Party of "NO" wants to shut down the government just to sabotage ACA

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2013 Aug 15, 12:38pm   4,513 views  8 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaks during the 133rd Annual Fancy Farm Picnic in Fancy Farm, Ky., on Aug. 3. McConnell said this week that using a big spending bill to defund Obamacare is not the way to go.


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1   Homeboy   2013 Aug 15, 3:54pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Why is the GOP so fucking namby pamby? It's obvious the country has been taken over by Patrice Lamumba's cousin and gay islamofascists. Why aren't they just spraying the streets with machine gun fire like real Patriots? They're bound to hit liberals who have sold out to America's enemies.

Bullets cost money. Every time they hit a member of the middle class, they would be transferring that bullet wealth to them. Poor people could pick up the spent casings off the ground and take them to the brass recycler. It goes against Republicans' nature to let the commoners get ahead like that.

2   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 17, 11:53pm  

The party of No, they know what makes you cry.

3   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 18, 1:40am  

For the record, the Democrats sabotaged ACA by the shoddy way they crafted the bill with total disregard for the original intent of a healthcare reform done in the name of affordability.

There are more people that want it repealed than there were original supporters, before everyone knew just how fucked up its going to be.

4   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 18, 3:24am  

OK puddin pants, ACA is jut peachy, what in the fuck do you want from me, you clown ass. You can't be this dim. You're most likely a welfare case, that is under the illusion that ever thing is going to be free for you.

You'll see, how it is just leave me alone, I'm not drinking the Liberal Dickjuice you can have my share.

5   Homeboy   2013 Aug 18, 4:36am  

CaptainShuddup says

There are more people that want it repealed than there were original supporters, before everyone knew just how fucked up its going to be.

There was no "before". Fox Noise has been blasting it ever since it was passed, and the party of no has been trying to kill it since before it even started. They have voted 40 TIMES to kill Obamacare. There was no "realization", there was just the republicunts realizing they were going to lose the game of checkers and knocking the board on the floor. Their great "idea" is to leave the shitty system in place that we had before, with the double-digit annual price hikes and coverage denied for anyone with a serious illness.

6   bob2356   2013 Aug 18, 5:39am  

CaptainShuddup says

For the record, the Democrats sabotaged ACA by the shoddy way they crafted the bill with total disregard for the original intent of a healthcare reform done in the name of affordability.

Wow, a reasonably lucid comment that actually makes a point. Congrats cap'n. Was this done post coffee pre first bone of the day?

7   curious2   2013 Aug 18, 6:31am  

sbh says

How many people want it repealed because it doesn't go far enough

sbh, I've learned to like and appreciate many of your comments, but the "too far" vs "not far enough" oversimplification is unworthy of you. It seems to have originated as a false meme that got spread by public relations campaigners on behalf of the legislation, trying to make opponents appear confused and ignorant. (OK, many opponents were really confused and ignorant, and remain so, but the same can be said of many supporters.) The legislation goes in the wrong direction. It increases spending even above prior law, at a time when spending was already the highest in the world. It gives the federal government unprecedented power, when we've seen that federal power is monetized by patronage networks (e.g. lobbyists) further entrenching established participants and models, which is the point. Oversimplifying to "too far" vs "not far enough" posits a false dichotomy, like when proponents of the "Patriot Act" claimed Americans had to sacrifice liberty in exchange for security. If we look north or south, we see cheaper systems, either of which would be better than the one we have; Canada is more regulated, Mexico less so. We could have achieved lower costs either by going to a Canadian single payer system, or a British national health system, or a free market OTC system, but we did none of those, because any of them would be cheaper, and our political system is designed to make things cost more. Our system operates as designed to maximize revenue and power for the people who designed it, like a Jenga game that keeps piling higher until it collapses. Obamacare amplifies the trend, and answers tend to randomize if the question is "too far or not far enough" when we're going the wrong way.


8   edvard2   2013 Aug 18, 1:27pm  

I'm not really concerned. The GOP will fail on this latest of humorous waste of our tax dollars as well.

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