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I disagree. Sodomy is a vice, nothing more. It is not an inborn identity any more than being a heroin addict is an inborn identity.
However, I'm certain I could be a heroin addict.
End of the day for me go ahead and do it in the ass all you want, just don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s some great thing you’re doing. And don’t make me pretend to like it or tell my kids it’s normal.
Except homosexuality now has lots of scientific evidence that there is no gay gene. It’s probably mostly due to environment.
Wonder if Covid will kill more gays than White trash straight scum male RepCons?
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For no apparent reason CNN volunteered that is was Gay, during an important world event it was covering. It said it was gay, and has been carrying on a 6 year relationship with it's partner The Obama administration. Then started randomly Outing unknown or obscure celebrities nobody has never heard of.
CNN then threw a temper tantrum, because nobody gave a rats ass, about CNN's lifestyle/love interest, and continued to follow important world crisis news event.