Love Is A Many Splendored Thing

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2014 Jan 16, 2:01am   2,785 views  15 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Find God's Match for You.'' But the match a San Jose divorcee found was anything but holy. A Nigerian scam artist contacted the 66-year-old woman via the legitimate site. Wooing her with phone calls, text messages and flowers, the ersatz suitor eventually persuaded her to invest more than half a million dollars in his fictitious oil rig, Santa Clara County prosecutor Cherie Bourlard said Wednesday. To come up with the money, the woman had to dip into her retirement account and refinance her house. Bourlard, who works in the elder fraud unit, said her office was able to get part...


Comments 1 - 15 of 15        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2014 Jan 16, 2:17am  

Another good reason why elderly women should be provided with gigolo mannequin robots uttering soap opera lines 24/24 and free access to an endless supply of bodice rippers. "I can't stop thinking about you" "I can't wait to look into your eyes again" "how did I live my whole life without meeting you" "why do you keep torturing me, I need to be near you" "I just want to fill a bathtub with diamonds and pearls for you"

This requires a massive federal grant and Obamacare funding. It'll nip those Nigerian scamsters in the bud, the tragedy need not repeat itself.

2   mell   2014 Jan 16, 2:24am  

"Love is a many splintered thing - don't be afraid now, just walk on in."

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 16, 2:50am  

"Don't buy the hive, until you've sampled the honey."

4   HEY YOU   2014 Jan 16, 10:04am  

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

I didn't mean to get off topic & talk about home buyers.

5   MrEd   2014 Jan 16, 10:35am  

Christian Mingle?
No crime here. She was just tithing...

6   Automan Empire   2014 Jan 16, 11:16am  

Christian Mingle, just teeming with "traditional" women looking for a man who's a "strong head of household" = marker for easy manipulation and domination. That website must be like a candy store for people with axis II disorders! There have been rapes, a murder, and lawsuits, not to mention the company being sued by CA for violating anti-spam laws.

From what I remember of regular dating sites, the more a woman talks about her faith, the more boring and milquetoaste the rest of her ad usually is.

For the record, I'm not the angry sort of atheist. Almost every girlfriend I've had professed some manner of christian faith. I can get along with the "what's in your heart counts" type of christian, not the "clang your faith like a bell" sort.

7   Ceffer   2014 Jan 16, 11:51am  

Christian Mingle, where Fire and Brimstone are just foreplay.

8   curious2   2014 Jan 16, 11:58am  

MrEd says

She was just tithing...

That was my thought also. It is a website where people say their first love is someone they never met, who might never have existed, but who demanded all their money, and they donate at least 10% of their income to him. OK, the Nigerian wasn't who he claimed to be, but how was he to know she would complain about that? She never complained about it before. Maybe it's just racism: she wouldn't let a black guy claim to be someone he wasn't and then take her money.

9   curious2   2014 Jan 16, 12:49pm  

Wow. I posted the comment above and someone posted fourteen comments to push this one off the home page. Can one person be a conspiracy all by himself?

10   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jan 16, 1:31pm  

Automan Empire says

Christian Mingle, just teeming with "traditional" women looking for a man who's a "strong head of household" = marker for easy manipulation and domination.

Not to mention a marker for gullible people?

11   Ceffer   2014 Jan 16, 3:12pm  

curious2 says

Wow. I posted the comment above and someone posted fourteen comments to push this one off the home page. Can one person be a conspiracy all by himself?

Dunno, he suggested I was PART of the conspiracy by being paid. I'm flattered, but no richer for my participation.

What's so bad about Yanni Zionists, anyway. Why shouldn't they enjoy some New Age music while taking over the world?

12   elliemae   2014 Jan 17, 12:45am  

People are so gullible!

A relative of mine is a (very old, if not retired he's unable to perform the duties of his "job") conman. We were all so proud - he had about a jillion wives/girlfriends... His specialty was what we called "playing office," where he would scam companies into paying for his consulting services, hire a bunch of people and pretend to work for awhile.

One of his victims was a woman who owned several businesses with cash-flow problems; he was able to convince her to marry him and live the high life as he raped the business into bk. A couple of us had tried to warn her but she was "in love." He left her destitute - it was horrible for her but from what I understand she has somewhat recovered financially.

In his 60's he was still able to rip people off and met some nice woman on the interwebs; he moved in with her after saying all the right things, and was able to get her to part with $50k. He then left and she was too embarrassed to say anything to her family for six months. Of course, there was never enough evidence to press charges.

He was never particularly good looking, just knew all the right things to say and could identify his next victim from 150 yards without a scope...

13   curious2   2014 Jan 17, 4:03am  

Call it Crazy says

"Mr. Tin foil" needs to make himself more important by resurrecting old threads.

That may be true, but in this particular instance I think it's because he (mis)perceived my comment as a swipe against Christians or Christianity. Perhaps if I'd said it about Jews instead, he'd have liked it, but I couldn't figure an angle to make "ChristianMingle.com" seem Jewish. Perhaps he'll start a new thread saying ChristianMingle.com is part of a Zionist conspiracy. Maybe the same could be said of tithing also: Jesus was Jewish, so all churches are part of the conspiracy, and the only escape is to stop donating. I never understood donating $ to an organization that claims to represent an omnipotent deity; if they're running out of $, isn't that "His" will, and who am I to interfere?

14   dublin hillz   2014 Jan 17, 4:05am  

Separating dating by religious background is divisive and ought not to be tolerated in a civilized society.

15   Vicente   2014 Jan 17, 4:07am  

elliemae says

A relative of mine is a (very old, if not retired he's unable to perform the duties of his "job") conman.

Sounds like you have enough drama for another book!

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