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People feel that safe only when there is very little diversity. The more diversity, the less they trust their fellow citizens.
Small towns have generally less crime all over world. Almost everyone knows each other and everyone has job /purpose so they kinda need everyone.
Natives americans literally helped original Europeans who didn't know how to farm, n fed them hence thanksgiving.
enslaved and massacarred with them with guns.
Pretty sure those treaties were not explained well and took full advantage.
It's pretty hard to belive people just voluntarily left their ancestral home.
There is comfort in thinking same type group is better but diversity is needed for advancement of humanity, mix helps to see what works best.
If whites gave up in-group preferences, why did they do it?
They did it because business interests used psychological warfare, mostly on white women, to make them feel guilty so that business owners could import and use much cheaper labor. I think that's about all there is to it.
I have no problem stating that I want immigrants to be intelligent, educated, and liberal. And yes, being liberal should be a requirement of immigrating to any western nation. Western civilization is founded on liberal principles and if a person disagrees with democracy, liberty, equality under law, etc. then they cannot be assimilated into our society. Hell, we should even require that people are not affiliated with any religion and fully accept science and reject all supernatural nonsense (superstitions). We need people who are intelligent, rational, and believe in liberty.
gabbar says
If whites gave up in-group preferences, why did they do it?
They did it because business interests used psychological warfare, mostly on white women, to make them feel guilty so that business owners could import and use much cheaper labor. I think that's about all there is to it.
Muslims will not assimilate with the majority; they would want the majority to assimilate with them because they are superior because of their religion.
About 200 to 600 years ago afganistan , Pakistan, Indonesia, bangladesh were all diverse non Muslim now 100% Muslim. Few years back they were destroying 5 story Buddha statues in afganistan.
The USSR destroyed Afghanistan by sponsoring several Communist Revolutions (not every leader/cadre was to their liking) starting in 1973. However the "Prime Minister" Daoud Khan was not Communist enough for the USSR, and was too warm with the US and Pakistan, so in 1978 there was a second Coup by hardliners in the same party as Khan. The Soviets denied their support, but backed the regime. Then there was another coup between elements of the Socialist Party, and in 1979 the USSR invaded. Both post-Khan regimes were Communist and immediately began massive "land reform".
KgK one says
About 200 to 600 years ago afganistan , Pakistan, Indonesia, bangladesh were all diverse non Muslim now 100% Muslim. Few years back they were destroying 5 story Buddha statues in afganistan.
Do you know why they did this?
Yes, because they considered the statues "un-Islamic," and publicly said so. Just like how Stalin blew up cathedrals in the name of Communism.
I'm glad the USSR is dead, but I can entertain the idea that the US was actually helping the country at that time, although I'm probably being overly optimistic about that, considering Operation PBSuccess and Ajax.
I mentioned the 200-year monarchy to show that Afghanistan wasn't ALWAYS a hellhole of large antagonistic groups (though always had low level clan fighting) as claimed.
Forgot to mention the USSR poured huge sums into Afghanistan to extract resources as well in the 50s-80s and built pipelines to connect to their 'Stans in the North.
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