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No, you just can't do math and don't understand payroll tax.
6.2% + 6.2% + 1.45% + 1.45% = 15.3%. That's the self-employment rate for total payroll tax. You just don't understand how this works. It didn't used to be higher than 15.3% -- you just made that part up.
It is not hard to understand, there is little point in separating the two they are services that few are going to realize but certainly paid for. Which is the point, not the minutiae.
Since employers have to compete for employees the 7.5% would go to the worker, if not paid to the government.
Another poll showing "Minuteman" Donnelly ahead of "TARP bagman" Kashkari in the race for second place (CA open primary for governor).
It is not hard to understand, there is little point in separating the two they are services that few are going to realize but certainly paid for. Which is the point, not the minutiae.
Since employers have to compete for employees the 7.5% would go to the worker, if not paid to the government.
There is no proof the 7.65% would go to the employees -- employers would just cut this cost if they could, like they've been doing with everything else (e.g. you can't argue Obamacare will cause employers to cut health insurance out of one side of your mouth, and then say they would pay an extra 7.65% to employees if not for payroll tax out of the other side of your mouth).
Furthermore, you misunderstood the numbers -- 2.9% is for Medicare, 12.4% is for Social Security. There was never any 15.4% going to Social Security like you stated above. You both misstated the number and where it was going because you didn't understand how payroll tax worked before I explained it to you.
I saw Tea Partiers holding up signs saying "Get your government hands off my Medicare." They couldn't understand why I was laughing at them.
To be fair people -- half the boomers -- have been paying that 2-3% into the program all their lives and haven't drawn a penny out yet.
Now, their benefits helped pay for their parents' Medicare, but people don't think that way.
There is no proof the 7.65% would go to the employees -- employers would just cut this cost if they could, like they've been doing with everything else (e.g. you can't argue Obamacare will cause employers to cut health insurance out of one side of your mouth, and then say they would pay an extra 7.65% to employees if not for payroll tax out of the other side of your mouth).
None but it would. To assume otherwise is like saying the money coerced from the economy by the government would not be spent in the free market.
Furthermore, you misunderstood the numbers -- 2.9% is for Medicare, 12.4% is for Social Security. There was never any 15.4% going to Social Security like you stated above. You both misstated the number and where it was going because you didn't understand how payroll tax worked before I explained it to you.
Yes dumbass I understand it, have been paying it for decades. The point once again is that people have been paying into a program deserve to get the benefits of that program.
I saw Tea Partiers holding up signs saying "Get your government hands off my Medicare." They couldn't understand why I was laughing at them.
Problem isn't them, problem is you not understanding them.
Problem isn't them, problem is you not understanding them.
Yeah, we all misunderstood the deeper fundamental reality. Like my parents, they want the services but not the associated taxes. Anything else is not patriotic.
The point once again is that people have been paying into a program deserve to get the benefits of that program.
Yes they do. So, putting 2.9% of $50k into an investment with 5% return over 30 years yields $100k. What happens once you hit $100k? Done. How long would that take a 65 year old to burn through?
Caveat: few were making $50k 30 years ago, so the $100k is inflated.
Bottom line: after you hit $100k in medical expenditures, you might want to change the wording on your sign.
What happens once you hit $100k? Done. How long would that take a 65 year old to burn through?
Don't know, consult LBJ.
Since employers have to compete for employees the 7.5% would go to the worker, if not paid to the government.
Like they are competing now with all the raises and bonuses?
Like they are competing now with all the raises and bonuses?
Not so much at the moment but in the past certainly
Absolutely, with help from others since.
Let us not forget the voters who elected them all...and now want more than $100k in free medical care
Why don't the idiots ever want to talk about how awful public health care is in
Japan, Singapore, NZ, Oz, Norway, France, etc., etc..
Face it, US government bureaucracies are some of the most inefficient and incompetent organizations on the planet. EVERYTHING the US government does is far more expensive and wasteful than it needs to be. We spend far more per pupil on education than all OECD countries and get shitty results. Democrats ruined civil service once they allowed them to unionize.
What's your solution to our terrible education system Bob? Spend more money? Get more government involved?
What's your solution to the terrible VA scandal and treatment of our vets? Get more government involved? The government already runs everything at the VA and totally fucked it up. You want that kind of service for 300+ million of us?
What's your solution to the massive waste and fraud in Medicare? Get more government involved?
Can you point to a single well run government entitlement or service to give Libs their religious faith that moar government is the solution?
The premise of this thread is flawed.
The same monied ideologues who founded it, have temporarily decided to hide the powdered wigs in order to win the next election. Once the election is over and both bodies are firmly in GOTP control, they will be back with a vengeance.
Whether you call them Birchers or Teabaggers or simply peasants of Kochland, they are the same people.
Democrats ruined civil service once they allowed them to unionize.
Actually the 62th congress that passed the Lloyd-Lafollette Act in 1912 was split with a democratic house and a republican senate. A republican, Taft, was president. Don't let facts screw you up.
What's your solution to our terrible education system Bob? Spend more money? Get more government involved?
Perhaps you weren't aware of it but the US government doesn't run schools in the US, local school boards do. The US doesn't spend more than than all other oecd countries.
http://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator_cmd.asp " In terms of countries’ expenditures by education level, the percentage of GDP the United States spent on elementary and secondary education was similar to the OECD average percentage of GDP spent on elementary and secondary education (4.0 percent each)."
The US is mid pack in results. But the leading countries don't have anywhere near the social problems or poverty of the US. I'm not aware of any other OECD country educating 12 million illegals disadvanteged (to say the least) children living in poverty for example. Things could certainly be better but your argument doesn't wash on the facts. Terrible? Get a grip. Don't let facts screw you up.
What's your solution to the terrible VA scandal and treatment of our vets? Get more government involved? The government already runs everything at the VA and totally fucked it up
Should have never happened. Congress is totally responsible for providing adequate oversight and failed miserably. Not the first or last time it will happen. Good thing there has never been a massive scandal in the private sector. Say like Enron or Madoff or Worldcom. Nope lying cheating and stealing would never happen outside of government.
What's your solution to the massive waste and fraud in Medicare? Get more government involved?
Massive? If medicare didn't have fee for service then there wouldn't be any way to commit fraud. Like public health care around the world that deliver better results for half the cost.
If medicare is so bad then were increases in medicare less then private insurance for the last 15 years. Why is medicare close to the per beneficiary cost of private insurance at $8500 when medicare takes over 65 (aka the old and sick) and private insurance under 65?
I'm far from being a fan of medicare, but it does a decent job.
Can you point to a single well run government entitlement or service to give Libs their religious faith that moar government is the solution?
I'm not a liberal and don't have religious faith the "moar" government is the solution. There are area's where government makes more sense, there are area's where private makes more sense. There are plenty of well run government services and even a couple well run entitlements, but since your version of religious faith won't accept that thought going over them is utterly pointless.
So can you point to the US health system that is not government and call it well run based on the cost and results? I don't think so.
Problem isn't them, problem is you not understanding them.
Yeah, we all misunderstood the deeper fundamental reality. Like my parents, they want the services but not the associated taxes. Anything else is not patriotic.
And your parents were right. If 1% of the population owns 99% of the money and the politicians, than they should pay for the 99% of the services.
I think that's a very conservative and a fair deal. Why burden the poor and the middle class when they do all the work anyway. I think the 1% is not paying their fair share! We the 99% do not work for free, we are not the bitch for the 1%, we deserve what we earn!
The premise of this thread is flawed.
The same monied ideologues who founded it, have temporarily decided to hide the powdered wigs in order to win the next election. Once the election is over and both bodies are firmly in GOTP control, they will be back with a vengeance.
Yes and no. Sure- the monied guys who setup the tea party will likely continue to stick their fingers into politics to get what they want via some sort of manipulation. The method this time was to get politicians into congress using a fake grass roots "movement". Now that has failed they'll pull their money and as you mentioned- will probably come up with some other bullshit thing the next election cycle.
But for all practical purposes the tea party is done.
What's your solution to the massive waste and fraud in Medicare? Get more government involved?
Can you point to a single well run government entitlement or service
Yes, Medicare. It has much less waste and fraud than private insurance. This has been shown through numerous studies. See also what bob said above.
And your parents were right. If 1% of the population owns 99% of the money and the politicians, than they should pay for the 99% of the services.
Huh? It was the politicians that my parents voted into office who cut taxes on the 1%. Look at the difference in tax rates from 1980 to today. Sure they have come down across the board but nobody has benefited than the top. And now my parents will get the health care they (and the rich) didn't pay enough for.
If you are saying that my parents are right to demand that the top earners pay for middle class services, fine. But that is not how conservatives have voted for 40 years now, unfortunately. The Republican way is to cut taxes, especially on top earners, to increase tax receipts. It's not a ridiculous policy, but it doesn't work when the same Republicans promote deficit spending. These are two stimuli that are at odds with each other.
Yes, Medicare. It has much less waste and fraud than private insurance. This has been shown through numerous studies. See also what bob said above.
You have to be kidding...
The US doesn't spend more than than all other oecd countries.
"The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system — more than any other nation covered in the report."
Should have never happened. Congress is totally responsible for providing
adequate oversight and failed miserably. Not the first or last time it will
happen. Good thing there has never been a massive scandal in the private sector.
Say like Enron or Madoff or Worldcom. Nope lying cheating and stealing would
never happen outside of government.
Last I checked, lots of people at Enron, Worldcom and Madoff went to jail, paid fines or lost their jobs. New laws were written (Sarbanes-Oxley) to force more regulations on private sector accounting. Want to bet that no-one will go to jail over letting our vets die while they doctored the books to keep their bonuses? Hell, I bet few will even lose their jobs.
Obama was on Veterans Affairs committee in the Senate and campaigned over 6 years ago to fix these problems. If we can't reform the corrupt VA bureaucracy with bi-partisan support in all this time, where do you get your faith that the government can run something like our healthcare?
Just a few years ago, people like Paul Krugman and Ezra Klein were claiming that the VA is so well run that it should be a model for Single Payer for the rest of the country.
We have a combination of government fan-boys in our media and economic academia who refuse to aknowledge the problem - along with a corrupt and incompetent civil service bureaucracy with 20th century labor rules that make reform impossible.
You have to be kidding...
I am still waiting for GOTP to get behind shutting down the VA.
Let soldiers buy into HMO or PPO like the rest of us. You pick the wrong one too bad, no taxpayer backstop. FREEDOM!
After that eliminate military pensions and turn them all over to 401K.
I am still waiting for GOTP to get behind shutting down the VA.
Better yet - throw them all on the Obamacare exchanges. It can't be worse than the long waiting lines, corruption and malpractice our Vets are currently dealing with socialized medicine.
"VA Scandal Exposes Greedy Socialism"
Only mostly dead -- Boo!
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated Tuesday by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated Tuesday by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.
I had a sneaking suspicion that Cantor's defeat would be used as "proof" that the tea party was alive and well.
First of all, let me say that as a Democrat I am delighted by Cantor's defeat and pleased that Brat was chosen and here's the reason why. This shouldn't be a big shocker BTW in regards to my position on the GOP in general.
As soon as I saw why Cantor lost- which is being reported as being due to his supposedly "liberal" position on immigration- the first thing that went through my head was that the GOP and the tea party has clearly totally forgotten why they lost both the 2008 and 2012 elections: Its because of the demographics, and furthermore, the fact that the GOP's position on immigration has been displeasing to the fast-growing immigrant population in the US, who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats in presidential elections.
So here we have yet another far-right leaning conservative politician who takes an unpopular position ( for immigrants) on immigration which means two things:
A: The GOP won't do anything in regards to immigration which will further demonstrate to immigrants they aren't the party for them.
B: Immigrants will then vote for Democrats in even greater numbers, far outstripping the ranks of the GOP's base and tea party. Even if 100% of that base votes- as they pretty much did in 2012- they will lose once more and in 2016 by even greater percentages.
Lastly, this means that the GOP will have to spend an even greater amount of their time and energy on their own party's inner-turmoil versus focusing on Democrats. Their party has been weakened by the tea party considerably and with that comes a weak message, less decisiveness and further alienation from the majority of the voting populace.
So in the end this is a big win for Democrats and at the same time further proof to the GOP that the tea party is creating a lot of problems for them and hence why my initial claim still remains intact.
Don't believe everything you read... Cantor's loss WASN'T because of the immigration issue "as reported"...
I saw that the TSA was also an issue
Even if 100% of that base votes- as they pretty much did in 2012- they will lose once more and in 2016 by even greater percentages.
Good analysis but consider in an off election like 2010 there is lower turnout and activists tend to vote in higher numbers
Good analysis but consider in an off election like 2010 there is lower turnout and activists tend to vote in higher numbers
I was referring more to the 2016 Presidential elections. But as for the fall, well as mentioned the GOP is in disarray and though the tea party might have scored a few points that only means the GOP has lost focus.
like 2010 there is lower turnout and activists tend to vote in higher numbers...
And often!
Don't believe everything you read... Cantor's loss WASN'T because of the immigration issue "as reported"...
Actually it was reported as such in FOX news and so if all things conservative media related must surely be the truth to conservatives then the old hat trick of blaming the "left wing media" won't work on this one. The right wing media is reporting this as well...
Don't believe everything you read... Cantor's loss WASN'T because of the immigration issue "as reported"...
Actually it was reported as such in FOX news and so if all things conservative media related must surely be the truth to conservatives then the old hat trick of blaming the "left wing media" won't work on this one. The right wing media is reporting this as well...
That was callitcrazy-not my comment!
My point is there were perhaps multiple reasons for Cantor's loss, primarily his seat is a conservative one and Cantor is not seen as a true conservative.
I was referring more to the 2016 Presidential elections. But as for the fall, well as mentioned the GOP is in disarray and though the tea party might have scored a few points that only means the GOP has lost focus.
Too early to comment on how events today will impact 2016 elections.
That was callitcrazy-not my comment!
yes... sorry about that.smaulgld says
Too early to comment on how events today will impact 2016 elections.
Oh I don't think it is. The demographic math hasn't changed and the GOP's stance on issues that would have potentially garnered more support from those groups hasn't changed and with the election of a high ranking Republican with an anti-immigration stance that sends very clear message to immigrant groups. As far as 2016 is concerned the GOP has lost already.
I don't think it is. The demographic math hasn't changed and the GOP's stance on issues that would have potentially garnered more support from those groups hasn't changed and with the election of a high ranking Republican with an anti-immigration stance that sends very clear message to immigrant groups
Correct if you look at it from a macro level and assume the current issues are the ones that will matter in 2016. That however is an assumption that can be proven faulty based on subsequent events (war, economy, scandals, intervening policies/legislation that work or fail etc) Immigration reform may be off the table by 2016 either through legislation or other superseding concerns and not be an issue at all, or one that favors one party over the other or that reverses which party benefits most from the issue.
As far as 2016 is concerned the GOP has lost already.
Like saying George Bush Senior had the 1992 election sealed after the Gulf War ended in February 1991.
That war was a far bigger event than immigration reform and was far closer to the election than immigration reform is to 2016 yet George Bush senior lost handily (who predicted "read my lips" would become an issue or Ross Perot and the rise of Bill Clinton in Feb 1991?)
A booting of a Republican congressman who also happens to be the majority leader while significant won't have a direct impact on the 2016 elections but it will put into motion a series of changes and events that will influence the 2016 election but they are no way knowable today.
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Seeing as how yesterday all of the tea party candidates got beaten soundly, when you add this to the movement's failure to stop Obamacare, I'd say that the billionaires and lobbys who started the tea party are going to see that this so-called "movement" is a waste of their money and so the plug will be pulled. Of course I'm sure they'll find some other weaselly way to get into congress, but as for now this latest experiment failed.
Never have I ever been happy "normal" Republicans won anything.