There was some kind of behind the scenes operation to scotch the fraud in the specific Trump election. In the criminal world, there is no recourse, so claiming legitimacy for evidence of their crime indicts themselves. It was bypassed on the Presidential election as an irrelevancy. Question is, what were the kinetics because there had to be kinetics. 2020, it's not over yet? Can't get to the Deep State without finishing up the fraud from 2020. Putting that extra 15 to 20 million votes for Biden Actor on trial? It glares and shines brightly. Illuminati wars are interesting.
"Please deliver the Holy Land from the demonic blocking actions of the Rothschild Messiahs and the KMaf Nazis and return it to the righteous Jews."??? Never confront a psychopath head on, the methods must be different.
Sent to me by a friend whose father is Jewish. It's correct in the sense that every US presidential candidate is always pro-Israel no matter what Israel does.
You never confront psychopaths head on like James Bond. When the villain brags and feels invincible, Bond always says, "You're completely insane", issuing a narcissistic blow that renders him into the hands of the henchmen who are to torture and kill him.
Of course, Bond always escapes, but in the real world, psychopaths have to be approached by different and less direct methods while humoring them, so to speak. There are some big operations going on, and the direction and outcomes are indecipherable from the bleachers.
The people who voted for Trump are the ones evading/running the FEMA air and road blockades to rescue neighbors and deliver crucial supplies. In any disaster, it's people like that who step up, no questions asked. If that's hate, then call me a redneck. If that ain't country, you can kiss my ass.
All that intergenerational experience running moonshine around the revenuers is coming in handy squeezing the aid past the shoot to kill FEMA mercenaries and their portable cadaver incinerators.
Dissing on Dershowitz. The cloaking shield is reflexively deployed, along with lawfare threats. I guess the speed dial to the gang stalkers would be next to stay completely in character. The bag 'o tricks and screaming, trash talking threat front is starting to ring hollow. I am beginning to think he needs a good lawyer, or at least a gag order to keep him from getting in deeper into the loss of credibility hole. Nothing says guilty like a defense lawyer defending himself with threats. Don't they always tell you just to STFU? Maybe a little practicing what they preach?
Well, that's awkward. Sacrificial slave entity doesn't know it's place. Maybe a remedial holocaust and account holder harvest by the Rothschild Messiahs and the KMaf Nazis will do the trick. Evolved, press ganged and impoverished survivors are full of the right motivation.
I'm beginning to believe the allegation that Trump has been running an approved avatar. At 6'3", he is obviously not as short as the 'Stumping Trump' in the picture, who looks shorter than the 6'1" Don Jr.. Ostensibly, it appears to be to avoid assassination and/or just to show the opposition that he can avatar as well or better than they can. However, our buddy Benjamin Fulford believes that Elon and Leo Zagami (who orchestrates the Trump double) may be up to no good with the avatar. However the 'real' Trump will show up at the right time, and when Melania is present, it is the real Trump. Maybe the height difference is on purpose, another comm of some kind.
Foolishness has nothing to do with it. With election fraud securely in their bag of tricks, they have no recognizance and can behave in any conscienceless way they choose with maximum arrogance.
I'm sure Z and Macron already have quite a few mutual load insertions. You aren't a child prostitute Monarch without being buried in gales of pervert cum.
Lying sacks of shit with more bullshit. Eating bugs and putting your least favorite relative on the spit with an apple in their mouth might get things under budget, and make for a lovely human sacrifice to please the demons as well.
"With all those assholes I had to fuck and blow in the Church of Satan on the way up the success ladder, I didn't want hundreds of misdemeanors hanging around my neck. Besides, the Family Law system is so adept at financially fleecing their clients and destroying their lives, they don't need any help from the criminal justice system."
Is Trump's strategy to destabilize these countries with the mighty tariff? Since Bush/Clinton/Obama Globalist treasonistas, bales and bales of US currency were purposely printed so that they could be re-patriated to destroy the dollar someday. Trump has already initiated a blocking action for that repatriation with an executive order still standing from his first administration. NAFTA was Clinton's contribution to de-industrializing our country
When Trump can do these things in such short order, it demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that our country has been under malignant, purposely destructive forces for decades.
What would you say? You don't have to actually believe what you say, it just has to be provoctive.
"Barefoot and pregnant is the way I like 'em."
"Good lord you are FAT!"
"I have a lawnmower. His name is Jose."
"Speak English"