comically trapped my junk, which rapidly deflated for the escape.

File that under Too Much Information.

16   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 13, 11:15am  

with this reasoning why not 'use' a friend's anus?

17   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 11:18am  

MershedPerturders says

with this reasoning why not 'use' a friend's anus?

Hello? Ever heard of STD's? Nancy-boys have one of the highest rates of infection.

18   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 12:00pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says


I'm 98 years old and still kicking sunny-boy.

You can suck my cock peasant.

I have enough money to have the best scientists keep me alive forever.

19   Shaman   2013 Aug 13, 12:40pm  

This love affair between AF and RB will soon be consummated I fear . . .

20   Dan8267   2013 Aug 13, 1:00pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Fleshlight Made Over $100 Million in Sales

And to think I actually work for a living. Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web and isn't worth a percent of this guy. Yeah, our economic system makes a shitload of sense.

22   Ceffer   2013 Aug 13, 3:29pm  

Quigley says

This love affair between AF and RB will soon be consummated I fear . . .

The result will be Apocalypse Robber Baron Fuck Scum, a hybrid of hideous majesty. It will be trash talking and insulting itself into the bowels of Hell!

23   New Renter   2013 Aug 13, 6:46pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Why mess with real women? $100 (Dinner) + $20 (Transportation Costs) + $20 (Flowers) + $100 (STD Treatment- If Insured) + $200,000 (Child Support) + $50,000 (Legal Fees from False Rape Charges) + $100 (Depression Treatment - If Insured) = $250,340!

Your bitching about a pissy little quarter of a million dollars? With your fortune you should be able to get laid five times a day at those rates and write it off as a rounding error.

Hell fire your accountant and get a better one - there's probably a federal subsidy for oligarch sex payoffs you're not tapping into...yet.

24   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 6:48pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says


Just lively enough to understand what the fuck is going on when I rip your fucking head off and stick on a peg so you can watch me let the HIV+ Realtor donkeys fuck you in the ass!

I live in a gated-community with a private police force. I feel safe from you.

Can we be friends? Come on... It's good to be scum. Be a scumbag with me ApocalypseFuck... Support the financial industry agenda with me.

Ceffer says

The result will be Apocalypse Robber Baron Fuck Scum, a hybrid of hideous majesty. It will be trash talking and insulting itself into the bowels of Hell!

That's what I'm trying to tell ApocalypseFuck if we join forces together.

25   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 13, 6:59pm  

New Renter says

Your bitching about a pissy little quarter of a million dollars?

I'm a cheap fucking bastard. My grandfather's quote "Woeful Waste Makes for Woeful Want"
-John D. Rockefeller

New Renter says

With your fortune you should be able to get laid five times a day at those rates and write it off as a rounding error.

I'm sorry but I have upper-class aristocratic elite family traditional values.

I'm not like you promiscuous cockroaches wearing earrings, tattoos, baggy pants sagged down showing your undergarments and with provocative personal styling in attire.

Enjoy your STDs & HIV peasants!

New Renter says

Hell fire your accountant and get a better one

Sorry but it's hard for me to find really good accountants since I practice nepotism in hiring practices.

New Renter says

there's probably a federal subsidy for oligarch sex payoffs you're not tapping into...yet.

Probably... Yes. But I'm still a virgin at the rip old age of 98 years old. I never had sex with my wife.

How did we have kids? Whenever I had wet dreams... I woke up and scooped up the rotten cum in a sterile cup for insemination of my wife.

The only times I ever ejaculated in my life has been in wet dreams. Even today I have wet dreams at 98 years old.

26   marcus   2013 Aug 13, 10:45pm  

Quigley says

This love affair between AF and RB will soon be consummated I fear . . .

Yes, ironically, using the same device RB is promoting in this thread.

27   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 13, 11:08pm  

This fleshlight seems to be the type of thing that should sell well in India and China, for obvious reasons.

28   Moderate Infidel   2013 Aug 14, 1:26am  

Some of you would probably prefer a version that puts up some resistance so you can get your rape on.

30   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 15, 8:57pm  

All of you complain about how the US is not producing or manufacturing anything.

Well, the US is manufacturing Fleshlights in Austin, TX.

Fleshlights will cause realtors to kill themselves, women to feel insecure (thus losing their pussy power) and cause the housing market to collapse....

All at the same-time improving the economy.

31   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 16, 2:54am  

I'm still waiting for my personal sex orb unit.

32   freak80   2013 Aug 20, 4:55am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

All of you complain about how the US is not producing or manufacturing

Well, the US is manufacturing Fleshlights in Austin, TX.

Economic "stimulus."

33   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2013 Aug 20, 5:07am  

freak80 says

Economic "stimulus."

Good pun. +1

35   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 17, 12:06pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Not to mention false merit-less accusations of rape against men when consensual sex only occurred.

Even if you are mushing two sledges of dogs, alone, across the Antarctic plateau, you will be inundated with false rape accusations on a weekly basis.

I have personally been the object of 17,000+ rape accusations, 83% of which were false.

36   lalalala   2016 Feb 17, 3:03pm  

Only a virgin can ask such a question seriously.

37   Tenpoundbass   2022 Nov 28, 6:02am  

Shaman says

This love affair between AF and RB will soon be consummated I fear . . .

I always believed they were one and the same. Robber Baron Elite Scum says

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says


I'm 98 years old and still kicking sunny-boy.

That exchange was like a Phil Hendry bit.
38   Ceffer   2022 Nov 28, 6:20am  

I wonder if vaccinated people are dying suddenly with fleshlights attached to their dicks. How embarrassing. Next most humiliating death to auto erotic self asphyxiation.
39   Tenpoundbass   2022 Nov 28, 6:28am  

Ceffer says

Next most humiliating death to auto erotic self asphyxiation.

David Caradine died snatching grasshoppers from his hand.
40   Ceffer   2022 Nov 28, 11:31am  

Tenpoundbass says

David Caradine died snatching grasshoppers from his hand.

He shoulda stuck with the 'Kill Bill' death scene. Or is that unstuck? I'm confused.

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