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Patrick saysI think the anon thing has worked fairly well in making it easier to get started with the site. It was also intended to de-couple ego from comments to some degree. True that people are harder to recognize as anon_1234 than a real name, which is a bad thing, but then they also are less sensitive about insults to that anon identity, which is a good thing.
I could make it so that registered users can choose to see more memorable names instead of anon_1234, or perhaps show the nearest city with more than 20,000 people to make them more memorable. So we'd have anon_1234_chicago or whatever.
If you got rid of anons then you could get rid of moderators too.
I think the anon thing has worked fairly well in making it easier to get started with the site. It was also intended to de-couple ego from comments to some degree. True that people are harder to recognize as anon_1234 than a real name, which is a bad thing, but then they also are less sensitive about insults to that anon identity, which is a good thing.
I could make it so that registered users can choose to see more memorable names instead of anon_1234, or perhaps show the nearest city with more than 20,000 people to make them more memorable. So we'd have anon_1234_chicago or whatever.
Patrick saysSo we'd have anon_1234_chicago or whatever.
I like this.
OK, it's on the list. Anyone know a quick way to discover cities from IP addresses? I know there are commercial services, but I don't need very high accuracy.
There is a free service at ipinfo.io, but it's not at all accurate:
curl ipinfo.io/$(curl icanhazip.com)
"city": "Petaluma",
"region": "California",
I'm about 100 miles from Petaluma at the moment.
I could make it so that registered users can choose to see more memorable names instead of anon_1234, or perhaps show the nearest city with more than 20,000 people to make them more memorable. So we'd have anon_1234_chicago or whatever.
People barely behave WITH moderators, they hesitate to troll 100% under the threat of having their comments nuked.what exactly does a moderator do?
I can't imagine what the site would be without moderators. Oh yeah, we tried that, it wasn't working.
what exactly does a moderator do?
I would say that it is as gate keeper to anon post.
As a moderator you should know what your biggest task is. What you spend the most TIME on. So what is it Goran?
I say moderators wouldn't be needed because 95-99% of their job is being gate keeper to the anons. So are you saying I'm wrong that at least 95% of your time moderating is not spend on gate keeping anon posts? If so what is a more accurate % of time functioning as moderator in regards to gate keeping anon posts?
Approve non flamey anon posts.
- Delete flamey personal attacks or trolling by anons or registered.
Have you not noticed the dramatic effect just enforcing those two rules has had on the civility of conversation here?
OK, it's on the list. Anyone know a quick way to discover cities from IP addresses?
Goran_K saysApprove non flamey anon posts.
- Delete flamey personal attacks or trolling by anons or registered.
Have you not noticed the dramatic effect just enforcing those two rules has had on the civility of conversation here?
Yes, this!
I'm very happy with the moderation system so far. There are 5 moderators, and I think they're all doing a great job of deleting the personal attacks while leaving the 'non-flamey' comments alone.
- Approve non flamey anon posts.
- Delete flamey personal attacks or trolling by anons or registered.
Have you not noticed the dramatic effect just enforcing those two rules has had on the civility of conversation here?
This would take your job away so I see why you don't want to answer.
The location thing could be a little creepy to new visitors in all honesty.
Miss the days when you had the alias feature based on IP address.
I do want people to have an out, so they can disconnect a registered name from an anon comment.
But there are limited number of animals.
Patrick saysOK, it's on the list. Anyone know a quick way to discover cities from IP addresses? I know there are commercial services, but I don't need very high accuracy.
There is a free service at ipinfo.io, but it's not at all accurate:
curl ipinfo.io/$(curl icanhazip.com)
"city": "Petaluma",
"region": "California",
I'm about 100 miles from Petaluma at the moment.
I don't think it can be 100% accurate. For instance some people use proxy servers (I use one through the California Department of Education). But I think just having something more identifying than anon1234 would be even incrementally better.
Onvacation saysHow about randomly generated genus species like bombus soroeensis or homo erectus?
There are more species in nature than posters on patnet.
I like it!
Do you know where I can get a large list of genus+species?
What is so important about identifying the messenger?
Anons get the message out, without any need for discrimination against the messenger.
errc saysWhat is so important about identifying the messenger?
Anons get the message out, without any need for discrimination against the messenger.
I think @errc has a good point. People should be able to remain as obscure as they want to (as long as their comments go through some kind of moderation to cut down on the flamey stuff).
But it does also help the conversation if you can tell that you're talking to the same person as you did one minute ago. When all anon's were just "anon" it was really confusing.
errc saysWhat is so important about identifying the messenger?
Anons get the message out, without any need for discrimination against the messenger.
I think @errc has a good point. People should be able to remain as obscure as they want to (as long as their comments go through some kind of moderation to cut down on the flamey stuff).
But it does also help the conversation if you can tell that you're talking to the same person as you did one minute ago. When all anon's were just "anon" it was really confusing.
Maybe put quotations in a slightly different color if you find it hard to distinguish one persons quoted words from another in a post
The question was, how much time do you spend on approving anon posts? Still no answer. I stipulation that it is what you spend most of your time on as moderator so doing away with anons would make for little work for Patrick and no more use for moderators. This would take your job away so I see why you don't want to answer. I guess no answer is agreement then, fair enough.
Patrick pays me the same no matter how much time I work. He's generous like that.
I think @errc has a good point. People should be able to remain as obscure as they want to (as long as their comments go through some kind of moderation to cut down on the flamey stuff).
But it does also help the conversation if you can tell that you're talking to the same person as you did one minute ago. When all anon's were just "anon" it was really confusing.
create an email account on many services and change your username every day
If this crosses a line let me know Patrick, but you all need to stop being little bitches. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. If some of the people on this site bother you, you likely have some other issues that might need to be addressed. I apologize to our women anon's, but grow a fucking pair or just go away.
I think registration is a big speedbump to participating. Lots of people just won't do register, but will post an anonymous comment without registering. Maybe I need to bug the anons with popups that let them convert to a registered account so that they can change their user name and edit/delete their comments.
I don't know. Couple minutes here and there?
Patrick pays me the same no matter how much time I work. He's generous like that.
but are we all not adults here?
In combination with moderation,
but you all need to stop being little bitches.
I apologize to our women anon's, but grow a fucking pair or just go away.
one quick suggestion/request. Any chance we can merge similar threads?
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I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.
In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):
The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.
About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.
And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)
I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.
I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform
And an explanation for how we got to this point.
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