The biggest boondoggle in U.S. History

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2015 Jan 1, 9:41am   4,321 views  22 comments

by tovarichpeter   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


With the vast amounts spent so far on the aircraft, the United States could have worked wonders, including providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 home. It’s hard to argue against the need to modernize aircraft used to defend the country and counter enemies overseas, especially if you’re a politician.

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1   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Apr 30, 3:20pm  

tovarichpeter says

including providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 home.

Still wouldnt fix the homeless problem.
2   anonymous   2018 Apr 30, 3:23pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
tovarichpeter says

including providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 home.

Still wouldnt fix the homeless problem.
+1 Poverty is cultural and must be fixed from within, not with handouts.
3   Shaman   2018 Apr 30, 3:54pm  

jazz_music says
The war industry

This is what makes our country a miserable mess,

You’re absolutely right. And this is a two party disaster the American people have no vote about.

Instead of foreign adventurism, waging war across the planet at any perceived injustice, we should just adopt a policy of being mean as fuck and ready to lay the most serious hurt on anyone who fucks with us. We don’t need billion dollar aircraft to do that. Just a will to seriously do evil shit to evil people who are a clear threat to America. They’d be buying us off with bribes to stay on our good side.

Instead we’ve gotten the idea that we are Team America world police and need to provide a sensitive caring solution to every asshat’s problems. Fuck that! Most of these people cause their own fucking problems with their stupid broke-ass backwards cultures. They piss themselves in mouth-foaming rage if someone burns a special book, but use rusty razor blades to slice the genitals from their innocent young daughters. They declare one-child policies for social welfare purposes, and kill baby girls who are unwanted. They bitch and moan about racism in America while making laws to legalize burning out white farmers in their own shithole countries.

Whatever. America needed Trump because it needed a boss with a dick, not a mushy loose vagina.
4   Tenpoundbass   2018 Apr 30, 5:02pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
+1 Poverty is cultural

Homeless is 20% poverty issues, and 80% mental health.
Even for the 20% that are homeless due to poverty, many of them are only so, because their pride keeps them from more suitable arrangements.
Kissing ass, or eating crow or just asking someone that could help them.

There are people homeless due to lack of opportunity, most of those will rebound someday. Some faster than others, if they really apply themselves and don't get institutionalized and conditioned into living off charity and government that most of their day is consumed by waiting in line and doing all of the monkey dancing that it takes that they end up out of the job market, or actively working on getting out of homelessness. They are in a perpetual state of waiting for their life to get better, rather than working at improving their situation. That's when they slide over into mental reasons for being homeless.

I'll also add physical health as a reason as well. As in physically impaired or to old get a job and take care of themselves and an apartment. But I didn't include those type people as most probably have disability money or some form of SS or pension, they have a money management problem.
My 80/20 is for healthy able bodied people. There is no reason to be an able bodied young person with all of your faculties and be long term homeless.
There's no money or job that can fix that type of personality.
5   anonymous   2019 Feb 2, 8:48am  

Some F-35s Are Wearing Out Much Faster Than Expected - Go figure huh ?

The F-35B stealth jet used by the Marine Corps is wearing out an alarming rate, according to a report from the Pentagon’s test office obtained by Bloomberg News. The short-takeoff-vertical landing version of the troubled aircraft was expected to have a service life of 8,000 fleet hours, but recent testing data suggest that the service life could be as little as 2,100 hours. Some jets could reach the end of their service life as soon as 2026, Bloomberg's Tony Capaccio said.

The report also said that maintenance and reliability goals were not being met for the F-35B, and that previously-identified cybersecurity vulnerabilities have not been fixed.

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan cautiously acknowledged the ongoing problems in the $1.5 trillion F-35 program, telling reporters Tuesday, "I am biased toward giving the taxpayer their money's worth. And the F-35, unequivocally, I can say, has a lot of opportunity for more performance."

6   Bd6r   2019 Feb 2, 9:11am  

Kakistocracy says
Some F-35s Are Wearing Out Much Faster Than Expected

I am sure this is an accident...NOT. And I am sure there will be some sanctions against manufacturers of F-35...NOT
7   kt1652   2019 Feb 2, 10:04am  

Recipe for endless wars:
1. Spend 10x more for weapons than any other country, even if it may bankrupt the taxpayers. Dont worry, only half the people pay any tax at all.
2. Promote globalization and political instability wherever vital to 'US strategic interest'. America needs an enemy, any enemy.
3. Have an arms race to nowhere with Russia, China.
4. Supply the rest of the world with our best export - weapons. Win-win.

The MIC is in control, the numbers don't lie.
We say we are a peaceful nation but we spend the most on weapons and export the most weapons.

Edit: MIC
8   anonymous   2019 Feb 2, 10:33am  

Maybe a new U.S. DoD web store?


Brought to you by the same fine people who created Wars"Я"Us

Out Motto: If we build it - it won't work.

All sales final.

A subsidiary of

They're bankrupt and so are we - in so many ways....
9   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2019 Feb 2, 11:30am  

Kakistocracy says
WeaponsЯ Us

She used on of them thar Russian letters.
10   Automan Empire   2019 Feb 2, 11:50am  

tovarichpeter says
providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 house

Sounds like a great way to create a huge inventory of $50,000 teardowns on a <1 year timeline.
11   rocketjoe79   2019 Feb 2, 6:32pm  

Clearly one of the worst weapons programs in history. Airplanes should not be built by a consortium of countries. The cockpit displays are made in Turkey, FFS!

"One size fits all" really means "one size fits none." All the services get a compromise platform, which does the roles poorly. We could have re-opened the F-22 pipeline and modernized F-15's, F-16's and A-10's again with the money wasted on this F-35 debacle.
12   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 2, 8:13pm  

Yup. Ridiculously expensive and a hangar queen.

If all regular maintenance can't be done by 19-year olds working off comic book instructions, it's not a frontline, mainstay aircraft.
13   AD   2019 Feb 2, 11:21pm  

Should have just built a few more F 22 raptors and rely on the F 16 and F 18. Maybe they should have never shut down the F 117 stealth fighter also.

F 18 is preferred by the US Navy.
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 3, 12:05am  

AD says
Should have just built a few more F 22 raptors and rely on the F 16 and F 18. Maybe they should have never shut down the F 117 stealth fighter also.

Problem with the F-16s and F-15s is the airframe. It's not cost effective because simply training in them wears out the airframe; unlike the B-52, fighter pilots train in aggressive maneuvers at high speed; B-52s fly straight and level and are overengineered to carry very heavy loads.

We're really stuck because the frontline radars of the Chinese and Russians aren't dampened much by the F-35s high maintenance coating, but the F-35 is neither as agile, cheap (relatively), fast, or easy to maintain as the F-16 and F-15.

We also need a new dedicated ground attack aircraft because the A-10 is getting old, and the idea of the F-16 taking over CAS at very low altitude is laughable, something only a Strategic-bombing obsessed USAF General looking at future consulting contracts with Lockheed could propose with a straight face.
15   thenuttyneutron   2019 Feb 3, 6:59am  

You want a close air support plane that is cheap and effective?


This plane is made out of common off the shelf components used on other common jets. The Army should get these and train their warrant officers on how to fly them.
16   Goran_K   2019 Feb 3, 7:09am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
tovarichpeter says

including providing every homeless person in the U.S. a $600,000 home.

Still wouldnt fix the homeless problem.

Democrats don’t seem to understand even if you redisredistributed every single dollar in the United States instantly, formerly poor people would eventually go poor again and rich people would climb the ladder again. It’s discipline, knowledge, and attitude, not “institutional advantages/disadvantages”.
17   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 3, 9:02am  

thenuttyneutron says
You want a close air support place that is cheap and effective?

Gorgeous. After Air Supremacy, the next most effective AIr Mission is CAS.

Thanks Nutty Neuron!
18   rocketjoe79   2019 Feb 3, 9:47am  

thenuttyneutron says
You want a close air support plane that is cheap and effective?


This plane is made out of common off the shelf components used on other common jets. The Army should get these and train their warrant officers on how to fly them.

Burt Rutan is an Aviation God.

The Air force must give up the Close Air Support mission to the Army. The Marines have always provided their own CAS because: fuck the Air Force. And Everybody Else, for that matter.
19   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Feb 3, 9:48am  

Goran_K says
Democrats don’t seem to understand even if you redisredistributed every single dollar in the United States instantly, formerly poor people would eventually go poor again and rich people would climb the ladder again. It’s discipline, knowledge, and attitude, not “institutional advantages/disadvantages”.

I think left hasn't thought through this, all they really want is something someone else has, they sure as hell don't want to work for it though.

They think taxes are low, I pay well over 30% in taxes (federal and state combined). Close to 40%. Most of my income is not stock market. And it's never enough for the greedy assholes. I literally work 5/12 month every year to pay taxes, not a penny goes to me, all goes to government. WTF!!!!
20   Goran_K   2019 Feb 3, 12:43pm  

This is leftist principals in real life.

Literally 10 times more spending per individual with very little results.
21   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 19, 4:03pm  

F-35, a proven failure.

These brand new planes are only available half the time. The 20 hours of critical failure maintenance per 75k flight time hours is 10.5 after 288k total flight hours of actual use, a whopping 50% underperformance rate. And that's with the USAF massaging the hell out of the numbers to make them look better than they really are.

Trump's first acts must include cancelling the F-35 immediately.

No more mass buy until prototype flies.

Then, recognize the only sea platform with survivability are Submarines, and stop overproducing the Battleship of the 21st Century, the Aircraft Carrier.

Finally, a new replacement for A-10s, the best, cheapest to operate, most reliable, most survivable, most versatile aircraft in the entire US Military second maybe only to the C-130. But the USAF hates Tac Air, it only likes bombing and radar-guided missile carrier "Strike Fighters"
22   HeadSet   2024 Oct 19, 5:28pm  

AmericanKulak says

Finally, a new replacement for A-10s, the best, cheapest to operate, most reliable, most survivable, most versatile aircraft in the entire US Military second maybe only to the C-130.

Or the KC-135. Nothing happens without tanker gas.

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