Has the war reached America?

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2016 Jun 12, 10:18am   32,800 views  137 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

2016 Orlando Shooting >50
2015 San Bernardino Shooting 14
2015 Chattanooga, TN Military Shooting 5
2014 Washington and New Jersey Killing Spree 4
2014 Oklahoma Beheading 1
2013 Boston Marathon Bombing 4
2009 Little Rock Shooting 1
2009 Fort Hood Shooting 13
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation Shooting 1
2002 Los Angeles Airport Shooting 2

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69   Shaman   2016 Jun 12, 7:23pm  


A lot of people laughed at Donald Trump when he suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. No doubt they thought he was further harming his chances in the general election.

No one is laughing now. What’s more, I expect many are quietly wondering if the “temporary” ban might have to be permanent. Western capitalist democracy gave women and gays equal footing in society; Islam has arrived to roll the clock back.

Only one presidential candidate is being honest about it, which is why, if you are gay, there’s really only one choice in this election. (It was Latino night at the gay club, incidentally — Hispanics may wish to consider that, too.)

We’ve also learned in the past few hours that the killer was already being watched by the FBI. This happened in Brussels, too. Both times, the security services dropped the ball. Something tells me that they’d be a lot more vigilant, and a lot less lenient to their surveillance targets, under a Trump administration.

It’s not just gay people under threat. Atheist satirists in the west now live in fear of being executed because they drew the wrong cartoon. Women face the terrifying prospect of being attacked at night for wearing a short skirt.

70   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 7:35pm  

Quigley says

A lot of people laughed at Donald Trump when he suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. No doubt they thought he was further harming his chances in the general election.

No one is laughing now.

No, we aren't laughing. we are sad for the tragedy in Orlando. BUT that doesn't change the fact that the Donald Trump ban is fucking stupid. This guy was
BORN IN THE USA. So, the Donald Trump ban wouldn't have done anything. Nada. Zip.

Unless, in addition to banning any muslims from coming in, your new plan is to kick out the several million muslims already living here, and anybody from the middle east, cause hell, even if they aren't muslim you can't be too sure...

it is really hard to fathom how fucking stupid you are.

71   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 7:40pm  

We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.

72   turtledove   2016 Jun 12, 7:57pm  

HydroCabron says

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.

Okay, what specifically? What are the specific requirements you suggest that aren't already in place? Felons, check. Certified wackos, check. How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

73   zzyzzx   2016 Jun 12, 8:06pm  


74   neplusultra57   2016 Jun 12, 8:08pm  

Strategist says

neplusultra57 says

What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

We need to treat potential terrorists under a different set of laws.

Carefully and completely define “potential terrorist” and the “different set of laws” that should apply. Bear in mind that everyone is a potential terrorist and that Omar Mateen, having been twice investigated by the FBI was able under current law to legally obtain weapons to commit his crime. The definition of “potential terrorist” will be of no meaning if it fails to describe Timothy McVeigh, Nidal Hasan, Dylann Roof, Robert Dear, Omar Mateen, and the San Bernadino shooters.

75   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 12, 8:09pm  

turtledove says

How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

To begin with: private sellers are not required to run background checks.

Why are you commenting on this incident? By focusing on an event with a large number of deaths, aren't you showing disrespect for those who died in single-victim shootings?

76   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Jun 12, 8:12pm  

turtledove says

Okay, what specifically? What are the specific requirements you suggest that aren't already in place? Felons, check. Certified wackos, check. How do you propose you go about knowing, further, the dark thoughts that might exist in another person's head?

Right now, anybody can buy a used gun with no check whatsoever. They can buy from private parties at gun shows with no check whatsoever.

Right now, and Obama just answered questions about this, people who are on the "no fly terrorist watch list" can still buy guns.

We can discuss later if anybody really needs a 50 round clip for assault style weapons, I'm pretty sure i've got my home covered with my 12 round pump shotgun and my 15 in a clip 45, but your needs might just need all 50 rounds, go figure.

77   Strategist   2016 Jun 12, 8:16pm  

neplusultra57 says

Strategist says

neplusultra57 says

What was wrongly done? Where is the mistake that needs correction?

We need to treat potential terrorists under a different set of laws.

Carefully and completely define “potential terrorist”

Those who sympathize with ISIS and hate America.

neplusultra57 says

“different set of laws” that should apply.

Laws that would stop these bastards. Remove their human rights.

neplusultra57 says

The definition of “potential terrorist” will be of no meaning if it fails to describe Timothy McVeigh, Nidal Hasan, Dylann Roof, Robert Dear, Omar Mateen, and the San Bernadino shooters.

I don't agree.

78   turtledove   2016 Jun 12, 8:29pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

They can buy from private parties at gun shows with no check whatsoever.

And which states allow you to own it without registering it? How many attacks have been traced to guns acquired at gun shows? I'm quite shocked to learn how many of the real wackos get their guns following all the rules. Funny how those rules don't seem to do anything to eliminate the real crazies from acquiring weapons. It's particularly impressive how often it happens in places with the strictest rules.

HydroCabron says

Why are you commenting on this incident? By focusing on an event with a large number of deaths, aren't you showing disrespect for those who died in single-victim shootings?

Well now that is a rather dishonest take on the previous conversation. Perhaps you need to go back and reread the posts. What I said is that it is in poor taste to justify one attack by citing another attack. Your comment is beneath you.

79   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 8:48pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

"muslims are assholes"

"hey that's racist"

"no, I'm not the racist, you are!"

Given that Islam is a religion and not a race, that is correct.

"I hate Catholicism!"
"Then You are a racist against Filipinos, Irish, Brazilians, Corsicans, Cape Verde Islanders, etc. etc...."

Islam is a religious idea, not a race.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 8:52pm  

Given the joke where hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, as well as countless tons of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana come across the border on a regular basis, color me skeptical that we can control for 9mm pistols.

I would be hilarious if we got gun control, and when it didn't work the Gun Grabbers called for a 30 foot border wall.

81   lostand confused   2016 Jun 12, 8:54pm  

By the way was the dude taking a selfie for the after life?

82   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 8:57pm  

Double Standards?

83   neplusultra57   2016 Jun 12, 9:57pm  

Strategist says

Those who sympathize with ISIS and hate America.

Incomplete. But Joe McCarthy would approve.

Strategist says

Laws that would stop these bastards.

That's not a dispositive statement. Gun control. Immigration control. Killing all American Muslim men under the age of 60. Those are dispositive statements

Strategist says

Remove their human rights.

Dispositive but vague. I doubt it matters to many here, but that's the exact route the Nazi's took.

Strategist says

I don't agree.

Then our nation is properly grateful that you are not a lawmaker. As bad as our current Congress is even they understand that laws which address crime address the criminal act and not accidental attributes of the criminals.

84   Shaman   2016 Jun 12, 10:11pm  

Being a Muslim is hardly accidental.

85   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 12, 11:00pm  

Americans are going crazy over Islam after 50 gays were killed.

Don't they remember when those Christians refused to bake a cake?

86   FortWayne   2016 Jun 12, 11:00pm  

Obama will probably say something about how this is a "gun control" issue. Same old bullshit from the white house is expected. He has too much ego to say that he is failing to keep this nation safe from Muslim extremism as a president, especially after he advertised the gay shit all over the world. Was posturing for Putin, oh look how poorly they treat homos, well lookie here. Dumb ass president.

87   marcus   2016 Jun 13, 6:33am  

DOn't impress us with all your great insights at once FortWayne.

Pace yourself.

88   astronut97   2016 Jun 13, 6:54am  

Quigley says

Being a Muslim is hardly accidental.

Sure it is, just like most religious people's choice of faith, it's an accident of birth (note I didn't say all).

89   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 7:07am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Doesn't surprise me a bit. They always seem especially hysterical--well, a lot like Dan in fact.

Translation: Having gotten my ass kicked so many times, I've resorted to pure ad hominem attacks. They are easier than addressing my opponent's arguments.

P N Dr Lo R says

mell says

atheists. communists and cultural marxists have committed as much if not more crimes in recent history.

In all of history.

The opinions of people with no grasp on history should only be laughed at. Anyone with even common sense will know the above statement is bullshit.

90   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 7:11am  

thunderlips11 says

If this had been some self-hating closet Gay with a strong Christian or Hassidic upbringing, all we would hear about is dangerous Christianity.

Becaues he's Muslim, we're all exaggerating, nuts, imbeciles, etc.

Only in the left media. I've consistently stated that religion, all religion, is bad regardless of the specific mythology. Islam today is exactly like Christianity was in the Dark Ages before rationalists and atheists neutered it in the western world. Of course then, Islam is even worse than Christianity. Their followers are more faithful. Faith is evil. Faith by its very nature demands the suspension of critical thought, skepticism, and changing one's mind. It is ludicrous that faith in anything is ever considered a good thing.

91   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 7:17am  

HydroCabron says

Isn't this disrespectful to the smaller number of people killed by non-atheist non-Marxists? Aren't we minimizing their deaths?

There is nothing wrong with stating facts. However, twisting facts into stating things that they don't is wrong. The few states used as examples of genocidal atheists and Marxists is not at all evidence that atheists and Marxists are genocidal just like mustaches don't cause genocide. Stalin and Mao did not kill people because of atheism, but solely because of political power. Need I remind you that the Christian and capitalistic American colonies and USA committed dozens of genocides. At least human greed and capitalism can rightfully be blamed for those genocides, and Christianity was in the very least used as an excuse for slaughtering Native Americans.

92   anonymous   2016 Jun 13, 7:17am  

Another day, another failed attempt at keeping Americans safe by the LOSERS that comprise the American Homeland Security network.

In the fifteen years since 9/11, that would make a grand total of ZERO acts of terrorism thwarted by these failed losers, in return for all the freedom we've been forced to give up, and the trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted.

It's beyond time to demilitarize the police state and defund the domestic spying networks.

93   anonymous   2016 Jun 13, 7:20am  

The biggest morons on the planet are the people saying "how could they have missed this guy? The FBI looked at him three times!"

Yea, well, idiots, the FBI etc wastes so much time spying on everyone all the time, that it is literally impossible to ever catch anyone. Proven by the fact that ZERO acts of domestic terrorism have been thwarted in the fifteen years since 9/11

94   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 7:25am  

thunderlips11 says

Kind of odd that the Christian countries have no penalties for being gay, but the Muslim ones do.

It used to before it was neutered. It's not surprising at all that cultures in which the power of religion and faith have diminished greatly are the ones with more liberty and fewer injustices. There are still laws being enforced in the US against homosexuality and gay people being arrested.

Last week, the Advocate reported some troubling news out of Louisiana: Since 2011, at least a dozen men have been arrested on a count of “attempted crimes against nature”—that is, an offer to have sex with another man. Even worse, the arrests were part of a sting operation in which undercover officers propositioned men, lured them into an apartment, then promptly arrested them and brought them to jail. The latest arrest occurred on July 18.

Still it's better than the treatment that occurred not so long ago when gays were castrated and lobotomized.

More than any other mental institution in the United States, Atascadero State Hospital (photograph) was a chamber of horrors for homosexuals. The tag "Homosexual Dachau" was well-earned for its forced lobotomies, castrations and brutal treatments practiced at that facility. Hundreds of gays and lesbians were forcibly sent by their families to be cured of homosexuality which, as recently as the early 1970s, was considered a sexual and psychological disorder.

The 1950's were an especially dark time for homosexuals. Because of the witch hunts by Senator Joseph McCarthy, Americans started passing horrible and oppressive laws against homosexuality. Same-sex behavior was linked to treason and Communism in that period. Ironically, Senator McCarthy had many homosexual aides at the time led by lawyer Roy Cohen. As the witch hunt spread across America, homosexuals with no politics were sent to the worst institutions imaginable.

Even up until 1971, simply being a homosexual could result in a life sentence. Twenty states had laws stating that the mere fact you were a homosexual was reason for imprisonment. In California (of all places) and Pennsylvania, we could be put away for life in a mental hospital. In seven states castration was permitted as a way to stop homosexual 'deviants.'

It's no coincidence that as fewer people attended church and religion lost its grasp on the general population, these atrocities stopped happening.

95   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 7:30am  

thunderlips11 says

Americans are going crazy over Islam after 50 gays were killed.

Don't they remember when those Christians refused to bake a cake?

Obviously Islamic terrorism is far worse, but that does not justify accepting lesser evils in our society. No one is proposing arresting people for not baking cakes. What should happen is that they should simply lose their business license. Denying service to people for being gay is no different than doing so because of race. How many restaurants used to refuse to serve negros? What happened when we stopped tolerating that? The problem ended. Today no one is refusing to serve blacks at restaurants and no one is protesting over it.

It's called the broken window theory. You don't ignore minor infractions because they lead to far greater ones. If it applies to crime, it should also apply to business practices and police actions.

The fact is that America is experiencing a culture war and anything to do with that culture war gets lots of press.

96   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Jun 13, 7:54am  

Killing unarmed civilians is not, and never has been war. War involves two military groups fighting each other on the same field in order to secure an objective. There's nothing being won in these incidents. It's criminal when they drone civilians in the Middle East, and it's criminal when they shoot unarmed club goers here.

97   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 9:06am  

Ironman says

and how does that compare to a little pussy like you who puts people on ignore because you're too much of a child to address your opponent's arguments when you get your ass kicked?

1. You have never made an argument any person with an IQ over 80 would take seriously.
2. The feature may be called "ignore" by Patrick, but it is a feature to prevent trolls like you from posting on my threads and disrupting them. That's how I use it and no amount of whining from you is going to change that fact.
3. Cry all you like, you are still not going to get access to my threads. I realize that my banning you has hurt you since you keep bringing it up, but that's a positive in my book.
4. You are the biggest pussy in the world having begged to meet me several times only to run and hide like a coward when given multiple opportunities to do so. If you aren't a pussy, prove me wrong by posting your real world identify and address. Oh, and don't bother posting the address of fictional character Tony Stark like the pussy you are. Talk about cowardice!

98   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 13, 9:41am  

Dan8267 says

Only in the left media. I've consistently stated that religion, all religion, is bad regardless of the specific mythology. Islam today is exactly like Christianity was in the Dark Ages before rationalists and atheists neutered it in the western world. Of course then, Islam is even worse than Christianity. Their followers are more faithful. Faith is evil. Faith by its very nature demands the suspension of critical thought, skepticism, and changing one's mind. It is ludicrous that faith in anything is ever considered a good thing.

Yes, but when it comes to actual damage, it's the Islamists. We gotta remember that Muslims are less than 1% of the population, and Christians (however nominal) are probably 3/4 of the population.

All religion sucks, but Islam is far more dangerous than post-Enlightenment Christianity.

99   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 9:58am  

thunderlips11 says

All religion sucks, but Islam is far more dangerous than post-Enlightenment Christianity.

Yes, but the key is to understand why Islam is more dangerous. It's not because of the stories and the rituals. It's because the degree of faith and influence of that faith is greater. That's it. Back when Christianity commanded such vigorous faith, it was just as bad. I guarantee you that if you somehow converted 100% of Muslims into Christians, but they kept their religious fervor, they would be just as dangerous. Jesus, Mohamed, it does not make a difference.

When I say atheists, agnostics, and secularists neutered Christianity, it is because that's exactly what happened. Even with all the ways Christianity screws up our government and society today, it's nothing compared to a mere 100 years ago, nonetheless 400 years ago when they were burning witches, atheists, and heretics. The success of our civilization is only possible because western society largely expunged religion. Every decade gets better as religion continues to die.

The bottom line is that irrational superstition, which is all that faith is, is not good for safety, security, economic prosperity, liberty, cooperation, or peaceful relations. Rationality works. Rational lines of thought can solve any solvable problem. Irrationality prevents problems from being solved and creates new problems.

Ultimately, it's not a choice between accepting Christianity or Islam. The best way to defeat Islam is to defeat Christianity. A religious person is far more likely to convert to another religion than an atheist is to become a religious person. Fighting irrationality at its root is the best and only way to eliminate Islamic terrorism and all the other vices created by every religion.

Additionally, there are forms of irrationality other than religion. The refusal to acknowledge climate change or pass any kind of gun control or to reign in banks are all the result of irrational forces dominating the American political will. Think about all the misdirected outrage of SJWs that could be put into a useful form if they actually focused on real problems and lobbied for real reforms. The bottom line is that for our species to survive in an era where our technology allows us to destroy ourselves through various means including nuclear war and ecological collapse, we have to become more rational.

100   joshuatrio   2016 Jun 13, 10:08am  

HydroCabron says

We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.


101   joshuatrio   2016 Jun 13, 10:09am  

FortWayne says

Obama will probably say something about how this is a "gun control" issue.

Hillary's already been spewing this bullshit.

102   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 10:14am  

joshuatrio says

HydroCabron says

We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.

Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.


Oh yes, a two-thousand mile wall along Mexico and banning all Muslims from America is much simpler than implementing the gun control laws that Australia did in three months solving its mass shooting crisis.

Oh the other hand, clearly Christians have no problem repealing the religious protections of the First Amendment, so I say let's do that and apply it to all religions including Christianity. Go to church, get deported to the Vatican.

103   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 13, 10:21am  

Dan8267 says

Additionally, there are forms of irrationality other than religion. The refusal to acknowledge climate change or pass any kind of gun control or to reign in banks are all the result of irrational forces dominating the American political will. Think about all the misdirected outrage of SJWs that could be put into a useful form if they actually focused on real problems and lobbied for real reforms. The bottom line is that for our species to survive in an era where our technology allows us to destroy ourselves through various means including nuclear war and ecological collapse, we have to become more rational.

No disagreement here.

The irrational forces aren't dumb people, it's the media and the elites. Every democracy ends up in the shitter because the Oligarchs dominate all aspects of society and begin to push for the things that benefit them (no regs, no nationalism except army to expand markets, etc.) and use various smoke screens to distract people with side issues.

As Jared Diamond's "Collapse" shows, the Elites go into extreme directions to benefit themselves, then irreversibly set the society into decline, they ride it down to the bottom or sell out to a nearby civilization to keep most of their power.

We've got to create chaos in the Dem and Rep parties as currently composed. Chaos = Opportunity.

104   Strategist   2016 Jun 13, 10:23am  

NuttBoxer says

It's criminal when they drone civilians in the Middle East

They don't. We never target civilians.

NuttBoxer says

it's criminal when they shoot unarmed club goers here.

It's the Islamic way.

106   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 11:59am  

thunderlips11 says

Every democracy

Perhaps, but there hasn't been a democracy on this planet since ancient Rome. A republic is a far cry from a democracy and suffers from all problems of democracy plus many more.

107   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 12:00pm  

thunderlips11 says

As Jared Diamond's "Collapse" shows, the Elites go into extreme directions to benefit themselves, then irreversibly set the society into decline, they ride it down to the bottom or sell out to a nearby civilization to keep most of their power.

Yes, but that is due to capitalism, private control over industry and the distribution of wealth by those elites, rather than by democracy.

Capitalism is inherently parasitic and unmaintainable.

108   Dan8267   2016 Jun 13, 12:01pm  

thunderlips11 says

We've got to create chaos in the Dem and Rep parties as currently composed. Chaos = Opportunity.

Trump will do that to both parties. That's why it's better in the long term if he wins the general election rather than Hillary.

Trump will most likely be a one-term president and his administration will leave the GOP in ruins.

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