by Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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Meanwhile, Hillary's numbers aren't growing at the rate you would expect, if the rest of Sanders supporters intended on voting for her. Rather, there's just more Stein, Johnson, or undecideds out there. Not sure what lie #crookedhillary could use to gain any more support. She is a terrible, failed candidate.
Meanwhile, Hillary's numbers aren't growing at the rate you would expect, if the rest of Sanders supporters intended on voting for her. Rather, there's just more Stein, Johnson, or undecideds out there. Not sure what lie #crookedhillary could use to gain any more support. She is a terrible, failed candidate.
yes, she is a terrible candidate. She doesn't have the charisma, or skills on camera. Trump truly has remarkable social skills in that regard, its a shame that hey is an utterly evil racist piece of shit, with zero knowledge about the economy, the world, or anything else, and such a huge ego that he can't learn from experts. As it is, his skills are just dangerous.
BUT, Hillary will continue the US down the successful path of the last 8 years, and that in the end result, if you aren't a racist or a moron, is what matters.
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
BUT, Hillary will continue the US down the successful path of the last 8 years, and that in the end result, if you aren't a racist or a moron, is what matters.
Yes, if by successful you mean further widening of the wealth gap.
The widening of the wealth gap is fueled by GOP tax cuts under bush, and an ending of any real inheritance taxes. so until you actually know what you are talking about, shut up.
I am going to write to the city council to build a statue of Bernie at the intersection of 580 and 680 interstate, known as the crossroads of bay area. It should rival any soviet statue of lenin or stalin. It will last for millenia and ensure that the spirit of Bernie never dies. On November 7th of every year, people can leave notes there and curse Ratched to eternity.
Bernie supporters who say they will vote for Trump dropped from 20% a month ago to 8% today.
But, I have faith Trump can drive that number lower by continuing to open his mouth. Then only the last couple of utterly retards will be there. "berntards for trump" or something.