Dashing hopes for a second-half recovery, existing home sales in Southern California steeply declined in July 2014.
Do you remember all the happy talk and wishful thinking that dominated financial reporting over the last few months? Weren’t we lead to expect a better second half of 2014? Supposedly the first quarter was weak due to bad weather, then the second quarter… well, economists and reporters really didn’t have a plausible excuse for completely missing the ongoing slowdown in the second quarter, and now the much-anticipated second half recovery is turning into an epic disaster.
Dashing hopes for a second-half recovery, existing home sales in Southern California steeply declined in July 2014.
Do you remember all the happy talk and wishful thinking that dominated financial reporting over the last few months? Weren’t we lead to expect a better second half of 2014? Supposedly the first quarter was weak due to bad weather, then the second quarter… well, economists and reporters really didn’t have a plausible excuse for completely missing the ongoing slowdown in the second quarter, and now the much-anticipated second half recovery is turning into an epic disaster.
Source: http://ochousingnews.com/blog/housing-recovery-hopes-crushed-july-home-sales-plummet/#ixzz3AqKTd5RF