Russia is new GOP paradise

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2014 Feb 19, 11:55pm   24,191 views  98 comments

by Vicente   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

"Now it seems the red scare has become the ultimate red state," Jones said. Indeed, he spoke to several Russian officials on the subjects of the economy (13% flat tax with no budget deficit), immigration (cheap labor, but at a cost to national identity), feminism (both men and women are tired of it), gun control (even liberals are opposed), sexual freedom (homosexuality is outlawed) and religion (abortion and premarital sex are effectively against the law in the name of the free market).



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1   FortWayne   2014 Feb 20, 12:07am  

At the rate we are going, Russia is winning.

Look what you liberals are turning America into.... nothing but a bunch of overly coddled, whiny, entitled and immature brats.

Homosexuality is spreading like the new cool, ghettos are growing and white kids look up to it like it's something to look up to, children are born without fathers, taxes are high unless you are rich enough to avoid them, middle class is squeezed more and more every day, unemployment, budged deficits, national debt that will never be paid for, constant wars, growing poverty, constantly decreasing living standards, education system that stinks and is going down because YOU people are hell bent on socializing all the pain, constantly lowering standards.

2   upisdown   2014 Feb 20, 12:13am  

That explains the man-crush Putin had on GW Bush. Same mentlity and same small-man's dilemma, but Putin wasn't scared of horses and would actually ride one.

D-bags never vary that much on their d-baggedness, just the levels of it.

3   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 12:44am  

FortWayne says

Look what you liberals are turning America into.... nothing but a bunch of overly coddled, whiny, entitled and immature brats.

Homosexuality is spreading like the new cool, ghettos are growing and white kids look up to it like it's something to look up to

Sounds like you are whiny about entitlements like arbitrary cultural preferences. Why are you entitled to suppress homosexuality? And you want to coddle kids with two parents? You sound like a liberal wussy.

My preferences are family values. Your preferences are whinny entitlements.

FortWayne says

At the rate we are going, Russia is winning.

Way to totally affirm John Stewart's premise, Russia is a GOP paradise.

4   upisdown   2014 Feb 20, 12:57am  

sbh says

The beaners knew their place as well: they stayed in the fields and kept to the
yardwork. None of them ever presumed to run for office.

But if they tow the extremist line and spout nonsensical but right wing dogma, they're OK, but...............they still won't let them marry their daughter.

There's always limits to their reasoning.

5   Vicente   2014 Feb 20, 1:03am  

FortWayne says

At the rate we are going, Russia is winning.

WORD! By American GOP dogma it's a positive trickle-down paradise!

Russia has the highest level of wealth inequality in the
world, apart from small Caribbean nations with resident
billionaires . Worldwide, there is one billionaire for every USD
170 billion in household wealth; Russia has one for every USD
11 billion. Worldwide, billionaires collectively account for 1%–2%
of total household wealth; in Russia today 110 billionaires
own 35% of all wealth.

- p.53 of Credit Suisse 2013 report


If we remove the minimum wage, kill all union workers and loot their pensions for billionaire bonus, and go to a flat tax, we'd have a shot at claiming their title. There'll of course be those who whine being #1 at income inequality isn't a title worth winning, but there's a solution for that. We import Cossacks, or just outfit the Duck Dynasty clan with Librul Hunting Licenses.

6   edvard2   2014 Feb 20, 1:11am  

FortWayne says

Look what you liberals are turning America into.... nothing but a bunch of overly coddled, whiny, entitled and immature brats.

We aren't the ones "whining". The only ones who are whining are people who realize that no matter how much they whine, the era where their ideology had an impact is ending and it ain't coming back. Most Americans aren't buying the bullshit anymore. They can whine all they want. Progress and the improvement in living standards are the only direction that we are going...

7   Vicente   2014 Feb 20, 1:41am  

You know what else America is behind on?


Using whips and batons on women who criticize religion or politicial leadership.

I am truly inspired, America needs to double down on Conservatism if we are to win. America needs to harken back to when cops protected freedom good and hard.

8   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 20, 1:48am  

If you're gay, then I'm proud of you.
But you don't have the right make me and everyone else...

What exactly do they fucking want anyway?
I still haven't figured that out.

BTW... The last few years have been a step back for the Gay cause not the other way around. Before it was what it was, it was accepted by most for face value. The only people who had a real problem with it, were mentally unstable psychos who had deep home erotic tendencies they couldn't deal with. Everyone else have been taking Gays for what they are. That didn't mean they wanted to invite them over for the Superbowl party, but they didn't invite every coworker over either.

People are getting tired of being gay fucked in the ear by whining Gays, bashing straight people for every little petty thing they don't like.

Russia never had a problem before with Gays. Putin said he didn't want the Olympics as an opportunity to market the gay agenda to Children, because Children all over the world will be watching.

It seems to me, you guys are bitching about the wrong people with the lack of respect for others.

9   zzyzzx   2014 Feb 20, 1:51am  

Excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but Russia has never been a good place to live. Study Russian history sometime.Vicente says

immigration (cheap labor, but at a cost to national identity),

And from what I can tell, it's the Democrats who want unrestricted immigration. I would execute all illegal aliens immediately.

10   mell   2014 Feb 20, 1:52am  

Vicente says

You know what else America is behind on?


Using whips to beat women who criticize religion or politicial leadership.

I am truly inspired, America needs to double down on Conservatism if we are to win.

Hear, hear! If you run an organic raw dairy farm in the US and refuse to bow down to the corrupt co-opted regulators, the FDA will send their goons down hard on you nazi style with a massive paramilitary SWAT raid. Those people haven't even protested or disrupted anything! I am against excessive and unjustified police force everywhere, that includes this administration which is no better, so let's stop this stupid fingerpointing at Russia and start cleaning the house here. Wake up and go back to your libertarian roots and on with freedom!

11   Vicente   2014 Feb 20, 1:52am  

CaptainShuddup says

People are getting tired of being gay fucked in the ear by whining Gays, bashing straight people for every little petty thing they don't like.

Yes like being told they can't make healthcare decisions for a loved one, or handle their money, or automatically inherit because they aren't married like normal people. How trivial and petty!

12   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 1:58am  

CaptainShuddup says

If you're gay, then I'm proud of you.

But you don't have the right make me and everyone else...

No, no, you're thinking of Christians, not gays. It's Christians who are trying to make everyone else the same as them, submitting to their culture, their dogma, their false versions of history. Gay's aren't recruiting gays -- it's not a choice. It's Christians that are always trying to convert people into their gay-ass religion; you know the one where priests fuck little boys.

13   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 2:03am  

CaptainShuddup says

People are getting tired of being gay fucked in the ear by whining Gays, bashing straight people for every little petty thing they don't like.

Yes, those same petty things that those negros used to bitch-n-moan about like:

1. The right to marry.
2. Freedom from being lynched and murdered.
3. Equal rights under the law.
4. Military discrimination.

You know petty things like that.

When someone infringes on my right to remain ignorant by telling me facts, it's an unbearable intrusion into my life. When someone infringes on your right to marry your lover and be taxed the same as any other married couple, it's a petty thing.

Hell, want to stop hearing about gays? Stop discriminating against them. Gays are vocal because they have to be to fight for their rights. Once we have a truly just society with equal rights for all and no violence against minorities, they won't have to make so much noise.

14   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 2:07am  

zzyzzx says

And from what I can tell, it's the Democrats who want unrestricted immigration. I would execute all illegal aliens immediately.

More to the point, you would make all non-white immigration illegal.

It's trivial to end illegal immigration. Just stop making that immigration illegal. Then there are only legal immigrants.

The word illegal is disingenuous. It is code for "black" and "brown". We could easily process and document all immigrants making them all legal. But that dodges the real issues behind immigration.

1. How many immigrants do we want to take in each year?
2. How do we want to pick which immigrants get in?

The whole legal vs. illegal matter is bullshit. The above two questions are the heart of the issue.

15   FortWayne   2014 Feb 20, 2:10am  

Vicente says

Russia has the highest level of wealth inequality in the

world, apart from small Caribbean nations with resident

billionaires . Worldwide, there is one billionaire for every USD

170 billion in household wealth; Russia has one for every USD

11 billion. Worldwide, billionaires collectively account for 1%–2%

of total household wealth; in Russia today 110 billionaires

own 35% of all wealth.

I watch once in a while your liberal news pieces, but all I hear there is that America apparently is a #1 nation of wealth inequality. Followed by some propaganda message about "Equality" and "war on women". Followed later by "save the gay" counseling group.

Dan8267 says

3. Equal rights under the law.

Liberals don't want equal rights, they want equal results... just without working for it.

16   anonymous   2014 Feb 20, 2:12am  

It was so dreamy for the dems, back when it was communist soviet union.

The cycle of life

17   Vicente   2014 Feb 20, 2:14am  

FortWayne says

all I hear there is that America apparently is a #1 nation of wealth inequality.

Where did you see that? I haven't seen that claim.

It's been growing for decades, but we are not #1.

We have to try harder. USA USA USA!

18   FortWayne   2014 Feb 20, 2:18am  

Vicente says

Where did you see that? I haven't seen that claim.

It's daily on NPR.

19   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 2:24am  

FortWayne says

Dan8267 says

3. Equal rights under the law.

Liberals don't want equal rights, they want equal results... just without working for it.

Bull-fucking-shit. I am the quintessential liberal. I want equal rights, not equal results. And I've worked damn hard for my income doing things that less than 1 in ten thousand people on this planet could do at all, and less than 1 in a million can do well.

I've paid my own way through college. I've worked 90+ hours a week in my early 20s and 70+ hours a week in my mid-20s and 30s. I opened my first IRA when I was 20. I spent less than 20% of my income on all my living expenses for years.

How exactly am I in favor of free-loading parasites? Where do you get that? Are all conservatives senile seniors like Clint Eastwood talking to imaginary "liberals" in empty chairs? You're perception of reality is so ridiculously off base with actual reality it seems like some kind of mental delusion.

20   zzyzzx   2014 Feb 20, 2:44am  

Dan8267 says

More to the point, you would make all non-white immigration illegal.

I would make all immigration illegal. There is no excuse for letting in anyone when unemployment is this high and we are already too overcrowded.

21   edvard2   2014 Feb 20, 2:51am  

zzyzzx says

I would make all immigration illegal. There is no excuse for letting in anyone when unemployment is this high and we are already too overcrowded.

Really? In that case the US would not exist. Unless you happen to be Native American then EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this country IS in fact an immigrant.

Think about that for at least 1/2 a second...

22   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 2:53am  

zzyzzx says

Dan8267 says

More to the point, you would make all non-white immigration illegal.

I would make all immigration illegal. There is no excuse for letting in anyone when unemployment is this high and we are already too overcrowded.

Then your problem is not with "illegal immigration", but simply immigration. At least be honest about that.

By the way, I'm in favor of net-zero immigration and negative population growth. But I don't use subterfuge to justify my position because I believe it is justifiable. Hence, no subterfuge is necessary or even helpful.

Yes, there are too many people in the word and even in America. Growth, including population growth, is not always a good thing. However, it is disingenuous to equate opposition to immigration to opposition to "illegal immigration" as if the opposition is simply due to the immigrants not playing fair or following the law.

If you are going to take a position, particularly an unpopular one, have the balls to take that position clearly and definitively.

23   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 3:08am  

zzyzzx says

Isn't every since comment from a liberal about wealth inequality enough?


The statement "I oppose rape." is not synonymous with the statement "I oppose sex.". For the exact same reason, the statement "I oppose economic systems designed to systematically impoverish the masses to support a few rich." is not synonymous with the statement "I want every person to be equally wealthy regardless of how hard they work or how much they produce.".

In fact, the entire objection we rationalists have with our economic system is that it does not reward wealth creation. Capitalism rewards one and only one thing: bargaining power. The person producing wealth remains impoverished while the person controlling the distribution channels becomes rich by parasitically siphoning the wealth the first guy created.

The economic systems I prefer reward wealth creation, not manipulation of the system. In such systems, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, is the richest man in the word and Lloyd Craig Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, is a bum living on the cold streets. This is the way nature intended to work weeding out the non-productive members of our species like Republicans.

24   zzyzzx   2014 Feb 20, 3:26am  

edvard2 says

Really? In that case the US would not exist. Unless you happen to be Native American then EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this country IS in fact an immigrant.

Think about that for at least 1/2 a second...

Does the phrase "we are full already" mean anything to you? Are you trying to turn us into India?

Because that's what will happen to the US eventually if we continue to allow immigration.

25   Vicente   2014 Feb 20, 3:33am  

zzyzzx says

Does the phrase "we are full already" mean anything to you?

"I got mine, so FUCK YOU!".

U.S. natural birth rate is below replacement levels. So let's depopulate and inbreed, until we are ripe for easy conquest. Great plan!

Coincidentally, Russia also appears to be in natural population decline. Births are higher, but so are death rates.

26   edvard2   2014 Feb 20, 3:34am  

zzyzzx says

Does the phrase "we are full already" mean anything to you? Are you trying to turn us into India?

Still doesn't detract from the rather nonsensical suggestion you previously made.
Man these debates are way too easy.

27   edvard2   2014 Feb 20, 4:19am  

zzyzzx says

Why does a problem have to get really bad before you are willing to do something about it? Overpopulation is a serious environmental problem and isn't likely to be solved if you take your approach and do nothing to stop it.

I suggest taking a road trip across the US. I did when I moved across country. 90+% of the land I drove through was almost completely devoid of people. Miles and miles and miles of... nothing. Most of the population lives crammed on the coasts. The problem isn't space or population. Any other imaginary problems you'd like to share with us?

28   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 20, 4:29am  

edvard2 says

Miles and miles and miles of... nothing.

It takes more than raw land to sustain a population. If you're suggesting that overpopulation isn't a problem until homes are built as densely as Los Angeles, across every acre of the continental US, well think that through some more OK?

29   CL   2014 Feb 20, 4:30am  

zzyzzx says

I would make all immigration illegal. There is no excuse for letting in anyone when unemployment is this high and we are already too overcrowded.

We have plenty of unpopulated land. The question is, do immigrants add to economic growth or detract from it?

I would say that the anti-immigrant faction has it wrong. The immigrants don't take our jobs, they help to create them.

What happened in Hazleton when they forced the immigrants out? Did their economy prosper with old Euros unable to cook or clean for themselves? Or mow their own lawns?

The old folks had no economy, but the immigrants had a vibrant one.

30   zzyzzx   2014 Feb 20, 4:34am  

CL says

We have plenty of unpopulated land.

True, but where is the water and oil going to come from?

31   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 20, 4:48am  

Vicente says

Yes like being told they can't make healthcare decisions for a loved one, or handle their money, or automatically inherit because they aren't married like normal people. How trivial and petty!

That fight most people would join them, if the Gay bothered to fucking ask them. Instead treating everyone like some angry homophobe because they have a growing dislike every news story, commercial, movie, song, ect... turning into some pro gay agenda. Which is supposed to be the message but it's just disgusting gratuitous gay injection or gay make out scenes. That's not how you get support or acceptance from those who you claim are intolerant, as it were.

Instead of all that, you think with all of the clout the gay community has in 99% of the media out there. They could have just once done a PSA where they laid out there case, with out it turning into a chance to showcase the song. "I kissed a girl and I liked it..." and "Born this way" crap.

The gays had bigger support up to now, more so than they gave the average human being on the planet credit for. Their gripe has not been what you said, it's about making those Conservative bastards publicly kiss them and accept 100% on international TV, or something I still haven't figured out their fucking trip. They don't care about your average well adjusted, well rounded person being put off by them. They can just Tweet shame them and call them intolerant, they want Jimmy Swagart to place the hand of God on thee and marry Hank and Frank.

32   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 20, 4:50am  

They have equal rights, they have every right to be as repulsed by their behavior as I am.

33   edvard2   2014 Feb 20, 4:59am  

Automan Empire says

It takes more than raw land to sustain a population. If you're suggesting that overpopulation isn't a problem until homes are built as densely as Los Angeles, across every acre of the continental US, well think that through some more OK?

Like I said- drive across the country. You would be amazed at how much of the country is empty. Where I grew up we lived about 30 miles from a smaller city. The city gave way to the sticks in basically 5 minutes out of town. A LOT of America is just like that, where there are perfectly self-sustaining smaller cities with an enormous amount of growth potential. The US also has the world's most developed freeway system meaning transportation and access to goods from everywhere are able to be had quickly no matter where you live.

Lastly, the single thing that would make all of those less populated areas instantly pertinent would be if every office job in the US would embrace telecommuting. The main reason people stick to major metros are the jobs and if the jobs could be done anywhere, then the 90% of the country that's barely populated would instantly become viable places to live.

34   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 20, 5:49am  

We are overpopulated, and no, immigration is not the solution. Family planning and eliminating tax incentives to have more than two children is the ethical solution. And please don't go off on me on how the government shouldn't control how many children a person has, and please like the housing bulls on this site assuming I don't own a home because I am for lower home prices, please don't assume I don't have children. I say this because I think overpopulation is a real threat on many levels, and it is because of my fear of government intervention on who has children, and on how many, that makes me for eliminating tax breaks for children. Why should a single childless tax payer be paying for my child? My child will suck on plenty of tax paid for programs before he gives back to the system, like all children. That's enough of a gift to the parents for making a little citizen.

35   hrhjuliet   2014 Feb 20, 5:58am  

We the thinking minority have to stop fighting each other and start fighting the real danger. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson. Fast forward, President Abraham Lincoln, “The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.” And a letter written 1864, “We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.” Fast forward to all their worst nightmares a reality. We the great inheritors of the republic must wake-up and stop fighting the wrong battles. We need campaign finance reform, or a complete elimination. We must dispose of Citizens United and WE must put sanctions on the empire living within our Republic. The empire is the Federal Reserve and the corporations. The two party system is meant to distract and divide. Voting is no longer our great power, so focus on where we still have power. Put sanctions on them. Everyone, just say no to buying from any of the major corporations that have abhorrent human rights records (which are a large majority), do your job as a citizen of a free republic and educate yourself on who those are, buy only necessities, buy fair-trade, and best of all don't buy at all unless it truly is a need. Don't purchase a home at artificially inflated prices meant to make you a debt slave. Protect our right to protest and form unions before both rights get abolished. Let us honor our admirable presidents and framers by having the courage and strength to save our Republic. We can save our republic, it's just going to mean sacrifice and work, and the empire within our fading republic is counting on our ignorance and laziness. A hero in this era is not going to be one in shiny pants with a gun or arrow, it's going to be regular people like us sacrificing and becoming educated on the system. Pass on the good news that we still have the power. No one can force us to buy a non-necessity. It's time to starve the empire within our republic out.

36   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 6:25am  

Vicente says

U.S. natural birth rate is below replacement levels.

True, but that's not a bad thing. The U.S. population has doubled over the past 50 years.

Meanwhile, the U.S. consumes a large percentage of the world's oil supply.

And produces a large amount of CO2 per capita. Yes, we're not the worse, but we certainly are right up there.

A smaller U.S. population would be a very good thing for the environment. It would give some relief until technology advances enough for us to maintain our energy consumption rates without polluting.

If the U.S. population were to half over the next 50 years, it would not be a bad thing.

World population is also a problem, but more so because of starvation than over-consumption and pollution.

37   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 6:30am  

zzyzzx says

Overpopulation is a serious environmental problem and isn't likely to be solved if you take your approach and do nothing to stop it.

True, but that's not why you're against immigration. You really are motivated by the "I got mine; fuck you" principle. Vincent was right in calling you out on that.

38   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 6:33am  

edvard2 says

I suggest taking a road trip across the US. I did when I moved across country. 90+% of the land I drove through was almost completely devoid of people.

And the ocean is even more vast. That doesn't mean we can't over-fish it, pollute it, alter it's feedback systems.

The problem with overpopulation has never been the physical limitations of space, but rather the physical limitations of resources and the stress on the negative feedback mechanisms in local and the global ecosystems.

The world will collapse into a barren planet incapable of supporting human life long before we run out of space to put human bodies.

39   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 6:35am  

Automan Empire says

It takes more than raw land to sustain a population

True. One third of the world's population does not have adequate, clean drinking water. That's one in three people endanger of health risks for lack of water, the most basic ingredient in life.

Even in many sections of the U.S., there is a water shortage and such shortages are likely to get worse. And water is just one of many depletable resources.

40   Dan8267   2014 Feb 20, 6:39am  

edvard2 says

if every office job in the US would embrace telecommuting.

Management has spoken. Telecommuting is only for outsourcing. Why make life more pleasant for the employee?

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