What will the GOP be like in 10 years?

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2013 Oct 11, 4:16am   87,346 views  242 comments

by edvard2   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

This is a semi-serious question. Some of you probably are well-aware that I am definitely someone who leans left. That wasn't actually always the case. My Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles were all staunch Republicans. I was sort of in the middle, as in I recall my Grandmother telling me that it was "Generally a good idea" to vote Republican at a very young age and so for a few years I simply saw them as the Good guys. It really wasn't until after college that I paid attention to much of anything political and so as time went on, I became more and more liberal in my views. I am projecting here, but I will speak for myself that many of those more liberal opinions came from my experiences being around people from other places and other backgrounds and from hearing their differing views and opinions. Where I grew up everyone had been there for sometimes over 200 years and things were more static. I am not trying to say that's all bad. With that came a very unique culture.

But moving on, I can't help but feel that the GOP has some growing pains ahead. Today I was watching the news and Ted Cruz was at some sort of social conservative event and the news channel was broadcasting what he was saying live. The rhetoric he was using was so far from being rational that it was painful. I also strongly believe that the views being expressed there were appealing only to a very small, far-right segment of the GOP constituency. To be fair, there are equally ridiculous far-left sections of the Democratic constituency that I also find ridiculous. Insomuch I believe that more than less of the GOP constituency is more moderate than far right.

But seemingly this far-right brand of Republican politics seems to take center stage all the time now. We're seeing this with the government shut down. While I didn't vote for McCain ( because of his decision as running mate) He along with a number of other GOP leaders seem to be some of the most reasonable people in this whole thing. How come people like he are not more decisive in this? I have a number of friends who are absolutely as Republican as they come. Yet they also have common sense and though we don't agree on things, they have my respect. They- like myself- do not agree with many of the socially conservative and asinine economic demands that the far right faction of the GOP has.

So when I saw Ted Cruz speaking today, I couldn't help but feel that the GOP needs to get this sort of idealogical divide under control. Part of me would be delighted to see the GOP fade into memory. But like it or not, you HAVE to have more than one party because that brings restraint and debate to government policy.

So with that said, where do you see the GOP in 10 years time? Let's try and keep this one civil.


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52   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 12, 7:53am  

freak80 says

Too often I hear, "well you're just a bigot for using polygamy as an argument against gay marriage" or something to that effect.

Polygamy has failed in many cultures. The world has adopted the Roman/European model to marriage and rights of the blood offspring to carry on the family name. The question is not about all kinds of unions, but the rights of offspring to carry the name and pass on property/assets.

YOU ARE the son of your fathers, fathers, father.. and all the rights that come with your last name, authority, property, and etc etc.

53   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 12, 9:35am  

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too,
but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized
society. Everything goes is anarchy of failure.

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

The vanguard phase of a social change movement requires an excess of pride for the sake of cohesion and motivation. In a generation, when gay couples are accepted instead of stigmatized, gay "pride" will be a moot point. Until then, it's really going to bother certain people, in measure with their dislike (for whatever reason) of gay people.

Championing divisive causes such as this is one of the Republican party's current problems.

54   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 12, 10:50am  

Cool, I just submitted Dogwin's Law to Urban Dictionary and they're publishing it. Thanks, FortWayne.

55   freak80   2013 Oct 12, 12:04pm  

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

That's a good (and hilarious) observation. +1.

56   bg   2013 Oct 12, 12:24pm  

FortWayne says

Whats there to take pride in exactly?

Pride in being true to yourself, and doing it despite the hate that is likely going to be directed at you for it. It takes bravery to come out as homosexual. An openly gay person has faced a dilemma, been true to themselves, and has earned the right to be proud of it.

57   New Renter   2013 Oct 12, 12:42pm  

freak80 says

But then why limit the definition of marriage to *only two* people? My sexual orientation is the desire to have sex with as many women as possible. I'd love to have 10 wives. Isn't the government discriminating against my sexual orientation?

Go ahead - provided:

1) You can support your 10 wives and all resulting children without any state support

2) You marry American women that no other man will take - fat, ugly, stupid, and possibly psychotic.

3) No pre-nuptuals

Have fun!

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or even has any comprehension of marriage?

58   Dan8267   2013 Oct 12, 12:42pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

They should get one big fucking bed, literally, for savage group fucking and satiation of the god-man of the household.

And the bed should be made of the bones of bankers with skulls for the headposts.

59   Dan8267   2013 Oct 12, 1:32pm  

FortWayne says

But we are not all equal in every way, we are only equal under equal circumstances. And laws are not about "equality", they are about promoting better society and order.

What does that even mean? No one is arguing that we are all equal in height, good looks, finance, intelligence, and body odor. The 14th Amendment says we are all equal under law. That means something specific. It means

1. We all have the exact same set of rights.
2. There are no privileges under law.
3. Laws cannot be written to arbitrarily discriminate against any group or enforce any prejudice.
4. No one is above the law or not subject to it.
5. Enforcement of laws must be universal. Police and the state cannot choose against whom to enforce the law.

Does our government violate the 14th Amendment? Yes, every fucking day. And every time it is, the government pisses on the graves of every soldier who died defending our freedom. But that means we, the people, should not tolerate any violation of the 14th Amendment. It is the most important part of the Constitution, even more important than the First Amendment. The principle that we all have the same rights is more important than any particular right, even free speech.

To argue that we are equal under law has nothing to do with stating that all people are identical, have the same talents, most have the same net worth by law, or any other Straw Man argument. To argue that we are all equal under law pertains only to the taxation, representation, legislation, and court system to which every individual is subject. Yet, these things are so critical to the liberty and quality of a person's life, that equality under law is the single most important principle of our society. It is utterly impossible to promote a better society without this principle.


FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

If someone wants to marry an African or Jew or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

Notice that the reasoning, or lack thereof, in the above two sentences are exactly the same. This should be the first clue that your statement is false.

During the 1960s, bigoted Americans made the exact same argument against interracial marriage, called miscreation at the time. They argued that if a man were permitted to marry a nigger, it's like and will eventually lead to men marrying dogs and to polygamy. This, of course, is a racist and ridiculous marriage. A black human being is not the same thing as a dog. Black persons can enter legally binding contracts; dogs can't.

This argument when applied to same-sex marriage is just as bigoted and ridiculous, and for the exact same reasons. A homosexual person is not the same thing as a dog. Homosexual persons can enter legally binding contracts; dogs can't.

As for polygamy, there is no legal justification to ban it. However, that argument is independent of the argument of same sex marriage. The two issues have nothing to do with each other, so equating them is a red herring. However, if you want to discuss the morality of bestiality or polygamy, go to Why the hell is bestiality or polygomy immoral?

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society. Everything goes is anarchy of failure.

The statement that polygamy cause anarchy is empirically false. Polygamy was legal in the United States until it was outlawed by the federal government in 1862. It did not lead to any fall of government, mass hysteria, or crime against humanity. Drones, the NSA, and America's dependency on oil has lead to all three of these things. They should be banned rather than polygamy.

The banning of polygamy does clearly and wholly violate the First Amendment. Many religions such as Islamic ones practice polygamy. Even some Christian and Christian-like religions practiced it. The ban on polygamy is based solely on modern Christian beliefs and thus is both an attack on other religions and is forcing the practice of another religion onto the people.

Even if you dismiss Islamic religions as "subhuman and unworthy of respect", are you willing to do the same to Native American religions and look like an intolerant asshole? Yep, many Native American religions practiced polygamy. Are you willing to go so far as to let the federal government, the same assholes who committed genocide against the Native Americans, to now prevent their few surviving descendants from practicing their non-violent native religions? That would be pretty low. Yet, this is exactly what the federal ban on polygamy does.

Yet, banning the marriage of multiple persons does not ban the practice of having sex with multiple persons either sequentially or in parallel. Polygamous sex is the norm in our society and there is nothing that the state should be allowed to do about it. The freedom to make one's own sexual decisions is a basic human right.

60   FortWayne   2013 Oct 13, 2:18am  

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

61   FortWayne   2013 Oct 13, 2:20am  

New Renter says

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or even has any comprehension of marriage?

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

62   tatupu70   2013 Oct 13, 2:23am  

FortWayne says

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

Wow--did you just compare being married to being eaten?

63   marcus   2013 Oct 13, 3:40am  

FortWayne says

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

Just in case you weren't clear on who you're talking to, well,..now you know.

Let me guess Fort Wayne. As a student you were always one of the brightest. You got perfect scores on your SATs and went to either MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford or Harvard. And since then, well the rest is history.

So it's no wonder that when you bring your high powered thought processes and your resulting opinions to this forum, that most of us can't begin to comprehend where you're coming from.

64   Y   2013 Oct 13, 6:03am  

Not even close.
You cannot equate canines with humans.

Dan8267 says

If someone wants to marry an African or Jew or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

Notice that the reasoning, or lack thereof, in the above two sentences are exactly the same.

65   Y   2013 Oct 13, 6:07am  

My dog nods 'yes' and 'no' to questions asked.
You must house a dumb bitch...

New Renter says

Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents

66   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 13, 9:22am  

FortWayne says

Renter says

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two
consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or
even has any comprehension of marriage?

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate
either, but oh well. Whats your point?
It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

The point is, animals cannot consent or enter into contracts, so your strawman argument is so ridiculously inapplicable as to exclude your opinion from serious consderation in the debate.
Ditto for the "slippery slope" argument; it is poor debating technique, especially when your provided examples have high shock value but near zero practice or demand in real life.
You can do better than this, I suspect...

67   freak80   2013 Oct 13, 9:44am  

New Renter says

1) You can support your 10 wives and all resulting children without any state support

Don't worry, I'll use condoms. And they'll be on the pill.

Dan8267 says

Even if you dismiss Islamic religions as "subhuman and unworthy of respect", are you willing to do the same to Native American religions and look like an intolerant asshole?

Dan, if I remember correctly, you're no fan of Islam. Does that make you an intolerant asshole? ;-)

68   CL   2013 Oct 13, 10:12am  

bg says

FortWayne says

Whats there to take pride in exactly?

Pride in being true to yourself, and doing it despite the hate that is likely going to be directed at you for it. It takes bravery to come out as homosexual. An openly gay person has faced a dilemma, been true to themselves, and has earned the right to be proud of it.

Did I miss it? Did Fort Wayne finally come out of the closet? :)

69   Dan8267   2013 Oct 13, 10:15am  

FortWayne says

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

His point is that marriage is a contract and chicken, pigs, and cows can't sign contracts, whereas blacks, gays, and Jews can. Therefore, comparing same-sex marriage or interracial marriage to bestiality is retarded.

70   Dan8267   2013 Oct 13, 10:16am  

SoftShell says

You cannot equate canines with humans.

Which is exactly why it's retarded to propose that allowing gays to marry is akin to allowing a man to marry a dog.

71   Dan8267   2013 Oct 13, 10:20am  

freak80 says

Dan, if I remember correctly, you're no fan of Islam. Does that make you an intolerant asshole? ;-)

I'm no fan of any religion, but I can be against religion and in favor of religious freedom. That makes me a very tolerant asshole. I literally tolerate religion (up to the point where it interferes with other people's rights). You can't tolerate something you don't dislike.

Nonetheless, my point in the above quote is that the people who are so willing to criticize polygamy and demand that it stay illegal, would have a very tough time doing so when confronted by a Native American who wanted to practice his heritage, the one destroyed by land-stealing genocidal racists. Then it becomes hard to take the moral high ground against polygamy.

72   freak80   2013 Oct 13, 10:37am  

Dan8267 says

That makes me a very tolerant asshole.

Fair enough. :-)

73   FortWayne   2013 Oct 14, 2:43am  

marcus says

Let me guess Fort Wayne. As a student you were always one of the brightest. You got perfect scores on your SATs and went to either MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford or Harvard. And since then, well the rest is history.

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach".

Yeah Mr big shot teacher, "leave them kids alone".

74   FortWayne   2013 Oct 14, 2:50am  

Dan8267 says

SoftShell says

You cannot equate canines with humans.

Which is exactly why it's retarded to propose that allowing gays to marry is akin to allowing a man to marry a dog.

If enough perverts in society market and parade about it enough, they'll justify marrying a dog using any flawed logic if necessary... just like homosexuality.

While Rome burns.

75   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 14, 4:09am  


76   mell   2013 Oct 14, 4:13am  

zzyzzx says


Hehe - good one ;)

77   edvard2   2013 Oct 14, 4:20am  

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law.

Agreed because instead of addressing reality, its taking the debate to an extreme context that has nothing to do with the debate at all. The reason this sort of analogy falls flat on its face is that it basically denies the existence of human intellect and basis rationality. We are not talking about dogs. We're talking about human beings.

Either way, in 50 years time people will look back at such negative statements with the same disgust that people look upon attitudes expressed on other, now commonplace rights that have come into prominence. This further illustrates how from a historical perspective, conservative Americans have pretty much already lost every single thing they fight against and cannot stop.

78   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 14, 4:24am  

RE: The $50 lesson as cut and pasted in various guises about the internet.

One year later, the man is pacing about his dead lawn and flowerbeds when the family happens by again. "What's wrong?" the little girl asks. Agitated, the man describes his pension that he worked 40 years to pay into was raided when his former company was bought by a venture capital group. He tells of having no money to maintain his home, even to eat, and he is about to lose everything and doesn't understand why.

The little girl tells him dinner is at 6:00 if he wishes to join them. "Really, you'd do that?"
Yes, says the little girl. Welcome back to the Democratic party.

79   New Renter   2013 Oct 14, 6:55am  

freak80 says

New Renter says

1) You can support your 10 wives and all resulting children without any state support

Don't worry, I'll use condoms. And they'll be on the pill.

Better hope they don't "forget" to take the pill and shove a pin through your condoms.

Of course with wives like these the pill and condoms become a moot point altogether:

Have fun!

80   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 6:57am  

FortWayne says

If enough perverts in society market and parade about it enough, they'll justify marrying a dog using any flawed logic if necessary... just like homosexuality.

While Rome burns.

1. No amount of marriage equality under law would result in bestial marriages.

2. There is absolutely nothing immoral about two committed guys in a marriage.

3. There is absolutely nothing immoral about gay sex, which happens more often outside of marriage than in. Gays don't get married to get laid or play the field, they get married when they don't want to play the field.

4. The idea that gay marriage would cause the collapse of the United States government is ridiculous. Sure, the U.S. is like the Roman empire right before the fall, but it has nothing to do with sex, homosexuality, or marriage.

Rome fell because

1. They over-expanded their territories.

2. They used mercenaries who had no allegiance to their society. Most Roman soldiers were non-Roman "barbarians" for hire. Most worked for Haliburton. OK, I'm kidding about that, but it's pretty much the same thing.

3. The government debased the currency, what used to be call "inflation" before the term was misused in Newspeak.

4. Declining birth rates due to lead poisoning of the water supply.

5. A ever widening rich-poor gap. Yes, the 0.1%. Too bad Occupy Rome wasn't invented.

6. Geographical and political division of the Roman Empire into two distinct bodies (the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire).

7. Most important of all, the rise of Christianity. Yes, Christianity killed the Roman Empire by acquiring political and economic power from the state. The pope became more important than the emperor.

And yes, all of these reasons except #6 apply to the United States. It's ridiculously easy to see how each of those things are being played out in the United States..

Rome, and the United States, have 99 problems but a gay ain't one of them.

81   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 7:11am  

zzyzzx says

"Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can pay him the $50?" I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."

1. Republicans wouldn't pay $50. They would hire an illegal immigrant to do the work for less than minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Even if he works for an hour on their lawn, which is unlikely, he won't have enough to eat for the day.

And yes, Republican politicians who want to export all illegals and build a border fence have been caught using illegal immigrants as lawn care servants and maids. In fact, and I swear I'm not making this shit up, a bill from state Rep. Debbie Riddle (R) would fine or jail anyone who employs undocumented immigrants — unless it's to clean the house, mow the lawn, or do other work "performed exclusively or primarily at a single-family residence."

This alone makes the above joke about Democrats ridiculous and meritless.

2. Under Republican rule, the homeless guy would be thrown in jail for vagrancy and the tax payers would have to pay for his room and board.

3. If Republicans did hire this guy, they'd only pay minimum wage and even that they would push to have reduced either in nominal terms or through currency debasement.

4. If it were physically possible, a Republican would outsource the lawn mowing to a third-world sweatshop where workers make ten cents a day.

Republicans do not care about people who actually work for a living. They worship the capital class, not the labor class.

82   leo707   2013 Oct 14, 7:18am  

Dan8267 says

7. Most important of all, the rise of Christianity. Yes, Christianity killed the Roman Empire by acquiring political and economic power from the state. The pope became more important than the emperor.

Yeah, in the ancient world "deviant" sexual behavior was pretty much at a constant level from the rise to the fall of Rome. With so much readily available information on the topic I don't see why people continue blame the fall of Rome on the gays -- well unless they are being willfully ignorant.

Increased belief in Christ as one's lord and savior is definitely strongly correlated with the fall of the Roman Empire. For the last 100+ years Christianity was the state religion of Rome. It was only a few years after Christianity was adopted as the only legal religion that the Empire fractured into east and west.

Also, after the Christianification of Rome homosexual acts were outlawed, and homosexuals -- along with other "deviants" -- were persecuted, and executed for their "crimes." One could argue that during the last 100 years while the Empire was in rapid decline that they had far less "deviants" than during the rise of the Roman Empire.

So, if we are to use Roman morals as a guide on how to avoid a collapse of our civilization and way of life then we should accept gays and give them legal equality. We should also avoid dogmatic Christian viewpoints and let go of the idea that we are -- or should be -- a Christian nation.

83   socal2   2013 Oct 14, 7:22am  

Too funny - Libs fantacizing about the future of the GOP and they are back stuck talking about the gays. Is there any other subject for Democrats other than frilly social issues? Gays, gals and guns?

What is the future of the Democrat party if the US population wakes up from the ongoing sequester and government shutdown and realizes that the Feds do very little work that is meaningful in our lives?

The GOP still control the majority of Local and State governments where the actual work of governing takes place and where these governments are actually accountable and can't print money like the Feds.

What does the Democrat party have going for it other than a balkanized coalition of gays, young and stupid, minorities and women?

I totally accept that the Left is winning the culture war with their domination of academia, hollywood and media........hence near non-stop talk about gay rights and other trivial issues. But the Blue State model is imploding around the country as we speak and the young and stupid will soon put feeding themselves above these sideshow issues.

84   leo707   2013 Oct 14, 7:23am  

Dan8267 says

zzyzzx says

"Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can pay him the $50?" I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."

1. Republicans wouldn't pay $50. They would hire an illegal immigrant to do the work for less than minimum wage, $7.25 per hour. Even if he works for an hour on their lawn, which is unlikely, he won't have enough to eat for the day.

Yes, I am sure that the terms and/or job would have changed dramatically if the parents had offered to immediately go get the homeless guy to do the work.

85   freak80   2013 Oct 14, 8:45am  

New Renter says

Of course with wives like these the pill and condoms become a moot point altogether:

Good point. ;-)

86   leo707   2013 Oct 14, 9:11am  

Somewhere to the right of Regan, Obama is the current face of non-insane conservatism in the US. Being that the current GOP is in the grips of the clinically insane, "liberals" vote for Democrats as the lesser of two evils...

edvard2 says

What will the GOP be like in 10 years?

Good question...perhaps this shutdown is the final straw. I would not be surprised if all the RINOs began deserting the GOP and leaving it to become a marginalized, screaming, impotent minority in 10 years -- perhaps entirely re-branded as the Tea Party.

As enough RINOs fill the ranks of the Democrats this will allow "liberals" to safely move to another second party that more suites traditional liberal values.

Well, either that or within 10 years we will be deep in cannibal anarchy and political parties will not matter...

87   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 9:17am  

leo707 says

Somewhere to the right of Regan,

88   FortWayne   2013 Oct 14, 9:35am  

Dan8267 says

1. No amount of marriage equality under law would result in bestial marriages.

Back in the days no one even though of homosexual marriages, but they did happen. The more we demoralize our culture and spread perversion, violence, and all kinds of deviances... bad results is the only outcome.

89   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 9:37am  

leo707 says

Increased belief in Christ as one's lord and savior is definitely strongly correlated with the fall of the Roman Empire. For the last 100+ years Christianity was the state religion of Rome. It was only a few years after Christianity was adopted as the only legal religion that the Empire fractured into east and west.

Yet somehow I suspect that FortWayne would not be in favor of outlawing Christianity to prevent the fall of the United States.

Hell, it's the Christian right that are responsible for the current government shutdown! Talk about timing!

90   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 9:55am  

socal2 says

Too funny - Libs fantacizing about the future of the GOP and they are back stuck talking about the gays. Is there any other subject for Democrats other than frilly social issues? Gays, gals and guns?

Actually, it was FortWayne, a conservative, who started the discussion about gays when he wrote

If liberals take over there won't be a country in 10 years. All we'll have is bunch of perverts in their gay pride parades, a nation in rubble, while decent families are fleeing probably to Mexico to escape the perversion and the ultimate demise of what once was a great nation.

But don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.

In any case, equality under law including the special case of marriage is far from a "frilly social issue". It affects taxation. Are you saying that taxation is a "frilly social issue"? If so, you are the first conservative to do so. Even ignoring all the other implications of equal rights under law pertaining to marriage (and there are a shitload and a half of those), the taxation issue alone makes it an important issue by Republican standards. After all, according to Republicans, nothing is more important than low taxes.

As for guns, there are 32,300 gun deaths every year in the U.S. according to the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Penn Medicine School of Medicine as Hospital System. (Feel free to use counterevidence from Wikipedia.)

32,300 gun deaths a year. That's almost eleven 9/11's every year. You might not like gun control, but are you really saying that having a 9/11 event 11 times a year would be "frilly"? The issue of gun control is gravely important no matter what your opinion of it is.

91   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 10:01am  

FortWayne says

Dan8267 says

Back in the days no one even though of homosexual marriages, but they did happen. The more we demoralize our culture and spread perversion, violence, and all kinds of deviances... bad results is the only outcome.

Back in the days they called them fairies and perverts, beat them until their ribs broke, and prosecuted them.
But because we weren't demoralized, there was little crime, violence, abortion, black people in the front of buses, or anything else icky.

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