Has the war reached America?

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2016 Jun 12, 10:18am   32,803 views  137 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

2016 Orlando Shooting >50
2015 San Bernardino Shooting 14
2015 Chattanooga, TN Military Shooting 5
2014 Washington and New Jersey Killing Spree 4
2014 Oklahoma Beheading 1
2013 Boston Marathon Bombing 4
2009 Little Rock Shooting 1
2009 Fort Hood Shooting 13
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation Shooting 1
2002 Los Angeles Airport Shooting 2

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41   turtledove   2016 Jun 12, 4:06pm  

HydroCabron says

Do you also think it's disrespectful to total up the Islamic fanatic body count, as in the post that started this thread?

Or is it only disrespectful when liberals look at the numbers?

What's disrespectful is the attempt to minimize the impact of one shooting by comparing it to another shooting. To the families involved, the impact is in their faces. Detailing the body count isn't the problem. Saying that the body count isn't significant because there are other situations that also resulted in a body count is what's disrespectful.

42   Dan8267   2016 Jun 12, 4:06pm  

mell says

It's close to impossible to completely outlaw guns and those that remain will be in the wrong hands.

Another lie. Australia has strict gun control with great results despite the reform costing many conservative politicians their jobs due to great resistance by gun fanatics.

In 1996, shortly after a mass shooting in which 35 people died and 23 were wounded, the conservative Australian government introduced a series of stringent new gun laws. Since then, there have been no mass killings in Australia, gun deaths have gone down, and both homicides and suicides have dropped.


It would be far easier to ban guns and enforce that ban than to ban drugs, and legalizing drugs while banning guns would reduce the violence and death caused by the drug war and the militarization of the police.

It is the job of the police to stop crimes, and a ban on private possession of guns would not prevent the police from having guns. In fact, the civilian population would be far safer not having to fear trigger happy cops shooting their 9-year-old sleeping children in the head because the police are in constant fear of civilian gun possession. The police have shot many legal gun owners in no-knock raids. Put simply, our society give full immunity to the police to slaughter people on the mere fear that they might have a gun. So a well-armed society is one in which everyone is in danger of getting shot by both criminals and the police.

Put simply, the video camera, in both forms of home security and smart phones, is the best defensive weapon ever created and they are only getting more effective. Few people are willing to commit a violent crime when they are being recorded. The Stone Age brain is quite capable of realizing that doing bad in front of witnesses is a very bad idea. So cameras eliminate most crime and violence.

Granted, dumb ass jihadists and other crazies won't be deterred, but with strict gun control, they are far less likely to get a gun and if they do they are likely not to get as many or as powerful guns. Again, this has been proven beyond even unreasonable doubt by Australia. Furthermore, if even 10% of the Orlando nightclub patrons had been armed, the death toll would have been far greater as well-meaning and panicking patrons shot other innocents in the mass confusion.

mell says

You severely restrict immigration from problematic cultures

That would do nothing to stop the domestic crazies, which have been the majority of mass shootings.

43   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 4:17pm  

turtledove says

What's disrespectful is the attempt to minimize the impact of one shooting by comparing it to another shooting.

The fact remains that the numbers are what they are. I'm not going to be PC about it.

They only disrepect I see is the Muslim and Christian and atheist gun nuts killing these people.

It's political correctness to say that integers show disrespect.

44   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 12, 4:26pm  

Why are you guys letting that creep Ear fuck you with his Liberal filth. He's being paid to come here and God(the real one, not the baby raping goat fucker) knows where else.

45   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 4:36pm  

anonymous says

So with Christians as the most persecuted religious group in the world and taking the blame (generalized and otherwise) for everything in the universe how does that not translate into the recruitment of more Christians ?

wow, the stupidity is so strong there... probably incurable. lostand confused says

Our President and Hillary could not even bring themselves to say radical islam today. K

seriously, how fucking stupid a bigoted asshole are you? When a white christian leaning terrorist kills, he is a lone wolf with mental problems. When a muslim who is identical does, it represents the whole religion. If that is your philosophy, you are a bigot and stupid as a piece of dog shit. period. full stop.

46   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 12, 4:38pm  

Don't forget

47   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 12, 4:41pm  

Nice composite image propaganda hoax picture. How do you find these people advertise on Graigslist for Jiadigays.

48   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 4:53pm  

Ironman says

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

wow, the stupidity is so strong there.

Then YOU should leave, and it will be cured.

This is like watching a priapic hamster try to rape an elephant.

You used actual electrons to type and send that.

49   Dan8267   2016 Jun 12, 4:58pm  

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

This principle is demonstrated once again by the Orlando mass murder of LGBTs by a Muslim that was unequivocally motivated entirely by religion.

If it was entirely motivated by religion, how does eliminating the Second Amendment do anything to change that? If a wacko is blinded by religion to cause mass murder, he'll use what ever "tool" he can get to do that job.

By that dumb ass reasoning, we should not do anything to prevent terrorists from getting nuclear weapons.

50   Dan8267   2016 Jun 12, 4:59pm  

Ironman says

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

wow, the stupidity is so strong there.

Then YOU should leave, and it will be cured.

Does anyone else see the irony of pot and kettle bickering about how stupid each other are?

51   Dan8267   2016 Jun 12, 5:03pm  

mell says

I get it that you hate religion,

That's like arguing...
I get it. You hate Nazism, but people other than Nazis have murdered, so you shouldn't pick on Nazism and call it evil.

It's a bogus argument. None of my statements or the facts that back them up have anything to do with me personally. The messenger is irrelevant to the message.

52   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 5:12pm  

Meanwhile, in California, a white kid from Indiana was on his way to gay pride to do the same thing:

but since he is white, and not muslim.... crickets about the deeper meaning...

53   NDrLoR   2016 Jun 12, 5:14pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

There are 2.2 Billion christians on this planet.

But you can't find anywhere in the New Testament the admonition to kill the unbeliever.

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

I'm an athiest

Doesn't surprise me a bit. They always seem especially hysterical--well, a lot like Dan in fact.

54   NDrLoR   2016 Jun 12, 5:18pm  

mell says

atheists. communists and cultural marxists have committed as much if not more crimes in recent history.

In all of history.

55   NDrLoR   2016 Jun 12, 5:26pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

When a white christian leaning terrorist kills, he is a lone wolf with mental problems.

That was a single event 20 years ago.

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

When a muslim who is identical does, it represents the whole religion

Somewhat pales in comparison to Christian acts of terrorism--and after 2013 you'll see a huge increase in the numbers in 2015 and what's already happened in 2016:



56   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 5:27pm  

If this had been some self-hating closet Gay with a strong Christian or Hassidic upbringing, all we would hear about is dangerous Christianity.

Becaues he's Muslim, we're all exaggerating, nuts, imbeciles, etc.

57   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 5:28pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

mell says

atheists. communists and cultural marxists have committed as much if not more crimes in recent history.

In all of history.

Isn't this disrespectful to the smaller number of people killed by non-atheist non-Marxists? Aren't we minimizing their deaths?


58   mell   2016 Jun 12, 5:29pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

Doesn't surprise me a bit. They always seem especially hysterical--well, a lot like Dan in fact.

thunderlips11 says

If this had been some self-hating closet Gay with a strong Christian or Hassidic upbringing, all we would hear about is dangerous Christianity.

Becaues he's Muslim, we're all exaggerating, nuts, imbeciles, etc.

And it's really not that hard. The majority of people in the world, no matter whether atheist, agnostic or religious are peaceful. When certain cultures/movements/religions create a temporary imbalance (a skew towards violence) and threaten a country's peace/traditions and/or economic stability, then you simply limit or ban their influx until they sort out their issues. That's really the essence of the current anti-immigration and patriotic movements. There are always people who either react with radical "solutions" or do nothing (for different reasons/agendas), while ironically calling those with the most practical and effective solutions 'racist', 'bigot', 'divisive' or 'radical'.

59   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jun 12, 5:33pm  

thunderlips11 says

would hear about is dangerous Christianity

That's the funniest thing I've seen you write.

60   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 5:40pm  

YesYNot says

That's the funniest thing I've seen you write.

Where do I come up with this whacky shit?

Kind of odd that the Christian countries have no penalties for being gay, but the Muslim ones do.

The only exception is sparsely populated Caribbean Countries populated by Blacks, and Indonesia.

Hillary's top donors have the death penalty for Homosexuality. Will she give back the money? Hmmm

61   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 5:47pm  

Once upon a time I was waiting for the bus to get back from work. Some crazy dude was flapping around in the street. He came up to me and was like "THEY tried to hit on me. Those FAGGOTS!"

He had just come from Ramrod down the street. Nevermind the naked sweaty dudes on the posters outside, but what kind of dumbass do you have to be to go to a club called Ramrod, I mean the only bigger giveaway would have been calling it the Blue Oyster, and not expect Gayness?

He ran out in the middle of the street and reached out and bashed somebody's side mirror. That's when the bus came. Disturbing to see self-hate in all it's glory.

62   NDrLoR   2016 Jun 12, 5:48pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

Timothy Mcveigh = 168

Did you forget about 9/11, which involved I think six? 3,000?

Or do you not consider that a technical act of terrorism?

63   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 5:51pm  

Omar has been married, and has a kid, so he's been heterosexual at least some of the time and likely not gay.

Those trailer trash up on the Treasure Coast will fuck anything.

64   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 5:51pm  

anonymous says

mment 62

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

but since he is white, and not muslim.... crickets about the deeper meaning...

Would it make a difference if he was any race and not Muslim ? You seem to be equally bigoted to white people.

bullshit. I make a comparison, so you can see the difference response, and you try to paint me with your racisms.

65   neplusultra57   2016 Jun 12, 5:58pm  

It’s problematic to use the Mateen family presence in America to bolster a forward-looking immigration policy that would ban Muslim immigrants “until we find out what’s going on”, as Trump puts it, because the father was highly politically and culturally active in observable media and the son, somewhat the same, was interviewed twice by the FBI. It can’t be written off to a liberal bias that the FBI didn’t turn up sufficient evidence to detain or deport the son unless one argues that he should have been waterboarded two years in advance of committing a terrorist act or that the entire family shouldn’t have been allowed to immigrate at a time when we were supporting their plight. The point is that if there is nothing actionable “going on”, which was evidently the case here, then the only instructive lesson is to ban Muslim immigrants and deport Muslim Americans regardless of their observable history. Detention, internment, vetting, investigation, torture and interrogation will not be any guarantee. Some will argue that we will be safer, and that the guarantee is a strawman. Perhaps. Others will argue that this is just shutting the barn door after the horse has left. Remember, though, this was a politically and culturally robust family that immigrated in the 80s and its terrorist son was investigated at least twice. Given those two facts, objectively consider how we should be instructed by this. What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

66   Strategist   2016 Jun 12, 6:05pm  

neplusultra57 says

What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

We need to treat potential terrorists under a different set of laws. Giving them the same rights as ordinary criminals is the mistake that needs correction.

67   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 6:05pm  

Co-worker: Mateen unhinged, homophobic. Complained ot PIC bosses at G4S, they did nothing.

68   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 6:42pm  

anonymous says

bullshit. I make a comparison, so you can see the difference response, and you try to paint me with your racisms.

Bullshit - Based on what I've read since you started posting you seem to have that category locked up tighter than a frog's asshole and that's waterproof.

Paint you with my racisms ? How's your stand up act going these days ?

"muslims are assholes"
"hey that's racist"
"no, I'm not the racist, you are!"

got it, thanks for the laugh! go blow ironvagina now!

69   Shaman   2016 Jun 12, 7:23pm  


A lot of people laughed at Donald Trump when he suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. No doubt they thought he was further harming his chances in the general election.

No one is laughing now. What’s more, I expect many are quietly wondering if the “temporary” ban might have to be permanent. Western capitalist democracy gave women and gays equal footing in society; Islam has arrived to roll the clock back.

Only one presidential candidate is being honest about it, which is why, if you are gay, there’s really only one choice in this election. (It was Latino night at the gay club, incidentally — Hispanics may wish to consider that, too.)

We’ve also learned in the past few hours that the killer was already being watched by the FBI. This happened in Brussels, too. Both times, the security services dropped the ball. Something tells me that they’d be a lot more vigilant, and a lot less lenient to their surveillance targets, under a Trump administration.

It’s not just gay people under threat. Atheist satirists in the west now live in fear of being executed because they drew the wrong cartoon. Women face the terrifying prospect of being attacked at night for wearing a short skirt.

70   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 7:35pm  

Quigley says

A lot of people laughed at Donald Trump when he suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. No doubt they thought he was further harming his chances in the general election.

No one is laughing now.

No, we aren't laughing. we are sad for the tragedy in Orlando. BUT that doesn't change the fact that the Donald Trump ban is fucking stupid. This guy was
BORN IN THE USA. So, the Donald Trump ban wouldn't have done anything. Nada. Zip.

Unless, in addition to banning any muslims from coming in, your new plan is to kick out the several million muslims already living here, and anybody from the middle east, cause hell, even if they aren't muslim you can't be too sure...

it is really hard to fathom how fucking stupid you are.

71   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 7:40pm  

We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.

72   turtledove   2016 Jun 12, 7:57pm  

HydroCabron says

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.

Okay, what specifically? What are the specific requirements you suggest that aren't already in place? Felons, check. Certified wackos, check. How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

73   zzyzzx   2016 Jun 12, 8:06pm  


74   neplusultra57   2016 Jun 12, 8:08pm  

Strategist says

neplusultra57 says

What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

We need to treat potential terrorists under a different set of laws.

Carefully and completely define “potential terrorist” and the “different set of laws” that should apply. Bear in mind that everyone is a potential terrorist and that Omar Mateen, having been twice investigated by the FBI was able under current law to legally obtain weapons to commit his crime. The definition of “potential terrorist” will be of no meaning if it fails to describe Timothy McVeigh, Nidal Hasan, Dylann Roof, Robert Dear, Omar Mateen, and the San Bernadino shooters.

75   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 8:09pm  

turtledove says

How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

To begin with: private sellers are not required to run background checks.

Why are you commenting on this incident? By focusing on an event with a large number of deaths, aren't you showing disrespect for those who died in single-victim shootings?

76   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 8:12pm  

turtledove says

Okay, what specifically? What are the specific requirements you suggest that aren't already in place? Felons, check. Certified wackos, check. How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

Right now, anybody can buy a used gun with no check whatsoever. They can buy from private parties at gun shows with no check whatsoever.

Right now, and Obama just answered questions about this, people who are on the "no fly terrorist watch list" can still buy guns.

We can discuss later if anybody really needs a 50 round clip for assault style weapons, I'm pretty sure i've got my home covered with my 12 round pump shotgun and my 15 in a clip 45, but your needs might just need all 50 rounds, go figure.

77   Strategist   2016 Jun 12, 8:16pm  

neplusultra57 says

Strategist says

neplusultra57 says

What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

We need to treat potential terrorists under a different set of laws.

Carefully and completely define “potential terrorist”

Those who sympathize with ISIS and hate America.

neplusultra57 says

“different set of laws” that should apply.

Laws that would stop these bastards. Remove their human rights.

neplusultra57 says

The definition of “potential terrorist” will be of no meaning if it fails to describe Timothy McVeigh, Nidal Hasan, Dylann Roof, Robert Dear, Omar Mateen, and the San Bernadino shooters.

I don't agree.

78   turtledove   2016 Jun 12, 8:29pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

They can buy from private parties at gun shows with no check whatsoever.

And which states allow you to own it without registering it? How many attacks have been traced to guns acquired at gun shows? I'm quite shocked to learn how many of the real wackos get their guns following all the rules. Funny how those rules don't seem to do anything to eliminate the real crazies from acquiring weapons. It's particularly impressive how often it happens in places with the strictest rules.

HydroCabron says

Why are you commenting on this incident? By focusing on an event with a large number of deaths, aren't you showing disrespect for those who died in single-victim shootings?

Well now that is a rather dishonest take on the previous conversation. Perhaps you need to go back and reread the posts. What I said is that it is in poor taste to justify one attack by citing another attack. Your comment is beneath you.

79   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 8:48pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

"muslims are assholes"

"hey that's racist"

"no, I'm not the racist, you are!"

Given that Islam is a religion and not a race, that is correct.

"I hate Catholicism!"
"Then You are a racist against Filipinos, Irish, Brazilians, Corsicans, Cape Verde Islanders, etc. etc...."

Islam is a religious idea, not a race.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 8:52pm  

Given the joke where hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, as well as countless tons of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana come across the border on a regular basis, color me skeptical that we can control for 9mm pistols.

I would be hilarious if we got gun control, and when it didn't work the Gun Grabbers called for a 30 foot border wall.

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