Households Facing ACA "Rate Shock" Will Get an Average of $2,672 in Free Money

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2013 Aug 15, 12:42pm   1,731 views  2 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


These are the folks who might be facing "rate shock" when Obamacare is implemented and insurers can no longer freeze high-need patients out of the marketplace. They found that these households will, on average, get $2,672 in subsidy, or about 32 percent of the total cost of a silver plan. If you opt for a bronze plan, the subsidy will cover an even larger share of the premium. Ta-da! It's really worth dwelling on this because something like 90 percent of the commentary I read on Obamacare involves a kind of bad-faith denialism about these subsidies. The thing about subsidies...


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1   Homeboy   2013 Aug 15, 12:48pm  

It's really worth dwelling on this because something like 90 percent of the commentary I read on Obamacare involves a kind of bad-faith denialism about these subsidies.

Another of the core beliefs of the modern-day Republican Party is that taxing rich people in order to give money to nonrich people is deeply immoral. These two ideas, alone and in combination, are the heart and soul of GOP economic policy. So it's no surprise that Republicans really dislike this law, since it's a major transfer of income from the rich to the nonrich

I think that says it all. The middle class is going to clawback some of the money Richie Rich stole from us in the engineered housing crash, bailouts, and "recovery", and they just can't stand it. They're ready to shut down the whole government to try to stop it.

2   curious2   2013 Aug 15, 12:56pm  

There is no "free money" for households. Obamacare tax money goes to corporations to subsidize their outrageous markups so they can continue to overcharge people and lobby politicians for even more money. When the hospital corporation bills $1,000 for a toothbrush, a $900 subsidy from your government to the hospital corporation isn't free money to you, and your $100 copayment is still a lot more than a toothbrush should cost.

Also, the money isn't free. Bubbles Ben might think it's free, since it doesn't cost him anything to print it, and he can lend it to the treasury to continue deficit spending to fund the government's operations. Other economies have tried the printing press method of solving problems, and have regretted it. The U.S. can continue longer perhaps, owning the world's reserve currency at a time when the rest of the world has even worse problems, but it isn't a solution.

This thread is at least the fifth so far today from Homeboy defending Obamacare. Spamming the PatNet home page with five different threads doesn't persuade anyone about the legislation, it only shows addictive behavior. Obamacare will subsidize Homeboy's "not habit forming" SSRIs, even though they are toxic and disproved, because PhRMA and the AMA make $$$$$ of them. BTW, the FDA banned the manufacturers' "not habit forming" claims, after overwhelming evidence showed physical dependence, but Homeboy still quotes the now banned TV ads. The consequent compulsive behavior is very sad.

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