Trump Winning! Hillary on the ropes

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2016 Feb 11, 12:28pm   199,250 views  915 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump sued Univision, the biggest Spanish language broadcaster in the United States, for $500 million last summer. Trump and the CEO of Univision, Randy Falco, issued peacemaking statements. "I have known Donald Trump for many years in both a personal and professional capacity and we are pleased to settle this matter and move forward," Falco said. "I'm glad we are able to put these differences behind us," Trump said. A Univision spokeswoman declined any further comment.


Hey HO! Ramos has got to GO!

This is what Liberal electioneering will get you, and trying to place every Latino on the Lbieral plantation in their place along side depressed gheto blacks that the Liberals kick back down every time they try to crawl out.


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847   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 6, 8:31pm  

Hey, it's been 16 years and 8 since the great recession. Had the median household income returned to 2000 levels yet? Been almost two decades.

Why is the national debt so high, most of it skyrocketing in the past few years, but the roads are full of potholes and wages are flat? Spending all this money should be causing inflation.

Unless, it's ust going to the 1%ers who are sitting on it.

848   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 6, 9:00pm  

HydroCabron says

Trump has leads in all of the swing states, and is pulling away strongly in Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina & Colorado.

Best guess at this point is 375+ electoral votes.

Clinton camp is shitting bricks right now.

Any polls showing Clinton ahead are #Rigged. The #Proof that #PollsAreRigged is if they say anything different than what the #OrangeDouchebag wants them to. It's #DefinitionalAxiomaticProof he is the #SupremeBeingInTheHistoryOfTheUniverse.

#MAGAtheFuckOutOfEverything #TheUniverseMustBeMAGAedOrWhitePrideWillDie #OrangeDoucheBag

849   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 13, 7:19am  


Nearly 100,000 Pennsylvania Voters Switch From Democrat To Republican

HARRISBURG (KDKA) – Nearly 100,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republican since the beginning of the year.

What’s more: The Pennsylvania Republican party says more than 240-thousand new voters have joined the party since last November.

850   joshuatrio   2016 Oct 13, 7:38am  

Trump back in the lead: The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.


851   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 13, 12:43pm  

You can always tell when the Liberals are panicking.
They abandon the truth and commit to lies.

852   Rew   2016 Oct 13, 12:53pm  

Tenpoundbass says

You can always tell when the Liberals are panicking.

They abandon the truth and commit to lies.

Trump must have started the race from panic position.


"Daddy, tell me about the Republican party?"

"Well son, when you were five, they went extinct. Remember how we talked about fitness to survive and how some animals, like the dinosaurs, are no longer with us?"

"Yes! I like dinosaurs!"

"Well, the Republicans were animals which didn't know when to panic and run. They also liked to team up with bigger animals that would eat them. One was called Trump-a-saurs and that horrible animal ate many many republicans. We will have more discussions about why it matters who your friends are, later on, when you are older. For right now, just know the Republicans didn't know when to run from danger, and mostly were eaten up by bigger nastier animals. Some of them even ate each other."

"WOOOahhhhh! COOOoool!"

(must have been inspired by your avatar Tendpound')

853   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 13, 1:11pm  

We've seen how you guys can picke them.

854   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 13, 1:32pm  

Oh my God you asked a question?

See this is why Trump is winning I have shown him the light when he was doing his exploratory election recon.

Just because a Liberal's mouth is moving doesn't mean you have to put words back.

855   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 13, 1:50pm  

The two ambulances I saw yesterday and the over the top 20 minute shut down of i95 Northbound Traffic. I thought it was a funeral.
I have been on this earth going on 50 years and I aint never seen no shit like that, two Ambulance and the whole Empress new clothes procession to go with it.

As far as Polls goes, I'm using the same Biased metrics you are. The only difference is at least I'm honest enough with myself to know that no matter how one sided the polls are at BB, Drudge Report, The Hill, ect... The Poll was taken with the choir members. The difference in that and the Polls you consult is, The sites you frequent have ways to make sure they disqualify Trump supporters and over sample Democrats.

Also the only difference in my biased Pols and your is, yours is endorsed by an exiting administration that stands to have every last bit of his ill-conceived legacy blown away by a Trump win.
So they are panicking.

Also You've got the UN on your side. Every thing about your side stinks and reeks of sheer desperation. Panicking desperate whining hissey fit.

Just like the Anti_Brexit lying hot air sacks of shit.

856   Rew   2016 Oct 13, 2:12pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The difference in that and the Polls you consult is, The sites you frequent have ways to make sure they disqualify Trump supporters and over sample Democrats.

Here is a combined poll forecast, which has been operating since 04, and has between 0.3 and 0.7 off in its predictions :

Now what?

858   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 13, 5:33pm  

How to watch the debates:

859   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 13, 7:49pm  

You know the polls are BS because they go up and down 5 pts every other week - except the LA Times poll, which is run by statisticians whose reputation is on the line for getting it right. They're not calling people on land lines, and they're taking the same sample of voters that represent certain segments and calling them over and over again.

Also, notice the Media isn't discussing Social Media this year. They've done that the last 2-3 elections. "We see Ignatz is getting more positive mentions in social media than Roscoe!" What happened? They know Trump, without putting down a single nickel for posts, is kicking the crap out of the handful of Hillary supporters and her paid CTR trolls. He's got a massive army of Tech Savvy underemployed young people vetting every media hoax and memeing their asses off.

Bill Richardson is a dick. We need a "Catholic Spring". Needy Latinos. We tricked Bernie on Superdelegate "Reform", that sucker, but we got his endorsement.

Imagine if Manafort or Conway or Cohen said these things, the media would scream for blood.

861   anonymous   2016 Oct 18, 5:36pm  

Lets not get all crazy here and start confusing Clinton voters, as Liberals

You cannot support Clinton and be a Liberal. They're polar opposites

862   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 18, 6:28pm  

errc says

They're polar opposites

Liberals are bipolar baboons, that feel what ever whims the latest social movement tells them.
They have taken us full circle from don't pick on people weaker than you, to victimize everything. While promoting shock politics for the vote.
Let's face it this batch of Liberals breathed life back into the Conservative movement, and brought it back from the dead.

Which is still more Liberal than the Jihad bullshit that the Liberals are trying to import for votes.They are gullible dangerous Bipolar Baboons like that.

Take Cletus sister here for example


She can "Go Fund Me" her way to a better tomorrow, she can donaate a few bucks to some Gullible Bipolar Baboon's million dollar bail.

863   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 19, 5:28pm  

This picture was taken in Maryland:

865   Rew   2016 Oct 20, 8:02pm  

So confident don't even need this guy anymore. And they are feeling great about the debate.

867   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 27, 8:29am  

Even in Minnesota, Trump wins:

WILLMAR — Donald Trump got the most votes in a mock presidential election Tuesday at Willmar Senior High School, but Hillary Clinton was fewer than 30 votes behind.

About 40 percent of the school's 1,200 students participated in the election, part of a first-ever statewide mock election in the state's high schools.

During the school's four lunch periods, 514 students cast ballots. Trump was at the top with 207 votes, to Clinton's 179 votes. Others receiving votes included 41 for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and 17 for Dan Vacek, the candidate for the Legal Marijuana Now Party. Thirty-six ballots had write-in votes, and all other candidates on the ballot polled in single digits.

With help of the school's Key Club, sponsored by Kiwanis in Willmar, the polling station was organized to mimic the system adult voters will use Nov. 8.

868   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 30, 7:19pm  


Poll: Trump Dominates with Generation Z

First-time voters and high schoolers too young to cast ballots overwhelmingly go GOP

The survey of high school students across the country, a joint project of My College Options and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, indicates that members of the so-called Generation Z have markedly different political views than the slightly older, famously left-leaning millennials.

Among those old enough to vote for the first time in next month’s election, Trump leads Clinton 46 percent to 31 percent. Another 11 percent picked a third-party candidate, while 6 percent said they would write in a candidate. Some 54,000 students in 47 states have filled out paper ballots distributed in schools, and organizers said they expect a total of 100,000 by the time they finish polling.

“Our findings shocked us and clearly state that the Trump effect was not only felt by adults and can have an impact going forward with Generation Z,” Hispanic Heritage Foundation President Jose Antonio Tijerino said in a prepared statement. “It’s also an important message that youth can’t be taken for granted as to how they lean politically by either side of the aisle.”

The first-time voters are an overwhelmingly pessimistic lot — just 11 percent say the country is moving in a positive direction, while 56 percent disagreed. Their top issue is the economy, followed by education, gun rights, and health care.

Trump also was the top choice of the entire group, ages 14 through 18. He won support from 34 percent, compared with 20 percent of Clinton. Third-party and write-in candidates got 13 percent, while nearly a third said they would not vote if they had the chance. While Trump struggles mightily with female voters in the electorate, among high school respondents, Trump leads with both genders.

Broken down by state, Trump was the top choice of youth in 31 states. Clinton was first in only one — Louisiana. In the rest of the states surveyed, the top choice was “I would choose not to vote in this election.”

869   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 30, 7:34pm  

Young voters 18 to say 22 or so have gotten a lot more wiser, conservative than those 5 or more years older than them.

They don't do as much stupid crap nor did they ever. Those 6 years older or more than they are were malleable reactive fools. They elected Obama twice.

870   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 30, 7:49pm  


A New York Times Upshot/Siena poll released Sunday is consistent with that trend: It gives Mr. Trump a four-point lead in Florida, 46 percent to 42 percent.

Fuck Yeah!

871   Mrs Wonderful   2016 Oct 30, 8:19pm  

Daddy says z'ers see Syrian refugees piling on top of illegal Mexicans to sop up whatever meager jobs exist. They want all of them OUT!
zzyzzx is deplorable says

Young voters 18 to say 22 or so have gotten a lot more wiser, conservative than those 5 or more years older than them.

872   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 31, 8:08am  

Trump now up by 2 points in NH:

New Hampshire, Journal Poll:
Trump 45 (+2)
Clinton 43
Johnson 4
Stein 2

875   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 1, 4:14am  

Uh oh..... :)

877   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 1, 2:17pm  

Previous result: What is your political affiliation?
Registered Republican
Registered Democrat

Registered other political party
Not registered
zzyzzx is deplorable says

Trump up by 7 points in NC:

878   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 1, 2:38pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Trump up by 7 points in NC:

The new bellweather....... right?

879   MAGA   2016 Nov 1, 2:57pm  

On the ropes or on the pole?

880   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 2, 7:42am  


Trump 48 (+4)
Clinton 44
Johnson 2

Trump 49% (+5)
Clinton 44%
Johnson 2

882   Shaman   2016 Nov 2, 1:11pm  

Whoa, Trump winning Virginia would mean it's over for real.

883   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 2, 1:27pm  


Well, early voting data out of some key swing states seems to reveal that, in fact, black voter turnout is reverting back to pre-Obama levels, which is a terrible sign for team Hillary. According to Old North State Politics, early voting data out of North Carolina suggests that black voter turnout is down roughly 7 points, as a percent of the overall electorate versus 2012, implying that cumulative black votes are down around 16%.

As a reminder, Mitt Romney won North Carolina in 2012 by slightly over 2 points. Given that black voters usually favor democrats by 80-90%, simple math implies that a 7-point reduction in blacks as a percentage of the overall electorate would hurt Hillary by roughly 6 points versus the 2012 results.

Meanwhile, the outlook is even more telling in Florida as black composition of early votes is down 9.5 points versus 2012.

According to a recent article by Politico, in 2008 and 2012, Obama received 95% of the 1.7mm votes cast by black voters in Florida. Given that, simple math would imply that a 9.5-point reduction in blacks as a percentage of the overall electorate would hurt Hillary by roughly 9 points, versus the 2012 results, which is news for a state that Obama narrowly won by less than 1 point.

Unfortunately for Hillary, a recent poll from Florida Atlantic University provides even more bad news. While Obama received 95% of the black vote in Florida in 2012, Hillary is only polling at 68% among black voters while Trump is polling at 20%. And, at least according to the president of the Democratic African-American Women Caucus, this math has the Clinton campaign in “full panic mode.”.

884   Peter P   2016 Nov 2, 1:30pm  

Can Trump win California and/or NY?

885   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 2, 1:34pm  

Peter P says

Can Trump win California and/or NY?

Supposedly so in CA and not NY, which makes no sense to me; I would think it would be the other way around since Trump is going to win big in upstate NY, and win in suburban NYC, and most likely Statan Island too.

886   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 2, 1:42pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Trump is going to win big in upstate NY,

My BIL in Red Hook has said all year it's up to you's folks in Florida. While he nad no doubt Trump has the upstate. He said the Liberals in the City will carry the state there is no contest about that.

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