Chinese selling their offshore real estate now

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2014 Mar 19, 12:23pm   2,603 views  15 comments

by jojo   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


One of the primary drivers of the real estate bubble in the past several years, particularly in the ultra-luxury segment, were megawealthy Chinese buyers, seeking to park their cash into the safety of offshore real estate where it was deemed inaccessible to mainland regulators and overseers, tracking just where the Chinese record credit bubble would end up. Some, such as us, called it "hot money laundering", and together with foreclosure stuffing and institutional flipping (of rental units and otherwise), we said this was the third leg of the recent US housing bubble. However, while the impact of Chinese buying in...


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1   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 19, 12:34pm  

Faggot chinidian trillionaires prefer having butt sex in more sophisticated areas like Rome and Paris.

2   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 19, 12:39pm  

jojo says

Looks like the Chinese buyers are going away.

As they should, unless they plan to become citizens.

Anyway, considering the latest news out of China, I think they have their own property rights and investments to worry about.

3   bob2356   2014 Mar 19, 1:04pm  

What a crappy article even by zero hedge (non) standards. Pretty amazing to write an article about real estate sales without once mentioning how many are being sold. "a third of existing homes now for sale in hong kong". WTF, zero hedge couldn't come up with how many houses for sale in Hong Kong. One third of owners in Hong Kong are Chinese, no shit sherlock. Big surprise considering Hong Kong is China. What a total joke. Why does anyone actually read zero credibility anyway? Lots of teen age girl histrionics without ever a single solid number to back it up.

How could foreign buyers be the "third leg of the recent housing bubble" in the US when the number of foreign buyers didn't go up?

4   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Mar 19, 1:24pm  

jojo says

This might be the credit collapse event you have been asking about.

Don't get too excited.
It's hard to have a "credit event" in an economy where banks lend on command and money is printed at will to adjust all accounts.

So far they're just tightening a few screws.

5   HEY YOU   2014 Mar 19, 5:01pm  

This might be a great chance for American suckers to overpay for luxury homes.

6   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 20, 1:38am  

Maybe the American elite suckers can go buy luxury homes in China. Why not? Why buy here while prices are exorbitant? Why deal with all our pansy ethics; like worker's rights? With things tanking in China the elite could purchase a home and some slaves, oh excuse me they are not slaves, just indentured servants who are not allowed to stop working or they will be beat. They could pick up a few children for slaves too. China is cool with that. It's an American elite's paradise!

7   Dan8267   2014 Mar 20, 2:42am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Faggot chinidian trillionaires prefer having butt sex in more sophisticated areas like Rome and Paris.

Are you saying that Rat Mouth, Florida isn't as sophisticated as Rome and Paris?

8   Dan8267   2014 Mar 20, 2:43am  

jojo says

"Wealthy" Chinese Are Liquidating Offshore Luxury Homes

There are plenty of empty cities full of houses and apartments in China that they could speculate on.

9   Entitlemented   2014 Mar 20, 3:08am  

So should we see listings in SF, Cuper, Pasadena communities over $1e6 increasing?

Local Government on SIVs?


10   corntrollio   2014 Mar 20, 3:33am  

bob2356 says

What a crappy article even by zero hedge (non) standards. Pretty amazing to write an article about real estate sales without once mentioning how many are being sold. "a third of existing homes now for sale in hong kong". WTF, zero hedge couldn't come up with how many houses for sale in Hong Kong. One third of owners in Hong Kong are Chinese, no shit sherlock.

This is at least as credible as the reports by American realtors that they only hear Chinese at open houses now and that large numbers of Chinese robber barons are buying houses here, despite no evidence that that's happening. Can't accept one meme and not accept the other.

What looks like the original article:


11   Indiana Jones   2014 Mar 20, 4:14am  

Have you been to China? You know there is a reason why the Chinese are getting the hell out of Dodge. Even with servants it ain't no paradise.

hrhjuliet says

Maybe the American elite suckers can go buy luxury homes in China. Why not? Why buy here while prices are exorbitant? Why deal with all our pansy ethics; like worker's rights? With things tanking in China the elite could purchase a home and some slaves, oh excuse me they are not slaves, just indentured servants who are not allowed to stop working or they will be beat. They could pick up a few children for slaves too. China is cool with that. It's an American elite's paradise!

12   Reality   2014 Mar 20, 4:15am  

bob2356 says

WTF, zero hedge couldn't come up with how many houses for sale in Hong Kong. One third of owners in Hong Kong are Chinese, no shit sherlock. Big surprise considering Hong Kong is China. What a total joke.

The article was talking about 1/3 of properties listed for sale in a particular district/development are owned by mainland Chinese. Hongkongers are not considered mainland Chinese. Much less than 1/3 of all properties in Hongkong are owned by mainland Chinese.

13   Reality   2014 Mar 20, 4:20am  

hrhjuliet says

Maybe the American elite suckers can go buy luxury homes in China. Why not? Why buy here while prices are exorbitant? Why deal with all our pansy ethics; like worker's rights? With things tanking in China the elite could purchase a home and some slaves, oh excuse me they are not slaves, just indentured servants who are not allowed to stop working or they will be beat. They could pick up a few children for slaves too. China is cool with that. It's an American elite's paradise!

American hedge fund money / hot money has been speculating in Chinese real estate for over a decade. The goal of such investment however was not slaves or indentured servants but capturing currency appreciation and real estate appreciation. For cheap labor, the current place is Vietnam and India; the next stop will probably be North Korea and Cuba.

14   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 20, 5:15am  

You don't know the goals of each and every person in China. I know plenty of people who have invested in labor there, simply because it's legal slavery. China is a sick and corrupt government, and we have sick and corrupted elite here that would be right at home there.

There will always be a class of sociopaths with money. Think of the slave plantations of the South here, or the elite of totalitarian governments from Nazi Germany to Empiral France. Some people enjoy subjecting others to slavery, they feel they are entitled and that they deserve to dominate another. Not everyone wants a safer, healthier and more enjoyable world for all. Some people can't imagine happiness unless they are dominating someone else.

My suggestion to the sociopath elite is to go to China, and all of the countries that make oppression easy and set up their fortresses there. Why just be gluttonous here, when there you could enslave and torture?

It's a sad truth, but some people, not even if given the chance by a genie or fiary, would choose a better world for everyone if it meant giving up their gluttenous excess. Not even if the genie promised it would end world hunger and war immediately. If the trade off was them living simply and safely in a middle-class lifestyle, they would probably shoot the genie or fiary for suggesting it.

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