Our terrorism double standard

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2015 Nov 14, 8:39am   38,832 views  173 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Our terrorism double standard: After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves

We must mourn all victims. But until we look honestly at the violence we export, nothing will ever change

More strikingly, where were the heads of state when the Western-backed, Saudi-led coalition bombed a Yemeni wedding on September 28, killing 131 civilians, including 80 women? That massacre didn’t go viral, and Obama and Hollande did not apologize, yet alone barely even acknowledge the tragedy.

Do French lives matter more than Lebanese, Turkish, Kurdish, and Yemeni ones? Were these not, too, “heinous, evil, vile acts”?

Western countries, particularly the U.S., are directly responsible for the violence and destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen, from which millions of refugees are fleeing:

The illegal U.S. invasion of Iraq led to the deaths of at least one million people, destabilized the entire region, and created extreme conditions in which militant groups like al-Qaeda spread like wildfire, eventually leading to the emergence of ISIS.

In Afghanistan, the ongoing U.S. war and occupation — which the Obama administration just prolonged for a second time — has led to approximately a quarter of a million deaths and has displaced millions of Afghans.

The disastrous U.S.-led NATO intervention in Libya destroyed the government, turning the country into a hotbed for extremism and allowing militant groups like ISIS to spread west into North Africa. Thousands of Libyans have been killed, and hundreds of thousands made refugees.

In Yemen, the U.S. and other Western nations are arming and backing the Saudi-led coalition that is raining down bombs, including banned cluster munitions, on civilian areas, pulverizing the poorest country in the Middle East. And, once again — the story should now be familiar — thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands have been displaced.


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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 8:49am  

The problem is, and always has been, Saudi Arabia.

The truth is that the Neoliberals are playing a double game: Encouraging the Multi Kult with Mass Immigration, while using Terror to regime change secular dictators who don't grovel before the IMF/WTO/WB/NATO/OPEC.

Instead of bombing the font of terror, Saudi Arabia. I guarantee that almost every terrorist starts off in a Gulf State Funded Madrassah, reading Gulf State funded Textbooks, from a Gulf State paid/trained Cleric.

2   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 14, 10:27am  

thunderlips11 says

Encouraging the Multi Kult with Mass Immigration

Dude. I get it: You Don't Like Muslim Immigration.

These same radical chic multi-culti kumbaya naifs have also let in millions of immigrants from one country with plenty of room and resources that, even with the benefit of 11 time zones worth of mineral, agricultural and hydrocarbon wealth, has never managed a non-authoritarian political system to deliver the fruits of that wealth to its people.

And then, when the topic comes up, Russians openly acknowledge the fact but attribute it to a web of western conspiracies to keep Russia down - nothing is ever the fault of Russian culture.

Tell you what: since Russia has a literary and musical tradition that puts that of most western nations to shame, can we blame the west for that, too? The U.S. has no one to compare with Gogol, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Mussorgsky, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoi, Tarkovsky, Richter, Rostropovich or Zhukov. Can we take at least take partial credit for these people, since we're to blame for evearything bad which has ever happened in Russia?

So, maybe for sentimental reasons - The Rite of Spring sure kicks ass, and that Grand Inquisitor scene in Karamazov fuelled a few meaningful dorm room discussions in their college days - these effete snobs setting immigration policy cheerfully ignore the reality of Russian history and wave them through at the border. Track suits everywhere, gold chains and fake Versace shirts, plus a higher likelihood of organized crime connections than most other immigrants: these are not people who, at first glance, inspire much confidence that they'll ever assimilate. Can people with a congenital tendency to blame outsiders for their problems, coupled with a deep distrust of western values (bureaucracy and graft excepted), ever be considered loyal to the United States?

You'd have to admit that the naive, soft-headed experiment of letting these people in has worked out okay. In spite of a tendency to treat Russia Today as a news source, most have proven to be productive members of society. True, Woodland Hills & Encino are probably lost forever, and will soon be a sea of onion domes and khrushchovka, but they weren't much to begin with.

There really is something to the saying that nobody is more anti-immigrant than the last one across the border.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 10:29am  

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of Invade/Invite Neoliberals.

"We invade you, while we invite you."

4   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 14, 10:44am  

thunderlips11 says

"We invade you, while we invite you."

Can we invade Russia, then? I want a dacha on the Black Sea!

If we're going to take in their emigrants, where's our compensation?

The Swiss are the only people who deserve to be invaded, anyway, and Switzerland should be top priority for the U.S. military, and all others who claim to represent rightness and goodness. They chose to take a neutral position between Hitler and his victims, while doing the banking for both sides, so all Swiss assets rightfully belong to the victors in WWII.

5   Blurtman   2015 Nov 14, 10:46am  

Check out the comments section to the link above, FWIW. Many agree with thunder.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 10:47am  

Westerners bomb and drone Secular Muslims in the Middle East, buddy up with the most outrageous Sunni Wahabi Governments, then invite all MENA Wahabi/Salafi Muslims without any checks or investigation, to come on down and move in and sign up for welfare. And calling those opposed nasty xenophobes.

Whereas Russians bomb and drone Wahabi Muslims in Chechnya (and now Syria), tell Gulf Wahabi/OPEC leaders to suck it when they try to buy off Russia with increased oil prices in exchange for looking the other way, while happily allowing their blue eyed, blonde sons and daughters to marry Secular squinty-eyed Asiatic Nominal Muslims who drink scarf down Pork Pies and Vodka after work like all other Russians and reach the highest levels in Russian Society, including Senior Ministries and Generals of the Army.

And yes, what you say about immigrants is right. It's why Trump isn't any less popular among second-gen Hispanics than Romney or the Pro-Amnesty Bushes. It's why now Middle Aged Turks in Holland are big for Geert Wilders, since they came 20 years ago and now young, healthy Bulgarians and Romanians are muscling in on their Jobs niche in Dutch Society.

7   resistance   2015 Nov 14, 10:49am  

Blurtman says

let’s stop blaming Muslims

and yet those guys were yelling allahu akbar while machine gunning the crowd yesterday. islam most definitely deserves a lot of blame for those murders.

to ignore the central contribution of islamic ideology itself to worldwide terrorism is the very worst kind of political correctness. it's nice that you don't want to offend anyone though. they'll take that into consideration the next time they're shooting into a crowd and they'll try not to hit you.

all around the world, pretty much every day, muslims deliberately target and murder innocent civilians. here is a constantly updated list:


8   Blurtman   2015 Nov 14, 11:01am  

and yet those guys were yelling allahu akbar while machine gunning the crowd

I am no expert on Islam, but if you kill citizens in Syria, Syrians just might kill citizens in your country. It was published in the Lancet that the USA's bombing campaign at the start of the last Iraq war killed 100,000 civilians. Look at the misery the USA's invasion of Iraq has caused.

Civilians always die in wars. Technology has now made it possible for folks in the USA not to experience the horror while automating the killing.

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 11:06am  

HydroCabron says

Dude. I get it: You Don't Like Muslim Immigration.

Fixed. There's no need for it.

It's bad for the environment.
It's bad for Wages.
It's bad for the Welfare State.
It's bad for Social Cohesion.

It's bad for the Homeland of the Immigrants (Since the most active and daring leave, acting as a safety valve for authoritarian regimes to get rid of uppity people. And not just democrats but real extra unleaded Militant freaks who instead of meeting their end in Assad's prison, go to Paris and mow down Rock Concert goers).

Yeah, allowing the odd Pakistani Secular Muslim PhD or the Taiwanese MD or the Russian IT Guy to come in in drips and drabs, a few thousand a year is desirable.

I like spicy Thai food, but I don't drench my Kao Pad Krapow in half a bottle of Siracha. There's a difference between spicy and inedible.

10   resistance   2015 Nov 14, 11:07am  

Blurtman says

I am no expert on Islam

you're much worse than that. you're an apologist for terrorism.

sure, there's a civil war in syria. that justifies religious murder in paris?

are french people walking around syria machinegunning crowds at concerts?

you are claiming that that is now the appropriate thing for the french to do.

11   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 14, 11:28am  

sure, there's a war in syria. that justifies religious murder in paris?

Islam is as disgusting to me as Scientology.

I think drone warfare is at least morally defensible (when compared with random terror), because at least the drone operations teams (or the grunts in the attack helicopters) are making some effort to separate combatants from innocents, no matter how difficult or inconclusive that may be (seriously: looking at all that YouTube footage of dark shapes being turned into flying scraps of flesh from 2 miles up, you have to hope the spotters have utterly reliable information that, yes, these are really terrorists and not agricultural laborers or kids playing).

On Wednesday, I left home carrying a computer bag and and umbrella. How would I feel if I had to hope that a surveillance camera not mistake my belongings for a SAM launcher? I'd probably wish death on the operators (sitting in a dark room thousands of miles away) and their families and children. It wouldn't be right, but it would be how I felt. Morality ain't got nothin' to do with it - it's how humans are - torture us, and we must repay with vengeance upon someone, even if innocent.

I am thankful I don't live in Gaza, or didn't live in Bosnia when the shit hit the fan 20 years ago. The people who are truly fucked are those who aren't particularly ideological and just want to live their lives: in Bosnia, they were the first to be kicked out or killed - extremists on all sides usually hate them. For the reasonable people stuck in Gaza, who weren't enthusiastic about Fatah and don't support Hamas, well, suicide is pretty much their only way out.

I think the French were insane to let any Muslims in, ever, but I don't think there would be nearly as much desire to kill westerners if the French, British, Russian, U.S., Belgian and other western military forces hadn't been occupying Muslim countries for centuries. It's naive to believe that Islam does not call for death to infidels, but is it not also naive to deny that colonialism was an outrage that is among the root causes of this shit?

Look at old photos of British/Belgian/German/whatever garrisons in Iraq/Jordan/Palestine/everywhere and ask yourself: what the fuck were these people doing there? How are those photos any less ridiculous and outrageous than photos of Kurdish or Pakistani military manning checkpoints in San Francisco or Seattle?

I tend to agree with my father-in-law (ex-Wehrmacht), who said the biggest problem with Americans is that the United States has never been invaded.

12   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 14, 11:32am  

thunderlips11 says

HydroCabron says

Dude. I get it: You Don't Like Muslim Immigration.

Fixed. There's no need for it.

It's bad for the environment.

It's bad for Wages.

It's bad for the Welfare State.

It's bad for Social Cohesion.

Then walk the walk: go back to Russia.

13   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 14, 11:38am  

you're much worse than that. you're an apologist for terrorism.

I'll give you one thing, Patrick: your fear of terrorism is more understandable than your fear of women who have sex.

14   resistance   2015 Nov 14, 12:04pm  

HydroCabron says

I think the French were insane to let any Muslims in, ever, but I don't think there would be nearly as much desire to kill westerners if the French, British, Russian, U.S., Belgian and other western military forces hadn't been occupying Muslim countries for centuries. It's naive to believe that Islam does not call for death to infidels, but is it not also naive to deny that colonialism was an outrage that is among the root causes of this shit?

i agree. the french have pretty well fucked themselves simply by allowing immigration of large numbers of muslims. some large percentage of them are loyal to islam, not to france.

and sure, the western powers occupied muslim countries, but didn't islam spread by doing exactly that to other countries for previous centuries? many distinct and ancient cultures like egypt were invaded and assimilated into arab muslim culture. the west was arguably much better about their occupations than invading muslim armies were. the west just happened to be winning lately in historical time.

compare the situation to latin america, which has been similarly controlled and exploited, largely by the US. do latin americans machine gun crowds in the US?

15   Patrick   2015 Nov 14, 12:05pm  

HydroCabron says

your fear of women who have sex

this is news to me.

16   Blurtman   2015 Nov 14, 12:11pm  

are french people walking around syria machinegunning crowds at concerts?

No they are dropping bombs on people. Russia is using cluster bombs. Little kids pick up the bomblets and get their limbs blown off. Drone strikes that kill civilians is not terrorism?

17   marcus   2015 Nov 14, 12:14pm  

Blurtman says

let’s stop blaming Muslims

and yet those guys were yelling allahu akbar while machine gunning the crowd yesterday. islam most definitely deserves a lot of blame for those murders.

IT is a unique problem, that seems like it should be from a different millennium.

MY gut impulse is to wish we could totally hold the entire Islamic community responsible. Because then logically they would have to deal with their own extremists. It's an innate problem (flaw) of their religion after all, they should have to fix it.

But as a practical matter - that can't really work. So we are left hoping that westernization and information - will teach a majority of Muslims to become less religious, which is an inevitable effect of living in modern western culture (but they know that and it's what a lot of thecrazy behavior on the part of fundamentalists is about).

I get it though. The fear of an overwhelming takeover of our culture is scary. I don't believe the propaganda on that.

Do they have a private prison industrial complex in Europe ? If so, that may be a growing sector over there.

18   marcus   2015 Nov 14, 12:16pm  

When you look at the entire picture, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe one of the goals is to expedite the ushering in of big brother security measures and lack of privacy (due to monitoring technologies) in the developed world. We have the computer power now.

Fear of terrorism, and fear of "other" will make the population willing to go along with it. Just look at how we rolled over for the Patriot act after 9/11.

And then back to the immigrant question - given big brothers existence and presence, immigrants will have to learn, resistance is futile. They will be assimilated.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 1:01pm  

HydroCabron says

I am thankful I don't live in Gaza, or didn't live in Bosnia when the shit hit the fan 20 years ago. The people who are truly fucked are those who aren't particularly ideological and just want to live their lives: in Bosnia, they were the first to be kicked out or killed - extremists on all sides usually hate them. For the reasonable people stuck in Gaza, who weren't enthusiastic about Fatah and don't support Hamas, well, suicide is pretty much their only way out.

Half of Palestinians don't accept the two-state solution, almost 2/3 believe it impossible. In fact, Fatah(PLO) accepting that was the reason they were defeated in the 2006 PA elections and Hamas won. Of those who accept the two-state solution, most mean a tiny strip of coast from Haifa to Tel Aviv for Jews, with 90% of Israel and all the West Bank and Gaza for the Palestinians. Less than even what was floated in 1947 by the UN.


Bosnian Muslims happily killed Serbs and Croats, and foreign fighters from around the Muslim World, from Chechnya to Saudi Arabia, went there, with bags of Saudi Money to finance it.

HydroCabron says

I think the French were insane to let any Muslims in, ever, but I don't think there would be nearly as much desire to kill westerners if the French, British, Russian, U.S., Belgian and other western military forces hadn't been occupying Muslim countries for centuries. It's naive to believe that Islam does not call for death to infidels, but is it not also naive to deny that colonialism was an outrage that is among the root causes of this shit?

The British and the French occupied the Middle east for a few decades under Sykes-Picot after the Ottoman Empire collapsed after WW1. Their rule in the Middle East was largely via puppets and very short.

The British/French were in India, SE Asia, the Caribbean and Africa a lot longer and with a bigger footprint with direct British/French rule. Yet there are very few Jamaican or Cambodian or Zulu terrorist attacks in Paris or London.

For more than a thousand years, Europe has been attacked and colonized by the Middle East. It is only in the past few centuries that Europe has been freed of Middle Eastern Imperialism. From Spain to the Gates of Vienna to the Eurasian Steppes. Even today there are Islamic Imperialist Crusader States in Bosnia and Albania :)

If you confined Islam to it's point of origin, where conversions were voluntary and not imposed by the Caliphate, it would be confined to a narrow band facing the Red Sea. The rest was conquest with iron and (imported) steel.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 1:09pm  

and sure, the western powers occupied muslim countries, but didn't islam spread by doing exactly that to other countries for previous centuries? many distinct and ancient cultures like egypt were invaded and assimilated into arab muslim culture. the west was arguably much better about their occupations than invading muslim armies were. the west just happened to be winning lately in historical time.

EXACTLY. The Muslims raided the entire coastal Med, as well as owning the bulk of Iberia, for centuries. On the other side of Europe, the Ottoman Empire ruled and exploited SE Europe for centuries until they were expelled by anti-imperialist liberation violence by Balkans and Cossacks.

Muslims plundered as far as Toulousse and Amiens. They used to shakedown Moscow annually for centuries.

This is why the "Help, help, we're only poor innocent brown people "Othered" by the evil West whom we cannot resist" is rubbish.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 1:13pm  

HydroCabron says

I tend to agree with my father-in-law (ex-Wehrmacht), who said the biggest problem with Americans is that the United States has never been invaded.

Britain and the US have their attitudes because they are surrounded by seas of water, a great impediment to invasion. A sea of grass is easily ridden by horsemen.

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 14, 1:45pm  

HydroCabron says

Then walk the walk: go back to Russia.

Pretty difficult to do as I was born on Long Island and my parents were born in Brooklyn and the Bronx.

In fact, my Paternal Grandfather's side of my family goes back to the Dutch Fur Traders on the Hudson River and predates not only the USA, but British ownership of New York.

23   bob2356   2015 Nov 14, 3:38pm  

Ironman says

HydroCabron says

who said the biggest problem with Americans is that the United States has never been invaded.

What about the "invasion" of Liberal indoctrination in the school system? That screwed up more people than any war could!

Being a moron at all times is not mandatory.

24   bob2356   2015 Nov 14, 4:09pm  

i agree. the french have pretty well fucked themselves simply by allowing immigration of large numbers of muslims. some large percentage of them are loyal to islam, not to france.

Patrick with all due respect you don't know what you are talking about. The vast majority of muslims in france have been there for generations, brought in as labor after WWII. Immigration was reduced in 1974, again in the early 90's with the “pasqua laws” , and sharply reduced in 2002. Most of the expansion of the muslim community is from high birth rates, not immigration. France nets less than 100k immigrants a year total for everyone.

The french are more than reaping what they sow. Muslims are overtly and constantly discriminated against in france as well as harassed by the police. They are considered sub human by a surprising large number of people. Most live in slums ( banlieues) ringing paris and other big cities. They are truly not welcome outside of their designated area's. Unemployment in these area's is probably north for 50% and has been for generations. Muslims are between 7-10% of the population but are 60-70% of people in prison. Muslims that do have employment are mostly in menial positions and very poorly treated. I lived in france 22 years ago and it was a time bomb about to blow up then. Every time I've gone back since it's just gotten worse. There have been a large number of near riots, riots, or major confrontations over the years that don't make news outside of france. It's only going to get worse.

France's muslim problems are not representative of the rest of europe or the us, they are unique to france.

25   resistance   2015 Nov 14, 4:43pm  

bob2356 says

The vast majority of muslims in france have been there for generations

show me a source for that. The first mosque in france was built in 1922.

anyway, it does not invalidate the point that muslim immigration introduces people who have conflicted loyalties, to say the least.

bob2356 says

France nets less than 100k immigrants a year total for everyone.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_France#1974-today has the number at 229,600 for the year 2012.

bob2356 says

Muslims are between 7-10% of the population but are 60-70% of people in prison.

you're not making them look good, you know that, right?

26   Blurtman   2015 Nov 14, 4:50pm  

thunderlips11 says

and the Bronx.

Fordham University, yo.

27   mell   2015 Nov 14, 4:55pm  

bob2356 says

Muslims are overtly and constantly discriminated against in france as well as harassed by the police.

That's a flat out lie.

28   mell   2015 Nov 14, 5:07pm  

I don't mean to say that lightly, but it stuns me that seemingly intelligent people can come up with stuff like this when it comes to being apologetic by any means. The majority of western European's police force is highly over-trained in racial and cultural matters and has much stricter standards than the American police to adhere to. Furthermore it is true that most post-WW2 immigrants into countries about to rebuild themselves and flourish (with the help of allies or being allies themselves) such as Germany or France have faced higher scrutiny and some unfairness especially in the beginning, but throughout the decades this has been addressed and most have assimilated so well that they cannot even be singled out anymore. Whatever unfairness might have happened to the immigrants in France, it is no different than the Italian/Spanish immigrants or early Turkish immigrants into Germany, or Polish/eastern European for that matter. And you see none of them running around decimating people. Not a single cultural/ethnic group. Fuck or take the Irish immigrants into the US. All well behaved despite being heavily discriminated against back then by today's standards.

29   bob2356   2015 Nov 14, 8:12pm  

bob2356 says

The vast majority of muslims in france have been there for generations

show me a source for that. The first mosque in france was built in 1922.

Look at you own article. The big influx was the 1940's into 1950's and even 60's. That's 3 full generations for quite a few of them.

bob2356 says

France nets less than 100k immigrants a year total for everyone.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_France#1974-today has the number at 229,600 for the year 2012.

Net immigration patrick. People immigrate out also. The number is probably higher than 100k that was quite a few years ago that I looked.

bob2356 says

Muslims are between 7-10% of the population but are 60-70% of people in prison.

you're not making them look good, you know that, right?

I'm not saying they should look good. I'm saying they've been mistreated for many years and they are lashing out. I don't condone it but I understand it.

30   Y   2015 Nov 14, 8:14pm  

The US is not a western country, if one's viewpoint is from Japan...

Blurtman says

Western countries, particularly the U.S., are directly responsible for the violence and destruction in Iraq,

31   lostand confused   2015 Nov 14, 8:15pm  

blurtmen- Muslims need no excuse. They kill each other and have for centuries. The shias and the sunnis and the rival fighting within clans-not that different from the Christians of yore-but they are still embracing their savagery. Muslim hordes invade other countries and if not strong enough take out their aggression on each other. Muslims have set off bombings in india, 9/11 here, Britain train attacks, France , Spain and countless others. The only place with more Muslim bombings-is Muslim countries themselves.

Pakistan is plagued with mass bombings ona routine basis. Turkey recently experienced a savage bombing, Iraq shias routinely are bombed by sunnis on their religious holidays while they are worshipping. Sunnis seem to be the most violent. They do not need a reason to bomb and know only one thing-fear and terror.

This is why Bush and nopw Obama cannot win in Iraq and Sadaam held power for so long. When sadaam held power there was a story of a few men from a village -just like these ones that killed the French. Guess what he did-he brought all the males from that village/town and killed them-you think there were many more suicide attempts.

Now not western and I would have a problem-but if france wipes out an entire muslim settlement from which the killers came from-they wouldn't dare try again. But that is not acceptable and so we must endure this-until we cannot.

Savages ought to be treated as savages-until they prove otherwise.

We have to fight, else I fear just like martial law in France right now, more savage attacks from the jihadis, will strip away all our freedoms and savage brutal men will take over and rule everything under the guise of protecting against these beasts. if muslims know that terrible damage will come from attacking us, they won't dare attack us.

32   bob2356   2015 Nov 14, 8:24pm  

mell says

bob2356 says

Muslims are overtly and constantly discriminated against in france as well as harassed by the police.

That's a flat out lie.

I lived there and saw it. You choose to can believe it or not. I've gone to a night club and had one of our group refused entrance because they thought he was north african, which wasn't even true. The EU Council on Human Rights issued a report last year condemning france for racism and discrimination. Was that a flat out lie also?

It's really ridiculous to be in a group of french who will harangue you as an American about how blacks are treated in America but when I ask what about the north africans in france they will say that's different and honestly believe it.

33   bob2356   2015 Nov 14, 8:41pm  

mell says

Whatever unfairness might have happened to the immigrants in France, it is no different than the Italian/Spanish immigrants or early Turkish immigrants into Germany, or Polish/eastern European for that matter. And you see none of them running around decimating people. Not a single cultural/ethnic group. Fuck or take the Irish immigrants into the US. All well behaved despite being heavily discriminated against back then by today's standards.

You don't read much history do you? The Irish immigrants well behaved? Other than riots, gangs, and organized crime you mean? That was with the irish in america being a lot better accepted than muslims in france.

Again I'm not condoning any violence, but I can understand where it comes from. The situation is france is unique and is going to get worse.

34   Blurtman   2015 Nov 14, 11:18pm  

Tensions surrounding France's Muslim community have long been simmering, as George Packer, a foreign correspondent for The New Yorker who covered the Iraq war, chronicled in an August article. The article, titled "The Other France," wondered whether Paris suburbs are an "incubator for terrorism."

"France has all kinds of suburbs, but the word for them, banlieues, has become pejorative, meaning slums dominated by immigrants," Packer wrote.

"Inside the banlieues are the cités: colossal concrete housing projects built during the postwar decades, in the Brutalist style of Le Corbusier. Conceived as utopias for workers, they have become concentrations of poverty and social isolation. The cités and their occupants are the subject of anxious and angry discussion in France."


35   Strategist   2015 Nov 15, 12:11am  

bob2356 says

You don't read much history do you? The Irish immigrants well behaved? Other than riots, gangs, and organized crime you mean? That was with the irish in america being a lot better accepted than muslims in france.

Again I'm not condoning any violence, but I can understand where it comes from. The situation is france is unique and is going to get worse.

Where does Muslim violence in the rest of the world come from? Are you gonna come up with an excuse for Islamic violence in every country that is a target of suicide bombers?Africa, Asia and S America are full of poverty stricken people, but it's only the Muslims there who commit terrorism. The 911 Saudis were not discriminated or poverty stricken, yet they carried out 911.
Bob, I don't think you understand where Islamic violence comes from. It comes from the non stop hate and violence preachings by Islamic clerics.

36   Y   2015 Nov 15, 5:47am  

That's because, whether you libbies like it or not, we are Exceptional.

HydroCabron says

I tend to agree with my father-in-law (ex-Wehrmacht), who said the biggest problem with Americans is that the United States has never been invaded.

37   Y   2015 Nov 15, 5:49am  

WTF does this mean? You're scared of maternity wards??

HydroCabron says

your fear of women who have sex

this is news to me.

38   bob2356   2015 Nov 15, 5:58am  

Strategist says

Where does Muslim violence in the rest of the world come from? Are you gonna come up with an excuse for Islamic violence in every country that is a target of suicide bombers?Africa, Asia and S America are full of poverty stricken people, but it's only the Muslims there who commit terrorism. The 911 Saudis were not discriminated or poverty stricken, yet they carried out 911.

Bob, I don't think you understand where Islamic violence comes from. It comes from the non stop hate and violence preachings by Islamic clerics.

I didn't offer an excuse for anything. Did you read what I wrote? I said I understand why france is having so much muslim violence. It's not the couple big terrorist incidents that have made it to the head in the sand US press and even more head in the sand american public like you. It's hundreds (probably more like thousands) of violent incidents over the last 15-20 years. There is no country outside of the active war area's in the middle east that has even a tiny fraction of muslim violence as france does.

I don't think you understand where Islamic violence come from. It's not from poverty, it's from money. Specifically Saudi money. Even more specifically Saudi sunni wahhabism money. If you don't know how that works then I can't begin to explain it to you.

Only the muslims commit terrorism? You call yourself strategist? Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were muslim? News to me. Never heard of a place called Ireland-IRA/UDA? Columbia FARC? Greece EA? Spain ETA? Peru Shining Path? Phillipenes NPA? Japan Aum Shinrikyo? Ugunda LRA? ,How about the Ku Klux Klan, Medellin Drug Cartel, Anti-Castro Group, Mormon extremists, Vietnamese Organization to Exterminate Communists and Restore the Nation, Jewish Defense League, May 19 Communist Order, Chicano Liberation Front, Jewish Armed Resistance, American Indian Movement, Gay Liberation Front, Aryan Nation, Jewish Action Movement, National Front for the Liberation of Cuba, Fourth Reich Skinheads Tamil TIgers, Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof Group. There are a lot more.

The FBI says in the last 25 years 6% of terrorist attacks in the US have been by muslims. The have actually been more jewish terrorist attacks in the us than muslim. Go look up something called the START Global Terrorism Database, it's public.

Muslim terrorists are the only ones that are well funded enough to pull off big attacks that make international news is the difference. It's not muslim violence or muslim terrorism. It's a war but not a war with islam. The war is with our "allies" Saudi Arabia the fundamentalist tiny little sect of of islam xenophobic fanatics who are funding and executing it world wide. Think all of islam is violent terrorists? Show me the shia terrorist attacks or even any sunni terrorist attacks not associated with Saudi sponsored clerics and madras schools.

39   Strategist   2015 Nov 15, 8:16am  

bob2356 says

I don't think you understand where Islamic violence come from. It's not from poverty, it's from money. Specifically Saudi money. Even more specifically Saudi sunni wahhabism money. If you don't know how that works then I can't begin to explain it to you.

You still don't get it.
The Saudis can and do provide all the money needed to buy bombs and finance terrorism. But it takes a whole new mind set for someone to blow themselves up along with 50 innocent people. That mind set is Islam. A religion that induces hate in a persons mind so much so that it turns him into a suicide bomber.

bob2356 says

Only the muslims commit terrorism? You call yourself strategist? Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were muslim? News to me. Never heard of a place called Ireland-IRA/UDA? Columbia FARC? Greece EA? Spain ETA? Peru Shining Path? Phillipenes NPA? Japan Aum Shinrikyo? Ugunda LRA?

Oh stop it. You are mostly describing crime. How many in your mile long list that no one has ever heard of, have suicide bombers that kill to please a God?

bob2356 says

Muslim terrorists are the only ones that are well funded enough to pull off big attacks that make international news is the difference. It's not muslim violence or muslim terrorism. It's a war but not a war with islam. The war is with our "allies" Saudi Arabia the fundamentalist tiny little sect of of islam xenophobic fanatics who are funding and executing it world wide. Think all of islam is violent terrorists? Show me the shia terrorist attacks or even any sunni terrorist attacks not associated with Saudi sponsored clerics and madras schools.

Weak and pathetic comeback. It IS a war against Islam. Islamic terrorist attacks against China, Russia, India and Philippines have nothing to do with Shiite and Sunnis. Islam demands Muslims to rise up with the sword against the infidels, to spread the word of Allah. Take the example of Iran. They were a proud civilization with potential before the Arabs invaded them, and converted the unfortunate Persians into a pathetic Shiite disaster they are today.

40   mell   2015 Nov 15, 8:31am  

Blurtman says

Tensions surrounding France's Muslim community have long been simmering, as George Packer, a foreign correspondent for The New Yorker who covered the Iraq war, chronicled in an August article. The article, titled "The Other France," wondered whether Paris suburbs are an "incubator for terrorism."

"France has all kinds of suburbs, but the word for them, banlieues, has become pejorative, meaning slums dominated by immigrants," Packer wrote.

"Inside the banlieues are the cités: colossal concrete housing projects built during the postwar decades, in the Brutalist style of Le Corbusier. Conceived as utopias for workers, they have become concentrations of poverty and social isolation. The cités and their occupants are the subject of anxious and angry discussion in France."

That's true but not different from gehttos isolating the have-nots from the haves in any country, and yet they still have a better standard of living than most real ghettos. Also, blacks in the US don't run around and systemically decimate white people with organized terror because they are on average poorer and more isolated than their white peers.

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