National Political Incorrectness Day

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2015 Sep 19, 9:40am   324,816 views  3,784 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

How about a national day where everyone is encouraged to say politically incorrect things?

What would you say? You don't have to actually believe what you say, it just has to be provoctive.

"Barefoot and pregnant is the way I like 'em."

"Good lord you are FAT!"

"I have a lawnmower. His name is Jose."

"Speak English"

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2314   richwicks   2022 Apr 13, 6:29am  

Booger says

24 x 60 x 365 = 525,600

The math is wrong. It works out to about 2.5 per minute.
2315   Hircus   2022 Apr 13, 6:34am  

richwicks says
Booger says

24 60 365 = 525,600

The math is wrong. It works out to about 2.5 per minute.

I dont know much abut the norms in other countries that use a dot how we use a comma in numbers, but the math works out if you make this assumption: = 6,000,000,000,000
(trailing dot is shorthand for 3 more zeros)
2316   HeadSet   2022 Apr 13, 12:44pm  

Hircus says
I dont know much abut the norms in other countries

I dunno. The 6.000.000 is 6 million using periods instead of commas (common practice in some non-US locales). That 6 million is the generally accepted number of Jews killed by the Nazis during WW2. The joke is most likely the cute Hispanic girl is not being drawn by the Nordic kid, but rather the Nordic kid is analyzing the impossibility of the Holocaust by claiming it would have been 2,283 execution per minute, all day every day for 5 years. But as Richwicks pointed out, the math is wrong. So wrong actually, to be obviously wrong by inspection.

Now I could be wrong. Is there some event where 6 billion is significant? Like that many Covid shots given in 5 years?
2317   richwicks   2022 Apr 13, 12:56pm  

HeadSet says
But as Richwicks pointed out, the math is wrong. So wrong actually, to be obviously wrong by inspection.

Well not to dredge this up, killing 3,287 people a day is still pretty extreme - it would depend on how many camps existed to do this.

Honestly, I think many of the claims of that time are exaggerated. I'm certain there were plenty killed, but they were slave labor camps. SOME of the claims of gas chambers are known to be absolutely false. The 6 million number seems to have some sort of weird Jewish significance, I've seen claims that 6 million Jews were killed in WWI, ONE, not two. I suspect that much of what we accept as fact today about the holocaust is not true. As a kid, it was accepted as "fact" that Jewish bodies were transformed into soap and lampshades, but that has all been proven false by now since we got DNA testing.

Everybody has heard about "the Big Lie" - well, this might be one of them.

But there's no point in arguing about it, people have had their lives destroyed for merely investigating it. I know a lot of propaganda from that time does survive to this day as fact, but that's all I'm interested in knowing about. I only search until I find there is a lie, and I don't waste my time trying to figure out what "the truth" is - when somebody starts to have to lie, they are always up to no good.
2321   Undoctored   2022 Apr 18, 12:04pm  

Check it out! Contrary to what you might be thinking, that law doesn’t punish people who make statements against the Jews. Far from it! In fact it requires the Department of State to compile a list of all Anti-Semitic jokes and cartoons shared in Europe over the past year, with content as defined above


Sounds like that report is something every klansman would like to have on his coffee table! And what do you know, it will be provided at taxpayer expense!
2322   Patrick   2022 Apr 18, 12:15pm  

Making such a law is a direct violation of the First Amendment.
2323   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 18, 12:20pm  

Patrick says
Making such a law is a direct violation of the First Amendment.

How does making of some report violate the First Amendment?

This bill requires the Department of State to include in its Annual Report on International Religious Freedom information about each European country where there have been particularly significant threats or attacks against Jewish persons or institutions. The report shall include information about the security needs of such Jewish communities, U.S. efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups, European public awareness initiatives to promote pluralism and tolerance, and efforts by European governments to adopt and apply a working definition of anti-Semitism.
2324   Patrick   2022 Apr 18, 12:26pm  

I assumed the law has so prohibition on or punishment for such speech.
2327   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 10:43am  

I find it hilarious that the US Government pays European countries to spy on American citizens to loophole around US Laws,

that trillions in modern equivalent money was given to Europe after WW2 that were never paid back, that France and Germany's first actions within years of WW2 after the Marshall Plan billions were to impose massive tariffs on US Chickens, Cars, etc. And that Europe underpays NATO and has for 30 years for the most part... and the Defense of Wealthy Europe ,including half the G-7 countries, is subsidized to the tune of at least $30-50B PER YEAR... that European political and religious leaders are the authors of most Pro-Massive Migration international laws, resolutions, propaganda. and outright funding them to the tune of billions upon billions annually, including Casas de Migrantes in Central America to facilitate waves into the USA....

That European based politicians and authors were and are the first and most obnoxious anti-nationalists of the post WW2 era:

But people think the $3-4B gift certificate for General Dynamics and Lockheed to Israel is the source of all America's troubles.

It's almost as if it isn't Israel or Israeli Nationalism (Zionism) is the motivator behind their complaints.
2328   Ceffer   2022 Apr 24, 11:52am  

Jesuits are the zionistas of Papal MotherFuckery. Zionism is in some ways a hat trick to hide the role of the Church.
2333   Hircus   2022 Apr 26, 3:59pm  

Booger says

This is great.

I've had a bunch of ideas like this over the past few years to make video games where you shoot up crazed leftists, with game mechanics and interactions that focus on making fun of their stupidity (i.e. if an NPC aggros you, you can shout "fuck drumpf" to soothe it and make it stop attacking you. Or if a tv is nearby, turn on CNN to put nearby NPCs into antenna + download mode, making them unable to move. Likewise, if you say "MAGA" or "free speech is important", nearby NPCs will reeeeeeeeeeeeee and attack. ).

Maybe one day I'll learn to code games so I can make one. I'm sure it would get banned quickly though lol. My dream is an NPC edition of GTA.
2337   Patrick   2022 Apr 28, 2:51pm  

Booger says

Ukrainian women I presume.

They're hot anyway.
2338   Booger   2022 Apr 28, 5:08pm  

Patrick says
Booger says

Ukrainian women I presume.

They're hot anyway.

I have no idea where, or when, that picture was taken.
2340   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 29, 4:18pm  

Because Dachau and Auschwitz had other prisoners besides Jews, like members of the Hungarian and Romanian Nobility or just POWs who were not slated for liquidation. They were prison complexes, with satellite areas as well.
2341   richwicks   2022 Apr 29, 8:17pm  

AmericanKulak says
Because Dachau and Auschwitz had other prisoners besides Jews, like members of the Hungarian and Romanian Nobility or just POWs who were not slated for liquidation. They were prison complexes, with satellite areas as well.

Not that I want to deal with this tarball, but it hardly makes sense to drive people to a concentration camp, just to kill them.

The concentration camps were work camps, plenty of people died in them, and were murdered in them. The reason we all see those terrible horrific pictures of emaciated starving (sometimes living) corpses is the supply lines were cut by the Allies, because they were work camps - for the war effort. The slave labor was expendable before it came to the people running the camps.

There was certainly a holocaust, but it wasn't a Jewish only holocaust. There weren't 6 million Jews targeted or even killed. There were no lampshades made of human skin, and bodies weren't rendered into soap.

But there was a holocaust but it's vastly over-exaggerated for modern propaganda purposes, but make no mistake, there was a holocaust but what people are taught about it today is a very warped version of it.

What I just said, if I said it in most of Europe, would result in a prison sentence. Truth doesn't need to be protected by censorship, but a lie does.
2342   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 29, 8:50pm  

Jews, Russian POWs, and Serbian POWs were at the bottom of the list. They were worked to death on a dwindling diet, if not shot dead out right like Babi Yar.

The Holocaust was basically the same as Japanese Treatment of POWs, with again some groups were shot or starved more readily that others. For example, Nationalist or Red Chinese eagerly shot or given the worst tasks, with the European POWs given dwindling resources that was mostly driven by supply line cuts.

In any case, the inferred remarks of sour puss German Apologists is that the Allies shouldn't have interdicted the supply lines and were thus responsible, which is silly. Mosquitos had a wonderful time sinking barges and blowing up rail cars and right on for effective tactics. Not doing so would have been retarded.

However, there was excellent and abundant documentation extermination was the official end goal for both Jews and Slavs, with the former given higher and earlier priority. As the Nazis began losing in 1944 they decided to just kill the Jews; not much of the Russian POW front because by that time they were generally retreating in the East and took far fewer prisoners. They did indeed have gas chambers, there's 1000 of eyewitnesses from the Camp Guards themselves to Polish Insurgents to other Inmates, not to mention logistic records. But again, that was towards the end when the Armies were encroaching into Polish territory where most of the camps were. Before that, happy to work to death.

And we have Generalplan Ost which described the intended treatment of all Slavs: Kill the old and the very young, enslave the adults, and work them to death. When too old to be of use, tell their German factory/family employers they were going to the Happy Slav Retirement home, but do them like the Horse in Animal Farm.

Not much different than Stalin's Gulags. Work the undesireables to death.

Dachau and Auchwitz were immense and had pool tables, swimming pools, theaters, cafeterias, etc. - for the hundreds of employees who lived and worked on base.

Wayyy too much attention has been paid to gas chambers, or medical experiments, or louche stories of human lampshades, when the #1 cause was worked (malnurishment) to death, and #2 Shot outright (like Babi Yar - or simply herded into barns and burned, like with Russian POWs)
2343   richwicks   2022 Apr 29, 9:42pm  

AmericanKulak says
In any case, the inferred remarks of sour puss German Apologists is that the Allies shouldn't have interdicted the supply lines and were thus responsible, which is silly. Mosquitos had a wonderful time sinking barges and blowing up rail cars and right on for effective tactics. Not doing so would have been retarded.

I don't disagree.

I'm pointing out that the narrative we are given, is false. That's all.

Should the Allies have cut supply lines in order to win the war? Of course.

Should the war even happened in the first place though? Wars happen because of a "failure" in diplomacy, but quite often, they are quite intentional and it's no failure at all.

AmericanKulak says
However, there was excellent and abundant documentation extermination was the official end goal for both Jews and Slavs, with the former given higher and earlier priority.

There was official documentation to exterminate the Poles - but not for Jews. Extermination wasn't so much "kill them all" rather than ethnic cleansing, "remove them at any cost". That's what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and frankly what the US did to the native American.

I don't want to open this can of worms. I am only interested to the point that my government lied and we have propaganda. Dissecting it and finding the truth is an arduous task which I have no interest in. Every lie has a purpose, I'm interested in the purpose of the lie once I've identified it. But a lie never had a noble purpose, Neocon FUCKS think there is a noble lie, there isn't. That's their fundamental lie.

War sucks, and when war happens, it's because some asshole wanted it, not because the people stuck under that asshole wanted it. Do you really think Ukrainians in the West wanted to bomb Ukrainians in the East? Maybe if they were PROPAGANDIZED, lied to..

People who go along to get along though, I'm rather sick of them. I hate sheep.
2344   Dissident   2022 Apr 29, 11:30pm  

someone else says
How about a national day where everyone is encouraged to say politically incorrect things?"

Celebrate it every day.
2345   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 30, 12:26am  

richwicks says
I don't want to open this can of worms. I am only interested to the point that my government lied and we have propaganda. Dissecting it and finding the truth is an arduous task which I have no interest in. Every lie has a purpose, I'm interested in the purpose of the lie once I've identified it. But a lie never had a noble purpose, Neocon FUCKS think there is a noble lie, there isn't. That's their fundamental lie.

Nor I.

What I like to bring up, we don't need ANY mention of Jews to show Hitler was a mass murdering Socialist. We have the mass graves of the Poles executed - first the Mentally Ill in Wards, then the local leadership in various parts of Poland - right down to the Dental records matching the disappeared. Thousands of them in just the few weeks during/after Fall Weiss. And many hundred of thousands more over the next few years.

As well as the German Saboteurs arrested one week before Fall Weiss, under Radio Silence, they failed to get the word the attack was delayed a week and were arrested and confessed before Hitler False Flagged the Radio Station using petty criminals and anarchists dressed in Polish Uniforms.

We have Jasenovac in Yugoslavia that shows systemic extermination of prisoners/civilians.

"Hitler was the greatest anti-communist".

No, he wasn't, he invaded/annexed two of the most anti-Communist countries in 1930s Europe - Czechoslovakia and Poland. The latter having actually fought a war with the USSR in the previous decade.

He also invaded Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxemborg, and got into wars with the UK, Greece, Serbia, etc. - almost all these countries were not Communist.

Hitler also mass-nationalized companies right down to Junkers Aircraft, Junkers himself complained in 1936 he had no say or power over his own company thanks to the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party who official documents as well as Mein Kampf called for all of society to be subsumed to the National State interest.

History can be rewritten both ways. In the 1930s, it was neither illegal nor uncommon for people to admire various things about the Nazi State. The whole purpose of appeasement was to turn Hitler's nose east, get him in a fight with the Soviets, and re-build the French and British militaries. Trench Warfare repeat was expected, so they figured even if Germany won, it would be so denuded of manpower and resources that the new French and British rebuilt armies could go in and cut Germany down to size.

A weak Central Europe not controlled by any one power being THE national policy interest of France and Britain for 500 years. So much so that French Cardinals and Kings worked with Protestants several times just to keep the HRE from centralizing and gaining power.

Given the state of Europe today, under German domination, what Germany wants it gets, total bailout for Deutsche Bank and mass migration to ensure wealthy German landowners don't have to cut rents, to the point where Eastern Europeans are having their judges and laws and immigration policies dictated by the EU under threat of economic penalties.

Hitler's death was marked by almost half of Europe being turned Communist which it wasn't prior to WW2.

At the very least, Bavaria should be sliced off of Germany. Ideally, it should be 4-5 states.

And the Kaiser created the USSR by giving Lenin a boatload of money to keep the fires of revolutions stoked, so a Russian Diet wouldn't continue WW1.
2346   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Apr 30, 9:05am  

Dissident says

someone else says
How about a national day where everyone is encouraged to say politically incorrect things?"

Celebrate it every day.

black people have black history month, white people have fathers day.
2347   Ceffer   2022 Apr 30, 11:26am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

black people have black history month, white people have fathers day.

"An extended family is a family that can't get shit off of you without a DNA test, and I'm too quick on my feet for that."
2350   HeadSet   2022 May 1, 7:30am  

Tulsi actually said, "Biden is just a front man"? That is an incredible admission from a Democrat, if she actually said that.
2351   gabbar   2022 May 1, 11:35am  

HeadSet says

Tulsi actually said, "Biden is just a front man"? That is an incredible admission from a Democrat, if she actually said that.

I figured that Bidet was the front man when Bezos donated 100 million to Obama Foundation many months back.

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