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His decisions will improve. They will be COMPLETELY arbitrary, now, without the pretense of stacks of stare decisis whimsically fabricated and formulated into a ludicrous justification for legislation.
Of course, the main justification of SCOTUS is that it is the court of last resort for continuing to rack up outlandish legal fees.
This opens up the field for Obama to appoint a doofus liberal legislator.
This is what one gets for helping elect G.W.Bush as President without counting all the votes and then not denouncing G.W.B. for the failure to protect America on 9/11 & killing American servicemen & innocent women & children in Iraq based on a Slimy Shit Mouthed LIE from Rep/Cons.
Thank you,,God of the Republic Slime Party,Ronny Reagan for naming this ilk.
Fuck TEXASS! Red State can't protect a S.C. Justice from the Grim Reaper.
Where are all the good guys with guns?
At least this an end to at least one Socialist Big Govt. employee from sucking on the tax dollar bloated teat.
Fuck him he was an establishment creep. Regardless what ever fued you thought he was the other side of, SCROTUM has pretty much voted the way the Donor class has financed across the board the last 8 years.
He died killing for pleasure. He conveniently forgot about original intent when the wording of the Constitution contradicted the principles of old-school kiddie-buggering Catholics. He always placed Catholicism above the Constitution.
When is his grave available for pissing?
Fuck him he was an establishment creep. Regardless what ever fued you thought he was the other side of, SCROTUM has pretty much voted the way the Donor class has financed across the board the last 8 years.
He was one of the few willing to rule in favor of individual rights as detailed in the constitution on a regular basis,
FWIW, Kagen, Sotomayor, Ginsberg, consistently vote in opposition to constitutional individual liberties.
I read a statement he made in a magazine a few years ago that was pretty interesting. It was to the effect that anybody who thought that the legal system operated for the benefit of anybody but the wealthy, the elite, or the government was deluded. It was an odd candor, one he felt mattered not a whit because nobody would listen to it, anyway, and the beat would just go on.
It's a delusion that the government likes to maintain, complete with the carnival/game show lottery systems attached of class action and contingency law to keep the suckers herding in. Promise them some free shit somewhere, and you can fleece them to their ribs.
He always placed Catholicism above the Constitution.
Except for the death penalty, and loving the sinner, and forgiveness, and charity. Scalia was a "Catholic" militant, an egotistical crusader who counted himself more Catholic than the Pope. Some people called him "brilliant," but it would be more accurate to call him blinding, and blinded.
The idea of a separation of powers is a joke anyway, the SCOTUS has not been contrary to congress since the 1930s.
Since the ACA went through, I can't fathom how you mutts can say that SCOTUS is controlled by the conservatives.
Maybe IHLlary will appoint Sanders to the SCOTUS as the Supreme Hippie Hump Justice.
Maybe IHLlary will appoint Sanders to the SCOTUS as the Supreme Hippie Hump Justice.
Actually, she has the JD.
Actually, she has the JD.
You don't need a law degree to be appointed to SCOTUS. Just the CockSuckius Politucus degree.
You don't need a law degree to be appointed to SCOTUS.
Nope, not a requirement. The Supreme Court should be stuffed with MBA's, primitive culture studies majors, and HVAC and air conditioning professionals.
The justices get a bunch of status seeking, Ivy League law school humps anyway to do all the stare decisis fabrications. You just add a splash of color and steer the decision to the will of your makers.
Rosie O'Donnell COULD be appointed to SCOTUS.
Anyone know the cause-they said private party-was it a wild sex party with hookers and blow??
Anyone know the cause-they said private party-was it a wild sex party with hookers and blow??
I explained in AF/DBOAPD's thread. Scalia was getting away from the wife for Valentine's Day weekend, as per usual, but this time it ended badly for him.
I appreciated the late Justice's views on affirmative action. Not so much on corporate personhood.
Its quite odd that people interpreted Scalia's statements on affirmative action as racist. All he said was that allowing unqualified individuals into colleges that had strict standards for no reason other than their race did a substantial disservice to those individuals.
*Shrug* He was 100% correct.
And he stood against expansion of eminent domain, spurring GW to issue a(lawful and within the scope of the prez BTW) executive order directing the Federal Gov to limit use of eminent domain....limiting infringement of individuals to own land.
I realize its something the socialists and communists despise, but individual land ownership is one of our basic constitutionally give rights and its something ALL of the lefty judges, particularly that decrepit bitch Ginsburg, have repeatedly tried to trample all over culminating in Kelo that granted a govt entity to use eminnent domain to transfer property from one private owner to another.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
Scalia is in hell now, being FACE! FUCKED! by satan!
That's not his face, but common mistake.
The supreme court justice Antonin Scalia has died. He was 79.
Texas governor Greg Abbott issued a statement confirming the news and paying tribute to Scalia, a noted and staunch conservative.
“Justice Antonin Scalia was a man of God, a patriot, and an unswerving defender of the written constitution and the rule of law,†Abbott said.
“He was a solid rock who turned away so many attempts to depart from and distort the Constitution. His fierce loyalty to the Constitution set an unmatched example, not just for judges and lawyers, but for all Americans.â€
The San Antonio Express News reported that Scalia was found dead on Saturday at a ranch in the Big Bend region of Texas, south of Marfa, and said he had been staying at a ranch, for a private party, and was discovered to have died after not attending a breakfast.
Local ABC affiliate KVIA reported that Scalia died in his sleep after a day of quail hunting.
Abbott’s statement concluded: “We mourn his passing, and we pray that his successor on the supreme court will take his place as a champion for the written Constitution and the rule of law.
“Cecilia and I extend our deepest condolences to his family, and we keep them in our thoughts and prayers.â€