National Political Incorrectness Day

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2015 Sep 19, 9:40am   325,186 views  3,787 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

How about a national day where everyone is encouraged to say politically incorrect things?

What would you say? You don't have to actually believe what you say, it just has to be provoctive.

"Barefoot and pregnant is the way I like 'em."

"Good lord you are FAT!"

"I have a lawnmower. His name is Jose."

"Speak English"

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2762   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 4:34pm  

gabbar says

Patrick says

It comes from the religion, which draws a very sharp distinction between insiders and outsiders, just like Islam does.

I have zero knowledge about Judaism but I think you are likely absolutely correct. There is something else that's common between followers of Islam and Judaism: the permanent victim mentality

The difference is Muslims are victims. Not fake victims. The US has bombed Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and Somalia.

What do they have in common?

I'll tell you what they have in common, they were all nations that the United States should have left the fuck alone. Also, they were majority Muslim.
2763   Blue   2022 Nov 19, 4:47pm  

richwicks says

gabbar says

Patrick says

It comes from the religion, which draws a very sharp distinction between insiders and outsiders, just like Islam does.

I have zero knowledge about Judaism but I think you are likely absolutely correct. There is something else that's common between followers of Islam and Judaism: the permanent victim mentality

The difference is Muslims are victims. Not fake victims. The US has bombed Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and Somalia.

What do they have in common?

I'll tell you what they have in common, they were all nations that the United States should have left the fuck alone.

@richwicks you sounded like logical in one aspect. But Muslims are NOT victims but pretending permanent victims which is a feature built in the religion to go after others to loot and commit crimes with no guilt.
2764   richwicks   2022 Nov 19, 5:00pm  

Blue says

richwicks you sounded like logical in one aspect. But Muslims are NOT victims but pretending permanent victims which is a feature built in the religion to go after others to loot and commit crimes with no guilt.

The US isn't bombing them because they are Muslim, but they are bombing them.


Ignoring the morality of the the conflicts, how does this help the United States, how does it help you? You're paying for it.

I used to object to this from a moral standpoints, years ago, but morality has nothing to do with it. It doesn't even help this nation.

I can understand why Muslims have a persecution complex, because they just happen to be in the cross-hairs of of the United States. Why is this? Why is our nation bombing Somalia and Yemen? Any idea why? Why did they bomb Iraq, and Libya? That should be more obvious, but it wasn't over weapons of mass destruction or preventing a humanitarian crisis.

Why do we have a nation that murders people over lies? Why?

We can be a better nation. I'm absolutely certain of that, but there's such a lack oversight. Your greatest duty is to be informed. I THINK I'm informed, and I know I'm better informed than 99.9% of the population. All I see are failures among me.

Nothing is stopping us from being the greatest, most moral nation in the world, except ignorance, and our media only peddles ignorance. We can be a great moral nation, a leader of the world. We can do this, and it's not hard to educate the masses, the problem we have though, is we are so propagandized. I have faith in our nation though. In time, we can correct the missteps that the sociopaths have led us into.
2766   gabbar   2022 Nov 23, 2:46am  

Booger says

The Jewish foxes are less harsh on other Jewish foxes.
2769   gabbar   2022 Nov 25, 5:48am  

Booger says

Jews DO control the mediaJULY 1, 2012, 11:05 AM

We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag

about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how

we roll.

We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag

about it. Again, it’s just what we do.

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”
Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell

everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!
Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?
Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every

movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.
And let’s not forget AIPAC, every anti-Semite’s favorite punching bag. We’re talking an organization that’s practically the equivalent of the Elders of Zion. I’ll never forget when I was involved in Israeli advocacy in

college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50 school graduate students because they would eventually

be the people making changes in the government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants to do some grassroots advocacy, and these guys are literally talking about

infiltrating the government. Intense.
Now, I know what everyone will say. That everyone tries to lobby. Every minority group and every majority group. That every group has some successful actors and directors. But that’s a far call from saying that

we run Hollywood and Madison Avenue. That the Mel Gibsons of the world are right in saying we’re deliberately using our power to take over the world. That we’ve got some crazy conspiracy going down.
Okay. Fine. So some of that is kooky talk.
But let’s look at it a bit deeper.
Maybe it’s true: everyone lobbies. Maybe it’s true there are actors of every ethnicity out there. But come on. We’re the ones who are bragging about this stuff all the time. Can’t we admit that we’re incredibly

successful? Can’t we say it to the world?
I’ll give my theory for why Jews don’t want to talk about their control of the media.
First of all, as much as Jews like to admit that so many of them are successful, and that so many of them have accomplished so much, they hate to admit that it has to do with they’re being Jewish. Maybe they’ll

admit that it has something to do with the Jewish experience. But how many Jews will admit that there is something inherently a part of every single one of them that helps them to accomplish amazing things?
The ADL chairman, Abe Foxman, was interviewed in a great article about the subject and he said that he “would prefer people say that many executives in the industry ‘happen to be Jewish.’” This just about sums

up the party line.
The truth is, the anti-Semites got it right. We Jews have something planted in each one of us that makes us completely different from every group in the world. We’re talking about a group of people that just got

put in death camps, endured pogroms, their whole families decimated. And then they came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking

over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the

Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too.
This ability to succeed, this inner drive, comes not from the years of education or any other sort of conditional factors, but because of the inner spark within each Jew.
Now, the reason groups like the ADL and AIPAC hate admitting this is because, first of all, they are secular organizations. Their whole agenda is to prove that every Jew is the same as every other person in the

world. I cannot imagine a more outlandish agenda. No, we’re different. We’re special.

Of course, people hate when anyone says this. They assume that if you’re saying that Jews are special, it somehow implies that they’re better.
To be honest, I’m not really sure what the word “better” even means. What I do know is that being special simply means a person has a responsibility to do good.
I think that’s the real reason most Jews are so afraid to admit that there’s something inherently powerful and good about them. Not because they’re afraid of being special. But because they’re afraid of being

responsible. It means that they’re suddenly culpable when they create dirty TV shows that sully the spiritual atmosphere of the world. It means that things can’t just be created for the sake of amusement or fun or

even “art.”
Suddenly, we can’t screw up the world.
The interesting thing is that Jews have done so much for the world in so many other ways. They’ve moved forward civil rights; they’ve helped save lives in Darfur, Haiti and just about everywhere else.
But that’s not enough. Fixing the world physically is only half the battle.
Our larger battle, the harder battle, is elevating the world spiritually. And this is what the people that fight with every inch of their soul to prove that Jews are just the same as everyone else are afraid of. It means

that we can no longer just “express ourselves.” We’ll have to start thinking about the things we create and the way we act. It means we’ll have to start working together. It means we’ll have to hold one other, and

ourselves, to a higher standard.
The time has come, though. We no longer have to change our names. We no longer have to blend in like chameleons. We own a whole freaking country.
Instead, we can be proud of who we are, and simultaneously aware of our huge responsibility — and opportunity.
This article was written under an assumed name.

Source: The Times Of Israel, August 5, 2014
2770   gabbar   2022 Nov 26, 3:01am  

Anyone who depends on a paycheck cannot be a journalist. If you are dependent on the paycheck, you trade is basically blowing the editor.
2771   zzyzzx   2022 Nov 27, 2:22pm  

For some reason this would be considered politically incorrect today:

2772   Undoctored   2022 Nov 28, 5:15pm  

This just in:

Asian faiths try to save sacred swastika corrupted by Hitler


Over the past decade, as the Asian diaspora grew in North America, calls to reclaim the swastika as a sacred symbol became louder. These minority faith communities are being joined by Native Americans whose ancestors used it in healing rituals.

Deo believes she and people of other faiths shouldn’t have to sacrifice or apologize for a sacred symbol simply because it is often conflated with its tainted version.

“To me, that’s intolerable,” she said.


Greta Elbogen, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor whose family members were killed at Auschwitz, said learning the swastika is sacred to so many is a blessing and feels liberating. Elbogen, born in 1938 when the Nazis forcibly annexed Austria, went into hiding in Hungary before immigrating to the U.S.

Elbogen said she no longer fears the symbol: “It’s time to let go of the past and look to the future.”
2774   Patrick   2022 Dec 1, 11:26am  

Thanks @gabbar

Including a live link: https://government-scam.com/

They are selling a book, but might be a good book.
2775   gabbar   2022 Dec 1, 2:33pm  

Patrick says

Thanks gabbar

Including a live link: https://government-scam.com/

They are selling a book, but might be a good book.

@ Patrick, since you mentioned a good book, let me mention a bad book. I walked into Costco entrance today and the first item on the right was a book by Michelle Obama!
2776   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 3:41pm  

cisTits says

gabbar says

I walked into Costco entrance today and the first item on the right was a book by Michelle Obama!

...which is going to be purchased mostly buy? White soccer moms.

Nobody will purchase it.

Book deals for politicians are nothing more than bribes to the politicians. Nobody cares what the supposed thoughts and thinking of the Obama's are.
2777   gabbar   2022 Dec 2, 2:09pm  

Is this a sound reason for banning Ye? Wtf Elon.
2778   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 2:22pm  

Thanks for posting this @gabbar

I'm not exactly sure what Kanye was trying to say, but I hate it when we're not allowed to even see the reason that someone was banned.
2779   mell   2022 Dec 2, 4:06pm  

Patrick says

Thanks for posting this gabbar

I'm not exactly sure what Kanye was trying to say, but I hate it when we're not allowed to even see the reason that someone was banned.

The reason is that he posted a swastika. Nobody is allowed to post swastikas unless you're Indian and using the reverse one associated with your heritage. That "rule" obviously violates free speech, but has pretty much been applied everywhere in the West since WW2 ended.
2780   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 4:27pm  

That doesn't seem like a good reason to me, especially since it does not look like he is saying he approves of Nazism. It looks like he's saying that Jews are behaving like Nazis, which is admittedly offensive but not a threat. It would help if he explained his position better. Maybe he means that Jews are censoring him like Nazis would have.

I still don't think he should have been banned for that. No group should be entirely immune from all criticism.
2781   mell   2022 Dec 2, 5:22pm  

Patrick says

That doesn't seem like a good reason to me, especially since it does not look like he is saying he approves of Nazism. It looks like he's saying that Jews are behaving like Nazis, which is admittedly offensive but not a threat. It would help if he explained his position better. Maybe he means that Jews are censoring him like Nazis would have.

I still don't think he should have been banned for that. No group should be entirely immune from all criticism.

Agreed, but he's clearly provoking now
2782   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 5:59pm  

Even provoking is OK with me. He's not calling for violence or insulting anyone personally.
2783   gabbar   2022 Dec 2, 11:20pm  

I read somewhere that EU threatened to ban Twitter over this tweet!
2784   gabbar   2022 Dec 2, 11:25pm  

mell says

Patrick says

Thanks for posting this gabbar

I'm not exactly sure what Kanye was trying to say, but I hate it when we're not allowed to even see the reason that someone was banned.

The reason is that he posted a swastika. Nobody is allowed to post swastikas unless you're Indian and using the reverse one associated with your heritage. That "rule" obviously violates free speech, but has pretty much been applied everywhere in the West since WW2 ended.

Hitler killed 1 million Jews and his Swastika is not kosher for the EU. Per Brown University, US is responsible for 9 million war deaths since year 2000 and EU rims the US! Nice.
2785   richwicks   2022 Dec 2, 11:29pm  

gabbar says

Hitler killed 1 million Jews and his Swastika is not kosher. Per Brown University, US is responsible for 9 million war deaths since year 2000 and EU rims the US! Nice.

I think the estimate of 1 million Jews killed is a little light. I think the estimates after WWII was around 2 million, but who knows?
2787   gabbar   2022 Dec 3, 8:07am  

So a friend wondered if there is any evidence that indicates that the government cares about itself and its sponsors first?
2788   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 3, 8:22am  

gabbar says

Is this a sound reason for banning Ye? Wtf Elon.

That's the RAELIAN symbol. I'm not joking, it was really the symbol of the Raelian Cult.

I'm glad Kanye ran his mouth, it should happen more often.

They come for the nutjobs, so they can silence the reasonable dissenters.

Anybody notice that all the whacky guests have disappeared from TV, again, about 10 years ago, Obama's 2nd term, Controversial and Crazy People disappeared from all media. Or were disappeared. Having Holocaust Deniers, Elvis in a UFO people, etc. was normal on TV from Morton Downey to Donahue to Talk Radio
2789   gabbar   2022 Dec 3, 8:26am  

AmericanKulak says

They come for the nutjobs, so they can silence the reasonable dissenters.

This way the dissenters learn not to poke their head out of the foxhole.
2791   mell   2022 Dec 3, 8:58am  

Patrick says

Even provoking is OK with me. He's not calling for violence or insulting anyone personally.

richwicks says

gabbar says

Hitler killed 1 million Jews and his Swastika is not kosher. Per Brown University, US is responsible for 9 million war deaths since year 2000 and EU rims the US! Nice.

I think the estimate of 1 million Jews killed is a little light. I think the estimates after WWII was around 2 million, but who knows?

Agreed again, still doesn't change the fact that history is written by the winners and currently US caused US war deaths are not counted/factored in. Ye is clearly provoking, doesn't mean he is right or wrong, but he is attacking prob the most taboo subject in the world. Might not be the smartest way to fight but maybe he'll find some way through this. Everyone should have the right to free speech, but we are far away from that, not just in the US. Let's see what can be done to restore it
2792   gabbar   2022 Dec 3, 9:15am  

mell says

but he is attacking prob the most taboo subject in the world.

This is the elephant in the room.
2794   SoTex   2022 Dec 3, 10:43am  

AmericanKulak says

That's the RAELIAN symbol. I'm not joking, it was really the symbol of the Raelian Cult.

True story, I used to work with one. You can find his videos on the tube. Guy's cubicle was absolutely plastered with space alien propaganda. It's an interesting religion to read about. They'd do sex seminars (orgies) in Canada over the summer and he'd edit the graphic pictures in our lab. One day he came up to me doing Karate kicks (they are super human) in the lab and I farted at him. He threatened to go to HR over sex harassment and I told him, "I don't know what kind of sex you Raeliens have but it doesn't involve farts for us mere humans". I used to toss microcentrifuge tubes filled with frozen nitrogen in the trash at his lab bench. They'd blow up and freak him out.

All that being said, I did like the guy as strange as he was. They are harmless as far as cults go. Oh, he was VP of N. America as well. Cited when they claimed to have cloned the first human baby in the early 2000s. (When you die, the Raelians come down from the planet Rael, take you there and clone you where you live for 700 years before they have to re-clone you. I think that time period is out of the original Superman?) At any rate, he wasn't a great molecular biologist. If we were McDonalds he would only be allowed to fill the soda cups if you know what I mean.
2795   gabbar   2022 Dec 3, 1:29pm  

gabbar says

I wonder what that $8 trillion of people's money would buy for the people.
2796   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 2:36pm  

gabbar says

I wonder what that $8 trillion of people's money would buy for the people.

It's about $24,000 for every American. So nearly $100,000 for a family of four.
2798   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 4, 6:21am  

gabbar says

Humans are the life on earth. When/if the humans are gone there is no reason for the earth to exist. The plants and animals might not need us, but there is no reason form them to exist if humans are not part of this world. One single human soul, is more significant than all other plants or creatures.
2799   gabbar   2022 Dec 4, 7:07am  

PeopleUnited says

One single human soul, is more significant than all other plants or creatures.

Human beings are animals.

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