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@Patrick, there seem to be some issues searching for specific comments. Searching via DuckDuckGo or Google, gets many prominent hits, but clicking on them tends to produce errors, e.g.
500 Internal Server Error
Likewise,'s internal search function produces many false hits, for example searching for "city-journal" returns every occurrence of city or journal.
there seem to be some issues searching for specific comments. Searching via DuckDuckGo or Google, gets many prominent hits, but clicking on them tends to produce errors, e.g.
500 Internal Server Error
Likewise,'s internal search function produces many false hits, for example searching for "city-journal" returns every occurrence of city or journal.
yes, it's still in a terrible half-baked state.
trying to figure out how the new categories relate to each other:
companies have events, jobs, technologies, investors
events have companies, but not jobs...
jobs have technologies but not investors...
hopefully will figure all that out today.
crap, comments were going into moderation for no good reason!
stopped all moderation of comments, so now some spam will get through, but at least no legit comments will be blocked.
if you have any trouble commenting, please email has never received a national security letter.
Phew! I've really been sweating that one. I've been a nervous wreck constantly looking over my shoulder.
I was convinced you told them my hair and eye color by now.
crap, comments were going into moderation for no good reason!
stopped all moderation of comments, so now some spam will get through, but at least no legit comments will be blocked.
if you have any trouble commenting, please email
Maybe you should only allow your spam trigger to override the fliter, only if the post has a hashtag #Offendingword at the bottom, which you ask anyway, so that the filter could over write it.
That could get trickey but at least you would still have your moderation against real spam.
Adult forums, by definition, do not support babytalk...
Searching via DuckDuckGo or Google, gets many prominent hits
Devil's Advocate response: FUCK EVERYBODY!
" untrusted site warning"; never trust a patnetter. lmao
thinking of just eliminating ssl completely and generating a unique one-time cookie on each page view.
Yes then dynamically name the add message and new message textbox id or the name that uniquie one-time string. So that new spam bots only work the first time. The hassle of having to come back and set their spam bot script up wouldn't be worth the hassle for them.
This post the id could be something like "R$399KnZ" but the next time the bot tries to post to your url with those form values it wont post. Becuase this time the correct textbox id is "NXl412!r".
the above link doesn't work as an embedded video (quotes removed 2 posts up...)
the only reason to have ssl is to prevent someone from seeing your cookie and becoming you on
Now what kind of asshole would do something like that just to mess with a troll by having him post an exclamation of his love of goats? Oh wait, never mind.
@Xanthidae i think i fixed it.
the above link doesn't work as an embedded video (quotes removed 2 posts up...)
you can even see the change here now that i have the code in github:
please let me know if any more problems. or just send me a pull request if you know php and github things.
Patrick, just a thought...
For new posts, have you considered changing the order of the title and the image when using cell-phone?
It just seems intuitively, I would prefer to read the title then see the related image, and not vice-versa?
Nothing on this site is censored by Patrick except:
- threats
- child porn
- spam
- copyright violations (upon notice)
- personally identifying information
You lie! I have it on good authority that redirecting troll's threads to goat porn websites via JavaScript injection is in fact censored! Stop censoring JavaScript. Scripting is free speech!
Patrick, just a thought...
For new posts, have you considered changing the order of the title and the image when using cell-phone?
It just seems intuitively, I would prefer to read the title then see the related image, and not vice-versa?
@BayArea yes, it's a good idea, but i have not been able to get that to work on mobile devices. the formatting goes badly wrong if i try to put the image after the title.
maybe if you know css/html you can figure out a method that works and show me. you could just use the browser developer tools to change things around, or save the page and muck with it statically.
maybe if you know css/html you can figure out a method that works and show me. you could just use the browser developer tools to change things around, or save the page and muck with it statically.
The trick is to use the @media css tag to override styles based on width breakpoints. I threw together a JS Fiddle. I've only tested it in Firefox though. No bets on I.E. I never use that browser.
that was done with a url like this: https://www.y
i put the space in the url to break it so it wouldn't actually get converted.
I was following the first paragraph until I came to "clear critical thought."
We'll not be having any of that shit!
And apparently it's not a problem.
@Patrick, what's with all the spammers? Have they broken the captcha you are using? Maybe it's time to switch to another.
Chances are these spammers aren't targeting PatNet specifically, but rather have bots that target common platforms like PHP. Maybe a simple speed bump in which the user has to play a little "guitar hero" game with arrow keys to register a username.
If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.
--Justice William Brennan, speaking for the majority
Maybe you should add something along the lines of:
We also have some free thinkers on this forum that understand that an idea being offensive or politically incorrect does not in and of itself make it good.
an idea being offensive or politically incorrect does not in and of itself make it good
also true.
Google should have a public way of hurting the page rank of spammers. If someone spams a forum, send the link to Google to reduce the advertised website's page rank. Granted, we'd have to deal with saboteurs, but the benefits would outweigh this cost.
Ah fuck. Yes, I did make some changes this morning.
It looks like the "quote" function isn't posting the name of the poster quoted,
Quote thing seems to work ok for me.
Please tell me which threads with long titles are not found!
OK, made a little progress. It seems to happen on Safari, but not Chrome. At least I have a starting point to look at.
Hmmm, confusing because I didn't change anything about the code that does that stuff:
OK, I think it's fixed now. Quotes should always have "(user) says" in them. Thanks for telling me about that.
Trying from my phone (Droid), doesn't quote the name either.
@Ironman you're right.
That is also fixed now.
Please tell me more bugs and suggestions.
Hey wait, when did I become your technical guinea pig? :)
When you started volunteering. Thanks!
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I got the domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.
In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):
The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.
About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.
And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)
I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.
I have a platform of ideas for improving America:
And an explanation for how we got to this point.
Site Rules
1. Do not deliberately insult the other users personally.
2. Do not deliberately insult the site. It's free to use and does not even have ads.
3. Do not misquote people.
4. Do not post porn except in the tits thread. No actual sex and no homo porn please.
5. If you feel you must post racist or anti-semitic jokes, please put them in the political incorrectness thread.
6. Do not post illegal content, unless the US law making the content illegal is itself clearly unconstitutional. In that case, please do post it!
7. Do not threaten another user with violence or you will be quickly and permanently banned.
8. Do not post spam.
9. Do not promote the obviously ineffective and very dangerous toxxine. Millions have died from it, far more than from the virus.
If you're wondering why your comment was flagged, please click the "edit" link on it. It should be pretty obvious when you read your own words again. If you think there was a mistake about the content being flagged, please write When you edit and save your own flagged comment, it will go back into moderation where it will get reviewed by a moderator again.
If you're suspicious that comments are flagged for political reasons, note that you can actually see any flagged comment in the html source of that page. Use "View Source" in your browser. Yes, it's inconvenient, but that's deliberate, to keep those comments out of the conversation stream.
Please use this effective debate technique:
1. State your opponent's position so that he agrees with it 100%. This is so that you argue against what your opponent is really saying.
2. State points of agreement, and anything you learned from your opponent.
3. Give your reasoning for why your opponent is mistaken.
4. Make it clear that you are attacking only the point and not the person.
Site Functionality
If you ignore another user, you will not see that user's threads or comments. To see whom you're ignoring and to unignore, look on your edit profile page.
To get another user's attention, mention that user in a comment with an @ character prepended to his username ( for example @Patrick ) and then he will get an email of that comment, unless he has emails turned off.
If you type or paste in an image URL ending in .jpg, .png, or .gif it will be converted into the visible image in a thread or comment. You can also upload images, mp3 audio, mp4 video, and pdfs (under 10MB) from your local computer.
You may not post large sections of copyrighted material unless you have explicit permission from the copyright owner. But excerpts for discussion are fine, and in fact protected by law.
If you include an embed video url from Rumble, Bitchute, Vimeo, NewTube, or BrandNewTube, the thread or comment will display the video. Please try to avoid YouTube urls, since YouTube routinely censors or demonetizes politically incorrect videos, such as those about the dangers of the toxxine.
These basic html tags all work in threads and comments: a audio b blockquote br code del font hr i iframe img li ol p strike sub sup u ul video vsmall
You can surround a word or phrase with the * character to make it bold, or the _ character to make it italic, or surround a word with - to
strikeit, or you can just use the b or the i or the strike html tag.Searching
Prepend + to require a word or - to exclude it: +Tunnel -Sky
Search for phrases by putting them in quotes: "Tunnel in the Sky"
Search for the beginning of a word by appending the star character: Tunne*
^t will jump to the text input box at the bottom of a thread
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^f will open your file select menu to let you select an image or pdf to insert in the text box
If you click "pin" at the top of a thread, it will get saved to your pinned list. For example, here is patrick's pinned list
There is a thread for each zip code in the US. You can have local discussions there about anything, or you can post things for sale, etc. To find the thread for a zip code, just do a search for the town name or zip code.
I also have a list of all US Congressmen as separate threads, where you are encouraged to comment on how good of a job you think they're doing: