It's true, Obama is actively importing Muslims

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2015 Nov 15, 4:13pm   51,693 views  148 comments

by resistance   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


WASHINGTON — President Obama, under increasing pressure to demonstrate that the United States is joining European nations in the effort to resettle Syrian refugees, has told his administration to take in at least 10,000 displaced Syrians over the next year.

Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said in a briefing Thursday that while the administration was continuing to examine responses to a refugee crisis that has overwhelmed Europe in recent days, the president has decided to raise the number of Syrian refugees admitted to at least 10,000 in the fiscal year beginning in October from fewer than 2,000 this year.

sorry, but this is unacceptable. islam is utterly incompatible with democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

sure, only 10% of them really really want to kill us, but that's still 1,000 people.

aid them somewhere else, just don't bring them here!

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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Nov 15, 4:19pm  

They come in peace, we leave in pieces.

3   turtledove   2015 Nov 15, 4:39pm  

I would just like to point out that these refugees will be eligible to enroll in a health insurance plan outside of the open enrollment period. You, on the other hand, are not -- unless you have a qualifying life event.

4   indigenous   2015 Nov 15, 4:40pm  

The only question is to invest in Garwood Industries or Dillon Aero or both?

5   Patrick   2015 Nov 15, 4:45pm  

indigenous says

The only question is to invest in Garwood Industries or Dillon Aero or both?

had to look it up.

ok garwood is a weapons maker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minigun#Garwood_Industries_Minigun

and it looks like dillon makes ammo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dillon_Aero

6   lostand confused   2015 Nov 15, 5:04pm  

I wonder if all his Kenyan muslim relatives will get fake Syrian passports to come here under his program?

7   indigenous   2015 Nov 15, 5:36pm  

had to look it up.

Not just any weapon.

8   Y   2015 Nov 15, 6:02pm  

All hail the libbie king and the libbie Trojan horse!!!

9   Bigsby   2015 Nov 15, 6:06pm  

A whole 10,000? Wow. Considering that the entire mess over there is largely down to the US, you should be accepting more. Out of interest, how many Muslims enter your country every year on work visas, student visas or that Green Card lottery system you have?

10   turtledove   2015 Nov 15, 6:13pm  

Bigsby says

A whole 10,000? Wow

19 hijackers on 9/11.

11   mell   2015 Nov 15, 6:22pm  

Bigsby says

A whole 10,000? Wow. Considering that the entire mess over there is largely down to the US, you should be accepting more. Out of interest, how many Muslims enter your country every year on work visas, student visas or that Green Card lottery system you have?

No, it doesn't matter. This is not a trans-humanitarian fantasy, it's real life. Even if they fucked up in the middle-east they should not import. Countries are not welfare stations, they have borders and interests and protect their citizens. The US also sends foreign aid every year like no other country without receiving anything. This whole notion that you owe the world one because you fucked up is ridiculous beyond any belief. Obama is punishing innocent citizens because his predecessor supposedly screwed up? Please. And you have a point about the visa system, they should close it for a while for people of certain culture, religion or ideology. That's what Poland and Hungary and Czech Republic have been doing, and it's the only reasonable thing. The only good thing about this is that it is only 10K and not hundred thousands like in Germany.

12   curious2   2015 Nov 15, 6:34pm  

Bigsby says

the entire mess over there is largely down to

NATO and the pipelines to sell Persian Gulf gas to Europe.

Your comment illustrates, however, part of the problem that Europe (and to a lesser extent the United States) is inviting. I have seen some of these refugees enthuse about how wonderful Syria was, and how much better it was than Europe, and how they hate having to go to Europe because they loved Syria before the war. As you blame the United States for the war, they blame NATO, and with some justification. As a result, I suspect they and especially their children might go on to support Jihad due to religious command and personal revenge. Like the Miami Cubans, they idealize the prior regime, and may prioritize restoring that; unlike the Miami Cubans, the Muslim refugees believe in a religion that endorses violent Jihad.

13   Bigsby   2015 Nov 15, 6:47pm  

curious2 says

As you blame the United States for the war, they blame NATO, and with some justification.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure the acronym NATO pops out of the mouths of every refugee when they're asked to discuss the causes of the disintegration of Syria.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Nov 15, 6:51pm  

Official Pentagon Document, 2012, clearly relaying information about Syrian Situation in 2012. Note the part about who supports who, and the flat out admission that AQI is Al Nusra is ISI (although things have changed and ISI went off on their own, Al Qaeda was the Lead of the Opposition since day one).


And contra to Palestinian or Gary bullshit, this document clearly states that Al Baghdadi is doing this as a Sunni-Shi'a war with bupkiss to do with Israel.

15   Shaman   2015 Nov 15, 6:57pm  

The Assholes in charge of our government, including our asshole in chief Obama, do bear a tremendous amount of responsibility for the chaos in Syria. They specifically worked to encourage and materially support the terrorist assholes who destabilized the region and turned it into a jihadi hellhole.

However, we as citizens STILL may demand that our elected government should protect us from pissed off Syrian Muslims instead of importing them here to make revenge more convenient and accessible. It might not be "fair," but you should have learned that little lesson about life by the time you were ten years old.

16   turtledove   2015 Nov 15, 7:25pm  

20 actually, one got caught before boarding because he was learning to fly but didn't care about takeoff or landing...

Okay... my mistake... the point is... A little goes a long way.

17   marcus   2015 Nov 15, 7:34pm  

What if the refugees Obama want to bring are victims of violence done to them by ISIS, and what if they are totally unlike this guy, and in fact will be eternally grateful for being taken in by the U.S. ?

I know, I know, we can watch the propaganda videos T-lips posted that show refugees are never like that. They're all ungrateful assholes and future suicide bombers.

But the fact is, most of the 3 million or so Muslims already living in the U.S. are virtually all not like this, and there is little reason to expect those being rescued from a terrible situation in Syria would be either.

Xenophobia much Patrick ?

18   Patrick   2015 Nov 15, 7:46pm  

marcus says

Xenophobia much Patrick ?

nah, it's just the religion with a mandate to convert or kill the whole world that bothers me.

19   turtledove   2015 Nov 15, 7:47pm  

.marcus says

What if the refugees Obama want to bring are victims of violence done to them by ISIS, and what if they are totally unlike this guy, and in fact will be eternally grateful for being taken in by the U.S. ?

Marcus, guaranteed... those little girls who were married off at the ages of 11, 12, 13... who are pregnant... and are now in Denmark fighting to be reunited with their middle-aged husbands... They will never appreciate the fact that they were put into foster care. They don't appreciate the fact that Denmark's government took their sons away from them. They don't appreciate the fact that Denmark's government took away their status as someone's wife from them. Everything they've been told is their role in life is being taken from them. Why, because Westerners think kids being married off is child abuse. No good deed goes unpunished. Denmark WILL pay for this, someday.

Don't get me wrong. I totally agree with Denmark's position on all this. I just know that the refugees will not appreciate it as I do. You need to accept the fact that they don't really want to be taught by you.

20   resistance   2015 Nov 15, 8:13pm  

marcus says

But the fact is, most of the 3 million or so Muslims already living in the U.S. are virtually all not like this, and there is little reason to expect those being rescued from a terrible situation in Syria would be either.

most american muslims are fine people because they are not very devout muslims, so they do not feel the need to convert non-muslims or kill them as islam demands that they must do. (for example "2.216 Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.") though i personally have had several try to convert me.

the ones from syria are much more likely to be young men who know about guns and bombs from personal experience using them or having them used against them, not good at speaking english therefore hard to employ, and much more inclined to take islam seriously. not good.

21   marcus   2015 Nov 15, 8:16pm  

nah, it's just the religion with a mandate to convert or kill the whole world that bothers me.

IT bothers me too. And partly I'm playing devil's advocate.

But also, when I step back and think about it, I realize that bringing in 10, 000 Islamic refugees (a friendly act), and adding those 10,000 to the 3 million or so Muslims already living in the U'S. is not likely to cause a real change in the probability of an Islamic student going on a stabbing or shooting rampage. In my opinion it's just as likely to slightly lower that probability as it is to raise it.

22   marcus   2015 Nov 15, 8:17pm  

the ones from syria are much more likely to be young men who know about guns and bombs from personal experience using them or having them used against them, not good at speaking english therefore hard to employ, and much more inclined to take islam seriously. not good.

In my opinion, you sound like you're trying to hard to justify your point of view. But it's understandable after what just happened in Paris.

23   resistance   2015 Nov 15, 8:19pm  

we'll chat again after the next mass murder of random innocent civilians by muslims.

and the next.

and the next.


check for updates undoubtedly coming soon, at http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

24   mell   2015 Nov 15, 8:24pm  

marcus says

Xenophobia much Patrick ?

nah, it's just the religion with a mandate to convert or kill the whole world that bothers me.

Giving this some analysis it seems that you often hear this sort of leftist do-gooder self-destructive mentality from people who tend to have less if no kids. It is simply a difference whether you teach other kids or have a job that involves kids as opposed to having your own with the big responsibility to take care of them and provide them with a reasonable cultural and economic outlook for the future, It is mostly white leftist feminist types that are childless and therefore do not feel the genetic need to provide for their descendants and fight for their culture. If you have no immediate offspring to take care off you may as well go off into the world and play the savior for other cultures.

25   marcus   2015 Nov 15, 9:17pm  

we'll chat again after the next mass murder of random innocent civilians by muslims.

Not sure whether the next violent act by Islamic terrorists in Europe or here will be giving me any new insight about whether I'm right about this.

marcus says

bringing in 10, 000 Islamic refugees (a friendly act), and adding those 10,000 to the 3 million or so Muslims already living in the U'S. is not likely to cause a real change in the probability of an Islamic student going on a stabbing or shooting rampage. In my opinion it's just as likely to slightly lower that probability as it is to ever so slightly raise it.

26   Y   2015 Nov 16, 6:22am  

Build the wall...around NYC and Hollywood...then import the terrorists refugees to those places...

27   Shaman   2015 Nov 16, 7:42am  

marcus says

In my opinion it's just as likely to slightly lower that probability as it is to raise it.

You know what they say about opinions: they're like assholes: everyone has one and they all stink!

29   resistance   2015 Nov 16, 10:09am  


(WRIC/KXAN) — Two months ago, President Obama said the U.S. would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees. However, since the attacks in Paris, the governors of Texas, Alabama, Indiana and Michigan are now saying they will not allow refugees in their states.

Governor Greg Abbott said in a letter to President Obama that Texas will not take in any new Syrian refugees. Currently, Texas has more Syrian refugees than any other state in the country.

“Effective today, I am directing the Texas Health & Human Services Commission’s Refugee Resettlement Program to not participate in the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in the State of Texas. And I urge you, as President, to halt your plans to allow Syrians to be resettled anywhere in the United States,” Gov. Abbott said.

30   resistance   2015 Nov 16, 10:14am  

it's really kind of amazing that the UN is demanding that america take in large numbers of muslims after muslim countries alone, of all countries, refused to sign the UN's universal declaration of human rights:


the main sticking point for muslims was the UN's inclusion of freedom for all people to change their religion.

islam requires death for anyone who dares to leave islam.

31   KgK one   2015 Nov 16, 10:30am  

Create a site where muslim are near any other religion, and check of all the areas where there is terrorism.
First they will be nice, then they build fort mosque, then they don't follow local laws and want everyone else to follow their rule. Then they want to take over the country and land. War between Burma baddhist and Bangladeshi muslims, Phillipines, india-pakistan ... list goes on. If you think of them as brainwashed Zombies who gets instruction 5 times a day from allah, you can only survive.

So Obama is secretly trying to fill his mission, you can't even mention other religion in muslim country without getting killed.

Why don't muslim countries who protested Charlie habido help out their buddies.
send them to Pakistan, Saudi arebia etc.

All countries should join to purge extremism muslims. Maybe this is venting

32   zzyzzx   2015 Nov 16, 10:43am  

Obama sucks.

33   socal2   2015 Nov 16, 12:24pm  

Considering that the majority of these refugees are fighting age males.

Why not train them up and send them back to Syria to fight for their homes?

Are we really doing the Middle East any favors by allowing this brain-drain to occur by accepting all the "moderates" and leaving the place for ISIS to run their sex slave camps, blowing up ancient archaeological sites and commit genocide?

34   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 16, 7:55pm  

sorry, but this is unacceptable. islam is utterly incompatible with democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

sure, only 10% of them really really want to kill us, but that's still 1,000 people.

aid them somewhere else, just don't bring them here!

Go visit Manzanar. Hysterics like you made it possible.

It might give you some ideas as to a final solution to the Muslim problem.

1830s: Dirty Irishmen are defiling America, know no decency.

1880s: Filthy Chinamen are defiling America, know no decency.

1900: Filthy wops are defiling America, know no decency.

1940s: The Japs will destroy America - the enemy in our midst!

One huge problem with xenophobic bigots like you is their abysmal track record with respect to ever being right about anything.

I'm sure it's different this time.

35   MattBayArea   2015 Nov 16, 8:39pm  

socal2 says

Why not train them up and send them back to Syria to fight for their homes?

I really like this idea! What could possibly go wrong with training and arming these guys and then sending them off to fight for us?

On a more serious note, this whole situation is just unfathomably sad. There are some very solid arguments against helping them. Yet, they're people and people can change. Many of them may already be wonderful people. Some of them are not even Muslim. It's sad to think of what will happen to such people, just as it is sad to think of what will happen if a few violent refugees kill innocents here in the states after we show compassion by allowing them in.

I predict all of the national discussion about this will focus on whether or not we let them in. It will be a bitter debate and both sides will hurl insults at the other. If we directed our energy toward finding a better solution ... perhaps we could find a better solution. Here's one - albeit a dumb one that would not work - let all the atheist, christian, and jewish refugees in. Then, perhaps, devise some comprehensive personality test for the rest - identify all the people we can be reasonably certain are not a threat (even if it's just 1%) and let them in. Accept all the babies, even if the parents can't come, and pay Americans to adopt them. It would be expensive, but it's the sort of expenditure that might save money and lives in the long run.
Maybe this would not work, but it's very sad to me to think of all the innocents - especially the young children - who will die because, arguably, nations around the world spent more time worrying and arguing about whether or not to take any risk rather than planning and devising strategies to save as many innocent lives as possible. Here in the US, we spend so much of our tax money on bullshit - I would be happy to spend more for a good cause, if only our leaders were capable.

36   SoTex   2015 Nov 16, 9:20pm  

Let them in on one condition: neuter

37   indianguybayarea   2015 Nov 16, 11:57pm  

HydroCabron says

It might give you some ideas as to a final solution to the Muslim problem.

1830s: Dirty Irishmen are defiling America, know no decency.

1880s: Filthy Chinamen are defiling America, know no decency.

1900: Filthy wops are defiling America, know no decency.

1940s: The Japs will destroy America - the enemy in our midst!

One huge problem with xenophobic bigots like you is their abysmal track record with respect to ever being right about anything.

I'm sure it's different this time.

you cannot just extrapolate some bullshit trent to the muslim problem.
India has assimilated several religions and people over many centuries due to its inclusive religion but guess which religion they still have problem with ? --> muslims.
infact , india is the only country on the face of the earth where jews were never prosecuted. India is also the birthplace of the buddha and yoga.
basically , indians are very non -violent and tolerant ..birthplace of gandhi.
If a country like india still has issues with muslims...you can only imagine what US will have.
The bottomline is that islam is the only religion ( unique) which has its primary holy books like quran having legal system ( sharia) and political framework ( sunna) mixed up with religion.
"no other religion has it". all religions only deal with spiritualism. i don't think bible has a chapter on setting up a government.
There is no religious hindu text which talks about governance.
it's easy to assimilate other religions without any conflict with a country's political and legal framework because they don't have anything except spiritualism in their religion. I can be the most conservative hindu but still can easily accept american legal/constitutional/political system because it does not conflict with my religion.
Any devout muslim will have a fundamental struggle with any democracy or man made system because it conflicts with a system that's there in Quran.
There is a reason why almost all the countries have problem with muslim assimilation.
The bible which almost entirely deals with spiritualism still causes contention in american politics because it conflicts with gay rights , women's rights ...etc. now imagine , if it had everything from law and order to how to elect the president in it ?

38   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 17, 6:27am  

indianguybayarea says

The bottomline is that islam is the only religion ( unique) which has its primary holy books like quran having legal system ( sharia) and political framework ( sunna) mixed up with religion.

Yes - they are a special devil. As are all the previous devils.

Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him.
And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form.
Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.

-- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

39   MMR   2015 Nov 17, 8:45am  

HydroCabron says

Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him.

And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form.

Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.

-- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

India is a relatively non-violent country that has integrated people from several religions and cultures, including Jews and yet they still have difficulty with insurgent muslims who have questionable loyalties.

Indian muslims cheer when pakistan beats India in cricket even if they have been in the country for centuries because they are muslims first and indians second. Irish, Japanese Chinese and Italians are most definitely different from that perspective

Not sure what the mein kampf post was about.

40   HydroCabron   2015 Nov 17, 8:49am  

MMR says

because they are muslims first and indians second

Hitler says the same about Jews: they never adopt the nationality of countries they inhabit.

I'll dig up my copy of Mein Kampf later. It is in my storage locker.

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