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Whatever works on the rubes, eh
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H. L. Mencken
Scary stuff, I wonder if he made medical decisions on biblical principles?
GOP candidates are falling all over themselves in a rush to get to the head of the "crazy line"
Talk about a disingenuous title to a thread...
Who's to say? By his own admission, he modeled his tax plan after the bible. Who is to say he doesn't reference it often to mold his other economic ideas?
Libbys model their tax plan after Hoodoo Brown...
Who's to say? By his own admission, he modeled his tax plan after the bible.
That's still better than listening to Krugman, so definitely an improvement.
Certainly not you, the guy who gets HIS economic information from Mother Jones.
Can you make an argument without a logical fallacy?
"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Sunday his proposed flat-tax plan of about 10 percent was inspired by the biblical practice of tithing."