Ferguson: case closed!

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2014 Aug 20, 3:18am   86,244 views  266 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.

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16   carrieon   2014 Aug 20, 8:14pm  

Led by the corrupt media, liberals and conservatives already have a verdict on this Ferguson case. Just for the fun of it, flip back and forth between the two media sources to hear first hand how their views on the case are already made up. (before a trial)

17   mmmarvel   2014 Aug 20, 8:43pm  

The Original Bankster says

bgamall4 says

I would beat my face in too if I was facing murder charges. Did he go to a hospital immediately? Why did he wait so long to report it

gary are you fucking insane?

Are you REALLY asking a question? Or merely verifying what he has shown over and over and over again.

18   Y   2014 Aug 20, 10:51pm  

Modified Heimlich maneuver.

REpro says

19   Shaman   2014 Aug 21, 2:34am  

Blurtman says

Case closed? No, not exactly. For once, Denninger is spot on.

"If Brown beat the officer in his car and went for his gun at that moment in time the officer was entirely justified in shooting him to stop that assault. However, once Brown ceases the assault the justification for shooting disappears."


Remember, Brown was shot in the front, so perhaps he was charging back to do some more damage. How could the officer do anything else? Looks like he got beat back into his car, and then shot Brown when he came back at him. Totally justified IMHO. All the race baiters need to get new jobs educating ghetto blacks on how not to be a goddam menace!(while drinking juice in the hood)

20   Ceffer   2014 Aug 21, 2:40am  

Since we have legalized marijuana, the only real social policy direction now with our nation becoming ghetto world, is to also legalize low level burglary, street mugging, arson, shoplifting, car theft (as long as it somebody's above the income median) and rape (as long as it results in pregnancy and a welfare check).

That way, we don't have to pay big bucks to all these psychotic cops to blow everybody away.

If the police budget gets too high, or too many legal lottery windfall settlements occur, they can also legalize home invasion.

21   The Original Bankster   2014 Aug 21, 2:51am  

preventing someone from getting robbed is discrimination.

22   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2014 Aug 21, 2:56am  

Call it Crazy says

Blurtman says

Case closed? No, not exactly. For once, Denninger is spot on.

Denninger has turned into a crotchity old man, worse than Archie Bunker. He use to write some decent stuff, but the last few months, he sounds like an old, bitter, divorced bastard. He refuses to listen to ANYONE with a different viewpoint, and the only ones still posting there drink his kool-aid big time!!

He was rambling about Brown not having any abrasions on his knees, just his face when he fell from the shots. If Denninger looked at the photos, he would have seen that Brown's pants were down to his shins, covering his knees... But don't point that out to him because he will ban you!

Denninger just needs to go away and STFU. He reminds me of the crotchity old guy Letterman on late night...

Understood. Karl banned me from his site after I inquired if the 2nd Ammendment allowed me to own a fully equipped aircraft carrier. And yes, a lot of his stuff is as you describe. But in this case, I believe he is correct.

23   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2014 Aug 21, 3:21am  

I started to get him pissed when I inquired about owning a flamethrower. Mormons at the door - Whoosh!!!

No, too much conjecture to reach an at distance conclusion. I believe he is correct about using lethal force against a person who has disengaged his assault.

25   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2014 Aug 21, 5:37am  

Call it Crazy says

willywonka says

I believe he is correct about using lethal force against a person who has disengaged his assault.

If it was truly "disengaged" and ended.... If the reports are correct, and we don't know yet if they are, at what point is it considered "re-engaged" if the person is coming back at you after the first assault?

Do you wait until they make physical contact AGAIN before you can defend yourself, or since you were attacked once, is it safe to fire before contact is re-established?

Lots of unknowns, no doubt. Maybe all cops should wear cameras.

26   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2014 Aug 21, 5:38am  

bgamall4 says

However this ends, the injuries to the officer should have been reported the first night. It makes everyone in the police force look like they are lying. There also was no gun residue on Brown, meaning that he was not close to the officer when shot.

Right. Even Zimmerman went to the ER immediately. Didn't the officer in this case?

27   The Original Bankster   2014 Aug 21, 5:50am  



your disrupting the Boomer's TV show. dont make them mad.

28   Shaman   2014 Aug 21, 6:11am  

I don't believe my original point was clearly made. The "case" is closed because at the moment the officer had sustained such an injury from the confrontation, the moral duty of proof passed to the other man to prove he wasn't attacking the officer when shots were fired. Clearly, he did attack the cop, so the question of whether he was actively attacking at the moment he got shot requires proof from Brown's camp, not Wilson's. That's where the whole innocent until proven guilty part acquires such a preponderance of reasonable doubt that it's pointless to try the case at all.

29   Shaman   2014 Aug 21, 7:55am  

bgamall4 says

Quigley says

The "case" is closed because at the moment the officer had sustained such an injury from the confrontation, the moral duty of proof passed to the other man to prove he wasn't attacking the officer when shots were fired. Clearly, he did attack the cop, so the question of whether he was actively attacking at the moment he got shot requires proof from Brown's camp, not Wilson's.

There is absolute proof he was not attacking when shot. There was no gun residue on him.

Charging back for round 2 is reason enough to shoot. He doesn't have to be within three feet to show intent to harm, especially once he's already done harm. Also the physician performing the autopsy didn't have access to his clothes, which would have had gunpowder on them if it was close enough range. This is tangential evidence, anyway, proving squat.

30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 19, 3:50am  

Good lord, I agree with bgmall.

Was that really necessary? Racist, lying, hypocrite demonstrators are easily proven wrong via fact and logic. For instance Marcus has been thoroughly discredited as a poster here, primarily due to the racist views he expressed in the Trayvon Martin threads.

To go and post nasty racist spew, even as a troll, doesn't serve to discredit the protestors nor the ones that ignorantly share similiar views.

31   zzyzzx   2014 Nov 19, 4:07am  

bgamall4 says

I knew you were a racist. You are the chimp. And also the chump.

But you were still laughing when you read it.

32   Robert Sproul   2014 Nov 19, 4:09am  

Straw Man says

ostand confused says

Biden is busy making gazillions from his Ukraine deals.

Tell us more.

It is actually Jokin' Joe "The Senator From BofA" Biden's son Hunter (kind of the George W of the Biden clan, kicked out of the Navy for coke use etc.) that is carpetbagging in the Ukraine. In collaboration with the predatory scion of the Heinz/Kerry business/political cabal.
Profiteering in the energy sector in a part of the world where we have sown violent political upheaval, it comes with the silver spoon and the legacy college admissions.

33   Shaman   2014 Nov 19, 5:46am  

I deleted that post. This thread was meant for rational discussion, not racist nonsense.

34   Ceffer   2014 Nov 19, 6:09am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Are there tours of the looting, rioting, killing and mayhem we can subscribe to? I haven't been in a good race riot for years.

Just dial Jesse and Al. And make sure the local merchants have a nice selection of big screens right in the downtown store windows.

35   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 19, 6:18am  

dodgerfanjohn says

To go and post nasty racist spew, even as a troll, doesn't serve to discredit the protestors nor the ones that ignorantly share similiar views.

Yeah that type of stuff is non sense. Even if people that would take advantage of situation for person they didn't know to use as an excuse to loot are nothing more than animals. There's no call for equating them to Chimps or any other primates. Leave the monkeys out of it.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 19, 7:33am  

Looking at the past few thread posts:

I blame the Jews.

37   curious2   2014 Nov 19, 7:36am  

thunderlips11 says

I blame....

One group that hardly ever gets blamed is the Eskimos. Isn't it about time we include them in the discussion? They must feel terribly left out and ignored. Maybe bgamall4 could write a new book exposing the secret Eskimo cabal behind global warming and all other ills, real and imagined. I am told that Eskimos and other "native American" groups have secret rituals by which they influence the climate, e.g. rain dances to ruin weekends for working people.

38   Ceffer   2014 Nov 19, 7:42am  

I didn't know Eskimos could Photoshop.

39   curious2   2014 Nov 19, 7:46am  

Ceffer says

I didn't know Eskimos could Photoshop.

A laptop with Adobe Photoshop pre-installed fell out of Santa's sleigh and landed on Nanook's igloo. At first, Nanook was upset about the damage to the igloo, but the kids began playing with the laptop and one thing led to another.

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Nov 19, 7:51am  

Also, the Eskimos were in on Sandy Hook. They froze the tears of the pretend family member-actors with their Inuit Magic.

41   RWSGFY   2014 Nov 19, 9:24am  

thunderlips11 says

Also, the Eskimos were in on Sandy Hook. They froze the tears of the pretend family member-actors with their Inuit Magic.

Still doesn't explain the crooked arms galore.

42   RWSGFY   2014 Nov 19, 9:30am  

Ceffer says

Since we have legalized marijuana, the only real social policy direction now with our nation becoming ghetto world, is to also legalize low level burglary, street mugging, arson, shoplifting, car theft (as long as it somebody's above the income median) and rape (as long as it results in pregnancy and a welfare check).

After passing Prop 47 California is half-way there.

43   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 19, 9:39am  

bgamall4 says

You want to call soldiers chimps to you retard?

NO! Like I said I would call them animals.

The Ferguson looting clearly showed opportunist punk scumbags from all races. And the Goddamned Governor is an idiot, he should be issuing warrants for inciting riots to CNN and other News orgs that have been fanning the flames. As well as any so called community organizers from out of town only there to stir the pot.
Also if I were the governor I'd call the courts out on delaying the verdict until better looting weather.

The whole affair is a disgusting spectacle, the level headed black people in Ferguson have been the only sensible people though the whole incident.

The out of town OWS assholes should should be shot on sight, if they are caught in any rioting.

44   FortWayne   2014 Nov 19, 10:41am  

As long as politicians can milk the situation for political gain this case will never be closed.

45   FortWayne   2014 Nov 19, 10:42am  

The Original Bankster says



your disrupting the Boomer's TV show. dont make them mad.

I blame the rap music and media for that.

46   marcus   2014 Nov 19, 10:51am  

Yeah, the only thing worse than one of those racists who think George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, is a white baby boomer racist who understands that Trayvon Martin was murdered by George Zimmerman.

Don't you just hate the racists that don't understand that George Zimmerman's murdering of Trayvon Martin had nothing to do with Martin's race ?

47   Strategist   2014 Nov 19, 11:09am  

bgamall4 says

thunderlips11 says

Looking at the past few thread posts:

I blame the Jews.

Then you are stupid. You didn't look at the video. Biden said you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. He is right. And the other video shows Jews rejecting Zionism.

So why can't you reason more effectively?

I am not a Jew, but I do believe Jews have a right to a homeland.
I also believe terrorists like Hamas and their supporters deserve nothing but death.
So what does that make me?

48   Strategist   2014 Nov 19, 11:57am  

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

I am not a Jew, but I do believe Jews have a right to a homeland.

They have one. It is called Los Angeles. Or New York. Or San Fran. Or London.

Really? since when?
bgamall4 says

The right to a homeland was not spoken of in their religion.

Irrelevant. Nevertheless, God gave the land of Israel to the Jews.

49   HEY YOU   2014 Nov 19, 1:11pm  

bgamall4 says

I would beat my face in too if I was facing murder charges. Did he go to a hospital immediately? Why did he wait so long to report it?

I'm with you. Where is the hospital report with the date & time?
The four pictures in the link don't appear to show Brown in a tussle with Wilson in a police car. I guess the link wants me to think that a store looks like a police car & Wilson is a store clerk.


"Today The Gateway Pundit is a leading right-of-center news website."

Fish wrapper comes to mind.

50   zzyzzx   2014 Nov 24, 3:32am  

This is what's going to happen when the indictment decision is publicized:

51   marcus   2014 Nov 24, 4:44am  

Quigley says

Ferguson: case closed!

Apparently not. ( I know I'm going to get a lot of flack again, for being a racist, since I think this killing was not even close to necessary).


It didn’t seem to matter that videos taken from the scene of Brown’s shooting show Wilson walking around seemingly injury-free and not tending to his face. Nope. When a good rumor comes along that fits nicely within the narrative you’ve set, you need to push it, and push it hard. Well, right-wingers intent on assassinating Brown’s character and placing Wilson on a pedestal took a big hit Thursday when Lemon revealed Brown did not break Wilson’s eye socket.

What is it with people so strongly wanting to defend the cop. If the killing was justified, the facts should support that. IF it wasn't, then they won't. How and why do people get so invested in it being one way or the other ? MAybe we can all agree that cops need to have cameras running on their actions at all times, to protect them from lies about how things go down, but who knows, maybe also to protect them from themselves when they're having a super stressful day.

52   Diva24   2014 Nov 24, 4:48am  

Strategist says

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

I am not a Jew, but I do believe Jews have a right to a homeland.

They have one. It is called Los Angeles. Or New York. Or San Fran. Or London.

Really? since when?

bgamall4 says

The right to a homeland was not spoken of in their religion.

Irrelevant. Nevertheless, God gave the land of Israel to the Jews.

God? Now that's funny.

And on that note, nation-states are a relatively new phenomenon...

53   socal2   2014 Nov 24, 6:16am  

marcus says

What is it with people so strongly wanting to defend the cop.

I think it is a natural reaction when they see the press and rioters get so much of the story wrong ginning up violence like they did with Trayvon Martin. (NBC doctoring the 9-11 call to make Zimmerman look like a racist for instance)

Alot of people also see all the daily violence and murders in the black community that doesn't generate a peep in the media or black community, but the black community and media go 24/7 sensationalist coverage and goes nuts burning shit down when a non-black person kills a black person.

It's really a shame, because there is legitimate police abuse that needs investigation and punishment. But the race hustlers in Ferguson and Florida ruin the credibility of those trying to address police brutality when they only sensationalize certain cases due to race.

54   MAGA   2014 Nov 24, 6:30am  

What I find interesting is that so few blacks are attending college. I am currently working toward a second degree (Mathematics) and I don't think that I have seen one black student in any of my classes.

There are programs available which will help minorities become college students. Many Hispanic students take advantage of these programs. There is one program in particular that caught my eye a couple weeks ago: GED to College. This program helps people with a GED to enter higher education

55   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Nov 24, 6:42am  

socal2 says

I think it is a natural reaction when they see the press and rioters get so much of the story wrong ginning up violence like they did with Trayvon Martin. (NBC doctoring the 9-11 call to make Zimmerman look like a racist for instance)

Alot of people also see all the daily violence and murders in the black community that doesn't generate a peep in the media or black community, but the black community and media go 24/7 sensationalist coverage and goes nuts burning shit down when a non-black person kills a black person.

It's really a shame, because there is legitimate police abuse that needs investigation and punishment. But the race hustlers in Ferguson and Florida ruin the credibility of those trying to address police brutality when they only sensationalize certain cases due to race.

Why does CNN call the cop Michael Brown's "killer"(their exact word, in context) before the even the grand jury's decision has been reached? Killer denotes having done something wrong. It should be stated as "The officer who shot Michael Brown", but thats not what CNN is putting forward.

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