ISIS will 'drag you to hellfire,' Muslim leaders say

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2015 Nov 16, 9:04pm   4,787 views  8 comments

by Waitup   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Paris (CNN)Muslim leaders gathered at a makeshift memorial in Paris on Monday to pay their respects to those killed in terror attacks and warn members of their community against joining ISIS.

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1   resistance   2015 Nov 16, 9:31pm  

but they don't explain how, exactly, ISIS is different from islam.

an egyptian tv host points out that ISIS is in fact a very good example of true islam.


2   reggie   2015 Nov 17, 4:13am  

Cut off all benefits to anyone in France without a French passport and then watch the Muslim terrorists self-deport.

3   lostand confused   2015 Nov 17, 4:50am  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

ISIS would be the perfect lifestyle if it included hot chicks and craft beer

WEll, if you blow yourself up and kill a bunch of innocent people-they teach that you get 72 virgins in heaven for all eternity. So a lot of hot chicks -yes.

4   Y   2015 Nov 17, 5:45am  

They need a different manual to do that...

but they don't explain how, exactly, ISIS is different from islam.

5   Strategist   2015 Nov 17, 6:08am  

SoftShell says

They need a different manual to do that...

but they don't explain how, exactly, ISIS is different from islam.

ISIS mimics the lifestyle of Mohammad. They believe that was the perfect Islamic society.

6   Strategist   2015 Nov 17, 6:19am  

Waitup says

ISIS will 'drag you to hellfire

ISIS is Islam, and Islam is ISIS.

7   bob2356   2015 Nov 17, 6:54am  

but they don't explain how, exactly, ISIS is different from islam.

an egyptian tv host points out that ISIS is in fact a very good example of true islam.


Anyone that would take a very minimum of time and thinking would very easily discover the ISIS is part of the maniac saudi cult that is the source of the vast majority of islamic terrorism. A cult that doesn't even represent a tiny fraction of a percent point of islam. No different from the jewish extremist groups or christian extremist groups that also commit terrorist acts in the name of god, except for a single important difference. They have access to almost unlimited saudi money. Without that the jihadists would be no more effective or successful than any of the other hundreds of terrorist groups around the world. The problem is the saudi vision of islam along with the saudi's having the money and willingness to do something about it, not islam itself.

Patrick, why are you so determined to keep posting this stuff without bothering to spend a couple hours figuring it out? I can understand stratigest and CIC's bullshit, they are just trolls and pretty stupid ones at that. But I don't understand what seems to be reasonable and intelligent people not bothering to think for themselves.

The TV host doesn't say ISIS is a very good example of true islam . He said that such acts are in islam history but are morally wrong and moderate clerics shouldn't try to deny they happened, they should speak out about why they were wrong. Go to around minute 2:30 and look at it again.

8   Strategist   2015 Nov 17, 7:08am  

bob2356 says

The TV host doesn't say ISIS is a very good example of true islam . He said that such acts are in islam history but are morally wrong and moderate clerics shouldn't try to deny they happened, they should speak out about why they were wrong. Go to around minute 2:30 and look at it again.

A TV host is supposed to be politically correct.

bob2356 says

Anyone that would take a very minimum of time and thinking would very easily discover the ISIS is part of the maniac saudi cult that is the source of the vast majority of islamic terrorism. A cult that doesn't even represent a tiny fraction of a percent point of islam.

How do you know? How many times have you read the Koran? ISIS and their supporters think otherwise. They read the Koran all day long, when they are not raping or killing.
These barbarians are reflecting the lifestyle of their Prophet.

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