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2013 Nov 1, 3:24am   70,174 views  357 comments

by AverageBear   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


I'm sure this has been posted alredy by now. But only six(!) signed up for Obamacare the first day??!! From what I read, over 4 million visits, but only 6 signed up?

I liken this scenario to a big fat highway, w/ 4 million cars slowing down to check out the 6 car accident on the side of the road, only to keep driving away/getting away from the gory fiasco.

And this shit show is only getting started...

- You want to put your identity, SS#, VITAL information into the hands of former-ACORN layabouts, ie, fresh-minted 'stewards' to these healthcare exchanges? I'll pass, thank you.

- Then once we get past this gaping hole of security, we get to grapple w/ the fact that there's more security problems ahead, when this site is hacked repeatedly, once your data lands 'somewhere'.

- Wait till the uneducated (or the naive liberals/independent voters; same thing) find out that Obamacare is a financial house of cards, that will collapse under its own weight. Tons of people 'signing up' for healthcare, that will be free, but a trickle of tax-paying people signing up, willing to get reamed in the digital age by the gov't....

- Obamacare is wealth re-distribution, pure and simple. Obama doesn't give a fuck about you, the health care he took away from you, or the higher bills you, the tax-payer, will have to pay. He lied to you 3 years ago, KNOWING you'd lose your health care. That's all you need to know.


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202   Ceffer   2013 Nov 4, 11:34am  

She likes it when her clitoris is larger and more massive than their puny white puds. It's a power trip, but saves the occasional death conscript from the pitch fork.

203   Vicente   2013 Nov 4, 12:22pm  

Ceffer says

She likes it when her clitoris is larger

I never did a Google Image Search for "giant clitoris" before. Whoa!

204   zzyzzx   2013 Nov 4, 10:28pm  

No change to my plan, but the employer mandate doesn't kick in until next year so I really wasn't expecting to see any change for this year.

205   AverageBear   2013 Nov 5, 1:58am  

tatupu70 says

I think you'd be shocked to know what folks in the US could afford if the top 1% weren't taking all of the money. Lots of programs that can't work under current conditions will work swimmingly under the conditions in Sweden.


Lots of programs work swimmingly well in Sweden because nobody wants to go to Sweden to live; or those that aren't willing to obey the law, and pay their taxes, ie become naturalized citizens. I've never been to Sweden, and I'm sure it's a fine place to visit, but none of the poor, uneducated people on this planet are saying "Hmmmmm, you know, my dream is to get my family to Sweden. That's the best place on earth. Honey, get your sweaters, we are going to sneak up the Alps and get us some free shit.".... Apples and oranges.

206   AverageBear   2013 Nov 5, 2:02am  

Obama now lying about his lies. "Period". You couldn't make this shit up...

"That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you'll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what." – President Obama, speech to the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009, during the debate over health insurance reform.

....."And if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you. It hasn't happened yet. It won't happen in the future." – Obama, remarks in Portland, April 1, 2010, after the bill was signed into law.

Washington Post's "Fact Checker" give Obama 4 Pinocchios on this one....


207   Homeboy   2013 Nov 5, 3:58am  

I see two possible scenarios:

1. Obama: "I admit I lied about keeping your plan".


2. Obama: "I didn't lie"


208   tatupu70   2013 Nov 5, 4:28am  

AverageBear says

Lots of programs work swimmingly well in Sweden because nobody wants to go to Sweden to live; or those that aren't willing to obey the law, and pay their taxes, ie become naturalized citizens. I've never been to Sweden, and I'm sure it's a fine place to visit, but none of the poor, uneducated people on this planet are saying "Hmmmmm, you know, my dream is to get my family to Sweden. That's the best place on earth. Honey, get your sweaters, we are going to sneak up the Alps and get us some free shit.".... Apples and oranges.

Please elaborate--you think immigration is the cause of our health care woes?

209   CL   2013 Nov 5, 6:31am  

No change to my plan.

Interestingly, I've had discussions with people who say that ACA was not ambitious enough in that it did not do much to control costs.

Now, apparently there was to be a disruptive force with ACA, but there was to be no disruption?

The issue apparently, that if you wanted to keep your shitty plan, Obama should have exercised some Socialist strength and forced private insurers to keep you in them, somehow.

We should have a plan that makes everything better, inconveniences no one, costs nothing and cures the heartbreak of psoriasis.

Stupid Obama.

210   AverageBear   2013 Nov 5, 6:46am  

sbh says

Tell me, do you think Sebelius has done a good job, or should she be fired for her 'work'?

Now that we know Obama lied to us 3 years ago, would you trust him now?

This is a typical example of how the conservative brain struggles to work: I recall to you how your guys proudly stood up as deadbeats to the nation and their party.......your brain registers "Sebelius". Why didn't you say "Benghazi" or something equally unrelated. Amazing.

If I say "shoehorn" can you incisively balance a ball on your nose?

This is a typical example of how the liberal brain struggles to work: I ask a simple question, and get name-calling, playing the blame-game, and changing the subject (Benghazi). Amazing.

- sbh, do you think Sebelius did a good job of rolling out Obamacare? After all, the question does have much in common w/ the name, and creation of this topic.

- sbh, do you think Obama lied to us 3 years ago, or was at least deceitful, when he said you can keep your doctor, and healthplan?

211   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:00am  

AverageBear says

Lots of programs work swimmingly well in Sweden because nobody wants to go to Sweden to live; or those that aren't willing to obey the law, and pay their taxes, ie become naturalized citizens. I've never been to Sweden, and I'm sure it's a fine place to visit, but none of the poor, uneducated people on this planet are saying "Hmmmmm, you know, my dream is to get my family to Sweden. That's the best place on earth. Honey, get your sweaters, we are going to sneak up the Alps and get us some free shit.".... Apples and oranges.

Sweden has close to, if not the highest standard of living in the world. But no matter, I'm sure you won't agree. But either way, keep it up. Type all of the anti-liberal stuff you want all day long, each day, and every day. We don't care. Because at the end of the day, no matter what you say, Obama won the election, and he will be our President for the next three years.

212   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:04am  

AverageBear says

That's the best place on earth. Honey, get your sweaters, we are going to sneak up the Alps and get us some free shit.".... Apples and oranges.

I think you are confusing Alpine Switzerland with Nordic Sweden.
Sweden does have a massive immigrant population nearing 10% mostly from Arabic countries and southern and eastern Europe.
Many immigrants there are getting government subsidies.

213   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:05am  

AverageBear says

- sbh, do you think Obama lied to us 3 years ago, or was at least deceitful, when he said you can keep your doctor, and healthplan?

I can't believe you guys are hanging onto this so desperately. This has already been dispelled and most people have moved on. But just so we can put this thing to rest, the reason some people- and when I say some- I say a sliver of the overall populace is going to lose their current plan is because the plan they had was crap to begin with.

So in reality those who are bellowing about " obama lied Obama lied!!" are basically saying that it would have been better for those with crappy healthcare plans to keep them instead of getting a better plan in return that basically costs the same and has better benefits. What these people fail to see is that this result is the legacy of the poor healthcare system we had before. In other words the bar has been raised.

Its is not- as some people on the right are so desperately trying to frame it- a case where people are LOSING their healtcare. They are in fact getting BETTER healthcare in return.

So if that is the case... then please let us all know why keeping an inferior healthcare plan over getting a better one is such a grand thing? I am genuinely curious.

214   AverageBear   2013 Nov 5, 7:08am  

tatupu70 says

AverageBear says

Lots of programs work swimmingly well in Sweden because nobody wants to go to Sweden to live; or those that aren't willing to obey the law, and pay their taxes, ie become naturalized citizens. I've never been to Sweden, and I'm sure it's a fine place to visit, but none of the poor, uneducated people on this planet are saying "Hmmmmm, you know, my dream is to get my family to Sweden. That's the best place on earth. Honey, get your sweaters, we are going to sneak up the Alps and get us some free shit.".... Apples and oranges.

Please elaborate--you think immigration is the cause of our health care woes?

Tatupu, I think immigration is part of the problem. But that dovetails into the bigger basic problem: Too many people (legal, US citizens who don't pay taxes) getting free/near-free care, and not enough people paying into the system. I also think some industries (drug industry) are protected, that are part of the reason is growing healthcare costs. (You can blame both sides of the isle for this one). I also thing gov't beaucracy/grift/scamming is a HUGE problem as well. Sweden may be successful in its healthcare because: 1) there are more able-bodied, tax-paying, working people paying into the system, and very little 'takers'. here is the US, we now have over 8 million people on SSD. This # has grown disproportionally since Obama came into office, and I don't think this is an anomyly (sp?) I think its by design. Same for food stamps. if the job market is slowly improving, why are food stamp participation still skyrocketing? I think it's by design. Sweden does not have these problems, and again I think is a poor analogy. If you want a glimpse of what I think the US healthcare system will be like if Obamacare continues unabated, look at Canada. If you are over 55 and get diagnosed w/ cancer, you are a 2nd class citizen in the gov't eyes, and it will take MONTHS to get a catscan. (I have friends in Canada who are experiencing this now, and have experienced this in the past, with a sad outcome). It's a race against time to get an MRI, find the cancer and treat it. Why? well, I guess the gov't run healthcare doesn't deem it necessary to have enough MRI machines, or can't pay for them. Below are is a link pointing this out. A little old, but still paints a scary picture. Liberals mock those that oppose obamacare w/ 'death panels'. Well, you get the same result when you find you have cancer, and have to wait a half year to get a scan.


So instead of heralding the greatness of tiny, northern European countries that have free healthcare, you gotta dig a little deeper, and see if there are any similarities to the US. I don't see many. However, we have waaaay more similarities to Canada than Sweden, and I'm not too thrilled at what Canada has to offer.....

215   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:13am  

edvard2 says

I say a sliver of the overall populace is going to lose their current plan is because the plan they had was crap to begin with.

Not true. People select the plans they want based on what they think fits their risk profile and their budget.

If they picked it and it was sanctioned by their state insurance commissioners AND the President said they could keep it, it is not right to turn around and say you really didn't want that plan.

It's like an arsonist who burns down your modest fixerupper and claims he did you a favor

And if Obama felt strongly about a legitimate issue of the under insured or deception in the market place-that should have been addressed head on and not glossed over 29 times with "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period."

The issue here has moved beyond the issue. Just like Nixon in watergate-it wasn't the breakin that was so bad it was the deception and coverup that did in Mr.Nixon.

216   tatupu70   2013 Nov 5, 7:14am  

AverageBear says

But that dovetails into the bigger basic problem: Too many people (legal, US citizens who don't pay taxes) getting free/near-free care, and not enough people paying into the system

Don't you understand why that is the case though? Too many people don't have any money. Because the 1% has it all. When disparity gets this extreme, there are obviously going to be lots of people that aren't paying much.

Sweden has a much lower disparity so there are many more people paying into the system. It's quite simple, really.

217   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:22am  

Here is Obama explaining why he didn't say what he said.

He is making sense but that is how he should have sold it in the first place without the If you like your plan you can keep you plan, period. shtick.

He is now saying that he said:

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan IF it hasn't changed since the law passed"

Not what he said.

Note he also says -"what WE said was" Wrong! He should have said what I said.

He should have continued. What I said was "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" and I misspoke and I am sorry for that. Then he could have explained why it was necessary for these people to lose their plans.

218   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:26am  

smaulgld says

Not true. People select the plans they want based on what they think fits their risk profile and their budget.

Yes. True. Like I said before- the plans that these people chose did not meet even the bare minimum requirements of the new ACA plan. So as such they were inferior to start with. As also mentioned, they can sign right back up and get a new plan that is actually better and in almost all cases will cost the same.

There's really not much more to say about it. So answer the question: Would it have been better for those on crappy plans to keep those plans or to get better plans while paying the same for them?

219   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:35am  

AverageBear says

Tatupu, I think immigration is part of the problem. But that dovetails into the bigger basic problem: Too many people (legal, US citizens who don't pay taxes) getting free/near-free care, and not enough people paying into the system.

I believe you just answered the question: Not enough taxes are being paid. This is the huge white elephant in the room that neither party has the balls to address: The tax system. The reality is that if you look at any number of countries that have higher standards of living its usually because they happen to have a better system of taxation.

What's missing is the conversation of the value of the quality of life. So people in Sweden pay more in taxes? Well guess what: Not only does every citizen in Sweden have social healthcare, but free college and a retirement pension among other things. What most people fail to make the connection with is that when it comes to the quality of life, stability and security are probably the highest items on that list: If you know that you will one day be able to retire and not have to worry about starving or winding up in the poor house then the costs associated with that have value.

Taxes in the US are not seen for what they are supposed to be: They are meant to provide Americans with services and infrastructure. But since the very word " taxes" has become a toxic word, we aren't properly collecting taxes in an efficient, balanced way and as a result, the overall quality of life has degraded, as our roads and schools deteriorate and the overall level of socia; security diminishes.

The irony here is that somehow taxes are seen as this great evil thing yet some people almost seem to allude that paying out the nose for things like private healthcare and college is more preferential over paying higher taxes instead to receive the same service and probably for a lot less.

220   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:36am  

edvard2 says

There's really not much more to say about it. So answer the question: Would it have been better for those on crappy plans to keep those plans or to get better plans while paying the same for them?

I think the issue is no longer substance any more. What is happening is happening because the country is divided on the issue of Obama care. This type of situation requires non partisan leadership by the President even if he is facing a highly partisan Republican party.

Since the roll out has been a disaster many on the fence are having misgivings about the program and then there has been the repeating of Obama's lie if you like your plan you can keep your plan.

At this stage instead of pretending all is well, the president should come clean and lead. Apologize for the poor roll out, fire some people, admit he misspoke and then explain why the program can work and what its intentions are.

The problem from the beginning is this has been a dem/rep redstate/blue state issue with the president acting more like Harry Reid should be acting than the President.

This issue requires strong leadership and Obama is providing strong partisanship by digging his heels in. If he keeps this strategy his polls will continue to drop and he'll end his 2nd in the same disregard as GW did his.

221   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:38am  

elvis says

The 1% ha$ it all" Another liberal crock of $hit.

Its not "Liberal". Its mathematics. Take a look at any chart showing the concentration of wealth and you'll see that not only does the upper 1% own an astronomically large chunk of the wealth, but beyond that, the upper 1% of the 1% own the lion's share of even that amount.

Now think about that and wonder why middle class incomes have been stagnate since the mid 70's...

222   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:38am  

edvard2 says

Not only does every citizen in Sweden have social healthcare, but free college and a retirement pension among other things. What most people fail to make the connection with is that when it comes to the quality of life, stability and security are probably the highest items on that list: If you know that you will one day be able to retire and not have to worry about starving or winding up in the poor house then the costs associated with that have value.

Sweden is able to do this because of one huge difference (besides cultural) and it has NOTHING to do with its size. Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

223   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:42am  

smaulgld says

At this stage instead of pretending all is well, the president should come clean and lead. Apologize for the poor roll out, fire some people, admit he misspoke and then explain why the program can work and what its intentions are.

The President already very clearly said that this was his responsibility. He said that well over a week ago. What's happened here is that its simply another case of the GOP having lost big time over the shutdown and immediately moving onto something else they think they can wring something out of. Almost immediately after the GOP admitted defeat a right-leaning think tank came out with the whole " Millions of people are losing their insurance" as if people were losing it period versus getting a new plan in its place. All made to intentionally mislead and get the base back on track. People are so focused on this one small thing versus looking at the bigger picture.

The one thing I will agree with is that the President needs to put a lid on this thing and nip it in the bud and move on. Otherwise the GOP is going to stick to this thing for all its worth because that's the only thing they've got going for them at the moment.

224   edvard2   2013 Nov 5, 7:43am  

smaulgld says

Sweden is able to do this because of one huge difference (besides cultural) and it has NOTHING to do with its size. Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

What is this huge difference? Care to let us all know?

225   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:49am  

edvard2 says

smaulgld says

Sweden is able to do this because of one huge difference (besides cultural) and it has NOTHING to do with its size. Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

What is this huge difference? Care to let us all know?

I dare say CL knows. Let's give him time or others to weigh in

226   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 7:49am  

smaulgld says

edvard2 says

smaulgld says

Sweden is able to do this because of one huge difference (besides cultural) and it has NOTHING to do with its size. Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

What is this huge difference? Care to let us all know?

I dare say CL knows. Let's give him time or others to weigh in

228   socal2   2013 Nov 5, 7:57am  

edvard2 says

Its not "Liberal". Its mathematics. Take a look at any chart showing the
concentration of wealth and you'll see that not only does the upper 1% own an
astronomically large chunk of the wealth, but beyond that, the upper 1% of the
1% own the lion's share of even that amount.

Who cares how much wealth rich dudes in America have or even the income disparity provided the poor in America are doing OK?

America's poor have a better quality of life (based on the OECD's measure of well being) than virtually all other OECD countries.

America simply has the planet's largest population of uber-rich dudes. Why is this a bad thing?

229   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 8:04am  

socal2 says

Who cares how much wealth rich dudes in America have or even the income disparity provided the poor in America are doing OK?

Income disparity should not be viewed in a vacumn. If there is a wide gulf in a prosperous society where the poorest have as much as the average person does in a society where wealth is more even distributed which society has more prosperity? which is better?

Some people are ideologically fixed on the principle that no one should have so much more than any one else and they will make it a goal of theirs to try and take it away and redistribute it- even if it makes the entire society poorer. Others think its not their place to interfere in that way.

Obama is on record as saying he thinks taxes should be higher on the principle of "fairness' EVEN IF the higher taxes result in less tax revenue overall.

230   tatupu70   2013 Nov 5, 8:05am  

socal2 says

Who cares how much wealth rich dudes in America have or even the income disparity provided the poor in America are doing OK?

The problem isn't that the very poor are worse than in India--the problem is that there are way too many poor.

There is a finite amount of wealth--when it is concentrated in a few hands, then there is nothing left for the majority.

231   tatupu70   2013 Nov 5, 8:06am  

smaulgld says

Some people are ideologically fixed on the principle that no one should have so much more than any one else and they will make it a goal of theirs to try and take it away and redistribute it- even if it makes the entire society poorer

Nobody thinks that way.

232   CL   2013 Nov 5, 8:06am  

smaulgld says

Here is the answer:


Sweden has no public radio!!!! Voila!

233   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 8:08am  

CL says

Sweden has no public radio!!!! Voila!

That's it!

234   zzyzzx   2013 Nov 5, 8:18am  

smaulgld says

Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

Large numbers of blacks and Mexicans.

235   CL   2013 Nov 5, 8:47am  

zzyzzx says

smaulgld says

Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

Large numbers of blacks and Mexicans.

But, as Smaulgld said above, they import their brown people to do their shit work. We have a semi-permanent semi-aristocracy too, it's called "white".

It's like a great-big Country club!

236   smaulgld   2013 Nov 5, 8:54am  

CL says

zzyzzx says

smaulgld says

Any one care to guess what Sweden doesn't have that the US does?

Large numbers of blacks and Mexicans.

But, as Smaulgld said above, they import their brown people to do their shit work. We have a semi-permanent semi-aristocracy too, it's called "white".

It's like a great-big Country club!

Sweden like other Western European nations allowed immigration for guest workers in the 60 and 70s
Sweden's more recent immigrants are asylum seekers from Iraq Iran Syria and other Arab nations - not necessarily in Sweden as guest workers

237   CL   2013 Nov 5, 9:06am  

smaulgld says

Sweden's more recent immigrants are asylum seekers from Iraq Iran Syria and other Arab nations - not necessarily in Sweden as guest workers

In America, we make you work for your gruel. Arbeit Macht Frei!

Make those asylum seekers work, Sweden, or we'll liberate you next!

238   Facebooksux   2013 Nov 5, 11:51am  

Aetna gave me the boot cause they're leaving the individual market in CA. now the "bronze" plan is over $120 more a month but more importantly, my deductible would be raised from $3000 to $5000. Not sure where I "benefit" under this system.

239   Homeboy   2013 Nov 5, 12:36pm  

smaulgld says

He should have continued. What I said was "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" and I misspoke and I am sorry for that. Then he could have explained why it was necessary for these people to lose their plans.

Wouldn't have mattered. The right would have latched on to that and made just as big a deal about it. Their government shutdown stunt backfired on them and now they're going to grasp whatever straws they can.

240   Bellingham Bill   2013 Nov 5, 12:50pm  

Facebooksux says

Not sure where I "benefit" under this system.

These new exchanges themselves, a needed reform that makes it easier to comparison shop for similar products.

No lifetime limits under this new system.

No preexisting condition screening.

If you're a woman, or married to one, no extra premium for gender-based costs.

If you have a family -- say 4 people -- and make under $94,000 -- you qualify for subsidies that knock the silver premium down from $13,000 to $9000.

Kaiser link

But yeah, if you're a rich single healthy male who already had good coverage, of course PPACA is not all that great a reform.

Guess what, you didn't need it, and the world does not revolve around you!

241   Bellingham Bill   2013 Nov 5, 12:53pm  

zzyzzx says

Large numbers of blacks and Mexicans.

aka the new majority later this century. Conservatives are going to have to learn how to suck their cocks like the Dems do (they throw in the gays and cripples for free!) or forever be out of power at the national level.

Your choice, since there's a lot more brown people than glibertarians, theocrats, and plutocrats -- the current conservative power bloc.

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