What the fuck is this work place diversity ?

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2014 Aug 13, 6:08pm   9,083 views  20 comments

by jkaldi1   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Why do they make a big fucking deal about lack of diversity in work place ? aren't we supposed to hire the best talent irrespective of race/gender/age/sexual orientation ?
Are we supposed to believe that somehow the ultra leftist startups in the most progressive location (SF bay area)are somehow colliding to not hire the best talent and racially discriminate against some minorities ?

BTW, why do people not complain about lack of diversity in NBA ?
if free markets are dictating hiring in NBA why can't people just accept the same phenomenon in tech industry. i find it hard to believe that bay area corps will discriminate against local hispanics while embracing indians or chinese from third world countries (if not for real talent).

Having worked in bay area and knowing the culture here, i refuse to believe that there is any discrimination in hiring process.
I strongly believe that all businesses ( esp tech) hire purely on raw talent and meritocracy ( esp the college grads).

------------------------------------------ news article-------------------

"Apple revealed Tuesday morning that 70 percent of its employees worldwide are male, and 55 percent of its workers in the U.S. are white.

Joining a growing movement of tech companies, Apple released a report detailing the diversity of its ranks. In a letter accompanying the statistics, CEO Tim Cook wrote that diversity is a work in progress for the company.

“Let me say upfront: As CEO, I’m not satisfied with the numbers on this page,” Cook wrote. “We are making progress, and we’re committed to being as innovative in advancing diversity as we are in developing our products.”

The report reveals that Apple’s U.S. workforce in non-tech roles is 56 percent white, 14 percent Hispanic, 9 percent Asian and 9 percent black. Workers in the tech sector are 54 percent white, 23 percent Asian, 7 percent Hispanic and 6 percent black. The company’s leadership in the U.S. is 64 percent white, 21 percent Asian, 6 percent Hispanic and 3 percent black"

Comments 1 - 20 of 20        Search these comments

1   carrieon   2014 Aug 13, 6:34pm  

Diversity is code word for NAACP, because NAACP became too racially obvious. Aside from the NAACP, no one else seems to have a problem.

2   drudometkin   2014 Aug 13, 6:37pm  

I agree it's totally ridiculous. I'm so sick of all this race baiting politically correct diversity BS. For the most part Whites create these companies and the tech everyone uses. So what if the company is mostly white? Blacks and Hispanics for the most part are not interested in tech(using it yes, but not creating it). These self hating whites & lefties won't stop until whites have lost everything.

3   jkaldi1   2014 Aug 13, 6:40pm  

carrieon says


I don't understand why there companies are even entertaining idiots like jesse jackson. If the companies are not doing anything wrong why even bother talking to him. Companies are in the business of making money for shareholders by hiring the best talent. if they do all this diversity crap with shareholder money , they are in clear violation of their fiduciary responsibility and should be sued by share holders.

the moment a company is hiring not on talent but based on race/gender/..etc, they are doing 2 things :
1) practicing discrimination ( anti constitutional) - breaking the law !
2) improper use of shareholder money (not discharging fiduciary responsibility of publicly traded companies ) -again illegal

4   Blurtman   2014 Aug 13, 11:36pm  

Some devious fuckers design entry requirements that purposely favor whites and Asians. The same clever bastards have also somehow tied learning to studying. It's a Eurasian conspiracy.

5   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Aug 13, 11:46pm  

This ones pretty stupid.

I went to a college well regarded for its engineering school and also having a small programming major as well as working real hard to build a Information systems program. Most of my friends were engineers, I was a math major, then business major. Early to mid 90's. There was also a decent number of black students at the school.

In my general studies courses there were quite a few black students. In my business courses there were no more than a handful. In the information systems courses, there was 1. I never saw a black student in the math or programming courses. My friends in the engineering courses said the never saw a black student in their classes.

So not sure how a tech company is supposed to be diverse. If every student enrolled in those courses is white and Asian, that is who you will be hiring.

6   jkaldi1   2014 Aug 14, 12:59am  

dodgerfanjohn says

So not sure how a tech company is supposed to be diverse. If every student enrolled in those courses is white and Asian, that is who you will be hiring.

Why the fuck then these CEOs are entertaining all this bullshit from Jesse jackson about lack of diversity. i have already heard many ceo's talk about diversity lately. I guess its probably just lip service.

but i am expecting some of the dumb CEO's to actually follow through.

7   Rin   2014 Aug 14, 1:47am  

This is nonsense, as long as Asians, meaning east Asians and Indians, are not white then for all intensive purposes, the workplace is diverse, as it's incorporated ppl, representing less than 15% of the general US population outside of Hawaii.

8   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 1:55am  

Diversity is a good thing. However, a company has no economic incentive to reduce diversity. As a result, we can only conclude that the workplace demographics is a natural result of worker choice.

Many non-Asian minorites are not interested in technology and that is fine. It is a boring field nonetheless.

9   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 1:58am  

I have left companies partly because the team lacked diversity. In particular, there were too many Asians and the thought process was culturally biased.

Look, if companies hire too many minorities people would accuse them of H-1B abuse. There is no way of pleasing everyone.

10   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 2:16am  

Also, note that companies need to protect their brands and images. We cannot blame them for the need to embrace certain values.

For example, I have no qualms buying from companies who use sweat-shop labor. In fact, I would be appreciative that they are passing on savings to me as the consumer. However, many other consumers somehow think too much into "social responsibility" when they make their purchases. They did not know that economic development is the ONLY way to lift people from poverty.

11   Rin   2014 Aug 14, 2:24am  

Peter P says

I have left companies partly because the team lacked diversity. In particular, there were too many Asians and the thought process was culturally biased.

Eventually, as time goes by, much of the so-called tech/R&D work will be happening in Asia, anyways. Thus, this current generation of Asians in stateside corporate America, are tomorrow's project leads a/o international liaisons with the Asian partner companies down the road.

Thus, having too many Asians (which is a minority, last I'd checked) is always a good setup for the future internationalization of labor, anyways.

12   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 2:37am  

I am thinking in terms of intellectual and cultural diversity. Progress is made when different ideas push against each other. Having too many of similar anything cannot be good for the long-term success of an organization.

Power distance is also a big problem in many Asian cultures.

The current practice of software engineering does not yet promote the maximum use of programming commoditization. We need to move away from false prophets like OOP and scripting languages/frameworks.

13   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 14, 2:51am  

Apple is already on their way, a trip to the iStore is like a trip to the DMV.

Aren't we all Black, and came out of Africa?

What is there a shelf life for this sorta thing?

14   jkaldi1   2014 Aug 14, 2:52am  

Peter P says

am thinking in terms of intellectual and cultural diversity.

But that cannot be a reason to engage in discrimination :
you cannot deny a white person an opportunity by giving it to somebody else just because of race ! ( no matter what the justification )

A person has no control of his race. you cannot say that you hired a minority instead of him for diversity purposes even though he is more qualified.

basically , you cannot put race as a qualification because its against the constitution and common sense. A person cannot change his race and should not be denied an opportunity just because of it.

15   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 2:58am  

jkaldi1 says

Peter P says

am thinking in terms of intellectual and cultural diversity.

But that cannot be a reason to engage in discrimination :

you cannot deny a white person an opportunity by giving it to somebody else just because of race ! ( no matter what the justification )

I agree. But I was talking about the lack of white people in some technology companies. Diversity would mean hiring more white people.

I doubt it is a deliberate attempt. Nowadays in the Silly Valley, when there is a half-decent candidate, you just take it.

Technology pays well, but 95% of it is mindless and boring. Perhaps different cultures have different preferences.

16   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 3:02am  

I do not think companies are deliberately hiring for diversity. They talk about diversity for two reasons:

1. to improve public relations
2. to encourage different people to pursue certain career paths

17   Strategist   2014 Aug 14, 5:28am  

All work place diversity means is if you have sex with a white co worker, you must have sex with a black co worker too.

18   Peter P   2014 Aug 14, 5:30am  

Or better yet, hair color diversity. Blonde, Brunette, Redhead.

19   Strategist   2014 Aug 14, 5:31am  

CaptainShuddup says

Apple is already on their way, a trip to the iStore is like a trip to the DMV.

Aren't we all Black, and came out of Africa?

What is there a shelf life for this sorta thing?

We are all "African Apes"
99% + of our genes are identical.

20   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 14, 5:34am  

"Get your stinking genes off of me, you filthy Ape!" - Carlton Howlermonkey III

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