Donald Drumpf

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2016 Feb 29, 6:00pm   35,839 views  87 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 29, 6:53pm  

He used to be on that show, Oh with that Guy! Riiiiight... What ever happened to those losers.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 29, 7:33pm  

Amazing how so many people think that by making fun of those who feel disenfranchised and hungry for change, they will be shamed into voting for the candidate who is the very epitome of the Status Quo.

Calling him "Donald Drumpf" will actually make his supporters embrace him more.

Just like so many liberals were like "Well, fuck, if Hannity calls the President Barack Hussein Obama then shit, I'm voting for fucking Mitt Romney now. Hannity and Company sure convinced me."

3   marcus   2016 Feb 29, 9:17pm  

That was awesome.

4   FortWayne   2016 Feb 29, 9:20pm  

Democrats are desperate to try the slander template, boy that is some serious desperation on their part.

5   lostand confused   2016 Feb 29, 9:23pm  

So how do the lefties like being called racists and have Al Sharpton protest the leftie temple-err Oscars?

6   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 5:14am  

thunderlips11 says

Amazing how so many people think that by making fun of those who feel disenfranchised and hungry for change, they will be shamed into voting for the candidate who is the very epitome of the Status Quo.

Calling him "Donald Drumpf" will actually make his supporters embrace him more.

Just like so many liberals were like "Well, fuck, if Hannity calls the President Barack Hussein Obama then shit, I'm voting for fucking Mitt Romney now. Hannity and Company sure convinced me."

He's not making fun of those who feel disenfranchised and hungry for change--those voters are supporting Sanders.

You're right that his video will do nothing to change the minds of Trump supporters--don't you find that troubling? Like Trump said earlier--he could murder someone and his support would stay the same. Supporting Trump has almost become a religion. It doesn't matter that he is a serial liar. It doesn't matter that he has skin thinner than a human hair and would control the US Nuclear arsenal.

FortWayne says

Democrats are desperate to try the slander template, boy that is some serious desperation on their part.

In order to be slander, it has to be untrue. Please point out the untruths in the video.

7   anotheraccount   2016 Mar 1, 5:50am  

tatupu70 says

It doesn't matter that he is a serial liar

I know someone similar to Donald and despite the BS, he seems to be effective at some things. This video is really good. The question is will John Oliver have the balls to make a similar video about Hillary?

8   HEY YOU   2016 Mar 1, 6:00am  

Oliver need to do a segment on how stupid all Republican & Democratic voters are.
The truth will bring him all kinds of awards.

George Carlin: "They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago."

9   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 6:07am  

The funny thing is that the Donald did the exact same thing to John Stewart, who started the #FuckFaceVonClownStick in response. Now that Oliver uses the same tool against the Donald, his lackeys complain about a smear campaign. Someone should tell the Donald that people in glass houses should not throw stones. While they are at it, they should tell his lackeys to wake the fuck up and think for a second.
Donald is a top of the line jerk, while simultaneously complaining that other people are not nice to him. #CognitiveDissonance.

10   marcus   2016 Mar 1, 6:19am  

tatupu70 says

In order to be slander, it has to be untrue. Please point out the untruths in the video.


For the FWs and TPBs of the world, slander is telling them facts they don't want to hear.

"Waaa waaaa, you poopy head liberals think you can spoil my bubble ! No !"

The hate and ignorance is just too delicious.

11   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 9:03am  

Ironman says

Here's one quote from the video:

"Stop and take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, a litigious serial liar with a string of broken business ventures and the support of a former KKK leader who he can't decide whether or not to condemn."

Do you think that's a truthful statement?

Well, first of all, it's not a statement, it's a clause and a hypothetical.

But, regardless, which part of it do you think is not true?

1. serial liar?
2. string of broken business ventures?
3. support of a former KKK leader?
4. can't decide whether or not to condemn?

Do you think any of those are incorrect?

12   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 9:17am  

Ironman says

Yes, all of them, but honesty has never been important to you.

Nope they're all correct. Hillary may lie, but that doesn't mean Trump doesn't lie as well. He has had many more than 4 broken business ventures. He has the support of David Duke, a former KKK leader. That is not a lie. How hard is it to disavow David Duke? Is that a decision that needed a lot of contemplation?

None of those are lies.

13   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 9:51am  

My wife and I just voted. One vote for the Bernie movement, and one protest vote against racism, lies, and failure. To be clear, that second vote was against Drumpf and for Rubio. So, it wasn't really a vote against failure and insincerity so much as it was a vote against racism.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 10:05am  

YesYNot says

My wife and I just voted. One vote for the Bernie movement, and one protest vote against racism, lies, and failure. To be clear, that second vote was against Drumpf and for Rubio. So, it wasn't really a vote against failure and insincerity so much as it was a vote against racism.

Yes, the man who has been under the Public Eye and Tabloid Figure for 30 years with nary a claim about Racism is a racist because the Newsmedia tells you.

I'm not letting dirty tricks Begala and Murphy and Rove and the rest of them fool me. We already know the Hillary Playbook: Smear, Smear, Smear and Play Racecard.


Screw these SJWs. And yeah, Hillary and Bill have smeared their opponents their entire lives while complaining about being smeared, so they have no standing to complain.

15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 10:05am  

I'm pretty sure that I said that I'd be happy to vote for either Hillary or Bernie in the general election. Clinton would be better for my pocketbook. I think that Bernie is better for the country. I voted my conscience.

My wife voted hers, and that was to try to stop the racist as soon as possible. He's an embarrassment to the country, but more than that, he is fomenting hatred. He is giving legitimacy to racists and encouraging people with minor racist tendencies to cultivate that part of their personalities.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 10:10am  

YesYNot says

My wife voted hers, and that was to try to stop the racist as soon as possible. He's an embarrassment to the country, but more than that, he is fomenting hatred. He is giving legitimacy to racists and encouraging people with minor racist tendencies to cultivate that part of their personalities.

Goldman Sachs and Koch Brothers are happy you have made that decision.

17   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 10:17am  

thunderlips11 says

nary a claim about Racism is a racist because the Newsmedia tells you

Here's why I think Drumpf is is racist:
1. Central park 5 (1989) http://www.newyorker.com/news/amy-davidson/donald-trump-and-the-central-park-five
2. He opened his campaign with an obviously racist remark that didn't literally even make sense: they're (illegals) rapists or Mexico is sending their rapists. He would not clarify what he meant.
3. He has continued since then to make remarks that any racist would love, and that is why David Duke and the KKK love him so much.
4. He was given several opportunities last weekend to disavow David Duke and the KKK. Even though it is obvious that he knows who Duke is, he chose to blatantly lie about this rather than disavowing the man and the KKK.
5. Only after getting pilloried in the press, does he come out and disavow the KKK. On the same day, he is instructing the secret service to remove black people from his audience.

But all of that aside, I watched him glide down the escalator and make his remarks about illegals. Ever since picking my jaw off the floor and realizing that he did actually just say that, I have known that Trump's running on the racist vote. Absolutely no media was required to make that judgement.

To me, being a racist does not mean that you think less of other races. It is based on how you act, and Trump has been acting in a shockingly racist manner since the beginning of his campaign.

18   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 10:17am  


19   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 10:22am  

I, for one, am shocked that the dems are smearing the lead repub candidate by calling him racist.

Now lets mske sure all the women vote for hilary because she is acwoman. And hilary will get all the black vote in the south east, well, because shes duped the dump fucks into thinking they owe it to her.

Bring them to heel, trump!

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 10:26am  

thunderlips11 says

Goldman Sachs and Koch Brothers are happy you have made that decision.

Not so much because he is going to take on the wealthy. It's more that they don't want to play Russian Roulette with the country that is helping them make shitloads of money.

Trump wants to bring back jobs manufacturing iPhones? What kind of shitty job does he want for people? Perhaps he wants to build a FoxConn complex in GA, and funnel tax $$ to his interests. Perhaps, he'll name it the Drumpf dungeon. If he values his name at $3 Billion now, imagine what he would value it at if he could trick the populace into voting for his flabby ass.

21   socal2   2016 Mar 1, 10:26am  

I posted this in another Trump thread. This is the "Alpha Male" the betas like ThunderCommie and Ironman are raising their skirts for:

Trump apparently pissed that Gorbachev wasn't strong enough to keep Communism going during the Cold War. Trump also praised the "strong leadership" of the Chinese Commies in putting down the protesters at Tienanmen Square.

Can't make this shit up.


22   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 10:27am  

errc says

I, for one, am shocked that the dems are smearing the lead repub candidate by calling him racist.

It's not going to be just the fringe dems calling him a racist when the general election roles around.

23   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 10:32am  

Ironman says

Prove it with direct FACTS.


Ironman says

tatupu70 says

He has the support of David Duke, a former KKK leader.

Prove it with direct FACTS.

You're such an idiot. Even on the video you post, Duke says he supports Trump, thinks we should vote for him, and will himself vote for Trump. You proved me correct.

Ironman says

Having an opinion in the 90's and changing that opinion in the 2000's based on new information is a lie, well, if you say so. I guess you've NEVER changed your mind or opinion on anything based on new data?

Of course. Trump can change his mind as much as he wants. That's not lying. Unfortunately, that's not what he does. He says things that he knows are not true.

24   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 10:37am  

Shouldnt everyone be voting against hilary because she is a disgusting racist, and sexist?

Either way, im surprised you allowed your lady to vote Rubio.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 10:42am  

errc says

Shouldnt everyone be voting against hilary because she is a disgusting racist, and sexist?



27   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 10:49am  

Bill Gates' Energy Project, of whom he is the largest owner, went bust. Therefore, Bill Gates is a failure, loser, and not a "real" Businessman.

I'm voting for somebody fired from the Watergate Investigation for being "dishonest and unethical" by her Democrat Boss.

28   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 10:50am  

Ironman says

Clean the wax out of your ears, at around 2:15 he specifically answers the CNN claim that he DOES NOT endorse Trump, but he agrees with some of his positions and he would consider voting for him in the future. Why do you continue to lie?

Nobody said he "endorsed" him. Duke clearly says he thinks everyone should vote for Trump and that he will vote for Trump. That is the definition of supporting. You're the only idiot lying here.

Ironman says

So, now your up to 13 out of at least 515... That's still leaves him at a 97.5% success rate... How's YOUR success rate with YOUR businesses?

Those are just the 13 most ridiculous ones. Why don't you list all 515 businesses and we'll see how many survived?

Ironman says

Thanks for supplying the proof of your assertion... Oh wait, you didn't....

It was in the video that I already posted. Next time you might want to watch something before commenting on it.

29   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 1, 10:50am  

errc says

Either way, im surprised you allowed your lady to vote Rubio.

She said she wanted to vote against Trump. I told her if she just wants a protest vote she could vote for Kasich, but if she wants to hurt Trump the most, vote Rubio, and that is what she did. When she left, she said it felt weird. I asked if it was because she just voted for a Catholic Cuban homosexual conservanut. She said it was weird just to vote for a Republican. I was happy that between the two of us, we voted for Bernie and against Trump. If we had a big difference of opinion, I wouldn't bother trying to influence her vote and know it wouldn't work, anyway.

30   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 10:52am  

thunderlips11 says

Bill Gates' Energy Project, of whom he is the largest owner, went bust. Therefore, Bill Gates is a failure, loser, and not a "real" Businessman.

I'm voting for somebody fired from the Watergate Investigation for being "dishonest and unethical" by her Democrat Boss.

Come on Thunder--you're better than sinking to CIC's level. Trump's supporters are the ones that are claiming he is fit to be President because he is/was such a successful businessman. You don't think it's fair game to examine whether he really was successful or not?

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 10:53am  

For God's Sake the Clintons accused Bernie Supporters of being Misogynists.


Will Hillary disavow Amanda Marcotte, a noted misandrist with a pattern of supporting false rape accusations?

32   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 10:53am  

Ironman says

You're right... You're now reaching back to 1990 (25 years ago) to dig up dirt.... I think that's called "desperate".

I think you need to find some quotes of his back in college, that will surely help!!

Wow--I'm sure you thought the same when posting about domestic terrorist William Ayers 8 years ago, right?

33   anonymous   2016 Mar 1, 10:59am  

filing strategic bankruptcy to rid oneself of bad debt is what free market capitalism is all about!

34   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 11:00am  

Ironman says

Do you know what the word "endorse" means?

Do you know what the word "support" means? Because that is the word that is used.

35   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 11:00am  

Ironman says

tatupu70 says

he is/was such a successful businessman. You don't think it's fair game to examine whether he really was successful or not?

Ironman says

So, now your up to 13 out of at least 515... That's still leaves him at a 97.5% success rate... How's YOUR success rate with YOUR businesses?

Tatty, is a 97.5% success rate good or bad?

Great--why don't you post the other 502 businesses that Trump is running that are successful and still operating.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 1, 11:05am  

Hillary, disavow Amanda Marcotte and Bernie Bros smear! Be a uniter and fight against misandry!

37   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 11:10am  

Ironman says

Really, at 2:26 in my video above, Duke says "support"?

You need to get to a ear doctor.... STAT!!!

No you moron. That's the word that I used that you called a lie. Try to follow if you can.

And I'd say going on a video telling people that they should vote for Trump, followed by Duke, himself, saying he will vote for Trump is--pretty much the definition of "support"

38   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 11:25am  

Ironman says

Good comeback.

Regardless. Talk about Duke splitting hairs. He doesn't endorse Trump, but he is on record saying he will vote for him. And he thinks you should vote for him too.

39   mell   2016 Mar 1, 11:37am  

tatupu70 says

but he is on record saying he will vote for him

What's your point? You're going to base your vote on whether people you (don't) like are voting for a candidate? This is a fucking election, not social media.

40   tatupu70   2016 Mar 1, 11:54am  

Ironman says

Finally.... took you long enough...

He said he supports some of his POSITIONS.... that's a bit of a stretch to say he totally supports Trump... but hey, stretching and splitting "talking points" is your specialty, since that's all you got...

Did you get through that list of Trump's businesses yet, you didn't answer my question:

No-he says he WILL vote for Trump and asks everyone watching the video to vote for him too. There is no sane person who would say Duke doesn't support Trump.

mell says

What's your point? You're going to base your vote on whether people you (don't) like are voting for a candidate? This is a fucking election, not social media.

Read the rest of the thread--you clearly are coming in guns drawn without knowing what the fuck you are responding to.

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